11 minute read
Times to attract new staff
FLEXIBLE Changing traditional times of milking not only creates more flexibility for farmers and staff but may also serve to attract newcomers to the industry, says Paul Edwards, DairyNZ senior farm systems scientist. “Can we adapt milking times to create a workplace that will attract people, particularly the next generation of young people who may want to work on farms?” was among the questions Edwards put to the lactation, and 8% of herds were on full season once-a-day milking (OAD).” Within the national herd on TAD, 14% switched to OAD from Christmas and a further 14% went OAD in late lactation. Then 3in2 was used for 6% of herds from Christmas and for another 5% from late lactation. This demonstrated that flexible milking strategies were not uncommon, and worth considering for many farms Edwards said. Full season OAD offered the ultimate in flexibility and was well suited to the 20 to MS/cow. It could also suit some of the 20% of the industry in the 301-350kg/MS cow range. OAD would be harder to justify for higher producing herds and farms with less ability to reduce costs because of, for example, the expense of irrigation or interest. However, 3in2 could potentially play a beneficial role in New Zealand farm systems. To find out if it could, DairyNZ is, through the Sustainable Farming Fund, into the second year of a three-year project MILKING times to attract staff By Elaine Fisher Treatment results C 18.5 B 20.9 B 21.2 B 21.7 A 23.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Milk yield (kg/cow/d) Milk yield C 0.69 B 0.76 B 0.77 B 0.80 A 0.84 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Protein yield (kg/cow/d) Protein yield A 1.13 A 1.12 A 1.11 A 1.13 A 1.06 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Fat yield (kg/cow/d) Fat yield A 1.82 A 1.89 A 1.88 A 1.93 A 1.90 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 MS yield (kg/cow/d) Milksolids yield Small but statistically insignificant cost to more attractive 3-in-2 milking times ? ? 13 Treatment results C 18.5 B 20.9 B 21.2 B 21.7 A 23.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Milk yield (kg/cow/d) Milk yield C 0.69 B 0.76 B 0.77 B 0.80 A 0.84 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Protein yield (kg/cow/d) Protein yield A 1.13 A 1.12 A 1.11 A 1.13 A 1.06 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Fat yield (kg/cow/d) Fat yield A 1.82 A 1.89 A 1.88 A 1.93 A 1.90 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 MS yield (kg/cow/d) Milksolids yield Small but statistically insignificant cost to more attractive 3-in-2 milking times ~1.12 ~1.96 TAD from regression TAD from regression ? ? ~1.12 ~1.96 TAD from regression TAD from regression the 50 farmers who attended the SMASH 25% of farms that produce under 300kg called Flexible Milking. (Smaller Milk and Supply Herds), field day near Te Aroha in November.
Long hours of work, especially around the busy times of mating and calving, combined with traditional twice-a-day (TAD) milking were often seen as a negative for employees or career seekers wanting more flexibility and work-life balance.
However, dairy farmers used to the TAD model were often reluctant to consider changing, fearing it may lead to a drop in production or increased risk of mastitis.
Edwards said a recent survey showed that 45% of the national herd was TAD, meaning it was no longer the norm. “Last year 14% of herds were on 3in2, milking three times in two days for part of the lactation; 31% were on OAD for part of
Plenty of options
TAD 10-14 h interval
3in2 Plenty of options
e.g. 5am and 3pm •
TAD 8-16 h interval
• Could use flexible staff e.g. TAD 10-14 h interval 3in2 • outsource a milking (+)e.g. 5am and 3pm • Could use flexible staff e.g. • • Less consistency e.g. between Conventional outsource a milking (+) • days and weeks (-)TAD 8-16 h interval • Less consistency e.g. between days and weeks (-) e.g. 6am and 2pm • 25% fewer milkings (+)e.g. 6am and 2pm • 25% fewer milkings (+) • Later start or earlier finish (+) • • 10in7 (3in2 Later start or earlier finish (+) Can mean less done in OAD weekend) 10in7 (3in2 - OAD weekend) • OAD weekends (+) • Can mean less done in • • OAD weekends (+)a day (-) Large volume of milk to • Consistent weeks (+) • 29% fewer milkings (+) a day (-) • Consistent weeks (+)harvest in the morning = need good milking • Large volume of milk to • routine 29% fewer milkings (+) harvest in the morning = need good milking routine 14 Milk any time during OAD the day (+) • Milk any time during Increases pool of the day (+) people available (+) • Increases pool of people available (+)

