CTOnline RfP

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Website for Positive People Development April 2010

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1. Summary .





2. Overview of Request for Proposals Process.









2.1. Contact Person








2.2. Selection Criteria








2.3. Selection Process and Timeframe






2.4. Eligibility









2.5. Terms and Conditions







3. Instructions for Proposal Submission






4. Important Information











Appendix A: Specification for www.CTonline.org.nz

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This Request for Proposals (RFP) document contains the information that is required to submit a proposal to work with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) on a new piece of web development work. This document sets out:  


An overview of the web development work for which proposals are requested An overview of the RFP process the NZAF will follow, and detailed instructions for the submission of proposals.

Project Background

The New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) has four existing websites, and has an ongoing service delivery relationship with a web partner. The sites are:    

www.curious.org.nz www.broonline.co.nz www.nzaf.org.nz www.getiton.co.nz

The NZAF now wishes to develop a fourth website, loosely entitled CTonline.org.nz. It will be based on the current Collective Thinking magazine and will provide news items (both local and international), clinical, health and social information, as well information on HIV treatments; further, this will be a place to interact online for people living with, or affected by, HIV and or AIDS.


About the New Zealand AIDS Foundation

The New Zealand AIDS Foundation’s (NZAF) mission is to prevent the transmission of HIV and to support people affected by HIV and AIDS to maximise their health and well-being. The NZAF is a registered charity and the only national HIV prevention and professional support organisation in Aotearoa New Zealand. The groups with the highest prevalence of HIV in New Zealand are gay and bisexual men, and people from African communities. Some people living with HIV in Aotearoa New Zealand report experiencing stigma and discrimination in their workplaces, and when they access health and support services, accommodation and insurance. As the HIV epidemic has changed, the NZAF has grown and changed to develop innovative responses to emerging trends. The NZAF was established in 1985 as a community initiative to combat AIDS in New Zealand. The NZAF is a leader in the field of HIV prevention to communities most at risk, providing professional therapeutic support to people living with HIV, and is respected globally for its work around human rights legislation, research, and advocacy. The NZAF has three regional centres (Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch) and a National Office based in Ponsonby, Auckland. The NZAF has 45 paid staff and many volunteers.

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Contact Person

Enquiries regarding this Request for Proposals (RFP) should be made by email in the first instance. All responses to enquiries made will be sent to all parties that are known to be interested in submitting a proposal. Enquiries should be made to Matt Creamer, Programme Manager Social Marketing, matt.creamer@nzaf.org.nz.


Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated against the criteria detailed in the table below. The criteria are all weighted equally. Criteria Ideas and Creative

Detail Assessment of creative design, initiative and ideas for each project.


Proposals should include detailed budgets, which may include a range of options and what each price option would achieve. Proposals should also include projected hosting and serving costs.


Ability to work easily with key NZAF staff working on the proposal. Most NZAF staff working on this project are based in Auckland. Face to face meetings are likely to be necessary as a part of each of the projects. The NZAF does not expect to meet the travel costs of potential providers needing to travel from outside of Auckland.

Experience Examples of previous work, including web development, (including Technical design and set up/brokering hosting of websites. Details (and Expertise) availability) of team that will be working on projects. Platform

The NZAF is very interested in having the ability to update and control the website. The NZAF does not want suppliers to ‘own’ the backend platform of the website, and has had past experiences where limited ability to alter websites after initial development has limited ongoing evolution and development. All current NZAF websites have been developed on the Expression Engine CMS, and the NZAF would prefer that CTonline also be built on this. This website will need the ability to do a variety of functions New Zealand AIDS Foundation | Request for Proposals Web Development 2008-09 Page 4 of 14

as technology and trends develop and evolve. Front end code should be owned by the NZAF, or be licensed to the NZAF in perpetuity. Compatibility


Evidence of interest in the NZAF mission and evidence of being familiar with NZAF products and the communities NZAF serves,with a particular emphasis on HIV positive people and the ability to work sensitively and effectively with material related to HIV and AIDS. The new website will be hosted in accordance with the current NZAF website hosting arrangements. Proven ability to meet deadlines.

Overall Assessment

Your tender document should include a realistic timeframe that can be achieved as soon as possible. Overall assessment of proposal.



Selection Process and Timeline

The selection process and timeframes the NZAF will use to assess the proposals and appoint and contract with an individual or organisation/s is: Stage and Detail Request for Proposals Released Deadline for Enquiries from Potential Respondents Deadline for Submission of Proposals Assessment of Proposals Completed Interviews with Organisations/Individuals Short-listed Contract Negotiated and Awarded

Timeframe 1 April 2010 5 May 2010 7 May 2010 14 May 2010 21 May 2010 28 May 2010

All proposals will be assessed against the selection criteria outlined in 2.2, by a panel that will include (but not be limited to) the:     


Director Postive Health Programme Manager Social Marketing National Technology Development Coordinator Āpiha Whakawhiti Kōrero External Advisor.


