PSDN Strategic Plan 2010-2013

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Pacific Sexual Diversity Network:

Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013


Contents Mission ..............................................................................2 Principles...........................................................................3 Achievements..................................................................3 Current Successes and Strengths.............................4 Current Challenges and Weaknesses......................4 What do we want to achieve?....................................5 Goal 1..................................................................................7 Goal 2..................................................................................8 Goal 3..................................................................................9 Goal 4................................................................................10 Goal 5................................................................................11 Goal 6................................................................................12 Goal 7................................................................................13

Developed with support and assistance from ACON and the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations through the HIV Consortium for Partnerships in Asia and the Pacific. 2

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Mission: The PSDN is a regional network of Pacific MSM and Transgender organisations whose mission is to strengthen community leadership, mobilisation and advocacy in the areas of sexuality and gender identities with respect to sexual health including STIs and HIV and AIDS, well being and human rights.

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013


Principles: This is based on the following overarching principles: • Sensitivity to cultural, traditional and religious values • Enabling environments which are the key to health and well being of MSM and transgenders, their sexual partners and families • Evidence based approaches where policy and community driven programs for MSM and transgenders are developed based on evidence and scientific information • Appropriate representation and meaningful Involvement of all types of MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV in program planning and policy development • Affirming our sexuality and identity as leiti, fa’afafine, palopa, vakasalewalewa, akavaine, girlygirly and others • Recognition and respect of sexual and gender diversity based on a human right and gender equity framework

Achievements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.


Mobilisation of MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV community leaders in member organisations Establishment of new MSM and transgender organisations Meaningful partnerships with regional and international organisations like APCOM, UNAIDS, ACON, AFAO, NZAF and PIAF Supportive and enabling environment for members and coordination within the member organisations and the network Increased profile about Pacific MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV issues, concerns, priorities at national, regional and global levels to increase knowledge, understanding and effect supportive programming and implementation of activities. Strengthened capacity to mobilise resources such as HR and finance within PSDN and member organisations Strengthened leadership and capacity of all member organisations

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Current Successes and Strengths 1.

Coordination and collaboration among member organisations, key stakeholders and donor and technical assistance partners 2. Development of capacities of MSM and transgenders’ skills and knowledge, for example in advocacy and research 3. Increased visibility 4. Increased involvement at country and regional level 5. Increased awareness of safe sex practices and STIs/HIV and AIDS knowledge 6. GIPA – Increased meaningful participation of PLWH 7. Increased involvement at national decision making levels such as Global Fund CCMs 8. Membership of community based organisations or programs 9. Strong connections and understanding between member countries 10. Opportunities for members to access technical support 11. Shared leadership through planned rotation of secretariat

Current Challenges and Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Geographical constraints Financial and technical resource constraints Maintaining GIPA meaningfully Diverse cultures in the Pacific and diversity within the network Communication between PSDN secretariat and member organisations Capacities in key areas such as policy analysis, advocacy and project management Stigma and discrimination Lack of an office for PSDN to operate from Lack of capacity to deliver programs Competing priorities, for example national vs regional Underdeveloped governance systems for example in reporting mechanisms Rivalry and competition for funds, for example between MSM and transgender orgs and other service providers 13. Conflicts of interest

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013


What do we want to achieve?


Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Goal 1: Improved knowledge and understanding of MSM and transgender sexual health including STIs, HIV and AIDS related issues

Goal 2: Reduced stigma and discrimination against MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV

Goal 3: Increased knowledge and skills to address and advocate in relation to laws that criminalise sexual diversity

Goal 4:

Goal 5: Goal 6:

Improved capacity of MSM and transgender organisations and communities to effectively respond to STIs and HIV and AIDS amongst MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV

Improved governance within the PSDN

Increased meaningful representation of the Pacific MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV community at the national, regional and global levels

Goal 7: Increased involvement of MSM and transgender living with HIV and improved partnerships with their organisations and networks

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013




Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Goal 1: Improved knowledge and understanding of MSM and transgender sexual health including STIs, HIV and AIDS related issues

Strategy 1.1: To assist in developing research capacity and implementation in PSDN member countries Objective: Research training and research projects have been conducted by member organisations with their own communities

Strategy 1.2: To share knowledge and information on MSM and transgender sexual health including STIs and HIV and AIDS related issues Objective: Increased understanding of MSM and transgender sexual health including STIs and HIV and AIDS related issues

Strategy 1.3: To assist PSDN member countries to develop effective prevention, care and support programs that are based on evidence Objective:

Projects and/or programs for MSM and transgenders are evidence based

Strategy 1.4: To continue to update and distribute information among the PSDN member organisations Objective: PSDN member organisations are updated with current information relating to other PSDN member countries

