NZCER 2015 School Catalogue

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2015 School catalogue

KEEpiNg you aT ThE lEadiNg EdgE of EduCaTioNal ThiNKiNg 2015 This is your guide to New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) publications, assessments and assessment services. The people who read our books and use our assessment services are passionate educators who have made a difference in the lives of children. They are people like you. The resources in this catalogue will give you the information and tools you need to stay up to date with the latest educational research and practices. They will help support you to keep at the top of your game in the classroom. Books to Build youR ExpERtisE

NZCER assEssmENts aRE Now oNliNE

Our books and journals are written by some of the most astute education experts. Our publications range from practical handbooks for teachers of any subject and year, to thought-provoking analyses of education in Aotearoa New Zealand. They will provide you with valuable knowledge as you develop your own educational expertise.

NZCER Assessment Services has expanded to offer you more. Your students can now sit STAR and PATs online. Online testing offers you many benefits—most importantly, it significantly reduces test administration time giving you more time with your students.


NEW TiTlEs Showcasing New Zealand’s most exciting practice and research in mathematics and statistics education mathematics and statistics in the middle years Evidence and practice Edited by Robin Averill There is much to celebrate in mathematics and statistics education in New Zealand. The chapters in this book showcase some of our most exciting practice and research. The book straddles the primary-secondary school transition to enable better understanding of the learning journeys of students as they make this transition. Within these pages you will find ideas for implementing a community of inquiry in your mathematics lessons. Each chapter outlines research, resources, learning experiences and ideas related to a particular pedagogical focus and specific mathematical or statistical curriculum content.

KEY COMPETENCIES, ASSESSMENT AND LEARNING STORIES Talking With Teachers and Students Authors Keryn Davis, Jocelyn Wright, Margaret Carr, Sally Peters

NZCER Press 2015

ISBN 978-1-927231-48-7


the New Zealand dyslexia Handbook Tom Nicholson and Susan Dymock

The New Zealand

This is an up-to-date resource written with the aim of improving the literacy of dyslexic students. The authors are experienced university teachers and researchers with expertise in literacy. In putting the book and DVD together, they consulted with other university researchers, students with dyslexia, their parents, classroom teachers and principals. The result is a resource that de-mystifies dyslexia and shows that there are many practical things classroom teachers can do about it. Dyslexia is mysterious to many people, yet it becomes easy to understand once you have some information about it. It is commonly ignored by schools and the community because of a lack of understanding, and people have taken on ideas that are not backed by research. This book aims to address that. NZCER Press 2015

ISBN: 978-1-927231-44-9

Dyslexia Handbook A guide to understanding dyslexia in children and youth, with strategies for assessing and teaching reading and spelling

Tom Nicholson and Susan Dymock

An up-to-date resource to improve the literacy of dyslexic students


Providing culturally responsive, effective education for Ma¯ori children with special needs working with ma¯ori children with special education needs He mahi whakahirahira Jill Bevan-Brown, Mere Berryman, huhana hickey, Sonja Macfarlane, Kirsten Smiler and Tai Walker Working with Māori children with special education needs He mahi whakahirahira Jill Bevan-Brown, Mere Berryman, Huhana Hickey, Sonja Macfarlane, Kirsten Smiler and Tai Walker

This book emphasises the importance of learning from the past and listening to Ma¯ori children, their parents and wider wha¯nau. It explores the key components of culturally responsive, evidence-based, special education practice; it describes holistic and inclusive responses to educating all tamariki, especially those with identified special education needs; and it discusses a paradigm for Ma¯ori disability identity–wha¯nau haua¯. NZCER Press 2015


2015 SChOOl CATAlOguE

ISBN: 978-1-927231-43-2



What might a future-oriented school science curriculum look like in Years 1–8? Constructing your primary school’s science curriculum Ally Bull, Chris Joyce and Rose hipkins What might a future-oriented school science curriculum look like in Years 1–8? This handbook shares ideas to help teachers design a coherent, school-based science curriculum that will meet the needs of the students and community. The authors explore how all children can become “confident, connected and lifelong learners”. Teachers will be familiar with some of the ideas; others will be more challenging. Wherever your school is on its curriculum journey, this book will provide inspiring ideas and practical decisions. NZCER Press 2014

