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Semester Three/Summer School, 2023 applications are being accepted. You may submit your request for funding within 90 days of your study start date. Apply online (ILP) at Training & Education, New Zealand Defence College (NZDC), Learning Toolkit VESA Application (e-form).
Applicants should be aware of their responsibilities prior to making an application, IAW Defence Manual of Learning (DMoL), Part C, Chapter 2: Voluntary Education Study Assistance. This chapter of the DMoL and its subordinate process manual, replaces SADFO 3/2016.
Other than a new policy to govern eligibility and study criteria, as mentioned above, VESA has:
• Increased postgraduate and undergraduate funding limits
• Introduced the option to study micro-credentials at Level 4 or higher, that sit on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework
Prior to starting the application process, applicants are to: Confirm the level of study is right for them with Defence Learning, NZDC
• Advise their 1-UP of their study intentions
• Provide supporting paperwork including study documentation from the official learning provider website (ready to attach to your e-form application)
Contact your local Adult Learning Tutor, Defence Learning, who can assist you with your application. If you have any queries, please email our Tertiary Services & Support Advisor at nzdcdlearnvesa@nzdf.mil.nz