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Structure is one of the most overlooked components of small business success, says Brett Crombie of Straightedge Accounting.
Abusiness, like a building, is held up by its structure. The larger the business, the more structure is needed to hold it up, which can leave less and less space for individual initiative.
A common reason people go into business is to become their own boss. Starting your own business brings with it the exhilaration of doing things your way.
However, the downfall of some is to revel in this freedom a little too long. What does it matter if you start work late or your desk is untidy? If you’re not in the mood for work today, why not take the afternoon off to go fishing? After all, you didn’t go into business to have structure, you went into business to get away from it, right?
A small business is a creative endeavour, and creative endeavours need structure to survive. The smaller and more fragile the business, the greater the importance of structure. American author Stephen King, who has produced over 60 novels including
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The Shining and The Green Mile, is a fine example of maintaining a strict daily regime. His references to the elusive writer’s muse can be just as easily applied to the discipline required of small business owners:
“Don’t wait for the muse… Your job is to make sure the muse knows where you’re going to be every day from nine ’til noon, or seven ’til three. If he does know, I assure you that sooner or later he’ll start showing up.”
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.
Prolific Australian alt-rock singer Nick Cave, whose creative output has spanned over 50 years in an industry notorious for brief careers, has said of his band’s habits: “It never occurs to us not to work, there is never a moment when we don’t work because ‘we are not feeling it’ or ‘the vibes aren’t right’. We just do our hours… The most important undertaking of my day is to simply sit down at my desk and pick up my pen.”
The Red Hand Files, Issue #156
This is the exciting thing about small business—not that you are free from structure, but that you are devoting yourself to your craft. And the good news about business structure is that you can create it in your own style.
Structuring time is about planning and scheduling. For example:
What time does my workday start and end?
How long is my lunch break?
What are my rules around other breaks?
What are my rules around interruptions and distractions?
How will I plan each day to maximise the business’s potential?
How will I plan each year/month/week to maximise the business’s potential?
Structuring space is about encouraging efficient flow. Questions to consider include: How will my desk workspace be set up?
How will my trade vehicle be organised?
How will I present myself to the public?
How will my computer and physical files be organised?
How will I organise my job sites?
Taking the time to consider these questions will give your business structure. Writing out the answers will form the basis of operating procedures, which in turn will become a source of competitive advantage, leading to higher profits and long-term success.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brett Crombie is a trade specialist accountant at Straightedge Accounting. For assistance developing a business plan, or for tax and accounting services, contact Brett on 021 301 022 or email brett.crombie@straightedge.nz
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