Crime Prevention Journal 2017

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Crime PreventionJournal Journal – Safer Communities Together Crime Prevention – Safer Communities Together


Stay Child



STREET WISE STREET-WISE STREET SAFE STREET SAFE Enjoy public places without fear of places personal safety Enjoy public without fear of personal safety magazines




Advice: Tips Tips on on how how to to stay stay safe safe in in the the event event of of an an earthquake earthquake Advice:

This booklet, provided with the compliments of the Police Managers’ Guild Trust, concentrates on personal safety, not only in our homes but also in our neighbourhoods and communities. Each of us has a duty to keep ourselves, our communities and our families safe. Although we can rely on the Police to support us they can not be everywhere at all times. We have a right to be safe in public and in our homes but we have a responsibility to be prudent about our personal safety if we want to lessen the chances of becoming a victim. This booklet shows that there are many simple things we can do to keep us, our neighbours and communities safe and secure. Apart from providing common sense tips that help to prevent physical harm, we have included up to date information and advice about risks our children face with new technology. The Police Managers’ Guild Trust believes you will find the information contained in this booklet useful. We also believe the information provided will help you to better access the services of the Police if you need them.

Graham Emery Superintendent Graham Emery MNZM Chairman of the Police Managers’ Guild Trust

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Police Managers’ Guild Trust would like to acknowledge the following people and organisations who provided valuable assistance to make this publication possible. The New Zealand Police –

Louise Collins, Age Concern –

Trish Green, Ministry of Social Development –

Martin Cocker, Netsafe –

Jackson Wood, NZ Drug Foundation – Colin Bramfitt, Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Education – Lynn Walsh, Health Promotion Agency – Virginia Barker, Office for Senior Citizens –

Karlum Lattimore, NZ Fire Service – Ian King, Otaki Fire Brigade Wayne Carter, Safekids NZ – Alex Brunt and Anna Dawson, Water Safety NZ – Vince Cholewa, Ministry for Civil Defence and Emergency Management –

A very special thank you to all the sponsors of this programme. Without their support this booklet would not be possible. Please patronise these sponsors. Published by Line 2 Line Concepts Ltd PO Box 11 638, Wellington. 12th Floor, 34 Manners Street, Wellington Telephone: (04) 801-0840, Facsimile: (04) 801-0841, DISCLAIMER - The Police Managers’ Guild Trust has made every effort to ensure the content

“Creating Leaders”

in this publication is correct and up-to-date. However, we take no responsibility for any errors or omissions. We recommend you call the police on 111 in emergency situations, or in other situations seek advice from other help agencies. We take no responsibility for any material appearing on websites mentioned in this publication.

Crime Prevention Community

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SPONSORS ............................................... 30

CONTENTS Keep the burglars out ............................ 3 Street wise, street safe .......................... 5 Don’t let them take your car ................. 7 Stay safe online ....................................... 8 Keep kids road safe ................................ 11 Stay safe around water .......................... 13 Stay fire safe ............................................. 14 Stay quake safe ........................................ 17 Stay safe with alcohol ............................ 19 Stay safe with drugs ............................... 21 Ageing safely ........................................... 24 Family violence is not OK ...................... 27

GET READY, GET THROUGH .................. 32

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THOSE WHO CAN HELP ............................... 36 Women’s Refuge ...................................... 36 Victim Support ......................................... 36 Citizens Advice Bureaux ........................ 36 Relationship Services ............................. 36 Plunket ....................................................... 37 Other helpers ........................................... 37 Help with effective parenting .............. 37 Your local Police station ........................ 37

Safer Communities Together

Finding a burglary in your home can be one of the most upsetting things to happen to you. Knowing a burglar has been in your home and rummaging through your things while you’ve been out feels like they’ve invaded your private space. Long gone are the days of trusting that you can leave the doors unlocked. Securing your home now has to be part of an evening routine, whenever you leave the house, or when you’re home alone. If you want to keep your home secure, think like a burglar. Have you lost your keys or left them at work and broken into your own home? How easy was it? Imagine how easy it would be for an experienced burglar. Have a look around your home and see what burglary risks you have. Do you windows open when you’re out? The police have lots of tips you can use to keep you and your home safe. Here’s some of them: • Lock ALL your doors and windows at night, if you’re going out, if you’re in the garden or if you’re home alone. Make sure all your locks and handles are

Crime Prevention Community

strong. Upgrade them if they’re loose or need repair and install deadlocks if possible. • Install sensor lights on access paths or around your main external doors. • Install a “peep-hole” in a front door so you know who’s visiting. • Ask any unannounced visitors who they are and what they want. Ask them to go somewhere (outside a closed window) where you can see them and their ID. If you’re not happy with their answers or their ID, don’t open the door. • Don’t leave your keys under the front door mat or obvious hiding place. Again, think like a burglar – where would you look for keys?

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• Separate your house keys from your vehicle keys – you don’t want the burglar using your vehicle to load up with your possessions and have the doublewhammy of a car theft as well. • Keep tools and ladders inside, or secured in a locked shed or garage. Burglars travel light, so they’ll look for useful tools on the property. Hammers, screwdrivers, crowbars etc are a burglar’s tools of trade, so keep your tools secure. Don’t leave a ladder leaning up against the house or readily available outside. • Balance your privacy with security. Keep bushes and hedges trimmed back so there’s nowhere for a burglar to hide, especially close to windows and doors near the house. • Keep a record of the serial numbers of valuable property and take photos of it. You can engrave property with an identifying number such as your driver licence number if it doesn’t already have a serial number. The most secure way is to use the “Snap” online security (see separate article). • Keep valuables out of sight, especially away from windows. • If you’ve recently bought a valuable item, destroy the packaging or hide it in the rubbish/recycling. Burglars will notice these things. • If you’ve been burgled recently, double your security efforts. Burglars know you’ll replace stolen items with new, and might try again.

• If you’re going away for a while, tell a trusted neighbour so they can keep an eye on the place. Tell them to call 111 if they see anything suspicious and give them a contact number for you. Get them to clear your mailbox daily or get the Post Office and newspaper office to hold your deliveries until you get back. • Set up or join a Neighbourhood Support Group in your area and display Neighbourhood Support signs and stickers. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbours and develop plans to deal with problems or suspicious activity. Exchanging phone numbers or emergency contact details is a good start. • Police are always interested in suspicious activity. Don’t hesitate to call the police to report something out of the ordinary and, if you see a crime being committed, call 111 immediately.

Why your place? Information from the police and Neighbourhood Support suggests burglars like properties: • Where it looks like no-one’s home – lights aren’t on at night, curtains are drawn during the day, and mail and newspapers are building up in the letterbox. • Where a window or door is left open or unsecured. • Where people can’t see what they’re doing from the street – trees and shrubs might block the view. • That have alleyways running beside them or back onto parks, reserves or green belts.

• Don’t leave a message on your answer phone that suggests you’re out or alone.

• Where valuable items are left outside overnight, such as a bike.

• If you live alone, especially as a woman, don’t use your first name in the telephone directory. Use initials.

• Where the garage door is open, they can see your car isn’t there and there’s something valuable inside, such as a lawnmower or chainsaw. • They’ve been to before, knowing the layout, what’s in them and how to get out. • They’ve burgled before, so they’ll try again when valuables have been replaced with new items. Burglars don’t like: • Houses with alarms • Neighbours who support each other, talk to each other and take an interest in what’s going on around them, particularly people they don’t know or haven’t seen before. • Neighbours who report suspicious activity to police and are able to give good descriptions of who and what they’ve seen. • A vehicle in the driveway. • Lights, TV or radio on. • People who mark valuable property with serial numbers and keep a record of those numbers.

Remember if you see anything suspicious, call the police on 111. 4 Crime Prevention Community

Safer Communities Together

Everyone is entitled to enjoy public places without fear for their personal safety. The reality, however, is that our streets are not always safe, so it pays to be street smart to stay safe. A little information, awareness and planning can be a big help. Planning

When you’re out

If you’re heading out, especially at night, take a little time to plan.

There’s safety in numbers. Stick with your mates. If you’re going to be drinking, do so in moderation. The more you drink, the worse your decisions will be.

• What will you take with you? If you’re taking something valuable, keep it hidden. Keep expensive jewellery covered up.

• If you’re drinking, have water or non-alcoholic drinks between each drink.

• Make sure you take your cellphone, and make sure it’s fully charged before you leave.

• Stick with your drink – don’t leave it unattended and only drink what you’ve seen poured in front of you.

