New Zealand Institute of International Affairs - ANNUAL REPORT 2014

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Mission Statement and Purpose The New Zealand Institute of International Affairs provides an independent forum for discussion of international issues especially as they affect New Zealand. The Institute does not advocate any particular policy nor does it express opinions. It is not a lobby group. The Institute is registered as a charitable trust. The Institute’s National Office is located at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). It organises major seminars, publishes books on international relations and a bi-monthly journal, the ‘New Zealand International Review’, and annually hosts around 30 events and discussions on regional and global topics. Separate programmes, mainly regular talks by visiting speakers, are run by the ten branches in Auckland, Waikato, Tauranga, Hawke’s Bay, Palmerston North, Wairarapa, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Timaru. Total individual membership is a little over four hundred. In 2014 the National Office had the support of 31 Corporate members and 48 Institutional members. These categories of membership include private companies, trade associations, government departments, crown entities, diplomatic missions in Wellington, research institutes and universities. They are listed in each issue of the ‘New Zealand International Review’. In addition the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Victoria University of Wellington provide invaluable support for the operation of the Institute.

Cover photo: Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General of New Zealand speaking at the 80th Anniversary Annual Dinner of the NZIIA

Table of contents



Foreword by the President…………………………..…………………………….…………... 2 Report of the Executive Director …………………………………………………….……….4 2014 Programme of events ……………………...……………………………………….……..6 Branch report - AUCKLAND ………………………………………………………….………….9 Branch report - CHRISTCHURCH ………………………………..……………….…….……10 Branch report – HAWKE’S BAY ……………………………………………...………….……13 Branch report - NELSON .……………………………………………………….……………….14 Branch report – PALMERSTON NORTH ……………...………………..…………………15 Branch report - TAURANGA ………………………………………….……………...………..16 Branch report - TIMARU …………………………………….………………………………….17 Branch report - WAIKATO……………………………………………………….……………..18 Branch report - WAIRARAPA …………………………………….………….………………..20 Branch report - WELLINGTON ………………………………….………….…………………22 New Zealand International Review ……………………….………….……………………25 NZIR statements of circulation and finance ………………………….…………..…..26 Financial review ………………………………………………………………….……………..….27 Statement of financial position …………….……………………….……………………..28 Statement of financial activities ………….……………………….……………………....29 Accounting policies and notes …………….………………….……………………………30 Budget 2014 …………………………………….………….……………………………………..31 Celebrating 80 years of the NZIIA .……….………….……………………………………..32 Corporate members …………………………….………….……………………………………..38 Institutional members ……………………….……………………….…………….…………...39 National Council and Life Members ….……………..………………….………………….40 Standing Committee …………….………………………………………….……………………..41

Foreword by the President

_________________________________________________________ We can look back on our 80th anniversary year in 2014 as a successful opportunity to profile the Institute through a series of significant events. In particular, being the selected host for the Prime Minister’s major speech on domestic and international security ensured that our name and logo made it prominently to a number of television news broadcasts. The fact that this was the second time in 2014 the Prime Minister had spoken to the Institute – and that earlier in the year Rt Hon Winston Peters participated in our Political Leaders Series - confirms the good relations that the National Office has with Parliament. A large number of impressive overseas visitors also gave public lectures including the President of Poland’s National Bank, Professor (and former Prime Minister) Marek Belka, UN High Representative for Disarmament Angela Kane and WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo. Mixed amongst these high profile speakers were some excellent commentators on the Middle East, such as Israel’s Dr Jonathan Spyer and Ehud Yaari, with perspectives from a different direction offered by Iran’s Ambassador Seyed Majid Tafreshi Khameneh and Seyed Taghi Derhami.


Yet some of the talks and panel discussions that had the most impact were on topics that do not dominate the daily headlines. For example a deeply moving discussion on the Rwanda massacre, and its aftermath, featured Rwandan High Commissioner Dr Charles Murigande, Judge Jonathan Moses and Colin Keating (who played a key part in the Security Council discussion of this tragedy). This was ably moderated by Radio NZ’s Kim Hill, who subsequently had Dr Murigandi as a guest on her programme. Another most interesting event was the presentation by Colonel Dr. Hans-Hubertus Mack, Director, Bundeswehr Center of Military History and Social Sciences on “A challenging legacy: memories of the First World War in Germany“. This was the first in a series of lectures in our new remembrance series.

The National Office seeks to provide a broad range of public lectures within its annual programme. In 2014 these extended from democratisation in Indonesia to responsibility to protect (an excellent talk from Oxford’s Professor Rosemary Foot). In addition we co-hosted panel discussions with other bodies such as the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies on topics like globalization and sovereignty. A significant panel discussion on Latin America, cohosted with the Latin American NZ Business Council and VILLA, occurred earlier in the year chaired by our Vice President Professor Rob Rabel. It was opened by Trade


Minister Tim Groser and included ambassadors from three Latin American partners.

To celebrate our 80th anniversary in style a most enjoyable black tie dinner was held at Government House in June hosted by the Governor General Sir Gerry Mataparae and Lady Mataparae. Scott Thomson, the founding chair of our Wairarapa Branch, was elevated to Life Membership. At our National Council meeting the following day we remembered also John Scott, Honorary Vice president and former Director who sadly passed away earlier in 2014. An encouraging feature of many of our events in 2014 was increased participation by students and younger people. I should like to encourage our branches to continue to reach out to those just beginning their careers to ensure that membership of the Institute grows and is re-vitalized in the decades ahead.


Hon Sir Douglas Kidd, KNZM President


Report of the Executive Director

_________________________________________________________ 2014 saw a range of lectures and other events on topics very much to the forefront of New Zealand’s global interests and concerns from Syria and the rise of ISIS/ISIL to our economic challenges in the APEC region. There is a healthy demand for informed perspectives on such matters. But we drew good audiences also for events such as our remembrance series initiated by the Director of the Budeswehr Centre of Military History on Germany’s legacy from the First World War and the Kim Hill moderated panel discussion marking the commemoration of the Rwanda genocide.