ISBN: 978-1-927231-40-1


Changing our Secondary Schools

A powerful critique of two decades of educational reform in New Zealand from an educator who was deeply involved

Bali Haque

Changing our secondary schools

postgraduate study in aotearoa New Zealand

Bali haque The book is a powerful critique and a powerful call to action. It analyses four major reforms since 1989: Tomorrow’s Schools, the NcEa, the revised New Zealand curriculum and National Standards. It explores the role of the Ministry of Education, the PPTa and secondary school principals, and asks some fundamental questions about how we define and measure school and teacher quality and the extent to which schools and teachers can be expected to overcome socioeconomic disadvantage in homes. It examines how well ERo makes decisions about school quality, how useful our decile system is and the extent to which NcEa results provide any useful measure of school quality. NZCER Press 2014

ISBN 978-1-927231-47-0

An essential survival guide for postgraduates


Surviving and succeeding Edited by Christopher McMaster and Caterina Murphy This book is a survival guide to help postgraduates at each stage of their studies. The editors gave each contributor a simple task: “If you could go back in time to when you started your postgraduate studies, what would you tell your younger, less experienced self? What advice could you give to prospective or current postgraduate students now, with the wisdom of your hindsight?” It does not prescribe how to be a postgraduate student but it begins to identify a set of common practices at the heart of postgraduate student culture in aotearoa New Zealand. NZCER Press 2014


ISBN 978-1-927231-42-5


2015 School caTaloguE


booKs matHEmatICS aNd StatIStICS IN tHE mIddlE yEaRS


Evidence and practice

Tom Nicholson and Susan Dymock

Ally Bull, Chris Joyce and Rose Hipkins

Edited by Robin Averill $59.95 ISBN 978-1-927231-48-7

Bali Haque $39.95 ISBN 978-1-927231-47-0

Jill Bevan-Brown, Mere Berryman, Huhana Hickey, Sonja Macfarlane, Kirsten Smiler and Tai Walker

Ka hoki tāua ki te whare huri ai ē!

a collection of essays for readers of teo reo ma¯ori

$44.95 ISBN 978-1-927231-42-5

$29.95 ISBN: 978-1-927231-46-3


Kaiētita Agnes McFarland rāua ko Taiarahia Black

Rosemary Hipkins, Rachel Bolstad, Sally Boyd, and Sue McDowall


a handbook for teaching and learning how to think historically

His life and legacy in art and education

Martyn Davison, Paul Enright and Mark Sheehan

$44.95 ISBN: 978-1-92731-06-7

tE kotaHItaNga towards effective education reform for indigenous and other minoritised students

Russell Bishop, Mere Berryman and Janice Wearmouth

$39.95 ISBN 978-1-927231-08-1

HIStoRy mattERS 2

$44.95 ISBN 978-1-927151-91-4

Key Competencies for the Future

Rosemary Hipkins, Rachel Bolstad, Sally Boyd and Sue McDowall

Edited by Agnes McFarland and Taiarahia Black

Tom Nicholson and Susan Dymock

Edited by Christopher McMaster and Caterina Murphy

$44.95 ISBN: 978-1-927231-43-2

ka HokI ta¯ua kI tE WHaRE HuRI aI E¯ !

A guide to understanding dyslexia in children and youth, with strategies for assessing and teaching reading and spelling

Surviving and succeeding

Bali Haque

Working with Māori children with special education needs He mahi whakahirahira

Dyslexia Handbook

PoStgRaduatE Study IN aotEaRoa NEW ZEalaNd

Changing our Secondary Schools

CHaNgINg ouR SECoNdaRy SCHoolS

He mahi whakahirahira

The New Zealand

$59.95 ISBN: 978-1-927231-44-9

$49.95 ISBN: 978-1-927231-40-1

WoRkINg WItH ma¯oRI CHIldREN WItH SPECIal EduCatIoN NEEdS Jill Bevan-Brown, Mere Berryman, Huhana Hickey, Sonja Macfarlane, Kirsten Smiler and Tai Walker