• Tell family, friends or flatmates where you’re going, when you expect to get home and whether you’re going to stay over somewhere for the night (if you are going to stay out, call them and let them know).

• Keep an eye on your gear. Bags, cellphones and other gear is being stolen because people haven’t taken care. If you can’t hold on to your gear, at least put it somewhere you can see it all the time.

• Take your ID, some cash or an eftpos card so you don’t find yourself at a parking building with no money, or at a bus stop or taxi stand without the fare.

• Don’t leave with someone you’ve just met or accept a lift with a stranger.

• Work out how you’re getting home – if it’s public transport, when do the buses and trains stop running? • If you’re driving with mates and want to drink, work out who’s going to drive home so that person doesn’t drink.

• If you use a public toilet, find a busy one with lots of people around. Check to see no-one’s loitering nearby. Ask a mate to wait for you. Leave if you’re not comfortable. • Use teller machines only if you think it’s safe. Pick one in a well-lit area at night. Shield your PIN number, make only small withdrawals if possible, and put your money away quickly. If you think you’re being followed, cross the street, vary your pace and direction, and go to somewhere busy, such as a service station or fast food outlet. If you’re worried, call 111. If you are confronted, be confident and assertive. Say loudly “Leave me alone” or words to that effect. If you have to physically defend yourself, go for the eyes, nose and genital area. Use whatever is handy – handbag, briefcase or umbrella. Dial 111 as soon as possible.

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Theft of vehicles and from vehicles is still a major problem in New Zealand. Apart from the personal upset and inconvenience of having your vehicle stolen, insurance companies pay out (through your premiums) about $110 million a year. Dealing with vehicle-related theft also ties up valuable police resources. Most car thieves are looking for easy targets to take joyriding, to strip for parts to use or sell, or a vehicle to use to commit a crime. The car’s then dumped and often trashed or burnt out. Some vehicles are “re-birthed”, which means thieves use a real vehicle identification number – usually from a pranged vehicle – and apply it to a stolen vehicle of the same age, make and model. The stolen vehicle is then re-registered and sold to an unsuspecting buyer. Theft from vehicles includes property such as wheels, stereos and personal items – purses and wallets, clothing, briefcases, laptops, cell phones and so on. Most of the time, thieves just force a lock or smash a window.

Reduce the risk The police suggest the following steps will reduce the risk of having your vehicle stolen or broken into. • Keep your keys with you and keep spares keys at home or work. • Don’t hide a spare key on the car – thieves will find it. • Always lock your car, including the boot and the sunroof if you have one. • Park in busy, open, well-lit areas if possible. • Use an attended, secure parking building if possible.

(VIN) on windows, windscreens and headlights.

Beware when buying If you’re buying a vehicle and you want to be sure it’s a legitimate sale: • Ensure the seller of the vehicle is the registered owner (if not, why not). • Does the seller have both sets of keys? • Does the seller have the original log books and history of servicing? • Check all identification plates, engine and chassis numbers for tampering. You can check online to see if a vehicle’s listed as stolen at It’s a great website you can use to enter the vehicle’s registration number, VIN, engine or chassis number. The database the site accesses is updated by police three times per day, but there could be a brief delay in stolen vehicles appearing and in recovered vehicles being cleared from the list. You can also download a file of stolen vehicles from the past six months by area, or all of New Zealand.

Found a stolen vehicle? If you see a stolen vehicle being driven or if the occupants are nearby, call the police on 111 and let them deal with it. Don’t chase a stolen vehicle.


If it’s been abandoned, call your local police station. Remember if you want to report it but don’t want anyone knowing who you are, call anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

• Don’t leave things where people can see them.

Your motorcycle

• If you have your vehicle in a garage at home, lock the garage and the car.

• Take your valuable stuff with you or leave it at home – not in the glove-box or under a seat. • Keep larger items such as bags, luggage, coats etc locked out of sight in the boot. • Keep a record of car stereo serial numbers.

Other ideas Some of these steps might reduce your insurance premiums (talk to your insurance company). • Install a car alarm • Install an electronic engine immobiliser – they make it really hard to hot-wire or start a car without the right key, which contains an electronic code. • Use a steering wheel club or lock, lockable fuel cap and lockable wheel nuts. • Etch your registration or Vehicle Identification Number

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Don’t let the thieves get your bike, either. • Keep your keys on you at all times. • Use an ignition or steering lock. • Use a strong, thick chain and “U” lock. Keep the chain off the ground to make it harder to cut. • Secure your motorcycle to something solid that can’t be moved. • Keep your helmet with you or use a helmet lock. • Install an alarm or other anti-theft/immobiliser device. • Etch or mark your motorcycle with your registration or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). • Garage your motorcycle and lock the bike and the garage. • Use a motorcycle cover.

Safer Communities Together

Not so long ago, parents and their children were more concerned about physical harm, rather than anything that might pose a threat electronically. Concerns were more about getting to and from school, or safely home after a party. Threats have become more subtle as children’s access to digital devices has become more widespread. Along with the undoubted benefits of being able to access a wealth of information and keep in touch wherever they are, children can also view inappropriate information or be manipulated by unseen predators. The good news is that as parents and responsible teenagers, we can take some fairly simple steps to minimise the risks.

The internet If you have children in the house or have children visit regularly, put parental control features on your computers, digital television services, video games, mobile phones and software. Each of these devices require different settings, so contact your service provider or look up to find out how to install them. For younger children, cell phones developed just for them are now available.

some control over what other people post about you, or photos of you, on their pages. If you’re not familiar with settings available on your social media site, get some information at or search for it on your social media website. If you see offensive material, report it to your social media provider. They should respond fairly quickly and may remove it or shut down the user’s account. Recently, Facebook pages have been set up in New Zealand that post malicious, distressing, unkind and rude comments about people – sometimes anonymously. One even rated the sexual prowess of individuals. If you want to complain about profiles, pages and other content, use the link on your Facebook page, “Report/ Block this person”. Facebook do take complaints seriously, and recently issued A Guide to Facebook Security. This guide suggests:

Parental controls generally consist of:

• Only “Friend” people you know.

• Content filters, which limit access to age-appropriate content. These can limit content ranging from explicit songs to violent movies available online.

• Create a secure password and use it only for Facebook.

• Usage controls, which restrict the use of the device such as imposing time limits or prohibiting certain types of use. They can even turn off devices at certain times of day or locate a child when they should be at home.

Social media Millions of people worldwide are connected to social media sites, such as Facebook. While it’s great to keep in touch with friends and family, you need to ensure information – especially that of your children – is seen only by those you want to see it. You also want to have

Crime Prevention Community

• Don’t share your password. • Change your password regularly. • Share your personal information only with people and companies that need it • Log into Facebook only once each session. If it looks like Facebook is asking you to log in a second time, skip the links and directly type into your browser address bar. • Use a one-time password when using someone else’s computer. • Log out of Facebook after using someone else’s computer.

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• Use secure browsing whenever possible.

• Withdrawing from friends and activities.

• Only download apps from sites you trust.

• Avoiding school or group gatherings.

• Keep your anti-virus software updated.

• Slipping grades and getting angry at home.

• Keep your browser and other applications up to date.

• Changes in mood, behaviour, sleep, or appetite.

• Don’t paste script (code) in your browser address bar. • Use browser add-ons like Web of Trust and Firefox’s NoScript to keep your account from being hijacked. • Beware of “goofy” posts from anyone – even Friends. If it looks like something your Friend wouldn’t post, don’t click on it. • Scammers might hack your Friends’ accounts and send links from their accounts. Beware of enticing links coming from your Friends.

Cyber-bullying The bullies of old would use physical force or the backing of mates to harass people in the school yard or on the street. Finding them was not difficult. The cyber-bullies of today, however, often hide behind technology and can operate 24 hours a day. By definition, cyber-bullying occurs among young people. (When an adult is involved, it may meet the definition of cyber-harassment or cyber-stalking, a crime that can have legal consequences.) It’s using the internet, a mobile phone or other technology such as a digital camera to hurt, harass, threaten or embarrass someone. The Law Commission says one in 10 New Zealanders have experienced what it calls “harmful communications” on the internet. That number doubles for those aged 19-29. Other research shows that one in five New Zealand college students experience some form of cyber-bullying or harassment, and one in six pre-teens. Cyber bullying can be devastating for young people. It contributes to truancy, failure at school and emotional problems such as depression, self-harm and in extreme cases, suicide. Sometimes it can be easy to spot — for example, if your child shows you a cruel text message, tweet, or response to a status update on Facebook. But often it’s less obvious, such as impersonating a victim online or posting personal information, photos, or videos.

