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Global Dairy: 3-breed crossbred cattle are improving US herds
Three’s a crossbreeding charm
Words by: Anne Cote
functional traits related to fertility, health, and survival of cows,” Lelsie says.
Purebred Holstein Friesian herds Adding genetics from other breeds are a matter of pride for dairy can improve the functional traits and is producers both in the United becoming more popular in the US and States and Canada but there is a Europe, he adds. difference in how each country calculates This is especially important in national the profitability of their herds. and global free markets.
According to Dr Leslie Hansen, Professor Leslie notes dairy producers in both of Dairy Cattle Genetics at the University the US and Europe, who sell their dairy of Minnesota in St. Paul Minnesota, products into the global market, are US, that difference is supported looking at integrating 3-breed Top: New calves in maternity pen. US dairy by the marketing methods in crossbreds into their herds as farmers who sell into international markets are looking at integrating 3-breed crossbreds into the two countries. one method of maximising their herds as one method of maximising their
He says Canadian producers their profits in the free market profits. Above: Adding genetics from other sell their milk into a quota system. While Canadian dairy breeds can improve the functional traits and is system which guarantees higher producers aren’t as engaged in becoming more popular in the US and Europe. milk prices than the global diversifying the genetic makeup market. Dairy producers in Canada Anne Cote. of their herds it’s not unusual to measure their production success by find a few Jersey cows mixed into the number of litres of milk the herd, or the herds for interest but not for cross even a single cow, produces in a single day. breeding. Their cost of production is measured by Although Canada has a quota system for the cost of inputs required to maintain a milk, its processors sell skim milk powder, cow’s liquid milk production and butterfat cheese, whey products and yogurt to the content. “United States, Egypt, Philippines and
Other important costs of production Algeria” according to 2019 data from the factors include the animal’s fertility rate Government of Canada. and overall good health.
In the US, Leslie explains, milk prices CROSSBRED STUDY REVEALS are based on the solids in milk and PROFIT BENEFITS neither processors nor exporters care if the A recently completed 10 year designed kilograms of milk solids originate from a study conducted by Leslie and two of his purebred or a crossbred cow. Profitability colleagues, Amy Hazel and Brad Heins, depends on the value of the US dollar, showed daily profits in US herds from the cost of inputs and the volume of milk 2-breed crossbreds were 13 percent higher solids the herd produces. than that of their Holstein Freisian herd
“As dairy producers become squeezed mates while profits were 9 percent higher on profit, they become more interested in 3-breed crossbreds when compared to in reducing input costs, especially for the the Holstein Freisians. Higher lifetime profits were also realised due to the longevity of the crossbreds according to Leslie’s study. The three breeds he used to study the 3-breed or ProCROSS rotation are Holstein Friesian, VikingRed, and Montbeliarde. The rotation can start with either a VikingRed bred to a Holstein Friesian or the other way around starting with a Montbeliarde bred to a Holstein Friesian. The circular cycle of breeding VikingRed to Holstein Friesian then to Montbeliarde can also work in reverse. Leslie sees an opportunity for improving profits in dairy herds in the different marketing systems. “Crossbreeding simply provides the potential for more efficient and profitable production of milk solids regardless of the eventual use of those solids, either domestic or export,” he says.