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Straight to the point

Consumers have the world at their fingertips and are increasingly savvy in their research. With so many choices on hand, it’s become easier to seek out services to suit our specific needs—and decisions are often made quickly.
To cut through the online noise and attract the right clientele, plumbing businesses need to ensure their marketing messages focus on the right areas. For service providers and suppliers, there are three areas that matter most. It’s a good exercise to consider these and weigh up what your business wants to highlight.

If exceptional customer service is your focus, trust is likely to be your highest marketing priority.
There are many ways we can build trust with potential customers through marketing. A few examples are building up positive and relevant reviews and testimonials, project and job case studies, cause-related marketing (eg, supporting a favourite charity), and personal branding. Membership of a trusted association, such as Master Plumbers, also falls within this category.
If your business is running lean to offer best pricing, this is likely to be your focus.
If, on the other hand, your pricing is premium, marketing efforts should emphasis quality and/or trust. Remember, not every customer is for you. Some people may be willing to forfeit great service to get a good deal, and that may not align with your business model—that’s perfectly OK.
A few tips for pricing are offering transparency, packages, promotions, and calling people to action to book a free quote or a no-obligation call to discuss their job.
Are you looking for high-paying clients who want the best finish? If yes, then quality is your key marketing focus.
High quality imagery, videos, branding, online experience, and reputable project examples are crucial here.
Being recognised with awards also fits in this category.
Keep an eye out for more marketing advice and insights in our next issue to help you improve your marketing throughout 2023 and beyond.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kit Watson is the Founder of SideKit, a New Zealand-based virtual marketing management and assistance business supporting businesses across the country. If you’re interested in speaking to a marketing professional, visit sidekit.nz