The signs It’s not always easy to know when your child is being cyber-bullied. Many children don’t say anything because they’re embarrassed or worried that their computer or mobile will be taken away from them. However, there are some signs parents can look out for: • Emotional distress during or after using the internet or the phone. • Protective or secretive of their digital life.

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Advice for parents As a parent, you need to know what’s happening in your children’s online world, and understand it as best you can. Know what devices they have, what sites they’re visiting and who they’re talking to. Talk to them about the importance of privacy and why it’s a bad idea to share personal information, even with friends. Other tips: • Tell younger children to be careful who they give their mobile number to and to not pass on friends’ numbers without asking them first. • Remind children not to respond to texts from people they don’t know. In some cases, bullies send out random texts and wait to see who responds. • Remind them to change passwords regularly and tell no-one what they are. • Always think about whether something you send might make another person feel uncomfortable. Whether it’s a “joke” or something about another person, be aware that it might be taken the wrong way or sent on to someone else. If in doubt, don’t send it. • Talk with your child about how images, if posted online or sent on a mobile phone, could get sent on to others and be used to bully or embarrass them. If you know cyber-bullying is happening, NetSafe suggests you: • Understand the problem. NetSafe has created a dedicated cyber-bullying – www.cyberbullying. – which offers practical guidance for young people, parents and caregivers, and teachers and principals who want help to understand and deal with bullying in cyberspace. • Block the bully. You can electronically block messages on most devices. Be aware, however, that a determined bully will simply change their electronic signature and start all over again. • Reassure your child. If they tell you they’ve been cyber bullied, tell them they’ve done the right thing and can trust you with the problem. Don’t take away their technology (young people say the fear of losing access to their computer or mobile phone is one of the reasons they often don’t tell adults). • Contact the police if the bullying involves physical threats or call 111 if you’re concerned about your child’s immediate safety. Making such threats is deemed to be criminal behaviour. • Save evidence of all bullying messages and images. Save cell phone messages or log dates and times

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of messages and take screen-shots of bullying on websites or instant messenger (IM) chats. This might help later if you report the bullying to the school or the police.

At school The vast majority of children today at secondary school and many primary school children carry a mobile phone. The technology of smart phones is making it easier for cyber-bullies to not only send text messages, but also send or post online threatening or embarrassing images and video clips. If you think someone at school is bullying your child, contact the principal as soon as possible. The Education Act 1998 includes National Administrative Guideline 5, which says schools are to provide a “safe physical and emotional environment for students”. This includes dealing with behaviour such as cyber-bullying that occurs out of school but has implications for student well-being while at school.

Websites Report internet cyber-bullying to the website where the bullying took place. Usually there’s a “Report Abuse” button or “Safety” link. NetSafe (www.netsafe. has plenty of information about how to report online harassment and abuse to providers such as Facebook, Google and Microsoft.

Online chat If you can, block the bullying messages coming through. Take screen-shots of any bullying messages sent and save them as evidence.

Mobile phones If bullying messages are coming through to a mobile, contact your phone company. NetSafe has plenty of information on how to contact phone companies. When you buy – or if your children buy – their first phone, talk to them about how they can use it safely and responsibly. One phone provider has a parents guide (internet search Vodafone guide to mobile phones), which offers simple guidance on security, mobile text bullying, sexting and road safety. Report the abuse to the provider and ask it to take action. The company should be able to trace the source of the messages and warn the bully that they could lose their number and/or access to the network if they continue.

Where to get help – NetSafe, for a wide range of information about internet safety and useful tips on parental control settings and software etc. and – NetSafe websites that provide advice to young people, parents and caregiver, teachers and principals. – provides schools with self-review tools to build a safe and caring climate that deters bullying.

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Forget the house, the car or the flash TV. Our kids are our most precious asset and deserve special care and attention, especially when they’re most vulnerable – on and around the roads. As adults, we are the biggest influencers of kids’ behaviour in the community. If kids see us running across the road in front of traffic or cycling without a helmet, they will see that as OK. If they walk to school, walk with them several times so you can identify the hazards and show them what to do. Show them why using a pedestrian crossing is important, and the dangers of crossing the road.

It’s essentially a group of parents who walk with up to eight primary school children to ensure they get safely to and from school. The kids are dropped off and picked up at stops on a designated route by their parents. The route is usually about a kilometre long and is assessed for suitability by a traffic engineer. Safekids says the key benefits of the walking school buses are:

We also need to be alert to the special way kids react to situations. As drivers, we should take care when we see kids, or where they’re likely to be (around schools, playgrounds and school buses). Slow down and be extra vigilant. By their very nature, kids are impulsive and bad judges of distance and speed, so even if they see you, they might still run onto the road.

• Reducing the known risk factors for child pedestrian injury.

Every year about 40 children die as pedestrians and about 100 are seriously injured – mostly going to or from school, or near their homes. Child pedestrian injuries account for about a third of all traffic-related child deaths.

Cycle safety

So what can we do to keep our kids safe on the road? At a basic level, we can:

• Reducing car congestion around schools (an average of 21 fewer cars traveling to school per route). • Greater awareness by everyone in the community on the role they play in child pedestrian safety.

Nearly 500 children a year are hospitalised after cycle accidents and on average two children die each year (most of them boys). Boys aged 10-14 years are at greatest risk of fatal injury. The main messages for child cyclists are:

• Teach kids how to use pedestrian crossings and controlled intersections safely.

• Be smart – plan safe cycle routes with an adult, the best riders are skilled riders.

• Use a “walking school bus” or set one up if there isn’t one already (see below).

• Be safe – no helmet no bike.

• Use a school travel plan. • Keep your vehicle speed around kids very slow – around school buses the law says you must travel at only 20km/h (in both directions).

Walking school buses A great innovation that is gaining support throughout the country is what’s known as “walking school buses”, initiated in New Zealand by the organisation Safekids NZ.

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• Be seen – wear bright colours, and use reflective gear such as high-visibility vests and backpack covers to give you a better chance of other road users seeing you.

Driveways New Zealand is somewhat unique in having long driveways on properties, especially in the smaller rural towns. This is because the “quarter-acre section” traditionally had the garage at the back of the section.

Safer Communities Together

The danger of the long driveway is the distance cars often have to travel in reverse, which limits drivers’ ability to see small children. Vision from a driver’s seat can be restricted for up to 10 metres from the back of the car. Every two weeks a child is hospitalised with serious injuries received from a vehicle driving on a private driveway in New Zealand. Another five kids are killed annually, on average. Most injuries are to toddlers about two years old and are often severe. The driver is usually a close family member, resulting in devastating effects on families. A recent Safekids campaign has raised awareness throughout the country of how to be more safety conscious on driveways. The message is that you should know where the kids are before you get in the car, because if an accident happens, there’s no going back. Check, supervise and separate: • Check for children before driving off. • Supervise children around vehicles – always. • Separate play areas from driveways. Also have someone watch around your vehicle as you leave to ensure no kids are nearby, and get visitors to park on the road.

Safety seats

7-8 must use one if it’s available. The change aims to reduce the injury and fatality rate for young children by ensuring they’re not restrained in an adult seat belt. In any event, it’s recommended that kids use a child restraint or booster seat at least until they’re 148cm tall. One of the leading causes of injury involves children as passengers in vehicles. About 15 children a year die and about 300 end up in hospital. Booster seats for pre-school and school-aged kids have been shown to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death by up to 59 percent. Keep the kids safe by: • Always using the correct child restraint and booster seat for your child’s height and age. • Following the manufacturers’ instructions for your child restraint. • Making sure your child restraint or booster seat correctly fits your vehicle. • Getting help installing your child restraint or booster. Contact an NZTA-certified child restraint technician for support and to get help to correctly install a child restraint. • Putting kids in the back seat where it’s safest. Source, and for further information: Safekids New Zealand –

A recent law change means all children aged up to 7 must be in an appropriate child restraint (such as a booster seat) in a vehicle, and those aged between

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Drowning is the third most common cause of accidental death in New Zealand, behind road vehicle accidents and falls.

