7 minute read
New Executive Team
the NZHGPa 2022 aGM rounded out a busy year for the executive and it was a sprint to the finish to get everything ready for the official ZOOM meeting but it all came together in the end.
This year a number of long serving volunteers stepped down from the Association – Duncan Macnab, Kyla MacDonald, Carlos Palmer and Blake Round. Their time and expertise over the last few years has been invaluable to the association, often in ways which are not promoted or publicised to members, but without whose help things would grind to halt. I want to take the opportunity to acknowledge and thank them for all the work that they have put in.
Stepping into their places are Emlyn RevellNash and Chris Chandler-Yates from Auckland, and Aaron Darby from Waikato. Each member provided a short bio as part of the official nomination procedure – as detailed, but I have taken the opportunity to ask for some important additional information.
In the coming year I hope that members will get to know all the Executives and understand just what it is that we do for the association. We’re all pilots and all want the opportunity to get in the air – but don’t forget some of us may have to be on the ground attending a zoom meeting discussing boring bureaucratic regulatory points of tiny but critical significance… so you don’t have to! - Erica Caro
This is your Executive Team for 2022/23.
ian manton – President
Most may already know me from the administrator role that I have filled over the past couple of years - which I will be passing on this year. I am part of the Waikato club, and a paraglider pilot for just 11 years - although I have met quite a few Hang Glider pilots, who have made me seriously think about becoming, as a wise person once said to me - bi-wingual - and learn to become one with the Delta!
Club: Waikato
Flying Flavour: Paragliding
Pineapple on pizza? “Love it!”
What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?: “Gym selfies” president@nzhgpa.org.nz / 027 546 2832
Kevin mcmanus
I started hang gliding in 1973, with help from my Mum who sewed the sails on my home built glider. That glider lasted until 1974. It wasn’t until 1977 and approx. $700 later that I had a manufactured setup and the rest is history. I was at the very first meeting of the Canterbury Free Flight Club & been an active member of the association ever since.
I have been a member of the executive now for 2 years, and I have a vested interest in not only ensuring hang gliding is represented but is actively encouraged to grow. I have seen the design technology improve dramatically – what was once only a 5km flight is now well over 50kms, and access to the sport and the opportunity to take flight needs to be strengthened.
I am often found directing the national competition – with the loudest voice to make sure pilots get off the hill in a timely manner. I have not ruled out trying paragliding – but it certainly wouldn’t be as a tandem passenger, I may as well fly the thing!
Club: Aorangi
Flying Flavour: Hang Gliding
Pineapple on Pizza?: “The more the merrier I say!”
Who would win in a fight – Baboon or Badger?: “All depends who paid off the referee.” kamdfc@gmail.com / 021 134 0463
Pete Helliwell
I was hooked on anything that flew after my very first flight. My first flight was from a 2 meter high garden wall at the bottom of my grandma’s garden using a modified umbrella (I’m still not sure if it was supposed to be a paraglider or a hang glider flight). Skip forward about 25 years and I learnt to hang glider and paragliding at the same time in Queenstown, Coronet Peak. Over the last 6 years I have been flying as much as possible.
My most memorable PG flight has got to be my first ever XC, Treble Cone - Coronet Peak. Most memorable on the hang glider comes from my first goal in one of the 2018 HG national tasks. Favourite flying site in NZ has to be Mt Murchison, favourite outside NZ so far is The Chabre, Laragne - France. I still actively fly both hang and para both solo and tandem.
Club: Southern
Flying Favour: EVERYTHING – it is easier to list the ratings Pete doesn’t have !!!
Pineapple on Pizza?: “No pineapple on pizza for me”
What would be a dream product from a Company, that you would promote on your channel ? (www.youtube.com/c/petehelliwell: )” It would probably be the Moyes RX3.5 hang glider, the colours would be black & blue – they are the colours that I always seem to pick.” pete.helliwell@sky.com / 021 028 45170 Erica Caro
I am self-employed based in Hawkes Bay. I started paragliding in 2015 - training in Queenstown, which I followed up with some more training in Australia later that same year. Like everyone I don’t get as much flying as I would like, and most of my flying in done outside of New Zealand. In the last few years I have travelled extensively for flying - regularly heading across the Tasman, as well as entering competitions in as far away places as Macedonia. I enjoy following all the exploits and adventures of the hike & fly fraternity but highly unlikely to ever do that myself, I much prefer an easy trip to launch and a quick pick up at the end of the day!
Club: Hawkes Bay
Flying Flavour: Paragliding
Pineapple on Pizza?: “It’s a kiwi tradition & technically if you say ‘No’ to pineapple on the basis that it is a fruit & therefore doesn’t belong. Then you can’t have tomatoes either”
Do you have any weird flying superstitions ?: - “If my car tires ride perfectly over the rail of the cattle stop on the way up to launch, it’s a good omen for the days flying.” eerieka@gmail.com / 021 978 524
Emlyn revell-nash
I’m based in Auckland and have been flying for 8 years. I spend most of my flying time on mini-wings at the coast but my favourite type of flying is XC. I have joined the Executive team because I have benefitted from the people before me and would like to do that for others. I love seeing new pilots on the hill and of course waiting around. I look forward to giving back to the community that has enabled me to experience life in a way that very few get the chance to.
Club: Auckland
Flying Flavour: Paragliding
Pineapple on Pizza?: “Yes – because of the juice”
What is the most random fact you know ?: “Ummmm aaaggghhhhhh..I guess…that’s a hard one, I just thought about possums and they have anal scent glans……. “ emlyn.revellnash@gmail.com / 021 216 4322 Aaron Darby
I’ve been flying hang gliders for about 7 years. I’ve attended the Nationals every year as an annual pilgrimage and an opportunity to connect with other pilots across the country. I’ve also had some great flying in Australia. I’m currently the President of the Waikato Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club. I’ve spent a decade with the volunteer fire service so see a lot of crossover on trying to run/grow/ support a volunteer organization that needs to manage risk well. I work as an Engineer in a Dairy Factory in South Auckland. If it’s raining I’ll be getting ready to go flying or working on motorbikes.
Club: Waikato
Flying Flavour: Hang Gliding
Pineapple on Pizza?: “YES ! – Hawaiian pizza, what else is there ?!?”
If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done/ were doing ?: “Probably fleeing from the cops, but I drive a motorbike you can’t get caught on!” aarondarby@gmail.com / 021 407 357
Chris Chandler-Yates
I am an American/Kiwi who arrived in New Zealand in 2004. I did a seven year career in the NZ Police force starting in 2011. I left the NZ Police and started my own business as a coach assisting people to prevent and overcome burnout and PTSD. I grew up around paragliding - flying before I could walk with my father who was one of the pioneers of paragliding for Northern California. After a long break from the sport I have recently got back into it and look forward to help grow and influence others in the sport.
Club: Auckland
Flying Flavour: Paragliding
Pineapple on Pizza?:”That’s just disgusting – what ?? – who ??? , urrgghhhhhhh, No, No No No – that’s just wrong. Who puts fruit on a pizza?? - NOOOOOOOOOO”
The zombie apocalypse just happened, you have an 4WD & a baseball bat – where do you drive to first ?: “I know where all the firearms are kept – I’m heading straight to the police station” chris@knockingdemonfitness.co.nz / 021 160 6231