tHE NEW ZEalaNd dySlExIa HaNdBook

$44.95 ISBN 978-1-927151-91-4

doINg EduCatIoNal RESEaRCH (2Nd EdItIoN)

a Practitioner’s guide to getting Started

Jill Smith

Carol Mutch $44.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-92-1

Histor y Matters 2 A handbook for teaching and learning how to think historically Mart yn Davison, Paul Enright and Mark shEEhan


uNdERStaNdINg NCEa (2Nd EdItIoN)

a relatively short and very useful guide for secondary school students and their parents

How do children seek, use and create knowledge within integrated learning contexts?

Irena Madjar and Elizabeth McKinley Starpath Project for Tertiary Participation and Success

Deb Fraser, Viv Aitken and Barbara Whyte $44.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-88-4

malamalama I lE NCEa (2Nd EdItIoN) a Samoan language translation of understanding NCEa, our popular guide to NCEa for students and parents

Irena Madjar and Elizabeth McKinley $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-927231-01-2

$19.95 ISBN: 978-1-927231-00-5


kEy ComPEtENCIES, aSSESSmENt aNd lEaRNINg StoRIES talking with teachers and students Workbook and DVD

Keryn Davis, Jocelyn Wright, Margaret Carr and Sally Peters

KEY COMPETENCIES, ASSESSMENT AND LEARNING STORIES Talking With Teachers and Students Authors Keryn Davis, Jocelyn Wright, Margaret Carr, Sally Peters

$69.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-89-1


2015 SChOOl CATAlOguE


aotearoa New Zealand’s Early Childhood Curriculum Framework in theory and Practice (2nd edition)

Edited by Joce Nuttall

Why we need more than self-managing schools

Vital Connections Why we need more than self-managing schools

Cathy Wylie

Cathy Wylie $39.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-57-0

$44.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-81-5



IN tHE EaRly WoRld


(3Rd EdItIoN)

Embedding critical literacy in your classroom programme

developing the creative power of children in the classroom

a community negotiates the transition from early childhood to primary school

Elwyn Richardson

Carol Hartley, Pat Rogers, Jemma Smith, Sally Peters and Margaret Carr

Dr Susan Sandretto with Scott Klenner

$59.95/$79.95 ISBN: Softcover: 978-1-927151-49-5 Hardcover: 978-1-927151-55-6

$44.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-35-8

tE aotu¯Roa ta¯takI

HIStoRy mattERS

Inclusive Early Childhood Education

teaching and learning history in New Zealand secondary schools in the 21st century


$39.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-47-1

Alexandra C. Gunn, Diane Gordon-Burns, Kerry Purdue amd Nicola Surtees

Mark Sheehan and Michael Harcourt

Case studies of schools and an early childhood centre

$39.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-43-3

$44.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-56-3

Edited by Ross Notman


kIa taNgI tE tI¯tI¯ —PERmISSIoN to SPEak

SCalINg uP EduCatIoN REFoRm

Engaging Restoratively with Challenging Behaviour

Successful schooling for ma¯ori students in the 21st century: issues, challenges and alternatives

Edited by Valerie Margrain and Angus H. Macfarlane $44.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-15-0

Edited by Paul Whitinui

tHE dISCoVERy oF EaRly CHIldHood


$39.95 ISBN: 978-1-877398-98-8

(2Nd EdItIoN)

Research-based comprehension strategies

the unique story of the development of early childhood education services and policy

Sue Dymock and Tom Nicholson

Helen May $55.00 ISBN: 978-1-927151-64

$59.95 ISBN: 978-1-877398-43-8

tEaCHINg PRImaRy SCHool matHEmatICS aNd StatIStICS:


Teaching Primary School Mathematics and Statistics: Evidence-based practice Editors: Robin Averill and Roger Harvey