Being safe in the water doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, but thinking about your safety and that of family and friends can save lives. As an island country, New Zealand has a wealth of water-based activities. Whether it’s a swim at the beach, a dip in the river, adrenaline-packed whitewater rafting, fishing from rocks, out on the boat or anything else involving water, the best thing you can do before heading out is to familiarise yourself with the appropriate safety information. As with most activities there’s an element of risk, so make sure you challenge yourself within your limits and ask questions before heading out. Always remember the four rules of the Water Safety Code.

1. Be prepared Learn to swim and survive, and set rules for safe play in the water. Always use safe and correct equipment and know the weather and water conditions before you get in.

2. Watch out for yourself and others Always pay close attention to children you are supervising in or near water. Swim with others and in areas where lifeguards are present.

3. Be aware of the dangers

2. Skipper responsibility The skipper is responsible for the safety of everyone on board and for the safe operation of the boat. Stay within the limits of your vessel and your experience. Go on a Coastguard Boating Education day skipper course to make sure you have all the skills you need to stay safe. 3. Communications Take two separate waterproof ways of communicating so you can call for help if you get into difficulty. 4. Marine weather New Zealand’s weather can be highly unpredictable. Check the local marine weather forecast before you go and expect both weather and sea changes. 5. Avoid alcohol Safe boating and alcohol don’t mix. Things can change quickly on the water. You need to stay alert and aware. For more information on the Water Safety Code and the Boating Safety Code, visit

Children Under 5s Water is a life-threatening hazard for young children in and around the home. Make sure you keep you eyes on your children when they’re in or around water – including in the bath.

Enter shallow and unknown water feet first and obey all safety signs and warning flags. Don’t enter the water after drinking alcohol.

Children learn by exploring their environment – new adventures are only a few steps away – so don’t let your guard down around any body of water. It takes only 60 seconds for a child to drown.

4. Know your limits

For more information, see nz/education/recreation-advice/under-5s/

Challenge yourself within your physical limits and experience. Learn safe ways of rescuing others without putting yourself in danger.

Boating If you’re heading out on a boat, remember the rules of the Boating Safety Code. 1. Life jackets – take them, wear them Boats, especially ones of less that 6 metres in length, can sink very quickly. Wearing a life-jacket increases your survival time in the water.

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Learning to swim While many people think everyone knows how to swim, the scary thing is that a lot of kids today can’t. Make sure your kids have the opportunity to learn to swim – either at school, at a private swim school, or even by teaching them yourself! For more information, see

Safer Communities Together

A simple fact: the best way to prevent injury and death from house fires is to have smoke alarms installed and working properly.

There’s no dispute that working smoke alarms save lives, and most houses in New Zealand now have them installed. If you don’t have them in your home, you’re putting your family at grave risk. Likewise if you have smoke alarms but they’re not installed properly or they’re not working, you’re also putting your family at risk. House fires often happen when people are asleep and unable to detect smoke, so working smoke alarms are a vital part of your home safety plan. The New Zealand Fire Service offers the following useful advice on where to install (and not to install) smoke alarms.

Smoke alarms Smoke rises and moves along the ceiling. It will move up stairwells and vertical openings, gradually building up until the mass of smoke moves down again. This is why you should place smoke alarms on the ceiling – to get the earliest warning. If you must put it on the wall, keep it 10cm away from the ceiling to avoid dead air pockets. The best alarms are long-life photoelectric ones, which should be installed ideally in every bedroom, living area and hallway in the house – on every level. At an absolute minimum, a long-life photoelectric smoke alarm should be installed in the hallway closest to the bedrooms. This should be supplemented with other alarms throughout the house as soon as circumstances permit. The Fire Service recommends both interconnected and hard-wired alarms. Interconnected means that when one smoke alarm detects a fire, all alarms throughout the house will sound. Hard-wired means the alarms are connected to mains power, making them more reliable.

Don’t install smoke alarms in the kitchen, garage or bathroom unless the alarms are specially designed for those areas. Also not above a fire box, in a basement store room or near an extraction fan. Too many homes are fitted with smoke alarms but are unsafe because the alarm batteries are flat or missing. To maximise your family’s fire safety: • Check the battery once a month by pressing the test button. If you can’t reach the button easily, use a broom handle. • Avoid the disturbance of a “cheeping” alarm that indicates the batteries need replacing. Replace batteries at least once a year and make it a habit by picking a regular date such as a birthday or the beginning or end of daylight saving time. • Buy long-life photoelectric smoke alarms. This will give you about 10 years of smoke detection before it needs replacing. • Install smoke alarms that feature a “hush” button to stop nuisance alarms. • Keep smoke alarms clean. • Vacuum over and around smoke alarms regularly to stop dust and debris interfering with the alarms operation.

Your escape plan You’ll probably have one or two minutes from the time a fire alarm sounds to when your life is seriously threatened by fire or smoke. Having – and practising – an escape plan so everyone in the household knows what to do could save lives. • Work out the best way out of every room, then pick a secondary route in case the first is blocked by fire. • Keep all doorways clear of obstructions. • Choose a meeting place outside, for example the letterbox. • Keep your cellphone handy so you can grab it as you leave the house (don’t go looking for it). Call 111 and ask for the Fire Service. If you don’t have your phone, call from a neighbour’s home or someone else’s mobile phone.

In the kitchen An ideal layout for smoke alarms – one for each bedroom, living area and hallway. Diagram: NZ Fire Service

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The Fire Service says more house fires start in the kitchen than anywhere else in the home. Cooking

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that’s left unattended accounts for more deaths than any other cause of fire, and frying is the leading cause of cooking fires. To keep the family safe: • Turn off the stove if you must leave the room, and take pots and pans off the heat. • Put a timer on for any baking to remind you the oven needs to be turned off. • Clean your stove grill after each use to prevent buildup of fats and burnt foods. • Clean the range-hood filters regularly. • Keep curtains, tea towels, oven mitts, electrical cords and other items well away from the cooking area. • Have a fire extinguisher and/or fire blanket handy and know how to use them.

• Dispose of ashes safely in a metal bucket. Ashes can take up to five days to cool so dampen them with water or store the bucket well away from buildings or anything flammable. Don’t throw hot ashes into rubbish bins. • Don’t use flammable liquids to start an open fire. • Don’t overload power-points or multi-boards with high wattage appliances such as heaters. • Don’t hang clothes on the heater to dry them out.

• Never throw water on to a burning fry-pan. If it’s on fire, wet a tea-towel and place it over the pan, use a proper fitting lid or a large flat object (such as a chopping board) to starve the fire of oxygen.


• Never try to carry a burning fry-pan outside.

• NEVER leave candles unattended.

• Don’t throw flour on a burning fry-pan (an urban myth) to extinguish the fire. Flour can burn, too.

• Ensure the candle is placed on a fireproof surface, such as a ceramic plate.

• If you do have a fire on your stove, try (if you can) to turn the power or gas off either at the stove or at the mains.

• Don’t let children use candles, especially in the bedroom.

• Don’t drink and fry food. Alcohol is a factor in 50 percent of all fatal fires.

Living room Half of all people who die in fires are careless with their cigarettes, matches or lighters. • Put out all smoking materials before you leave a room. • NEVER leave lit cigarettes unattended. • Keep matches and lighters out of children’s reach. • Screen open fires and fire boxes with a proper fireguard and NEVER leave open fires unattended. • Check the chimney regularly and have it swept every year.

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Candles can look and smell attractive, but can also be a serious fire hazard.

• Check that lamps have the correct bulb size and rating (in watts), according to manufacturer specifications. • Keep a torch near the bed. Worn and old electric blankets can cause electric shock, fire and even death. • Have your electric blanket tested annually by a qualified electrician. • Turn off the electric blanket power when you get into bed. • Don’t put heavy objects on the bed while the electric blanket is turned on. • Ensure blanket controls are not twisted or caught between the mattress and base.

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• Ensure the blanket is tightly secured and laid flat on the bed. • When not in use, store your electric blanket rolled up, not folded. • Electric blankets are not recommended for babies or young children as bed-wetting can occur.

Outside Barbecues are dangerous if you use them carelessly or if you’ve been drinking alcohol. • Check and connection.





• Keep the area around the BBQ clear. • Supervise children at all times around the barbecue. • Remove all excess fat after each use. Other areas: • Store flammable liquids and other products in appropriate containers in the shed. • Keep the shed locked. • Ensure your shed has good ventilation. • Know where gas isolation valves are in your home. • Have all gas appliances serviced according to manufacturer instructions.