We rely on the strength of New Zealand’s international relations to draw to these shores international leaders such as the Director General of the WTO and the UN High Representative for Disarmament. It is the Institute’s own standing with parliament and others in the community that assists us in getting high profile domestic speakers like Rt Hon Winston Peters and the Prime Minister (twice). Fittingly our 80th anniversary annual dinner was held at Government House at which the Governor General gave the keynote speech. Strong support for these events suggests that a broad range of topics, addressed by knowledgeable practitioners, is a winning formula. But I believe also that the fact that we now carry on our website a calendar of events that covers both the national office and branches, and a system of registration for special events that is very easy to navigate, has encouraged a greater interest, especially by younger people. Certainly the feedback we have received on the website – and the programme generally - has been universally positive. I am pleased to report that the operation of the National Office is running well. Over the past two years measures to improve the performance of the Institute have included, in addition to the website, the adoption of a more efficient Xero accounting system and the introduction of a modern logo. In addition to allowing for on-line registration for events the website provides also for on-line purchases of publications. With respect to the latter this has extended to the provision of digital versions of the New Zealand International Review which is a development that ultimately ought to mitigate rising printing costs. In 2014 we negotiated a major additional funding stream under the umbrella of the EU Centres Network. This provides for the staging of events that may have relevance to the EU but cover issues of global interest (for example the Arctic and Antarctica and the sensitive issue of “veiling” of women in contemporary


Europe, both of which are topics in our 2015 programme). This is a three year programme that began towards the end of 2014 and it is already having a beneficial effect. The programme allows us to spread our net more widely with respect to keynote speakers and to offer a degree of flexibility on initiating topics that our tightly constrained budget would otherwise make more challenging. This is likely to be my final National Council meeting. It has been a great experience “embracing debate on issues of global significance� with the President, Vice President, Treasurer and all members of the Institute around the country. Looking back at the individuals who have helped run the NZIIA for over 80 years I am privileged to have been Executive Director. In thanking all of you for your support, I should like to express particular appreciation to Synonne Rajanayagam whose calm and professional approach has helped our small office to run smoothly.


Peter Kennedy Executive Director


2014 Programme of events


_________________________________________________________ 30 Jan

The Falkland Islanders' right to self-determination - Mike Summers, Member of the Falkland Island's Legislative Assembly.

19 Feb

Series on International Perspectives by Political Leaders: New Zealand in the world: Challenges we must meet Rt Hon Winston Peters, Leader of NZ First.

25 Feb

Democratization in Indonesia and the role of the Armed Forces – Lt Gen (Ret) Agus Widjojo, Chair of the Executive Board, Yayasan Indonesia Cerdas Unggul and Senior Fellow at CSIS Jakarta.

28 Feb

The Syria imbroglio and its Middle East implications - Dr Bernd Kubbig, Senior Research Fellow, Vice Chairman of the Research Council, Ballistic Missile Defense Research International, Germany. Jointly hosted with the Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

5 Mar

Implications of a turbulent Middle East - Ehud Yaari, Analyst and Commentator on Middle Eastern issues.

3 Apr

New Zealand and China: Looking ahead what China's comprehensive reform means for New Zealand - His Excellency Ambassador Wang Lutong, Ambassador of China. Jointly hosted with the New ZealandChina Contemporary Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington.

4 Apr

Panel discussion: Focus Latin America - Hon Tim Groser (NZ Minister of Trade); Mr Charles Finny (Chairman of Education NZ); Prof. Warwick Murray (Director Victoria Institute for Links with Latin America); HE Mr Fernando Daniel Escalona (Ambassador of Argentine Republic); HE Mr Eduardo Gradilone (Ambassador of Brazil); HE Mr Isuaro Torres Negri (Ambassador of Chile); HE Ms Rosaura Leonora Rueda (Ambassador of Mexico); Prof. Roberto Rabel (Victoria University/NZIIA). Jointly hosted with the Latin America New Zealand Business Council and Victoria Institute for Links with Latin America.

7 Apr

2014 Foreign Policy Lecture: Disarmament: The balance sheet Angela Kane, UN High Representative for Disarmament. Jointly hosted with the United Nations Association of New Zealand.


The responsibility to protect (R2P) and its evolution as a global norm – Prof. Rosemary Foot, Kippenberger Visiting Chair (St. Antony's College Oxford).

16 Apr

Should Poland (or Czech Republic, Hungary) join the euro? Prof. Marek Belka, President of the National Bank of Poland.

1 May

New Zealand's economic challenges in the APEC region Dr Alan Bollard, Executive Director of APEC.

7 May

Roundtable discussion: Europe Day 2014 – including representatives from the European diplomatic corps and academia. Jointly hosted with Paul Goldsmith MP; New Zealand European Union Centres Network; and the Delegation of the European Union to New Zealand.

8 May

Panel discussion: Globalisation and sovereignty - Adjunct Prof. Inge Kaul, Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and an ANZSOG Visiting Scholar. Jointly hosted with the Institute of Governance and Policy Studies (VUW).

29 May

Panel discussion: The EU and New Zealand: Shared values in a complex world - Mr Michalis Rokas (EU Delegation); HE Mrs Vicki Treadell (British High Commission); HE Mrs Beata Stoczynska (Embassy of Poland). Jointly hosted with the British High Commission and the Delegation of the European Union to New Zealand.

4 Jun

The Canada-New Zealand relationship: Shared values and common interests - HE Caroline Cretien, High Commissioner for Canada. Jointly hosted with High Commission of Canada and Dr Rajen Prasad MP.

18 Jun

80th Anniversary Dinner: Observations about the international strand of the role as Governor-General—address by HE Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General of New Zealand.

23 Jun

Panel discussion: To hell and back - the tragedy of the Rwandan genocide and the journey of renewal - HE Dr Charles Murigande, Rwandan High Commissioner to NZ; Colin Keating (NZ's former Permanent Rep to the UN); and Judge Jonathan Moses (former Prosecutor at the International Tribunal for Rwanda). Moderated by Kim Hill.