Evidence-based Practice

Edited by Robin Averill and Roger Harvey $50.60 ISBN: 978-1-877398-64-3


Exploring the three worlds which together shape a student’s learning

$24.95 ISBN: 978-1-877398-53-7

Russell Bishop, Dominic O’Sullivan and Mere Berryman $40.48 ISBN: 978-1-877398-54-4

tEaCHINg SECoNdaRy SCHool matHEmatICS aNd StatIStICS VolS 1 aNd 2 Edited by Robin Averill and Roger Harvey $44.95 ISBN: Vol 1: 978-1-877398-43-8 Vol 2: 978-1-877398-45-2

dISCIPlINE, dEmoCRaCy, aNd dIVERSIty Working with Students with Behaviour difficulties

Angus Macfarlane

$44.95 ISBN: 978-1-877398-24-7

$42.95 ISBN: 978-1-877398-64-3

tEaCHINg REadINg VoCaBulaRy

WEaVINg EVIdENCE, INquIRy aNd StaNdaRdS to BuIld BEttER SCHoolS

$44.95 ISBN: 978-1-877398-62-9

Marie Cameron

addressing the Politics of disparity

Graham Nuthall

Tom Nicholson and Sue Dymock

Challenges for School leaders

$39.95 ISBN: 978-1-927151-37-2

Helen Timperley and Judy Parr $39.95 ISBN: 978-1-877398-60-5


2015 School caTaloguE


JouRNals Beat the mail and read the latest issue of set: Research Information for Teachers, Assessment Matters, Curriculum Matters or Early Childhood Folio online.


Are they reAdy to teAch?


Judging student teachers’ practice

the implementation


A M AssessMent


5 : 2013

of e-network-supported inquiry learning in science

AssessMent MAtters

set R e s e a r c h I n f o r m at i o n f o r Te a c h e r s


What is a social inquiry? crafting questions

that lead to deeper knowledge about society and citizenship

5 : 2013

NO. 3, 2013

A well-established research resource for teachers and parents. Published three times per year.

5 : 2013

Pushing the thinking in assessment in education research, policy and practice. Published annually.

Discussion, commentary and information about curriculum. Published annually.

Subscriber benefits Online subscriptions allow subscribers to: • gain unlimited access to the 40-year set digital archive—over 1,000 articles • search for articles by title, author, category, year or abstract keyword • view, download or print articles in PDF format • distribute access within your school. We’re not going exclusively digital—set and the other journals will continue to be offered in print format. We’re making it easy by offering print subscribers a discount on your online subscription when you choose both options.

The costs and packages differ for different-sized schools. Band A schools have an enrolment of 1,000+ students. Band B schools have a school enrolment of 250– 1,000 students. Band C schools have an enrolment of fewer than 250 students. Discounted online Hard copy rate for current hard (band A/ Online copy subscribers band B/ (band A/band B/ (band A/band B/ band C) band C) band C)




Assessment Matters




Curriculum Matters




Early Childhood Folio





“This site offers me a huge range of articles and readings to support these teachers and my work.”

Nicki Dowling Professional Learning Facilitator Massey CED

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Recent research in early childhood research. Published twice a year.

2015 SChOOl CATAlOguE

School pack

Sign up for a onemonth free online introductory subscription Email: or call: +64 4 802 1450

(includes set, Assessment Matters and Curriculum Matters) (Online Only)

Band A


Band B


Band C



assEssmENT sERviCEs

NZCER Marking ...and much more Online testing, reporting and analysis Your students can now sit NZCER assessments through an attractive, easy-to-use online platform. NZCER Marking also provides you with online reporting and analysis of student achievement data.

THE bENEFITS OF ONLINE TESTING Being able to sit tests online offers students and teachers many advantages. Here are just a few:

PAT-Marking Bro 11/10/07 12:41 PM Page 6

• 100% accuracy in marking

Item Report

Progressive Achievement Test of Mathematics: Test 5

• huge time saving in administration

NZCER School Year 8 (Number of students: 43, Reference Group Used: Year 8)

Question number

Content Category

Description of item

National percentage (%)

Percentage correct (%)

• it’s cheaper—no need to purchase paper tests • immediate and detailed feedback of test results



Progressive Achievement Test of Mathematics NZCER School Year 8 (Reference Group Used: Year 8)

Numbers in brackets provide national reference group statistics


Scale Score (patm)


You will have access to a wide range of reports based on their results. You can look at reports by type and investigate patterns and trends across different groups of test takers, or for different questions. Other reports can show a snapshot of your whole school or even groups of schools clustered together. NZCER School

National Reference Group Year 8

List Report

Progressive Achievement Test of Mathematics: Test 5 NZCER School Year 8 Class Room 7 (Reference Group Used: Year 8)

Summary of results

Number of Students 11

The Teacher Workplace, Me and My School and Educational Leadership Practices surveys are also available online.