Electrical Overloading electrical circuits (including multi-board power boxes), misusing electrical equipment, and having faulty equipment are common causes of fire. • If you’re worried about how well appliances are working, such as electric blankets, heaters, air conditioners or fans, have them checked by a qualified electrician. • Don’t overload your multi-board with double adaptors – one appliance per multi-board or wall socket. • Ensure that leads on appliances are in good condition and not frayed. • Don’t use extension cords as permanent replacements for your home’s internal wiring. Never put them under carpets or mats or use them while they’re tightly coiled.

If you have an older home, you might have outdated electrical wiring that can cause fires. Get it checked by a registered electrician and if necessary, have your home rewired.

Laundry Static electricity and the build-up of heat can make dust, lint and chemical residue on clothing catch fire. • Remove lint from the clothes dryer filter after each use. • Ensure the dryer goes through the full cycle, including cool down. • Turn off and unplug the dryer and washing machine before leaving the house. • Regularly dust the grill at the back of the clothes dryer to prevent dust build-up and overheating. • Ensure there is proper ventilation and air space around the clothes dryer.

A word about sprinklers Sprinklers might be an expensive option, but very effective at putting out fires. If you’re building a new house, consider installing sprinklers. US statistics indicate they reduce the likelihood of death by 83 percent and reduce property loss by 71 percent (

Nightly fire check Do a fire check every night before you turn out the lights. Check to see that: • Kitchen appliances are turned off and safe. • Heaters are turned off, and furniture and clothes are at least a metre away from the fireplace. • The ashtray been emptied into a metal bin outside. • The TV has been switched off using the power switch on the set and not the remote control standby. • Any candles are out. • Kitchen and living room doors are closed to slow a fire spreading to the bedrooms. • The house secure and keys are in the deadlocks. • Passageways are clear.

• Turn off and, where practical, unplug appliances when they’re not being used. • Keep electrical appliances clear of water. • Get a licensed electrician or gas fitter to test newly bought second-hand appliances. • Don’t put fans, heaters, and electrical equipment where airflow is restricted – they can get overheated.

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The recent Canterbury earthquakes have highlighted the fact that New Zealand could be hit by a natural disaster at any time, taking lives and causing huge physical and economic damage. We need to be prepared. The threat of further earthquakes anywhere in the country is very real, but storms, floods, volcanic eruption, tsunamis, landslides and other events can also seriously disrupt our lives. While this chapter focuses on the threat of earthquakes, much of the advice is relevant to other natural disasters (for more information on these, see Living with the risk of disaster means we have to be prepared – firstly to survive the initial effects; then to be resilient enough to be on our own for a period of time (at least three days) without the assistance of emergency services, and without water, electricity and sewerage systems; and finally to recover as quickly as possible. The following information is provided with the assistance of the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, and includes the latest safety strategies. Earthquakes offer no warning, so you could be at home, school or work when one strikes. Think now about where you can get to quickly to be safe. For example: • A strong table (perhaps your desk at work) provides good protection. Grab the table legs to stop the table from moving.

buildings, trees, street lights and power lines if outside) and then: • Drop to the floor or ground. This will help to prevent injury not only from flying glass and other objects, but also from being knocked to the ground by the quake. • Take COVER under a nearby table or desk. If nothing is nearby or you’re outside, COVER your face and head with your arms. • HOLD on to something sturdy, such as the table legs, until the shaking stops. • If you’re in an elevator, drop, cover and hold. When the shaking stops, try and get out at the nearest floor if you can safely do so. • If you’re at the beach or near the coast, drop, cover and hold then move to higher ground immediately in case a tsunami follows the quake. • If you’re driving, pull over to a clear location, stop and stay there with your seatbelt fastened. When the shaking stops, drive on if you think it’s safe and avoid bridges or ramps that might have been damaged.

• Next to an interior wall, away from windows that can shatter and cause injury and tall furniture that can fall on you. Protect your head and neck with your arms. (Note that modern homes don’t generally have doorways that are any stronger than the wall, and the doors can swing and injure you.)

After a quake

• Practise the Drop, Cover and Hold routine. It’s internationally recognised as the best strategy for earthquake survival (beware of bogus email advice such as the “triangle of life” that has been widely discredited). In an earthquake, the routine means moving no more than a few steps (away from

• Check yourself for injuries and get first aid if necessary. Help others if you can.

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• Listen to a local radio station – emergency management officials will broadcast advice that’s appropriate for your community and situation. • Expect to feel aftershocks.

• Electricity could be cut, and fire alarms and sprinkler systems can go off in buildings during an earthquake even if there’s no fire. Check for small fire and put them out if you can.

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• If you’re in a damaged building, try to get outside and find a safe, open place. Use the stairs, not the elevators. • Watch out for fallen power lines or broken gas lines, and stay out of damaged areas. • Use the phone for short essential calls to keep the lines clear for emergency calls. • If you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window, get everyone out quickly and turn off the gas if you can. If you see sparks, broken wires or electrical system damage, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box if it’s safe to do so. • Control your animals because they can become disorientated. They might need to be protected from hazards, and they could annoy or attack other people. • When it’s safe to do so, take notes and photographs for insurance purposes if your property is damaged. If you rent your property, contact your landlord and your contents insurance company as soon as possible.

Household emergency plan Images of people queuing for water and digging toilets in their back yard after the February 2011 Canterbury earthquake show that life will not necessarily return quickly to normal. In a serious earthquake, you might not be able to leave your home or communicate with other people, or you might have to leave your damaged home. Emergency services are unlikely to reach you immediately. That’s why you need a plan that ensures you and your family can survive for at least three days on your own. So get your family or household together and work on the plan. To help, the website has a template for a household emergency plan you can use. Your local council will also be able to help. It pays to ask your council about the community’s civil defence warning system, and where civil defence or public shelters are. It’s also useful to learn first aid and how to deal with small fires.

Other important stuff • Check your insurance policy for cover (home, business and contents) and ensure your cover is adequate. Know where your important documents and keep them within easy reach if you have to evacuate. Seek qualified advice to make sure your house is secured to its foundations and ensure any renovations comply with the New Zealand Building Code.

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Alcohol is a drug that has a significant effect on the level of violence in New Zealand. It’s a major factor in family violence, street violence and sexual offending, and contributes to road crashes and property damage. Its effects are wide-reaching and devastating for too many families. More deaths and injuries involve alcohol than any other drug. Of all reported crime, the police say alcohol is a factor in: • a third of all violence • a third of all family violence • half of all serious violence • half of all drugs and anti-social offences • at least 1 in 5 cases of sexual offending • 1 in 4 traffic offences • 1 in 4 property offences. It’s also a factor in 1 in 5 traffic crashes. Alcohol-related issues use up at least 18 percent of the total police budget. Alcohol has been a part of socialising in New Zealand since the early settlers arrived in the mid-1800s. Nearly 200 years later, a culture of “binge drinking” has emerged, especially with many young people.

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Having a good time doesn’t need to involve copious amounts of alcohol. Binge drinking is not fun – it can cause severe drunkenness, vomiting, shakiness, headaches and bad hangovers. Binge drinkers are at risk of alcohol poisoning, which can lead to coma or even death. Heavy or regular drinkers also risk longterm damage to their liver, brain, lungs, heart, and stomach, as well as an increased risk of cancer. They also risk becoming dependent on alcohol. If you’re having trouble enjoying yourself without a drink, you could have a problem. The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) – which has taken over the functions of the old Alcohol Advisory Council – suggests that you should ask yourself: •

Do I find it difficult to stop drinking once I start?

Does bad stuff often happen when I drink?

Have I ever come around in A&E?

Has drinking got me in trouble with the law?

Do I suffer monster hangovers?

Does drinking cause trouble with whānau/family?

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Does drinking get in the way of work?

Do I seem to never have any money?

Do I want to change my drinking habits?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions you probably have a problem. If you want to make some changes, take a look at or call the Alcohol Drug Helpline (0800 787 797).

drinking alcohol and not drinking for them is especially important. For those aged 15 to 17 years, the safest option is to delay drinking for as long as possible. If 15-17 year-olds do drink alcohol, they should be supervised, drink infrequently and at moderate levels.

The HPA suggests that if you would like to cut down:

Be aware that teenagers are likely to at least try drinking alcohol and might get drunk. Being a good role model will help, and discussing alcohol rationally at a quiet moment (not when they’re drunk) will help.

• Work out a personal limit per day, per week or per occasion – and stick to it.

If you do find a teen rolling drunk and unconscious, call 111 for an ambulance.

• Do more activities that don’t involve drinking.