8 Apr

Series on International Perspectives by Political Leaders: New Zealand in the World – Rt Hon John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand.

9 Jul

Panel discussion: The legacy of Imam Khomeini: How does his influence impact upon Iran's modern foreign policy? - HE Seyed Majid Tafreshi Khameneh (Ambassador for Iran); and Seyed Taghi Derhami (former lecturer in Iran and New Zealand).

14 Oct

Foreign Policy of Mongolia: Opportunities and Challenges HE Mr Ravdan Bold, Ambassador of Mongolia.

5 Nov

New Zealand's national security - Rt Hon John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand.

18 Nov

Bali one year on: what next for the WTO? HE Roberto Azevedo, Director General of the WTO.

2 Dec

A challenging legacy: memories of the First World War in Germany Colonel Dr Hans-Hubertus Mack, Director, Cundeswehr Center of Military History and Social Sciences (BwCMHSOSC). First lecture of the NZIIA's remembrance series that coincides with the 100th anniversary of WWI.

8 Dec

Syria, Iraq and Lebanon: the rise of ISIS and sectarian war across borders - Dr Jonathan Spyer, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA), InterDisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel.


2 Jul


Branch report—AUCKLAND

_________________________________________________________ The Auckland branch has continued with its programme of evening addresses on matters of international relations. The title and speakers for those addresses are advised from time to time in the NZIIA Review. As has been the custom in an election year, in 2014 the branch hosted a debate among political parties on international relations. Owing to scheduling difficulties as the election approached, neither of the main parties (National and Labour) was able to send a representative. However, the ideological span was well represented by the Mana, Green, United Future, and ACT parties. Indeed, the presence of smaller parties allowed for a more precise delineation of the various strands of thought on foreign policy. In the end, an audience of some 70 attended at the lecture theatre in Old Government House at the University of Auckland. It may be feasible to run such a debate each year, as an opportunity for the political parties to test and publicise their current ideas on foreign policy. Otherwise, the branch hosted speakers with whom it came into contact. While the quality of speakers is uniformly high, the size of the audience fluctuates. Attendance is hard to predict, but addresses outside of China or the Middle East tend to attract smaller numbers. Venue continues to be a problem, as parking is harder to find in the inner city, and traffic flows interfere with access by people outside the area of the inner city and adjacent suburbs. Unhappily, the links with the University of Auckland have been loosening, first as Dr Jian Yang went into parliament, and now Dr Ashok Sharma is departing the University. So far, a replacement member for the committee has not been identified at the University. The branch intends to retain the links, not least so as to use the University’s facilities.

The present committee consists of Gregory J Thwaite, Noelene Buckland, and Nick Laery. Regrettably, Dr Sharma is leaving Auckland, but is willing to continue to assist in the organisation of the branch from afar. A happy result of one of the meetings last year is that a small group of people have expressed an interest in the NZIIA. Hopefully they will become involved in the organisation. Gregory J Thwaite 9 Branch Chairman


The loosening of the links with the University (specifically, the Political Studies Department) has meant that fewer students develop an interest in the branch. This effect has led to the absence of any student in the organisation of the branch.

Branch report—CHRISTCHURCH

_________________________________________________________ Chair: Chris Jones Secretary: Sally Carlton Treasurer & Vice chair: Margaret Sweet Committee members: Hon Peter Penlington; Angela Woodward; John Richardson (co-opted)

With fourteen papers, 2014 proved a busy year for the Christchurch branch. Speakers varied from academics, such as the historians Associate Professors Evgeny Pavlov and Peter Field, to the UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Angela Kane, and the Official Representative of New Caledonia to New Zealand, HE Yves Lafoy. Topics were equally varied and ranged from the current crisis in Ukraine to the European and Indian elections.


March 2014 saw the number of registered members at the branch fall to a low of 35, a steep decline from the previous year (77). The fall reflects the considerable disquiet amongst the membership following changes to the subscriptions structure in the course of 2013/14. The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer made representations at the 79th Annual Meeting of the National Council in Wellington (19 June) on this matter, noting that many members felt the cost of the Review a particular burden. As a consequence of considerable work by the Treasurer, a new and more equitable subscription structure has been developed for the branch and it is hoped that this will see membership return to pre-2014 levels. While in Wellington, the office holders also attended a dinner at Government House hosted by the Governor General to mark the 80 th anniversary of the Institute’s foundation. This year saw the branch strengthen its ties with the University of Canterbury by establishing formal relationships with the National Centre for Research on Europe and the Department of History. In both cases the Christchurch branch has been registered as an official outreach programme. This has led to an increase in the numbers of undergraduate and postgraduate students regularly attending papers and the decision by the committee to co-opt John Richardson, a current Masters student. It has also enabled the NZIIA to continue to make use of University of Canterbury facilities, and to benefit from joint activities arranged via the NCRE and the College of Arts. The year saw a great deal of change in the Christchurch committee, with the notable departure of long-term stalwarts Professor David McIntyre and his wife Marcia for Wellington as well as Dr Ursula Rack in the middle of the year. The Chair wishes to acknowledge the dedication and service of all three to the branch over many years. He is particularly grateful to the current committee for


its tremendous enthusiasm and wishes to note, in particular, the key role played by the Secretary, Dr Sally Carlton, in ensuring the smooth organisation of events. The branch enters 2015 with a clearer arrangement regarding its use of University facilities and the key aim of expanding its current programme of events. Dr Chris Jones Branch Chairman

11 Feb

Inside the North Korea propaganda machine - Frank Feinstein

20 Feb

Incorporating rights in disaster development: The EU and the Pacific - Katharine Vadura

12 Mar

The commonwealth in the aftermath of the Colombo CHOGM Prof David McIntyre

25 Mar

Ukraine: Where the heart of Europe beats - Assoc. Prof Natalie Chaban. University of Canterbury

1 Apr

Asia-Pacific security tensions and their management in an era of interdependence - Prof Rosemary Foot, Kippenberger Visiting Chair (St. Antony's College Oxford).