This is an open RFP process, and proposals are welcome from individuals and organisations that have the skills and experience necessary to deliver on the specifications. The NZAF has identified 10 individuals or organisations that may be interested in submitting a proposal – however this is not an exhaustive list.

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Terms and Conditions

Please consider the important information detailed in section four of this document for the terms and conditions the NZAF will follow as a part of this request for the proposals process.

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Proposals should be received by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation no later than 5.00pm, 7 May 2010. Proposals should be addressed to: Matt Creamer Programme Manager Social Marketing New Zealand AIDS Foundation and sent by courier to: 31-35 Hargreaves Street Ponsonby AUCKLAND 1011 or posted to: P O Box 6663 Wellesley Street AUCKLAND 1141 Proposals should be submitted in hard copy only. Links to electronic information can be included within the hard copy of the proposal. Three (3) copies of proposals should be submitted within a sealed envelope with the wording Proposal for Web Development 2010 clearly marked on the front of the envelope. Proposals should include, but not necessarily be limited to:  

Section 1 Section 2

Section 3

 

Section 4 Section 5

Summary of expertise, experience and skills Proposed plan/s (including overall idea/s, creative and layout detail, technical detail) to meet the objectives set out in this Request for Proposals document and the detailed specifications in the appendix Technical specifics, including back-end platform and hosting proposals Financial details, broken down by project Recommendations from previous clients and details of referees that can be contacted by the NZAF as a part of the evaluation of proposals process.

Proposals should respond fully to all selection criteria detailed in section two of this document.

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The following terms and conditions apply to the Request for Proposals (RFP) process and the submission of proposals. Preparation of Proposals 

All work undertaken by respondents in the preparation of their proposal, all communication with the NZAF, all meetings, discussions and presentations, and all other activities involved in preparing, presenting and discussing Proposals shall be entirely at the respondent’s expense. Respondents are required to certify that their proposal complies with the requirements detailed in this RFP. Any variations should be described in full, section by section relative to this RFP, clearly identifying the nature and consequence of the variation.

Acceptance of RFP Terms and Conditions By participating in the RFP process respondents accept that it is bound by the RFP terms and conditions (the RFP terms and conditions are non-negotiable and do not require a response). Due Date for Proposals and Late Proposals The NZAF may extend the closing date for proposal responses at its discretion. NZAF reserves the right to accept or decline late proposals at its discretion. Validity of Information While the NZAF has used reasonable efforts in compiling this RFP, the NZAF will not be liable in any way (including contract, tort (including negligence) or through any other cause of action) to respondents or any other party for any inaccuracy or omission in the RFP, associated appendices or any additional information the NZAF may provide in the RFP process. The NZAF is under no obligation to check any proposal for errors. Status of RFP This RFP does not constitute an offer by the NZAF to acquire services or enter into an agreement with any respondent. Changes to this RFP The requirements specified in this RFP are those presently known. Any information or changes to this RFP will, where practicable, be issued by written notice at least five days before the deadline for submission of proposals. Such information or change will be an addendum to, and will form part of, this RFP. Validity Period All proposals are submitted by the respondents on the basis that they must remain open for consideration by the NZAF

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Rights Reserved to NZAF To the extent allowed by law, the NZAF reserves the unrestricted rights to at any time:            

Change any date or time in this RFP or any subsequent process (e.g. extend or shorten time frames) Change any term or condition of this RFP or any subsequent process Suspend or terminate this RFP process or any part of it Apply, or change, and give whatever weighting it wishes to, any policy or criteria relating to participation in this RFP or any subsequent process or evaluation of responses Restrict the supply of, or access to, any of its personnel, information or property Reject or not consider any non-compliant response Provide to, or withhold from, any respondent or other person any information in relation to any question, answer or other information arising in relation to this RFP or any subsequent process Retain, return or destroy any information provided by any respondent or other person in relation to this RFP or subsequent process Delete or change any requirement under this RFP Negotiate arrangements with any respondents Not progress or accept the lowest price or any response, or recommend the approval of any respondent Accept part of a response from any respondent.