• more engaging for students


Year 8 PAT:Mathematics


The full suite of Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) in Literacy and Mathematics, Science: Thinking with Evidence and STAR (reading) are available as online tests.

• reduces teacher’s test administration time

Mean Scale Score (patm)

Standard Deviation Scale Score (patm)

Mean Stanine

7.8 (11.3)

5.4 (5.0)

57.4 (54.9)

Test Score

PAT :Mathematics Scale Score (patm)

Alex Choy


55.2 3.3



Alan Cowling


Student Name

Number of Omits

Year 8 Stanine

55.2 3.3



Bruce Brock


53.0 3.3



Diana Bowsher


53.0 3.3



Henry Hughes


45.8 3.7



Jerry Bull


58.5 3.3



Luke Brown


55.2 3.3



Mattai Tapp


60.7 3.3



• ability to adapt the test platform, such as dyslexia fonts • allows students to sit tests on computers, laptops and tablets as small as the iPad mini.

NOT READY TO DO ONLINE TESTING? We recognise many schools are not ready for online testing, so all of our assessments are still available as paper-based tests. We will continue to offer that option for as long as schools need it.

PRICING Visit cost_structure.php5 to calculate exactly how much testing will cost based on the number of students and how many subject areas you’d like to test.


HOw TO SUbSCRIbE Schools can subscribe online anytime at For subscription queries contact our Support Specialists on 04 802 1630 or

2015 School caTaloguE


assEssmENT sERviCEs


PAT: PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR YearS 4–10 PAT: Punctuation and Grammar assesses students’ ability to recognise and use grammar and punctuation—not in a prescriptive way but in context. The questions are developed to assess the skills students need in order to make meaning as they read, write meaningful texts and understand the patterns of standard New Zealand english.

STAR READING TEST YearS 3–9 STAR tests are standardised assessment tools designed to supplement other assessments that teachers make about student achievement and progress in reading. each test assesses a range of reading skills that correspond closely to those outlined in the Ministry of education’s Literacy Learning Progressions.

SCIENCE: THINKING wITH EVIDENCE YearS 7–10 The Science: Thinking with Evidence test consists of four standardised tests developed specifically for use in New Zealand schools. They are designed to assess how well students use evidence to think about scientific contexts and issues, rather than attempting to measure overall achievement in science. The tests make explicit links to the Nature of Science strand of the New Zealand Curriculum.


PAT: LISTENING COMPREHENSION YearS 3–10 PAT: Listening Comprehension provides information about students’ ability to focus their listening and to make meaning from texts that are read to them. Because students are listening rather than reading, their response gives an insight into their understanding that is independent of their ability to decode text. It also tests students’ understanding of the patterns of stress and intonation in language.


2015 SChOOl CATAlOguE

PAT: Reading Comprehension tests students’ ability to make meaning across a range of texts including narrative, instructional, informational, persuasive and poetic. Properly interpreted and used alongside other information about the student, the results will help teachers make informed decisions about suitable teaching materials and programmes. If you are administering paper-based tests, Reading Comprehension and Reading Vocabulary are combined in one booklet but they can be used as separate tests.

SUPPLEMENTARY SPELLING ASSESSMENTS (SSpA) YearS 4–8 The Supplementary Spelling Assessments (SSpA) are designed to augment the assessments of spelling that teachers make on the basis of how, and how well, children spell in their writing. The assessments are also available for Years 9 and 10 students who are making slower progress. *Supplementary Spelling Assessments are not available online or through NZCER Marking.