9 Apr

Disarmament: The balance sheet (jointly hosted with the College of Arts) - Angela Kane, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs

3 Jun

India’s elections: Reflections on the success of the BJP - Dr Jane Buckingham. Assoc. Prof Biswamoy Pati

17 Jun

Language, culture, international business: Pitfalls and pratfalls Wayne Reid, Refugee and Migrant Health Manager, Pegasus Health

24 Jul

The Korean Peninsula and Korea-New Zealand relations HE Yongkyu Park, Ambassador of Korea

20 Aug

New Caledonia’s road to emancipation - HE Yves Lafoy, Official Representative of New Caledonia to New Zealand



Events 2014

Putin’s Russia and the crisis in Ukraine - Assoc. Prof Evgeny Pavlov, University of Canterbury

4 Nov

The situation in Gaza and the two states solution - Karim Pourhamzavi

25 Nov

The impact of the US mid-terms - Assoc. Prof Peter Field, University of Canterbury (and NZIIA end-of-year party)

26 Nov

The EU: Moving beyond crisis with new leadership - HE Sem Fabrizi, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Australia and to New Zealand


1 Oct


Branch report—HAWKE’S BAY

_________________________________________________________ Our branch held four meetings in 2014. As is the tradition, these were held both in Havelock North and in Napier. Following our refreshing of the database at the beginning of 2014, we now have about 260 people on it. Of these, about 15 are paid-up members of the Institute.

There remains for us the problem of getting speakers to come to Hawke’s Bay when the branch has very limited financial resources to pay for fares and accommodation. May I repeat the comment I made in last year’s report that it would be good if the National Office could look at ways in which this could be facilitated. Without a university in Hawke’s Bay, there is not the flow of academics and others which those centres which have universities enjoy. On the other hand, I should report that the visit of the Ambassador of Israel enjoyed overwhelming support. 200 people turned up to hear him in Havelock north and 150 in Napier. The speakers during 2014 were: 18 Mar

International tourism policy and what it means for Hawke’s Bay Annie Dundas, General Manager, Hawke’s Bay Tourism

17 Jun

International aspects of the work of the Human Rights Commission – Karen Johansen, Commissioner, Human Rights Commission

5 Aug

Israel’s foreign policy in the 21st Century - HE Mr Yosef Livne, Ambassador of Israel

4 Sep

Southeast Asia and the changing region: towards community or towards conflict - Dr David Capie, Director of Research, CSS, Victoria University


Dr Richard Grant Branch Chairman


Branch report窶年ELSON

_________________________________________________________ The Nelson branch now has 99 paid up members, many of whom are of course couples, taking total membership to some 150. Attendance at meetings is usually around 80 people. We continue to meet in the Media Centre of the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology in central Nelson. Since the annual meeting last year we have had eleven meetings. The speakers have been Kerry Prendergast, Chair of Tourism New Zealand, the Ambassador of Korea, the High Commissioner of Australia, Firooz Zadeh, an Iranian New Zealand writer and lecturer on Middle East issues, Hugh Steadman, a former British Army officer and writer, the Executive Director of Amnesty International (New Zealand), Daryl Copeland, a Canadian university lecturer on international affairs, Stephen Jacobi of the International Business Forum, Brian Lynch, the former Director of the NZIIA, Fiona Cooper Clarke, the Executive Director of the United States New Zealand Council, and Professor Sekhar Bandyopadhyay of Victoria University.


Hugo Judd Branch Chairman



_________________________________________________________ The Palmerston North branch continues its operations, with little substantive change from previous years. Special thanks and acknowledgement to Professor Wayne Edwards, Dr Gill Claridge as well as International Pacific College (IPC) for generously providing comfortable conference facilities and sponsoring refreshments for guests. Subscribed membership remains low but seminars are well-attended with staff and students from the College. All of the events were held at IPC and as stated below:

Events 2014 21 May

Model United Nations session (Topic - The Ukraine Crisis) – IPC students

28 May

New Zealand’s leadership imperative: building globally capable enterprises - Mr Gary Sturgess, Chief Executive New Institute of Management Inc.

8 Oct

Model United Nations session (Topic - The Ebola Crisis) – IPC students

29 Oct

ASEAN Day (Theme - ASEAN Beyond 2011) – IPC students

30 Oct

Climate issues and its implications in an international context Ms Candy Green, Charge d’Affaires of the United States of America to New Zealand

19 Nov

Indonesian foreign policy - HE Mr Jose Antonio Morato Tavares, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to New Zealand, Tonga and Samoa


Nathan Ehambaranathan and Nick Nelson Branch Co-Chairs


Branch report—TAURANGA

_________________________________________________________ As reported a year ago, the low level of activity in the Tauranga branch is a result of a low membership, and a difficulty in attracting speakers to Tauranga, each of which impacts the other. Jen Scoular took over the Chair of the branch from Murray Denyer in October 2014, and passes thanks to Murray for setting up the regional branch and attracting current members. Her first activity was to survey current members to understand what they were looking to get out of their membership of NZIIA. The results showed that members were very happy to hear from both political and commercial speakers, being aware that information from different sources all enables better understanding of New Zealand place on the global stage. As a consequence, we invited Duncan Catanach and Katherine Sandford, current NZTE customer managers who had both recently returned from posts in the US to address the meeting in January. In March we welcomed Mr Michalis Rokas, the Charge d’Affaires of the European Union Delegation to New Zealand to our meeting, and very much enjoyed his comments. We are seeking new ways to increase membership in the branch which sits currently at 19.