When you’re out drinking:

If they’re vomiting all the time, don’t leave them alone. Lie them on their side in the recovery position, monitor their breathing and heart rate and make sure their mouth is empty. Keep them warm. If there’s no improvement, dial 111 for an ambulance.

• Eat before you drink and while you’re drinking.

Set ground rules for parties and stick to them.

• Start with non-alcoholic drinks and alternate with alcoholic drinks.

If they take your alcohol, treat it just like any other stealing in the family. Discuss what happened and follow through with reasonable consequences.

• Ring the Alcohol Drug Helpline for free, confidential advice and resources to help you cut down.

• Try drinks with a lower alcohol content, but don’t make that an excuse for drinking more. • Drink slowly. • Don’t allow others to top up your drink.

If they become violent when drunk, don’t put up with it. If you can’t control the situation, call someone who can come quickly, like a friend or the police.

• Count your drinks and stick to your limit.

Signs of alcohol abuse

• Tell your friends that you’re cutting down.

Signs that a teenager might be drinking excessively include:

• Don’t drive. Don’t drink if: • You’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant.

• Repeated health complaints like vomiting. • Changes in sleep patterns. • Mood changes, especially irritability.

• You’re on medication or if you have a condition made worse by drinking.

• Starting arguments, withdrawing from the family or breaking family rules.

• You feel unwell, depressed, tired or cold as alcohol could make things worse.

• Failing exams, missing assignments, frequent school absences or discipline problems at school.

• You’re about to operate machinery or a vehicle or do anything that is risky or requires skill.

• Changes in social activities and social groups or friends.

Parents of teens For children and young people under 18 years of age, not drinking alcohol is the safest option. Young people under the age of 15 are at the greatest risk of harm from

• Coming home drunk. • Smell of alcohol on their clothes, breath, skin, etc. • Missing sport, school, family events, etc. • Changes in behaviour – not being where they say they are going to be, etc. These signs don’t necessarily indicate a drink problem, so consider discussing your concerns with your GP to rule out other causes. If you need more help, ring the Alcohol Drug Helpline.

How to get help – useful information and tips on alcohol, and a quiz to see if your drinking is OK – New Zealand Drug Foundation 0800 787 797 – Alcohol Drug Helpline

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Statistically New Zealand has some of the highest rates of drug use in the world (2012 United Nations World Drug Report).

Cannabis use is particularly high, largely because we have ideal growing conditions and it doesn’t need to be imported. The UN report showed between 9.1 and 14.6 percent of the population used cannabis, compared to an estimated 2.6 to 5 percent worldwide. Our relatively high use of drugs has created a health issue that is being dealt with through police enforcement and border security; legislation to make it more difficult to get raw materials – such as making pseudoephedrine prescription only (which can be used to make the drug methamphetamine); and education through organisations such as the New Zealand Drug Foundation and the police drug education in schools (CHOICE) programme. The statistics are not necessarily gloomy. There are some positive signs, such as a reduction in the number of young people using drugs. Recent publicity about drug use in high-level sport also helps to portray drugs as socially unacceptable. Programmes such as CAYAD (Community Action Youth and Drugs –, and needle exchange programmes are playing a positive role in reducing drug use in our communities.

Helping our kids As parents we can do much to influence our children’s behaviour. Are we good role models? If we’re using illicit drugs around our kids, they’ll believe it’s OK. The conversation about drugs should start early. It doesn’t need to be a big deal, but one that acknowledges they will be exposed to drug use at some point in their life. Helping them to understand how they should handle it, without making any judgements, is important.

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Be aware that your kids might already be using drugs, but don’t assume it’s the case. You’ll quickly lose your child’s confidence if you accuse them of something illegal. If you have any suspicions, the Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Education ( says that if your child exhibits several of the signs listed below, then they might be using drugs:

Physical signs • Cannabis, in particular, can cause the eyes to become reddened, watery and puffy. Dilated or pinpoint pupils. • Cannabis and alcohol both have distinctive smells. Cannabis smoke has a strong sweet smell that’s very different from tobacco smoke. • Slurred and slow speech. • Poor coordination – staggering or stumbling. • Lack of pride in personal appearance and poor hygiene. • Chronic coughing. • Changes in appetite. • Sudden change in weight. • Lack of energy and general lethargy. • Disturbed sleep patterns. • Occasional memory loss.

Behavioural signs • Decrease in sport or hobby involvement. • Mood swings and increasingly withdrawn from family and some friends.

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• Unusual or suspicious requests for money. • Drop in school grades and homework not done. • Different friends appear on the scene combined with a reluctance to introduce these friends. • Frequent unexplained phone calls. • More irritable. • Less affectionate. • Not worried about the consequences of their actions. • Reluctance to do household chores. • Persistent lying, evasion or secretive behaviour.

you feel relaxed. Some depressants cause euphoria and a sense of calm and well-being. They may be used to “wind down” or to reduce anxiety, stress or inhibition. Examples include alcohol, cannabis, benzodiazepines, and opiates. Hallucinogens change the way you perceive or experience the world. You might see or hear things that don’t exist. They can affect your thinking, sense of time and emotions. Effects can include panic, paranoia and loss of contact with reality. In extreme cases, this can result in dangerous behaviour, like walking into traffic or jumping off a roof. Examples include LSD and ecstasy.

• Becomes argumentative or hostile when the negative effects of drug use are discussed.

Stimulants speed up or stimulate the central nervous system and can make you feel more awake, alert and confident. They increase heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure. They also reduce appetite, dilate pupils, and lead to talkativeness, agitation and sleep disturbance. Large quantities of stimulants can cause anxiety, panic, seizures, headaches, stomach cramps, aggression and paranoia. Examples include cocaine, methamphetamine, speed, party pills and even caffeine.

• Blames other people for their behaviour, for example parents, teachers and siblings.

Common drugs

• Cash or valuable items going missing. • A complete change in appearance. • Late coming home at night and late getting ready for school. • Sleeping in late.

• Using incense or air fresheners in the bedroom.

What are drugs? The Drug Foundation says a drug is a substance – solid, liquid or gas – that changes the functions or structures of the body in some way. It might change the way someone acts or thinks. This obviously excludes food and water, which are required to maintain normal body functioning. Almost everyone takes some kind drug, perhaps to keep healthy or fight illness, but drugs can be harmful if misused – that’s why laws restrict their manufacture, distribution and use. The drugs creating a health problem in New Zealand are those that affect a person’s central nervous system. They act on the brain and can change the way a person thinks, feels or behaves. These are called “psychoactive” drugs. The harm from these drugs to individuals and the community are clear. Anyone using them can suffer from poor health, have distorted family and social interactions, psychological and emotional difficulties, legal and economic problems, and possibly death. The Drug Foundation says it’s important to remember that many people start and continue to use drugs to find relief and escape from problems. There are three main types of drugs, classified by their effects on the central nervous system. These are depressants, hallucinogens and stimulants. Depressants slow down the functions of the central nervous system. They don’t necessarily make you feel depressed. Moderate amounts of depressants can make

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The Drug Foundation has plenty of useful information about the most common illicit drugs and their effects (see websites at the end of this section). These include:

Cannabis Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in New Zealand. The most recent drug use survey (Ministry of Health 2007–08) found that 46.4 percent of people aged 16–64 have used cannabis in their lifetime. Cannabis is illegal to grow, sell, distribute or possess. The effects of cannabis use vary from person to person. Generally, however, its short-term effects include users feeling stoned or “out of it”. Although it’s a depressant, using it doesn’t mean you’ll get depressed – just that it has a mellowing effect. You can also feel happy, relaxed or uninhibited, but some people feel anxious, selfconscious or have paranoid thoughts. Cannabis can impair short-term memory and attention span, which makes it harder to complete tasks or concentrate on doing several things at once. Young people who use cannabis can have their concentration and motivation affected, which can harm how well they do at school. Cannabis is addictive, despite some common misconceptions. There is evidence that prolonged use can increase the risk of developing cancer. There’s also an increased risk of developing chronic bronchitis, damage to the lungs and other respiratory problems. People with mental health problems are particularly sensitive to the effects of cannabis. It can exacerbate conditions such as paranoia, depression and anxiety. Chronic use can affect fertility in both men & women.

