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Our Newest Accredited Members
Joanna Piatek Joanna Piatek - Portrait https://www.byfriday.co.nz Angela Murray - Portrait https://www.facebook.com/CapturedByFridayPhotography https://www.instagram.com/joannacapturedbyfriday/ Debra Hunt - Portrait Racheal Trail - Portrait
Helen McDonald - Portrait
the NZIPP Find a Photographer website.CongratulationsNZIPP are pleased to announce the new Find a Photographer website. The new website is a directory of NZIPP Accredited Professional Photographers and allows members to create their own profiles to advertise their business. This new feature gives NZIPP members greater power in the market with the opportunity to To NZIPP’s newest Accredited Professional provide backlinks to their own websites, create their own profiles to attract clients and see their own results using the google analytics feature. Photographers! Check out the new website now: www.nzphotographers.co.nz
Want to be listed? Click here to contact the Accreditation team to find out more about becoming an NZIPP Accredited Professional Photographer.PENNY ASPIN - PORTRAIT ANDIE NOON - WEDDING JACK MCKENZIE - SPECIALISED - FINE ART KURIEN YOHANNAN - SPECIALISED - NATURE