Jen Scoular Branch Chairman


Branch report—TIMARU

_________________________________________________________ Timaru branch activity continued to be at a low level over the past year however there are encouraging signs for the next year because of responses to invitations we have extended to speakers. Our meetings are held irregularly in response to availability of speakers visiting or passing through the district. We have held our meetings at the South Canterbury Club in the late morning so those attending can stay on for a light lunch - socialising with each other and enjoying more relaxed time with the speakers. Membership has reduced in the last year. The sad loss of Nancy Hammond who died unexpectedly and the return of her husband, Mo Skiffington to Canada leaves the branch without two enthusiastic supporters. Secretarial, newsletter, and treasurer roles have not changed in the past year. Liaison and cross membership with other groups in Timaru such as the NZ China Friendship Society, Transition Timaru and the active U3A enables wider mixing. Our thanks again to Synonne at Wellington and to the receipt with envy of emailed activities of other branches. While we have held few meetings, the calibre of the speakers has been extremely high and we have been delighted to host: Challenges facing Turkey: Domestic uncertainty and foreign policy failure— Prof Bill Harris, University of Otago. New Caledonia’s Road to Emancipation—Dr Yves Lafoy, Official Representative of New Caledonia to New Zealand.


Rosemary Carruthers Branch Chairman


Branch report—WAIKATO

_________________________________________________________ Branch Committee The last AGM was held on 29 March 2013. Dov Bing continued as President, David Foreman as Treasurer. Simon Gray was elected as Secretary. Brian Main continued as Vice President and Ron Smith as Immediate Past President. International Review The cost of the International Review has not remained stable. It has risen to the extent that it is now more expensive than the subscription rate, which is why we are going to have to raise the subscription rate in 2014. Political Science and Public Policy Programmes As usual, the Institute benefitted from the support of Ms Frances Douch and the Programme Convenor, Dr Geoffrey Cupit. Colleagues It remains for me to thank my colleagues for their steadfast support. Membership Our membership has remained stable. It remains for me to thank all members for their support.

Events 2014 22 May

The armed forces & Brazil’s constitution & law - Professor Suzeley Kahil Mathias, State University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

9 May

Special Symposium: New Caledonia at the crossroads Political institutions and the Kanak people in New-Caledonia – A Historical Overview/ 1853-1998 - Victor David


2014, a key year in the evolution of the political status of New Caledonia - Carine David The rebalancing of New Caledonia's economy: Where do we stand? Severine Blaise

11 Jun

The Scottish independence referendum: The major issues Dr Derek Smith, formerly of the University of Waikato.


24 Jul

New Zealand Foundation at 20 - John McKinnon, Executive Director, Asia New Zealand Foundation.

20 Aug

The Muslim brotherhood, Hamas, Qatar, and Turkey versus Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait Professor Dov Bing, University of Waikato.

15 Oct

Foreign policy of Mongolia: Opportunities and challenges – HE Mr Ravdan Bold, Ambassador of Mongolia to New Zealand.

26 Nov

Unravelling Syria's sectarian politics - Estelle Townshend.

17 Dec

Tunisia: After the revolution and the Arab spring - Yasmine Ryan, a Hamilton-raised independent journalist, currently based in Tunis, Tunisia.

10 Mar

The EU: Moving beyond crisis with new leadership – Mr Michalis Rokas, Charge d'Affaires a.i., European Union Delegation to New Zealand.


Professor Dov Bing Branch Chairman


Branch report—WAIRARAPA

_________________________________________________________ During the 2014 year meetings have been held approximately monthly. The committee is grateful that speakers have supported us without a formal speaking fee or expense claims. Membership has remained reasonably stable at 91 – 29 being couples.

The committee is grateful to the Wairarapa News for continuing to print advance publicity about our meetings and to committee members – frequently Ian Grant – who submit the copy. During the year we have noted a committed core group of members who attend most meetings, and also a wider and shifting section of the public who may be attracted to a particular topic. To meet this public demand, our events are opened to non-members who contribute a $5.00 door charge. Non-members may also join our email list. After careful consideration, the committee again decided not to increase membership charges. Income from memberships is not quite enough to cover costs – including a modest presentation to speakers – so another very successful fund-raising film session was held. During the year chairman Derek Milne felt it necessary to step back due to major commitments in the health sector. John Schnellenberg, long-time treasurer handed over responsibility to Aileen Weston as secretary/treasurer. Scott Thomson took over as acting chair, becoming chairman at the branch annual meeting. Thanks are due to retiring members and all the committee including Rex Fowler as door keeper and technology advisor, and to members who have hosted pre-meeting meals and overnight accommodation for visiting speakers.


Events 2014 17 Mar

South Africa post Mandela – Warren Searell, former High Commissioner.

7 Apr

Inequalities, statistics and public policy – from the world of Dickens to “The Spirit Level” – Len Cook CBE, former New Zealand and United Kingdom statistician.

5 May

Editorial cartoons: Documenting history or just that day’s giggle? Alan Moir, Sydney Morning Herald’s editorial cartoonist.


16 Jun

International education comparisons: what do they really mean? David Hood, authority on international education trends.

23 Jul

Perils and wastage in foreign aid programmes – The Hon. Max Bradford.

11 Aug

Law or Jungle? International courts and judges in an unruly world Sir Kenneth Keith ONZ KBE QC

25 Aug

Who guards the guardians? Surveillance and security – Professor Kevin Clements, Director of the NZ Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago.

22 Sep

Food safety in the global environment – Hamish Gow, Professor of Agribusiness and Director of Business Innovation and Strategy, Massey University.

22 Oct

Branch annual meeting - Islands Adrift: Small Islands – Big Trouble – Scott Thomson.

26 Nov

Australia’s neighbours – and what that means for New Zealand – Alison Mann, former Deputy High Commissioner.


