4 minute read
from NZ Logger May 2021
by nzlogger
Good Things Take Time!
It is amazing what can happen when everyone pulls together and works towards a common goal. That collective mahi has now seen the implementation of the Generation Programme in South Waikato that will operate under the management of the new Central North Island Wood Council. The Generation Programme – Whakatipua to tatou iwi (Act upon Growing our People) is the Eastland Tairawhiti forestry industry’s solution, that was established in 2018, to face the challenges of attracting, recruiting, training, and retaining its workforce. Many of those same challenges continue to be faced by the Central North Island (CNI) forestry community and in conversations held with the sector since March 2019, the drive to establish a localised forestry training offering has resulted in a solid exploration of the Generation Programme and a partnership model with Eastland Wood Council (EWC). Over the last 12 months an advisory committee of local industry stakeholders has taken a journey to fully appreciate the intent and kaupapa of the Generation Programme while looking at options to tweak the delivery model to respond to local CNI industry needs. While designing a CNI version of “The Generation Programme,” the local forestry industry has also been developing a collective voice through the establishment of the CNI Wood Council (CNIWC). For the sector and its stakeholders this is a period of significant collaboration to advance opportunities for the industry. As recognised during the initial development for Eastland Tairawhiti, strategic partnerships needed to be developed across all stakeholders in order to progress the Generation Programme. The requirement for strong leadership and collaboration among industry representatives saw the EWC lead the development and implementation of the Programme. Likewise, the CNI Wood Council will govern the future CNI programme. The CNIWC is a membership body formally established in August 2020 to promote a positive forestry sector profile to encourage investor confidence, community prosperity and responsible forest stewardship/ kaitiakitanga. A commitment to a strong pastoral support component will be critical to ensure successful outcomes for both trainees and employers and bringing rangatahi into the forestry industry is a major focus of this proposal. We understand that South Waikato is an area of interest for Central Government and as a recent recipient of Provincial Growth Funds for a significant Trade Training Centre, the CNI Generation Programme design has ensured strategic alignment with key partners, Toi Ohomai, Ministry of Social Development, the South Waikato Investment Fund Trust and South Waikato District Council. As recognised in the He Poutama Rangatahi/Youth Employment Strategy (HPR) there are significant numbers of young people that do not transition successfully into work or training. This proposal intends to make an impact on this entrenched problem by implementing a responsive, well organised, industrybacked work experience pathway for young people to good
Prue Younger, CEO Message
local jobs in the forestry industry. Despite the impact of COVID on the sector since February 2020, job opportunities continue to be abundant due to the aging workforce across all industry streams leaving vacancies needing to be filled by a new, innovative local labour market. There are several initiatives expected to run in parallel with the proposed CNI Generation Programme that will scaffold experiences and training opportunities for trainees. These are highlighted later in the document. Leading the Generation Programme for South Waikato is the newly appointed Generation Programme Manager, Damita Mita. She has a fabulous background in managing teams and understanding of adversity. She worked as a Team Leader for the Department of Corrections at Waikeria Prison and New Plymouth Prison and then a Principal as Advisor Rehabilitation and Learning. At the Prison her core role was to manage a team involving education tutors, volunteer coordinators and release-to-work brokers. Damita then went on in the same sector, as a Business and Finance Advisor. Her previous role was working as General Manager for the Te Rongoroa Forest & Farm
Damita Mita Generation Programme Trust taking a diverse role across leadership, communications, Manager for South Waikato governance, and finance to name a few. For those of you that have met Damita, you will know she is well suited to being the ideal manager for this programme which offers a twelve-week base camp course introducing the industry and what it offers, work-ready skills and pastoral care to enable the learner to succeed. Having seen how successful the programme in Eastland has been, I am sure the Central North Island will relish the opportunity to have a dedicated training programme for forestry which takes the learner in a short space through to paid employment with credible contractors. FICA led the completion of a full and complete Business Case for the Generation Programme in South Waikato through the support of the South Waikato District Council, CNIWC, the Swift Trust and 1BT Partnership Funding. The advisory group engaged with the business case also had a diverse but invested interest in getting this programme off the ground. We will watch this space, supporting Damita and the CNIWC on their venture to guide new entrants into the industry and maybe look at replication into other forestry areas in the future.