Advertising and Statements No advertising, press release, public statement or other information relating to this RFP, any proposal or subsequent contract shall be published by or on behalf of a respondent in any newspaper, magazine, journal or other medium (including on the Internet) or otherwise disclosed to a third party without the NZAF’s prior written consent. Privacy Each respondent authorises the NZAF to collect any information from the respondent and relevant third parties (such as referees) and to use that information in evaluating the proposal. Collusion between Respondents Evidence of a proposal or proposals breaching the Commerce Act 1986 (including provisions relating to price fixing) will result in the automatic rejection of those proposals. Prices and Goods and Services Tax    

All prices stated in each proposal shall be deemed to include all direct, indirect and ancillary charges and costs, and must include all charges required to meet the requirements set out in this RFP. All proposals must be made on the basis that the prices proposed are inclusive of GST. For those fees or prices where GST is not applicable, please indicate that this is the case. All fees or prices must be expressed in New Zealand dollars.

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Assumptions If respondents have any doubt as to the meaning of any part of this RFP, they should request that the NZAF clarify this meaning. If this doubt arises after the closing date for RFP questions, respondents should, when submitting proposals, set out in a covering letter the interpretation that they have used. Any assumption made in preparing the proposal must be documented. To avoid doubt, respondents must not state any assumption that is contrary to the plain meaning of this RFP and must not state an assumption that has the effect of qualifying or disclaiming its proposal or any part of it. Clarification of Proposals To assist in examining and evaluating proposals, NZAF may, at its discretion, seek further details or clarifications from respondents about any aspect of their proposal. NZAF will not be obliged to seek the same clarification or additional information from each respondent. Confidentiality Respondents shall take all responsible steps to ensure that any sub-contractors engaged, or people employed (either by the respondent or by the sub-contractors), do not disclose to anyone the contents of, or information relating to, any document or material which comes to their knowledge, or possession in connection with this RFP. All proposals supplied to the NZAF will become the property of the NZAF and will not be returned to the respondents. Except as required by law, the NZAF agrees not to communicate or divulge any commercially sensitive information supplied by respondents in their proposals. It will not be acceptable to identify the entire proposal as commercially sensitive. However, the NZAF expects information such as costing will be indicated as such. Participants to Inform Themselves Potential respondents will be responsible for ensuring that they have:    

Examined the RFP and any documents referenced by the RFP and any other information made available by the NZAF Identified and obtained any additional information it may require to design, cost and provide firm pricing for an appropriate solution which meets the NZAF’s requirements Considered all the risks, contingencies and other circumstances having an effect on the Proposal Satisfied themselves as to the correctness of the proposal and of the costing stated in the proposal.

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www.CTonline.org.nz Collective Thinking online community CTonline will be the number one website in Aotearoa for information on living with HIV. Additionally CTonline will provide networking, blogging, media and discussion opportunities for users. Users can also access other relevant organisations, particularly local PLWHA (People Living with HIV and AIDS) or clinical networks and resources. The purpose of CTonline will be to provide a single vehicle for people living with HIV in Aotearoa to find information on:  Health issues  Treatment information  Rights  Local and International news  Information relevant to HIV positive people  Information relevant to family and friends, of HIV positive people  Information relevant to clinicians and health professionals  Monthly articles.  Work  Immigration  Sex and relationships  Information for people newly diagnosed  Forum for online community development - chat room (moderated) The scope may be extended to include:  Video information from therapeutic staff – potential to go to ‘live‘ service

Particularly, CTonline intends to be a vehicle for people living with HIV who may experience heightened isolation such as rural people for whom existing support tends to be limited. In order to maintain continuity amongst our other NZAF websites, this website will need to be based on the Expression Engine CMS. The website will need to have a similar level of structural customisation, similar to our

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current Expression Engine based website www.getiton.co.nz . This includes the ability to easily move pages in the structural hierarchy. We would also like as much of the website as possible to be content manageable i.e. heading titles, homepage text, The website will need to include both Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools. The website will need to be highly integratable with a range of social media, such as Facebook.

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Site features include all topics covered in the description as well as       


Photos and quotes from people living with HIV Forum Topics Image posting (within forums) YouTube Video posting (within forums) Some of the content types (images, videos, forum, blog) tagged to content User updated profiles User evaluation

Develop skin in such a way (open platform using general public licences) so that NZAF can make future changes to skins and functionality of site. PRIMARY TARGET USERS

  

People living with HIV or AIDS People affected by HIV/AIDS (HIV positive people, partners, families, friends) Health Professionals (GP’s, Educators, Clininical Nurse Specialists in HIV, Students, Sexual Health and HIV clinical specialists)


 

Similar sites in purpose: http://www.beonecity.com/, http://www.community.poziam.com/ Similar site in functionality: http://www.curious.org.nz/


To be discussed with the successful tenderer. Tenders should include a realistic timeframe.

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