Scott Thomson Branch Chairman


Branch report—WELLINGTON

_________________________________________________________ Introduction The Wellington branch has had another active and successful year. We have had 13 speaking engagements which have complemented a very busy National Office year. Branch meetings Attendance at events has fluctuated between 30 and 200. A variety of topics have covered major issues: New Zealand/UK/Australia relations, ISIS, MH 370 and the Ukraine. Highlights of the year were a trade symposium organised by Brian Lynch, and a ‘Careers without borders’ seminar organised by Eve Bain for university students, which attracted 200 attendees. We appreciate the opportunity to hear from Ambassadors and High Commissioners of the Diplomatic Corps, and visiting speakers from academic or international fora. Please see the events report for details. Membership Branch membership for 2014 was down from 238 to 189 and is currently over 130. We are implementing a strategy to maintain a firm membership.


Finance report The branch’s finances reflect a favourable balance in our accounts, finishing the year with around a $2,000 surplus. The committee is most grateful to Professor Athol Mann, Chartered Accountant, who has reviewed the Annual Statement of Accounts. I express our appreciation for his voluntary services. Committee I acknowledge the services of all committee members and the advice and contribution they have made to the branch’s activities. I express my appreciation for the time and effort that each of these committee members have made to the branch. In particular I acknowledge the work of key office holders: Brian Lynch as Vice Chair; Elisabeth Perham as Minutes Secretary, Sheryl Boxall and then Andrew Warden as Events Coordinator, Lauren Wilcock-Breen as Treasurer, Kerry Boyle as Membership Secretary, Tim Wang as Media Secretary and Eve Bain as student representative. During the year we have welcomed onto the committee Dr Joe Burton and Dr Anna Powles. It is with regret that I have accepted Dr Marc Lanteigne, Lauren Wilcock-Breen, and Elisabeth Perham‘s resignations from office. After 11 years on the committee and 8 years as Chair, it is also time for me to stand down. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the committee and wish it every success.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs liaison The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade representative Susan Budd, who was replaced by Alison Mann during the year, also contributed to the success of the branch. National Office Peter Kennedy Executive Director, National Office has regularly attended our committee meetings. National Office support and advice is always welcome and appreciated. I record my thanks also to Ms Synonne Rajanayagam, Executive Officer National Office, in facilitating our activities. Victoria University Wellington Without the ongoing support of the Victoria University of Wellington, we would not be able to enjoy a high standard of facilities. We are very grateful for this support. I also thank Customs and the New Zealand Defence Force for providing back-up facilities. Conclusion 2014 was a good year for the branch. We are in sound financial heart, membership is firm, and we have had some excellent speakers. I thank the Committee, National Office, Victoria University of Wellington, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the support from the diplomatic community for their valued engagement. As chair, I advise that we continue to welcome suggestions from the branch’s members on possible speakers and activities.

Events 2014 3 Mar

NZ-Australia relations - Martyn Dunne, former High Commissioner to Australia.

29 Apr

UK-NZ: shared values – Her Excellency Ms Vicki Treadell, British High Commissioner.

3 May

Peacekeeping into the future - Major General David Gawn, Chief of Army.

21 May

Careers without borders – panel discussions with various presenters.

25 Jun

The South China Sea and Asia’s regional security: the outlook from Shangri-La - Professor Robert Ayson, Professor of Strategic Studies, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.



Peter Nichols Branch Chairman

The dream of a caliphate: ISIS in Iraq - Dr Negar Partow, Senior Lecturer in Security Studies, Centre for Defence and Security Studies, Massey University.

7 Aug

The search for MH 370: issues in international cooperation - Paul Sinclair, Regional Security Fellow, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

13 Aug

Ukraine – where next? - Associate Professor Natalia Chaban, Deputy Director, National Centre for Research on Europe, University of Canterbury.

30 Sep

Wheels within wheels: the security landscape of West Africa - Prof Caroline Ziemke, Director, Centre for Defence and Security Studies, Massey University.

22 Oct

Indian perspectives on regional security - Mr Balaji Chandramohan, Visiting Fellow with Future Directions International, Perth, Australia.

18 Nov

Inner workings of the UN Security Council – panel discussion with Terence O'Brien, former New Zealand representative on UNSC; His Excellency Laurent Contini, Ambassador of France to New Zealand; and Jim Donegan, U.S. Consul-General.

3 Dec

A LibDem view of current British politics - Tony and Martha Vickers.

11 Dec

Trade negotiations in the 20th Century – a symposium with various presenters.


23 Jul


New Zealand International Review

_________________________________________________________ The Review, which completed its thirty-nine years of publication in 2014, has established itself as an authoritative source of commentary on international affairs. Its standing is reflected in the keenness of authors both here and overseas to be published in it. No problems were experienced in obtaining copy for the magazine during the year, nor in meeting the bi-monthly deadline for publication. As previously, the voluntary contribution of the members of the Editorial Committee was a major element in the regular appearance of the magazine. The committee’s full membership was: Andrew Wierzbicki (chairman), Brook Barrington, Bob Bunch, Gerald McGhie, Malcolm McKinnon, Josh Mitchell, Rob Rabel, Shilinka Smith, John Subritzky (left to take up a high commissionership in December) and Ann Trotter. Anthony Smith’s sterling efforts as Book Review Editor were again much appreciated. As always we appreciated the assistance given to us by Peter Kennedy and Synonne Rajanayagam at the National Office. Their contribution is vital to the Review’s continued viability. Circulation Circulation figures are provided in the attached statement. These indicate that our circulation has slipped further, mainly because of a major fall in the Wellington branch membership, and smaller falls in Auckland and Christchurch. Most other branches held their own. Nelson was again the standout with an encouraging increase. Production The same production arrangements as previously were used in 2010. Lovett Graphics typeset and laid out the magazine, and Pivotal+Thames printed it. Advertising There was no improvement in the advertising situation.

Finance A statement of finance is appended. The figures indicate a deficit of $10,708 — considerably more than the budgeted $6,200. Since production costs came in almost exactly as budgeted, this can be attributed mainly to individual/branch revenue showing a substantial fall below the budgeted figures. This should be a warning sign for the NZIIA as a whole, not just the magazine. It should be borne in mind that part of the deficit is essentially the subsidy that the Institute provides to members’ subscriptions to the magazine.


