Strategic Plan Consultation Document

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INTRODUCTION The New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) is New Zealand’s leading HIV prevention and care organisation. The NZAF provides positive health services and HIV prevention programmes to the communities most at risk of HIV, as well as research, analysis and policy leadership. The NZAF has a vision of a world without AIDS, and aims to achieve this through its mission of preventing the transmission of HIV and supporting people affected by HIV and AIDS to maximise their health and wellbeing. The NZAF National Office is in Auckland, and there are three regional centres in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. The NZAF is a registered charity that grew out of gay community initiatives in the 1980s. A range of key frameworks have influenced how NZAF works including the Ottawa Charter (see Appendix A). Today, the NZAF brings history, passion, commitment, expertise and diversity to meet the emerging trends of the HIV epidemic and the changing needs of the communities we serve. The proposed NZAF Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 is a document that will chart the direction of the organisation in broad terms. It establishes a vision, mission and reflects the Trust Deed’s principles which will guide all that the NZAF does, and it articulates three key outcomes that the NZAF seeks to achieve. Like the NZAF, many organisations use the strategic planning process to develop their vision, mission and outcomes so that these will become a framework for the operation of the organisation. A Strategic Plan does not seek to define the day-to-day functions of the organisation; it does not define projects or describe resources. Rather, a Strategic Plan is a high level document that defines the manner and way in which the organisation will function in all aspects and undertakings. This Strategic Plan Consultation Document has been developed by the NZAF Trust Board. The Trust Board has members who are elected and appointed according to the NZAF Trust Deed, and it is responsible for ensuring good governance of the NZAF and upholding the objectives laid out in the Trust Deed. The Strategic Plan Consultation Document contains the proposed direction for the NZAF for the period July 2010 to June 2015. The current NZAF Strategic Plan 2005 – 2010 that guides the NZAF will be effective until 30 June 2010. The current plan for 2005 – 2010 can be found at or obtained by contacting NZAF National Office on 09 303 3124.

NZAF Planning Framework The proposed NZAF Strategic Plan 2010 – 2015 is a document with broad range and scope that sets out long-term outcomes for a five year period. The Strategic Plan will regulate the annual operational plans for programmes within the NZAF. From these operational plans, individual staff annual plans are developed. In addition to these documents, other plans are developed that are more detailed and describe the operations of the NZAF. The other plans include the NZAF Communications Strategy which sets out the way the NZAF will communicate with its membership, stakeholders and target audiences. The NZAF Communication Strategy has the same duration as the proposed NZAF Strategic Plan 2010 – 2015. As HIV prevention is a core part of the NZAF, a specific NZAF HIV Prevention Plan 2009 – 2014 has been developed to identify the long-term outcomes and initiatives which will reduce the transmission of HIV in New Zealand. A plan for NZAF Positive Health Services is in development and will establish long-term outcomes which will support people affected by HIV to maximise their health and wellbeing. The diagram below illustrates the NZAF planning framework.

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NZAF Strategic Plan

NZAF Communications Strategy

NZAF HIV Prevention Plan

NZAF Positive Health Services Plan

Multi-year and Annual Operational Plans

Individual Staff Work Plans

Vision and Mission It is proposed that the NZAF vision and mission will remain the same as they were in the NZAF Strategic Plan 2005 – 2010. The Trust Board believe that the current vision will continue to provide inspiration and motivation for the NZAF and that the mission will continue to lead and focus the work of the NZAF.

Principles There NZAF Board and staff are committed to a number of principles whenever they carry out organisational functions. These principles are those contained in the Trust Deed (clause 6) which was revised and confirmed in 2007. As part of the Trust Deed, the principles are not part of this consultation process.