Treatment results C 18.5 B 20.9 B 21.2 B 21.7 A 23.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Milk yield (kg/cow/d) Milk yield C 0.69 B 0.76 B 0.77 B 0.80 A 0.84 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Protein yield (kg/cow/d) Protein yield 1.06 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2Fat yield (kg/cow/d) A 1.82 A 1.89 A 1.88 A 1.93 A 1.90 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 MS yield (kg/cow/d) Milksolids yield Small but statistically insignificant cost to more attractive 3-in-2 milking times ? 7 A 1.82 A 1.89 A 1.88 A 1.93 A 1.90 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 MS yield (kg/cow/d) Milksolids yield but statistically insignificant cost to ~1.96 TAD from regression TAD from regression ? Could use flexible staff e.g. outsource a milking (+) Less consistency e.g. between 25% fewer milkings (+) OAD weekend) 29% fewer milkings (+) OAD • Milk any time during the day (+) • Increases pool of people available (+) Treatment results C 18.5 B 20.9 B 21.2 B 21.7 A 23.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Milk yield (kg/cow/d) Milk yield C 0.69 B 0.76 B 0.77 B 0.80 A 0.84 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Protein yield (kg/cow/d) Protein yield Small but statistically insignificant cost to Treatment results Small but statistically insignificant cost to more attractive 3in2 milking times ~1.96 TAD from regression TAD from regression 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Fat yield (kg/cow/d) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 MS yield (kg/cow/d) The first year included a farmlet experiment where one herd milked 3in2 more attractive 3-in at the start. One herd was milked TAD at 6.30am and 4.30pm; the second was -2 milking times for the whole season (milking times 5am, milked 3in2 at 5am, 5pm and 11am (125pm, 11am = 12-18-18-hour intervals); 18-18 hour intervals). one herd milked TAD until December 1 The third herd came into the dairy at when it switched to 3in2); another herd 5.30am, 3.30pm and 10.30am (10-19-19 made the switch from March 1, and the hour intervals), the fourth at 6am, 2pm fourth herd was milked TAD for the whole and 10am, (8-20-20 hour intervals), and season (6am, 4pm = 10-14-hour intervals). 13 the fifth herd was milked once a day at The stocking rate for the farmlets on the 7am. Lincoln University Research Dairy farm was 3.5 cows/ha and 29% of the herd were Plenty of options The experiment showed there was a biologically small but statistically heifers. insignificant decrease in milksolids yield Each farmlet was managed between the three 3in2 milking times. The independently, but using the same TAD 10-14 h interval 3in2 OAD herd milk solids were 1.82 compared OAD management decision rules, every endeavour was made to ensure management skill was consistent, with the only difference between the herds being the milking times. The results showed that for a herd producing 444kg MS/cow on TAD, there was likely to be a 0.085kg MS/cow/day for the full season at 3in2 herd BCS was 4.62 – 0.25 more. with 1.96 for TAD. The research shows there were plenty of options other than traditional OAD milking for farmers to consider, and the small cost involved in using a 3in2 system makes it worthy of consideration, Edwards said. Even the traditional TAD interval of 10 e.g. 5am and 3pm • Conventional TAD 8-16 h interval e.g. 6am and 2pm • Could use flexible staff e.g. outsource a milking (+) • Less consistency e.g. between days and weeks (-) • 25% fewer milkings (+) • Milk any time during the day (+) • Increases pool of people available (+) Plenty of options TAD 10-14 h interval e.g. 5am and 3pm 3in2 • Could use flexible staff e.g. Paul Edwards, senior scientist farm systems of Lincoln, outlines the results of research into flexible milking times at a SMASH field day near Te Aroha in November. • • decrease for each day in 3in2; and a 5% decrease in MS for the full season 3in2 herd. Fat content was less affected than However, Edwards said milking at 1218-18-hour intervals could still make for long days, which led researchers to ask the question – “is it the number of milkings, Later start or earlier finish (+) Can mean less done in 10in7 (3in2 - OAD weekend) • OAD weekends (+) • Conventional TAD 8-16 h interval • to 14 hours between milkings could be changed to 8 and 16 hours – eg 6am and 2pm, giving a later start to the day and an earlier finish. outsource a milking (+) Less consistency e.g. between days and weeks (-) protein, decreasing by 3% compared with 8% for protein. Edwards pointed out that or the timing of the milkings that affects production?” a day (-) • Consistent weeks (+)e.g. 6am and 2pm • This did mean a larger volume of milk to be harvested in the morning, which 25% fewer milkings (+) • this was based on a one-year study, with no carry-over effects. The change in milking times had an impact on body conditions scores (BCS) as Large volume of milk to harvest in the morning = need good milking routine • • • To find out, a six-week experiment was carried out from September 11 to October 22 this year at the 355ha Ashley Dene farm located approximately 15 km west of the required a good milking routine. Some farmers had expressed concern that, with a later start and earlier finish, less work might be done on farm in a day. That 29% fewer milkings (+) Later start or earlier finish (+) Can mean less done in 10in7 (3in2 - OAD weekend) • OAD weekends (+) at May 8 in the study year. Lincoln University campus. a day (-) • could be an issue, but thoughtful planning Consistent weeks (+) The TAD was 4.37 and there was an It involved five herds of 40 cows each, and allocation of tasks would overcome increase of 0.001 for every day of 3in2 – so • with an average of 34 days in milk (DIM) Large volume of milk to • that. 29% fewer milkings (+) harvest in the morning = need good milking routine


The 3in2 model could open the opportunity to employ rural residents, including parents whose school runs normally exclude them from milking roles Edwards said. However, there was less consistency between milking days and weeks and 25% fewer milkings.
Another option which has some appeal was 10in7 which is a variation of 3in2 with only one milking each weekend day, which results in 29% fewer milkings than TAD.
The OAD option was open to milking at any time of the day that suits the farm and staff and also increased the potential pool of people available for permanent or casual employment.
In response to a question about grazing management, Edwards said consideration needed to be given to how much feed was required for herds, especially during the longer intervals between milkings, and the use of automatic gate openers to shift cows and adding tape gates to make larger paddocks were options.
Edwards said he believed adapting flexible milking intervals could improve workplace attractiveness and there were many options available.
“The Lincoln Farmlet results look encouraging for a full season and show more attractive 3in2 milking times are possible. However, if you are considering changing milking times, understand the ‘why’ of that decision and plan carefully in advance.”
One of the farmers attending the field day asked; “Why milk cows in the afternoon when the differences (in milk production) are so small?”
Edwards replied he was a convert to OAD. “But making that change may be a leap of faith for some farmers. Going 3in2 gives farmers the chance to dip their toe in the water. Every farm is different and it won’t suit all, but I challenge people to consider the other options to TAD milking.”
There are a range of resources on the DairyNZ website – dairynz.co.nz/milking-intervals.

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