Ian McGibbon Managing Editor


Distribution There was no change to distribution arrangements.

New Zealand International Review—statements

_________________________________________________________ STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION 2014 Category Non-Branch* Overseas* Digital subscriptions* Members: Auckland Christchurch Hawke’s Bay Nelson Palmerston North Tauranga Timaru Waikato Wairarapa Wellington Total subscriptions/copies distributed

Dec 2012

Dec 2013

Dec 2014

375 40 53 79 13 58 5 20 24 72 242 981

300 32 38 78 13 77 3 15 19 25 73 223 896

305 36 32 30 60 12 86 3 18 18 18 60 174 852

*Includes Corporate, Institutional members, Complimentary and exchange copies

STATEMENT OF FINANCE 2014 2014 Estimate

2014 Statement

2015 Estimate







REVENUE Subscriptions: Members/Non-Members inc Postage Corporate/Institutional Sales: online/other




Advertising/Copyright Revenue/Sponsorship




Total Revenue





EXPENDITURE Artwork & Printing
















Total Expenditure




Profit (loss)





NZIIA—financial review




NZIIA—financial position

_________________________________________________________ Statement of Financial Position New Zealand Institute of International Affairs As at 31 December 2014 2014


Assets Bank NZIIA - transactional account Total Bank Current Assets Accounts Receivable ANZ Term Deposits NZ Government Grant Due Prepayments Total Current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Branch - Nelson Branch - Palmerston North GST Income Received in Advance NZIIA - Visa Business Card Wages Payable Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets Equity Current Year Earnings Members Fund Total Equity

26,695 26,695

19,202 19,202

4,459 50,400 45,000 7,306 107,165 133,860

4,607 52,107 45,000 5,591 107,305 126,507

3,425 1,910 7 (56) 7,509 2,283 0 15,078 15,078 118,782

1,609 1,525 (13) (121) 0 91 333 3,424 3,424 123,083

(4,301) 123,083 118,782

797 122,286 123,083

Notes on page 30 forms part of these financial statements. On behalf of the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs

Peter Kennedy Executive Director

A W Mann The Treasurer



NZIIA—financial activities

_________________________________________________________ Statement of Financial Activities New Zealand Institute of International Affairs Year ended 31 December 2014 2014


Revenue Annual Dinner Corporate/Institutional Membership Grants Interest Received NZ International Review (Note 1) Publication Sales Seminars & Sponsorship Total Income

9,066 14,847 90,000 2,495 32,200 22 19,723 168,354

9,830 14,434 95,000 2,686 36,853 1,218 31,370 191,391

Expenses Annual Dinner Expenses NZ International Review National Council Expenses Seminar & Roundtable Expenses People costs (Note 3) Website Costs Operating costs (Note2) Total Expenses

5,353 42,909 1,425 19,408 96,659 (464) 7,365 172,655

9,050 43,204 844 23,884 97,783 6,465 9,364 190,593



Surplus/(deficit) transferred to accumulated fund for the year


Notes on page 30 forms part of these financial statements.


NZIIA—accounting policies and notes

_________________________________________________________ Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes - As at 31 December 2014 Accounting Policies: These Financial Statements of the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) are general purpose financial statements prepared in accordance with general accepted accounting practice in New Zealand. The NZIIA qualifies for differential reporting, and has taken advantage of all the differential reporting exemptions. Particular accounting policies, which affect the NZIIA's results and its financial position, are set out below. All amounts are stated in NZ dollars. Income recognition: Revenue from interest on investments is accounted for on an accrual basis to reflect interest earned up to balance date. Membership subscriptions are accounted for when received. The grant from MFAT relates to the year ending 30 June annually and is paid in April of that year. 50% of the anticipated grant is included in income in the financial statements. Valuation of assets: Accounts Receivable are recorded at the amount expected to be received. Notes to Financial Statements – Year to 31 December 2014

1. NZ International Review - Revenue NZIR - Advertising & Royalties NZIR - Branch Sales NZIR - Corporate/Institutional Subs NZIR - NZ Subs NZIR - Overseas Subs NZIR - Postal Recovery NZIR - Sales Miscellaneous NZ International Review - Expenses NZIR - Artwork & Printing NZIR - Expenses Mailouts NZIR - Honorarium NZIR - Postage


2. Operating costs Accounting Review Fee Administration Advertising General Expenses Hospitality Interest Expense Lease of Office Equipment Postage & Courier Stationery & Printing Subscriptions Telephone Track II Expenses Travel 3. People costs ACC Levy Wages KiwiSaver Employer Contributions 4. Term Deposits - ANZ Bank Due 12 Jan 2015 interest 3.5% p.a. Due 12 Jan 2015 interest 3.5% p.a.

Total revenue

2014 1,417 11,115 5,685 2,239 3,940 7,787 17 32,200

2013 2,529 12,461 5,963 4,344 2,669 8,626 262 36,853

Total expenses Profit/(loss) for NZIR

32,220 1,194 5,000 4,494 42,909 (10,708)

32,410 1,265 5,000 4,528 43,204 (6,351)

Total operating costs

750 1,769 0 0 256 40 1,222 95 1,016 970 1,108 105 34 7,365

0 1,572 200 44 453 45 1,222 31 2,321 627 1,206 1,140 503 9,364

Total people costs

565 94,315 1,779 96,659

401 95,262 2,120 97,783

25,200 25,200


Budget 2014

_________________________________________________________ Budget 2014

Actual 2014

Budget 2015

Annual Dinner & National Council Corporate & Institutional Interest MFAT Grant New Zealand International Review Publications (books etc.,) Seminars Sponsorship - VUW TOTAL RECEIPTS

10,000 14,400 2,650 90,000 36,800 1,000 35,000 10,000 199,850

9,066 14,847 2,495 90,000 32,200 22 19,723 10,000 178,354

10,000 14,800 2,490 90,000 32,200 100 22,500 10,000 182,090

Expenses Annual Dinner New Zealand International Review National Council Seminars and Roundable expenses Website Total Operating costs Accounting review fee Administration Advertising General expenses Hospitality Interest expense Leased IT equipment Postage Publication costs (online only) Stationery and printing Subscriptions Telephone Venue hire (Track II) Travel (incl. Track II) Sponsorship - VUW Total people costs Wages ACC Levy Employer Kiwisaver contributions TOTAL COSTS