Outcomes The NZAF Strategic Plan Consultation Document indentifies three long-term health outcomes for the work of the NZAF for the period 2010 – 2015. A health outcome indicates a change in the health status of an individual or population that is attributable to a planned programme or programmes, regardless of whether a specific individual programme was intended to change that particular health status. The increased use of health outcomes in public health planning reflects a growing understanding that organisational goals alone will not influence actions that will lead to the desired result. Activities that will result in a desirable health outcome for a population must be carried out by many people in a variety of organisations over a number of years. The long-term outcomes in the NZAF Strategic Plan Consultation Document are not solely the focus of one NZAF staff member or team’s actions, instead these outcomes will result from the way the NZAF develops, collaborates and works in partnership with other organisations. The indicators of success which will measure the progress toward the Outcomes will be set by the Trust Board in consultation with NZAF staff. New Zealand AIDS Foundation | 2010-2015 Draft Strategic Plan Consultation Document Page 3 of 10

Your Feedback The NZAF Trust Board invites you to comment on this Strategic Plan Consultation Document. The contribution of the NZAF members is needed to ensure that the next five years of work undertaken by the NZAF engages with, and is informed by, our members and supporters. Your feedback is welcomed in the following ways:

By e-mail

Complete the feedback form (Appendix A) by 28 February 2010 and email it as an attachment to:

By post or

Complete the feedback form (Appendix A) by 28 February 2010 and send it to: Robert Street New Zealand AIDS Foundation PO Box 6663 Wellesley Street Auckland 1141

At a member meeting A member meeting in each of the NZAF centres will be organised for January/February 2010. Members will be invited to discuss the proposed Strategic Plan with Trustees.

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PROPOSED NZAF STRATEGIC PLAN 2010-2015 Vision | Matakite A world without HIV and AIDS. He ao kore HIV, kore AIDS hoki.

Mission | Koromakinga To prevent the transmission of HIV and support people affected by HIV and AIDS to maximise their health and wellbeing. Ki te ārai i te tuku o te HIV me te whakapai ake i te hauora me te oranga o ngā tāngata e ora ana me te HIV me te AIDS.

NZAF Principles | Mātāpono From the NZAF Trust Deed, clause six. The NZAF is committed wherever possible, in attaining the purposes of the Trust, to: (a)

respect the bicultural heritage of New Zealand/Aotearoa


respect the diversity of cultures in New Zealand/Aotearoa


respect the diversity of sexual orientation


work to reduce discrimination based on sexual orientation


understand the special health needs of, and work with sensitivity specific to the special health needs of: (i) those living with HIV or (ii) those most at risk of contracting HIV, as at the date of this deed being takatāpui tāne (iii) gay men and other men who have sex with men


work to reduce stigma and discrimination against those living with HIV


ensure the greater involvement of people living with HIV in organisational decision-making and service delivery consistent with the GIPA principle


work cooperatively with: (i) whānau, hapū, iwi, runanga and/or similar organisations exercising mana whenua in areas where the Trust is physically based (ii) other Māori organisations (iii) support organisations for people living with HIV (iv) community organisations within groups most at risk of contracting HIV


act with professionalism and integrity


ensure the application of evidence-based scientific methods and analysis.

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NZAF Outcomes | Tukunga Iho OUTCOME ONE To prevent HIV transmission in New Zealand OUTCOME TWO All people living with HIV in New Zealand achieve and sustain the best possible health and wellbeing OUTCOME THREE The NZAF is a knowledge driven, sustainable, respected, quality focused organisation

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Vision | Matakite A world without HIV and AIDS. He ao kore HIV, kore AIDS hoki. Please rate your agreement with the proposed vision of the NZAF. 1




disagree with the vision


agree with the vision comment

Mission | Koromakinga To prevent the transmission of HIV and support people affected by HIV and AIDS to maximise their health and wellbeing. Ki te ārai i te tuku o te HIV me te whakapai ake i te hauora me te oranga o ngā tāngata e ora ana me te HIV me te AIDS. Please rate your agreement with the proposed mission of the NZAF. 1




disagree with the mission


agree with the mission comment

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OUTCOME ONE To prevent HIV transmission in New Zealand Please rate your agreement with Outcome One for the NZAF. 1




disagree with the outcome


agree with the outcome comment

OUTCOME TWO All people living with HIV in New Zealand achieve and sustain the best possible health and wellbeing Please rate your agreement with Outcome Two for the NZAF. 1




disagree with the outcome


agree with the outcome comment

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OUTCOME THREE The NZAF is a knowledge driven, sustainable, respected, quality focused organisation Please rate your agreement with Outcome Three for the NZAF. 1




disagree with the outcome


agree with the outcome comment

General comments on the draft NZAF Strategic Plan 2010-2015

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The Ottawa Charter identifies fundamental prerequisites for health and describes five action areas for health promotion as:

building healthy public policy reorienting health services strengthening community action creating supportive environments developing personal skills.

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