PAT: MATHEMATICS YearS 3–10 PAT: Mathematics indicates students’ levels of achievement in the skill, knowledge and understanding of mathematics as outlined by the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum. It tests: number knowledge, number strategies, algebra, geometry and measurement, and statistics. We are currently revising the PAT: Mathematics teacher manual and developing additional tests so teachers can better monitor their students’ progress and achievement throughout the year.

PAT: READING VOCAbULARY YearS 4–10 PAT: Reading Vocabulary assesses students’ ability to understand the words they read. results from the test indicate students’ achievement on a range of vocabulary used in context. If you are administering paper-based tests, Reading Comprehension and Reading Vocabulary are combined in one booklet but they can be used as separate tests.



THE TEACHER wORKPLACE SURVEY The Teacher Workplace Survey helps schools understand their most important resource: their teachers. Designed specifically for schools, the survey will help school leaders understand what teachers really think about their working conditions. It is confidential and easy to administer and schools can include their own personalised questions. *The Teacher Workplace Survey can only be completed online.


ME AND MY SCHOOL SURVEY This survey helps measure student engagement in school and learning. This proven, research-based, anonymous survey will help teachers and school leaders tap into student attitude, emotion and behaviour. The results will provide rich reporting information at the class, gender, ethnicity and year levels and schools can track aspects of engagement over time.

This online survey is designed to provide school leaders with a robust picture of how teachers perceive the effectiveness of their school’s educational leadership. This formative survey supports ongoing school leader and principal development and can feed into school planning. *The Educational Leadership Practices Survey can only be completed online.

2015 School caTaloguE




Punctuation and Grammar The Progressive Achievement Test: Punctuation and Grammar is an important addition to your literacy assessment toolbox. It can now be administered online through NZCER Marking. why is it important to assess punctuation and grammar?


Punctuation and grammar play vital roles in conveying the meaning of written text. The New Zealand Curriculum places meaning at the heart of reading and writing. PAT: Punctuation and Grammar is not a return to prescriptive teaching—rather the emphasis is on the use of punctuation and 10 grammar in context and as tools to communicate meaning. The questions assess the skills students need in order to make meaning as 11 they read, to write meaningful texts and to understand the patterns of 12 standard New Zealand English. The questions are aligned with the The Literacy Learning Progressions. Which word completes the following sentence? Oliver can play either at the park ______ at home. A B C D

or and both neither

An apostrophe ( ’ ) is missing from the sentence below. Where should it go? A




Filipe isnt allowed to eat peanuts, eggs, or soy beans.

Which punctuation goes at the end of the following sentence? When did Ruby want to go to the shop_ A B C D


comma ( , ) full stop ( . ) question mark ( ? ) exclamation mark ( ! )

Which word completes the following sentence? How ______ litres of milk did you buy at the shop? A B C D

little more many much


The results will help you assess whether your students are meeting the reading and writing demands of The New Zealand Curriculum. These results will help you determine how well your students are developing a body of knowledge about how language works.

After student results have been marked, the PAT: Punctuation and Grammar Teacher Manual gives teachers recommendations and information about interpreting student results for students and wha¯nau and about using the results for further teaching and learning.

An example page from Test 2 aimed at Year 5 students


2015 SChOOl CATAlOguE




Digital Edition

youR favouRitE guidE to spElliNg is Now suppoRtEd oNliNE. use Spell-Write Online along with your Spell-Write book for a more powerful aid to writing and spelling. Spell-Write Online includes: • all of the beloved Spell-Write features such as the Essential Words list, alphabetical lists and groups of Words • audio pronunciations • a straightforward interface that is easy to teach to and intuitive for students to use • an animated and interactive how To learn a Word guide • the ability to create unique word lists for students, groups and the whole class spell-Write online will be available in Term 2 of 2015.

Visit and leave us your contact details – we’ll get in touch as soon as Spell-Write Online is launched.


2015 School caTaloguE


NZCER Sales PO Box 3237 Wellington 6140 New Zealand

Phone: +64 4 802 1450 Fax +64 4 384 7933

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2015 School Catalogue


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