6,000 43,000 1,600 25,000 3,200 26,570 750 1,770 200 200 1,000 1,250 150 2,000 3,000 1,500 1,250 1,500 2,000 10,000 97,609 95,263 566 1,780 202,979

5,353 42,909 1,425 19,408 (464) 17,365 750 1,769 256 40 1,222 95 1,016 970 1,108 105 34 10,000 96,659 94,315 565 1,779 182,655

10,000 43,000 1,600 12,500 475 23,210 1,000 1,770 200 500 40 1,250 150 1,000 1,550 1,050 1,200 1,500 2,000 10,000 98,113 95,923 360 1,830 188,898

Budget Summary Receipts Costs Surplus/(Deficit)

199,850 202,979 (3,129)

178,354 182,655 (4,301)

182,090 188,898 (6,808)



NZIIA 2014 Annual Budget Receipts

Celebrating 80 years of the NZIIA: 1934-2014



The New Zealand Institute of International Affairs celebrated its 80th anniversary with a dinner at Government House on 18 June 2014 graciously hosted by Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae (Governor-General of New Zealand and Patron of the Institute ) and Jenine Lady Mateparae.












Corporate members

_________________________________________________________ Ministry of Defence Ministry of Education Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade Ministry of Justice Ministry of Social Development Ministry of Transport New Zealand Customs Service New Zealand Police New Zealand United States Council Reserve Bank of New Zealand Saunders Unsworth Science New Zealand Inc Statistics New Zealand The Treasury Victoria University of Wellington Wellington City Council


ANZCO Foods Ltd Asia New Zealand Foundation Australian High Commission Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd Business New Zealand Catalyst IT Ltd Centre for Defence & Security Studies, Massey University Department of Conservation Dept of the Prime Minister & Cabinet European Union Centres Network Fonterra Co-operative Group HQ New Zealand Defence Force Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Ministry for Primary Industries Ministry for the Environment


Institutional members

_________________________________________________________ Embassy of the Republic of Poland Embassy of the Republic of Turkey Embassy of the Russian Federation Embassy of the USA High Commission for Malaysia High Commission for Pakistan High Commission of India Independent Police Conduct Authority New Zealand Red Cross Inc NZ China Friendship Society NZ Horticulture Export Authority Pacific Cooperation Foundation Pacific Research & Policy Centre, Massey University Papua New Guinea High Commission Political Studies Department, University of Auckland Royal Netherlands Embassy School of Linguistics & Applied Lang. Studies, Victoria University Singapore High Commission Soka Gakkai International of NZ South African High Commission Taipei Economic & Cultural Office The Innovative Travel Co. Ltd United Nations Association of NZ Volunteer Service Abroad (Inc)


Apostolic Nunciature British High Commission Canadian High Commission Centre for Strategic Studies Cook Islands High Commission Council for International Development Delegation of the European Union to NZ Development Office & Foundation, VUW Embassy of Cuba Embassy of France Embassy of Israel Embassy of Italy Embassy of Japan Embassy of Mexico Embassy of Spain Embassy of Switzerland Embassy of the Argentine Republic Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy of the People's Republic of China Embassy of The Philippines Embassy of the Republic of Chile Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Embassy of the Republic of Korea


National Council and Life members

_________________________________________________________ National Council President: Vice President:

Hon Sir Douglas Kidd* Professor Roberto Rabel*

Honorary Vice Presidents*: Dr Roderic M Alley Sir Michael Hardie Boys Emeritus Professor Gary Hawke Assoc Professor Stephen Hoadley Emeritus Professor Les Holborow Hon Russell Marshall Mr Gerald McGhie Dr Ian C McGibbon Dr Malcolm A McKinnon Mr Stuart McMillan Mr Simon Murdoch

Mr Richard Nottage Em. Professor Gordon Orr (decd.) Mr Roger Peren Dame Laurie Salas Mr John V Scott (decd.) Ms Alison Stokes Hon Hugh C Templeton Mr Scott Thomson Professor Don G Trow Mr Neil Walter Mr Andrew Wierzbicki

Treasurer: Chair, Research & Publ. Committee: Editor, NZ International Review: Executive Director: Branch representatives:

Emeritus Professor Athol Mann* Dr John Subritzky Dr Ian McGibbon Mr Peter Kennedy Chair of each branch


Life Members Mr Ken Aldred Dr Roderic Alley Professor Dov Bing Mr Bruce Brown Mr Giff Davidson Mr Brian Foley Sir Kenneth Keith

Mr Brian Lynch Emeritus Professor Athol Mann Professor David McIntyre Mr Stuart McMillan Mr Scott V Thomson Emeritus Professor Ann Trotter


Standing committee

_________________________________________________________ Officers:

President: Vice President: Treasurer: Executive Director:

Hon Sir Douglas Kidd Professor Roberto Rabel Emeritus Professor Athol Mann Mr Peter Kennedy

Chair, Research & Publ. Committee: Editor, NZ International Review:

Dr John Subritzky Dr Ian McGibbon

Honorary Vice Presidents: Mr Richard Nottage Mr Neil Walter Mr Andrew Wierzbicki Mr Stuart McMillan Mr Simon Murdoch Co-opted: Mr John Ballingall Ms Adele Mason Mr Calvin Pleydell Ms Suse Reynolds Mr Anthony Scott Dr Jon Tanner Ms Tricia Walbridge Ms Andrea Smith Dr David Capie Mr Peter Nichols Director, Centre for Strategic Studies


MFAT Representative : VUW Representative: Wellington Branch Chair: By invitation:


New Zealand Institute of International Affairs Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140 T: (04) 463 5356 E:

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