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Methamphetamine Methamphetamine (meth, or P) is a synthetic drug that’s a powerful stimulant. It can be a powder, a crystallike-rock, or a pill. Its effects can vary from person to person and depend on the strength of the product. Using methamphetamine produces wakefulness, hyperactivity and often euphoria. Using it doesn’t necessarily make you violent, though it can cause erratic behaviour or agitation. All kinds of people use it – it’s not confined to any group of society. Methamphetamine poses great health risks. Heavy users lose the ability to look after themselves, neglecting sleep, eating, washing and exercise. In extreme cases, lack of sleep and food can induce a drug psychosis. Long-term use can cause anxiety and depression, damage to the nervous system and susceptibility to infection and disease.

Other drugs Ecstasy is the street name for the stimulant methylen edioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). It’s usually sold in pill form and is often cut with other substances such as methamphetamine, caffeine and BZP. It’s often referred as the “love drug” because it can induce empathy, euphoria, and a closeness and openness to others. Ecstasy is addictive and risks include over-heating, dehydration and water intoxication. Another risk is not knowing what’s in the pill. Ecstasy is often cut with other drugs. Benzodiazepines are prescription medicines that are usually prescribed as a sedative or to relieve anxiety. They’re a depressant, which means they help slow the body’s system down and have sleep inducing properties. Used as prescribed, they will make you feel drowsy, relaxed and relieved of tension and anxiety. However, because they’re very addictive, they’re usually intended to be used only short-term. GHB comes in two forms – a clear odourless liquid, or a white powder that’s usually made into tablets or capsules. It’s most commonly used in liquid form, which is sometimes mixed with alcohol. GHB is a strong sedative and is often used as an alcohol replacement. GHB is highly addictive. You can become physically and

psychologically addicted if it’s used regularly. The risk of overdose is high because it can be difficult to judge the potency. LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a hallucinogenic drug. In its pure form, it’s colourless, odourless and mildly bitter. LSD is diluted from its crystalline form, and paper is sometimes soaked in the liquid to produce “tabs” of acid. LSD will distort a user’s reality. Their senses and emotions will be heightened and a “trip” can last up to 12 hours. Because it’s difficult to tell the potency of a dose, the effects can be variable and unpredictable. A bad trip can cause the user to feel like they have things crawling on their skin, lose control of their emotions or feel like they have lost their grip on reality. People who have existing mental health issues can also be at risk from LSD use because it can exacerbate symptoms of their illness or trigger LSD psychosis. Although LSD is not thought to be addictive, a person can become psychologically dependent, relying on using it in certain situations. Opiates are a group of drugs known as “downers” derived from the sticky resin of the opium poppy seed-pod. They include opium, heroin, morphine, methadone, codeine and pethidine. Fortunately, heroin use is relatively low in New Zealand. Synthetic cannabinoids – these create similar effects to that of cannabis (getting high). These chemicals are added to a mixture of dried plant matter and sold as a legal alternative to cannabis. Police and hospitals are reporting that violent and psychotic teenagers high on these substances are filling up police cells and hospital emergency departments. Recent publicity about the negative health effects of synthetic cannabis has led to the banning in New Zealand of several ingredients used in its manufacture.

How to get help For information and contacts: and – NZ Drug Foundation – Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Education – Alcohol & Drug Helpline, 0800 787-797 – Community Action Youth and Drugs – for help with methamphetamine problems – Odyssey House, 09 631-0624

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Most of us, with any luck, will grow old. Advances in medical science and valuable information on nutrition and lifestyle make it more likely that life expectancy will continue to rise.

The proportion of older people in the population is going to grow for some time yet and many over the current retirement age of 65 are in the paid workforce (22 percent of men and 11 percent of women aged over 65 – Statistics New Zealand Household Labour Force Survey: December 2009 Quarter). There are many positive aspects to having lots of older people around. They are able to share their wisdom, they make up a sizeable block of consumers paying for goods and services, and if retired they have time to volunteer and assist businesses with their time and expertise. Older people are valuable members of society. They deserve our respect, our care and our attention. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of the vulnerability and frailty that age often brings. If you’re an older person, you’re entitled to the same rights as anyone else. If you feel you’re not being treated right, or if you’re concerned about how an older person is being treated, you can get help (see How to get help at the end of this section).

If things go wrong Sometimes, things don’t work as they should. Abuse can happen to older people, and the likelihood is that it’s going to be at home and at the hands of family members or “friends”. Sadly, Age Concern says it

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uncovers at least two new cases of abuse or neglect of older people every day in New Zealand, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Abuse and neglect of older people is internationally defined as: “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. It can be of various forms: physical, psychological/emotional, sexual, or financial/material abuse, and/or intentional or unintentional neglect.”

Psychological Behaviour causing mental anguish, stress or fear. For example: • Ridicule or threats. • Harassment or humiliation. • Preventing choice or decision-making. • Withholding affection.

Financial Illegal or improper use of money, property or other resources. For example: • Unauthorised taking of money or possessions. • Misuse of power of attorney.

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• Failing to repay loans.

• Offer reassurance that you’re there to help.

• Use of home and/or utilities without contributing to costs.

• Ask them if they’re happy for you to talk to an agency that can help.

Physical Infliction of pain, injury or use of force. For example: • Hitting, pushing, rough handling. • Over-medication. • Inappropriate use of restraints or confinement.

Sexual Non-consensual sexual acts or exploitive behaviours. For example:

You could ask them if they’re scared of anyone, whether they’ve been mistreated and how, and if they feel safe in their environment or in their relationship with family members. If their answers raise concerns: • Listen and make your responses calm and matterof-fact. Don’t make any judgements about either the older person or the abuser. • Believe them and show them they’re not alone – they have your support.

• Sexual acts with someone unable to give consent.

• Tell them what you would like to do to help, but offer choices so they feel in control. Let them decide when something should happen.


Being a guarantor

Not providing for physical, emotional or social needs. For example:

In recent years many older people have lost their life savings in financial institution collapses and fraudulent schemes. They’re not alone in suffering the devastating effects, though because of their age they’re less likely to rebuild their savings.

• Inappropriate touching.

• Inadequate food, clothing or shelter • Lack of social contact and support • Health needs not attended to.

The signs Signs that abuse or neglect is occurring may include: • Fear of a particular person or people. • Anxiety for no obvious reason. • Irritability and being overly emotional. • Presenting as helpless, hopeless and sad. • Using contradictory statements not resulting from mental confusion. • Reluctance to talk openly. For example, waiting for the carer to answer. • Avoidance of the usual amount of physical, eye or verbal contact this person uses. • Not having enough money for necessities or to pay bills.

Some older people have lost their savings helping out a family member or friend by offering to be a guarantor. If you’re considering being a guarantor for a child or grandchild, for example, Neighbourhood Support suggests a good rule of thumb: act as guarantor only if you can write a cheque for the amount you are guaranteeing at the time you are asked to act as guarantor. Because if things do go wrong in a mortgage, loan or hire purchase, you will be liable to repay if the person you’re guaranteeing for can’t or won’t repay their debt. Similarly, older people are sometimes asked to be guarantor for telephone or electricity accounts or asked to have a connection for another family member put under their name. If the person you are guaranteeing defaults on the payments, you will have to pay even if you can’t afford to. Neighbourhood Support suggests you ask yourself:

• Unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts.

• Why are you being asked to be a guarantor?

• Possessions disappearing.

• Are you being coerced or emotionally blackmailed? For example, do you feel obliged to help out family, even if you know there’s a high risk they can’t/won’t pay?

What to do It’s not always easy to tell if elder abuse or neglect is actually occurring. Victims are often reluctant or even unable to talk about it. However, if you’re concerned about an older person, do something! As always in an emergency, call 111. Get in touch with a help agency such as Age Concern (see at the end of this section). If you’re in close contact with the older person: • Make sure they’re safe.

24 Crime Prevention Community

• Why is a guarantor required – is there a bad credit history? • Is the borrower realistic about the repayments – can they afford them even if things go wrong? For example, what happens if they lose their job? • How mature and responsible is the borrower?

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• Is the loan for a need or a want? Remember, you often went without until you could pay cash. • Is the loan for a new business? Many new businesses don’t succeed. • Is the loan for an existing business? If the business is viable, there should be enough capital in the business to get a loan without a guarantor. • Can you afford to pay any default on the part of the borrower? Acting as guarantor means: • If it’s for a phone or power connection, you’ll have to pay any large toll or service accounts that the person you are acting for can’t/won’t pay. • If it’s for a bank loan, it’s common that the amount guaranteed is unlimited and includes future borrowings (for example, extra interest on an overdraft). If the borrower defaults, the bank can demand repayment from the guarantor and does not have to exhaust other remedies first. • As well as having to pay the amount borrowed, you will also be responsible for debt recovery costs. • Anything you list as a security can be taken and sold to pay the debt. This could even include your home if you use it as security. If you’re seriously considering being a guarantor, get legal advice. Similarly if you find yourself in a bind after signing an unwise guarantee, get advice immediately as some legal remedies might be available. Your local Community Law office will be able to advise.