Strategy 1.5: To support the education of MSM and transgenders on related sexual and health issues and the potential services available to them Objective: MSM and transgenders are better informed about their sexual health and risks as well as services provided

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013


Goal 2: Reduced stigma and discrimination against MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV

Strategy 2.1:

To advocate for greater community support and acceptance

Objective: Key stakeholders are publicly speaking in support and acceptance of MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV

Strategy 2.2: To advocate for equitable access to quality appropriate user-friendly health services Objective: Gaps are identified and standards are developed for appropriate user-friendly health care provision to MSM and transgenders

Strategy 2.3: To up-skill PSDN members in gathering information on stigma and discrimination against MSM and transgenders Objectives: PSDN members have improved understanding and skills in data collection relating to stigma and discrimination

Strategy 2.4: To collect and analyse information on stigma and discrimination against MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV in the countries of the Pacific region Objective: Cases of discrimination against MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV have been highlighted through documentation and publication of results


Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Goal 3: Increased knowledge and skills to address and advocate in relation to laws that criminalise sexual diversity

Strategy 3.1: To build the capacity of MSM and transgender organisations regarding the process of law reforms to enable MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV to address this issue effectively Objective:

MSM and transgenders and PLHIV organisations have lobbied for legal reform

Strategy 3.2: To liaise with lawyers, human rights groups and relevant support organisations to assist in the process of law reforms to discriminatory legislation affecting MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV Objective: PSDN member countries have a coordinated response to support law reform processes

Strategy 3.3:

To advocate at a regional level for the reform of discriminatory legislation

Objective: Pacific leaders, government representatives and regional organisations have demonstrated increased political commitment towards and ownership of MSM and transgender issues

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013


Goal 4: Improved capacity of MSM and transgender organisations and communities to effectively respond to STIs and HIV and AIDS amongst MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV

Strategy 4.1: To advocate for adequate resources for MSM and transgender organisations and communities to effectively respond to STIs and HIV and AIDS amongst MSM and transgenders Objective: MSM and transgender organisations and communities have increased resources to deliver MSM and transgender specific community programs

Strategy 4.2: To provide and facilitate relevant training for PSDN member organisations Objective:

Knowledge and skills of PSDN member organisations developed and enhanced

Strategy 4.3: To establish and maintain networks/connections among national, regional and international organisations with similar objectives such as LGBT organisations Objectives: Increased coordination among key national, regional and international stakeholders


Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Goal 5: Improved governance within the PSDN

Strategy 5.1: To clearly define roles and responsibilities at all levels in consensus with PSDN member organsations Objective: Developed guidelines and standardised reporting and communication mechanisms are endorsed and applied

Strategy 5.2: To make available organisational information to PSDN members, stakeholders, and interested parties Objective: Organisational information is made available through annual reporting, website, periodic updates and other mechanisms

Strategy 5.3:

To continually improve and update accountability and transparency mechanisms

Objective: Increased credibility, efficiency and clarity through the application of best practice of accountability and transparency

Strategy 5.4: To establish a representative board based on a consensus among member countries Objective: An agreement on a system for forming a board has been made based on transparent and accountable processes and in accordance with the PSDN constitution

Strategy 5.5: To maintain and develop the capacity and sustainability of the board Objective: The board is functioning effectively, with accountability and transparency and applying best practice processes

Strategy 5.6: To establish and maintain implementation of operational policy development system Objective: Operational policies are developed and implemented in consultation with PSDN member organisations

Strategy 5.7:

To strengthen internal management system of secretariat

Objective: The secretariat is operating with accountability and transparency and applying best practice processes Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013


Goal 6: Increased meaningful representation of Pacific MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV at the national, regional and global levels

Strategy 6.1: To support the increased visibility and meaningful representation of MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV at national, regional and global levels Objective: MSM and transgenders and MSM and transgenders living with HIV are recognised and represented at national, regional and global civil society forums and within community projects

Strategy 6.2: To lobby for access to adequate, secure, ongoing funding for community led MSM and transgender programs and organisations Objective: MSM and transgender programs and organisations have access to adequate, ongoing funding including establishment and development costs for new programs and organisations

Strategy 6.3: To further improve communication systems and strengthen networks among new and existing MSM and transgender organisations in order to increase PSDN membership Objective: PSDN website includes membership guidelines and criteria available to all interested parties


Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Goal 7: Increased involvement of MSM and transgenders living with HIV and improved partnerships with their organisations and networks

Strategy 7.1: To develop a better understanding of GIPA principles amongst PSDN members Objective: GIPA principles are applied within the PSDN’s governance, structure, activities and membership

Strategy 7.2: To improve coordination between the PSDN and organisations and networks of MSM and transgenders living with HIV Objective: The PSDN is working effectively with organisations and networks of MSM and transgenders living with HIV

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013



Pacific Sexual Diversity Network: Strategic Plan 2010-2013

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