2 minute read
top spot
from NZ Logger May 2022
by nzlogger
Safety/performance/quality Saving the best for last
photo of Bluewood Thinning, the top crew for 2021 but… you guessed it, COVID had the last say with one of the crew members testing positive on the day the presentation was to be made.
However, that didn’t stop the folk from Ernslaw One and Bluewood Thinning celebrating their success.
On a more serious note, to date in 2022, we are finding inconsistencies in the lock out/handover processes used when maintenance is being undertaken on machines.
In some instances, there is a process but it is not understood by crew members. In other instances there is a process but crew members have advised it is not followed.
Please remember, crews need to have clear processes for locking out/de-energising machines prior to undertaking maintenance.
If anyone other than the person who locked the machine out is to undertake work on the machine, there also needs to be a handover process to ensure machine lockout is understood and acceptable to the person who is undertaking the maintenance work.
We also need to consider whether static support is needed in order to minimise the risk of any unexpected movement during the maintenance process.
We look forward to seeing you over the next few months.
Sponsors – they don’t have to do this but they choose to!
Awesome companies, awesome people and awesome support!
They back you and your workmates to succeed as professionals, so why wouldn’t you support them?
They believe in what we do and what you do.
So, a big ongoing thank you to our Strategic Partners – STIHL and NZ Logger and sponsor SWAZI.
The best way to keep our industry working is to get out and support those businesses that support New Zealand.
Participating Companies
This competition wouldn’t be what it is without our participating companies.
We understand the commitment it takes from them to be part of Top Spot and value their ongoing support and feedback.
Our ongoing thanks to: Rayonier/ Matariki Forests, Wenita Forest Products, Ernslaw One, OneFortyOne New Zealand, Crown Forestry, Forest View Contracting, Makerikeri Silviculture (2020), Mitchell Silviculture, Puklowski Silviculture, Gutsell Forestry Services, Johnson Forestry Services, McHoull Contracting, Wayne Cumming Contracting, Howard Forestry Services, Inta-Wood Forestry, Heslip Forest Contracting, Otautau Contractors, X Men Forestry, Proforest Services, FM Silviculture, Tane Mahuta, Waikato Forestry Services, Rai Valley Silviculture, Thomassen Logging, Forest View Logging, Griffin Logging, Penetito Forestry, Pride Forestry, Mangoihe Logging, CMH Contracting, Kaha Logging, Roxburgh Contracting, Te Waa Logging, Mike Hurring Logging, Bluewood Logging, Storm Logging, Onward Logging, Down and Out Logging, Forest Pro Logging, Eastside Logging, Lahar Logging, Moutere Logging, JD Harvesting, Whisker Logging, Kimberly Logging, Dewes Contractors, Dempsey Logging.
Into safety? Into performance? Into quality?
Contact Shane Perrett on 0274 781 908, 07 3483037 or at primefm@xtra.co.nz. NZL

Clint McIvor with Devon Stewart. Phil De La Mare with Devon Stewart.