Enduring power of attorney You might have heard about an enduring power of attorney, but what is it? Having an enduring power of attorney means greater peace of mind for you, as an older person. You can choose someone you trust to act on your behalf and in your best interests if you lose the ability to manage your own affairs. It also means a lot less stress for your family and friends because they know you’ve made arrangements.

There are two types of enduring power of attorney: • A Personal Care and Welfare enduring power of attorney. • A Property enduring power of attorney. Most people set up both types. Under a Personal Care and Welfare enduring power of attorney you choose one person to make decisions about your personal care and welfare on your behalf if you become mentally incapable. Under a Property enduring power of attorney you can appoint one or more attorneys to make decisions about your property affairs. You can, if you wish, give your property attorney authority to manage your property affairs while you still have capacity. It’s important to choose your attorney wisely. For your Personal Care and Welfare Attorney you will want to select someone who knows your personal likes and dislikes well. Having them live nearby is helpful, because they’ll be required to encourage you to act on your own behalf, and to stay connected to the community, as much as possible. For your Property Attorney, you should choose someone who can handle your money matters easily and responsibly. You’ll need to talk to the people you wish to be your attorney(s) first. There’s some good information on the Ministry of Social Development’s website Keep visiting this site as legislation is under review.

How to get help If you’re an older person suffering abuse or someone who witnesses abuse, call the police on 111 if it’s urgent. If you want information or you suspect it’s happening, call Age Concern or the Are you OK family violence information line (see below) or talk to someone you can trust. Age Concern has 24 elder abuse and neglect prevention services throughout New Zealand providing confidential and free information and support. Community Law and the Ministry of Justice have useful information about the power of attorney. – Age Concern – Office for Senior Citizens – Community Law Centres o Aotearoa – Family Violence Information Line, freephone 0800 456 450 – Ministry of Justice – Ministry of Social Development

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Violence in families is not OK, and it should never be ignored because “it’s just a domestic”. Statistics show family violence accounts for more than half of all violent crime reported in New Zealand. The numbers don’t make good reading. They reflect a sad situation for too many New Zealand families. Family violence affects everyone. Even if they’re not being physically abused, children are often victims, not only because of what they witness, but also because they have to endure the consequences of dysfunctional and destroyed relationships. The Police and courts take family violence seriously. Police will act when they suspect or uncover incidences of family violence. New powers (see under Police Safety Orders) allow them to remove an offender, or even a suspected offender, to remove the immediate risk and to give everyone an opportunity to assess their situation. When they attend an incident, they also use an internationally recognised scoring tool to assess partner risk. They also have a Child Risk Factor Tool, which helps them predict the risks for children. However, international research indicates only about 20 percent of family violence incidents are actually reported. So a lot is happening in our community that the Police don’t know about. Whether we’re a victim, neighbour, part of the extended family, teacher, carer or just a member of the community, we can help make it stop.

Reporting family violence In a recent analysis of family violence statistics, for 21 percent of children’s cases and 35 percent of women’s cases, family and friends were aware of the violence but did not report it. In 64 percent of all cases the family had prior contact with the police. The Police make every effort to protect people from family violence, but they need to know it’s happening. So why isn’t it reported?

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In many cases, the victim is too scared to speak out, fearing more violence. But in most cases, someone else knows it’s happening and does nothing to stop it because they don’t want to get involved or they don’t want to be seen to be interfering. The attitude that it’s matter that should stay in the family no longer washes. Recent high-profile cases have shown that children – and adults – have died because no-one reported the violence. Stick up for the victims, and report any instance of family violence to the Police. They are skilled at dealing with these situations, and will take appropriate action to protect victims. If you or anyone in your household is being abused or in any danger, don’t hesitate to call 111. Police will respond quickly to help.

Police Safety Orders Since June 2010, the Police have gained powers that have had a positive effect on dealing with family violence. A new Police Safety Order (PSO) gives Police the ability to make someone leave the premises for up to five days (usually one or two days) if the Police have reasonable grounds to believe that family violence has or may occur. They don’t need consent from the person at risk to issue the order. Public Safety Orders allow police to remove a person from a property where there is sufficient reason to believe a failure to do so may result in a serious incident, but not yet enough evidence to make an arrest. It protects members of the household who are at risk by imposing conditions on the threatening person similar to those in Protection Orders. These conditions apply for the duration of the PSO. For example, this person:

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• Must not assault, threaten, intimidate or harass the protected person (the person at risk) or encourage anyone else to do the same. • Must not follow, stop or contact in any way the person at risk in any place, either at home, at work, or anywhere else the person at risk visits often. • Must surrender all firearms and their firearms licence to the Police for the period of the PSO. The PSO also protects any children living with the person at risk, and any conditions of parenting orders or agreements giving access or care by the threatening person are suspended. The Police can detain this person for up to two hours to issue and serve the PSO. There is no right of appeal. If conditions are breached, the Police can take the person into custody and put them before the court.

• discussing what legal, housing and financial assistance you can get • helping you understand the legal process • arranging an appointment with a lawyer. A lawyer will help you prepare your application to the Family Court, take down your statement and apply for free Legal Aid if necessary. Children can also apply for a Protection Order with the help of an adult.

Family violence defined As the ongoing advertising says: “It’s not OK”. Your partner or any member of your family should never use violence to hurt or control you.

• direct the Police to issue another PSO

Violence can be physical, sexual, psychological or financial and can include neglect. The Ministry of Social Development’s Family and Community Services, on its website defines the various forms of family violence as follows.

• issue a Temporary Protection Order (if the person at risk does not object).

Psychological violence to adults or children, which can have long-lasting effects, includes:

It gives everyone an opportunity to calm down and meet with Police and other agencies to talk about improving their situation – and could save a person’s life. No criminal convictions result from the issue of a Police Safety Order.

• making you feel like everything you do is wrong

The court might: • release them

Protection Orders If you need to be protected from an abusive member of your household and you’re not in immediate danger, talk in confidence to someone who can help you apply for a Protection Order. Some of these organisations are listed at the end of this section, or look at the front of the White Pages phone book under Emergency Services or Personal Help Services.

• constantly criticising you or your friends • humiliating you in front of your friends • using unsafe driving to frighten you • damaging property/walls/possessions to scare you • making you isolated and alone • blaming everything on you • threatening to take the children away or hurt them • stalking, following, checking up on you • harming pets to punish you • making you feel scared of what might happen next.

Some organisations can help by:

Sexual abuse includes:

• arranging to pick you up if you don’t have money or a car

• forcing you to have sex or do other sexual acts you don’t want to do

• arranging emergency accommodation if you need to get out of your home

• touching you in a way you don’t want

• providing welfare or support services

• frequently accusing you of sleeping with other people • forcing you to watch porn.

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Physical abuse includes: • hitting and punching • biting, pushing, choking or pulling your hair • making you drink or take drugs when you don’t want to • using or threatening to use weapons. Financial abuse includes: • taking your money or property • running up debts in your name • misusing power of attorney • pressuring you into paying money. Neglect includes: • not providing food, clothing and warmth • leaving dependants alone or with someone who is unsafe • not providing comfort, attention and love • not providing medical treatment. If you feel any of these apply to you, contact any of the agencies listed at the end of this section.

The facts It’s worth noting that the facts about family violence are often distorted. In a guide for journalists, www. provides some interesting insights, which include the following myth-busters.

It’s an unpredictable private tragedy Not true. The victim will almost always have suffered violence for a long time. Family violence is almost always a series of tactics used to gain and keep control. It‘s a pattern of behaviours that increases in frequency and severity over time. Murder is the extreme result, and we know most murders happen following the most dangerous time for a victim – after a separation. Domestic deaths are planned. The killer has commonly obtained a weapon, made threats to kill previously, knows where the victim is and when to strike.

Caused by substance abuse, stress, poverty and failed marriage Not true. Many people who experience these do not hit, stalk or murder their partners or children. It’s true that substance abuse can make the violence worse, but it’s not the reason for it. People use violence in the domestic setting because they believe they are entitled to use violence to get what they want.

The victim’s to blame Implying the victim is to blame by using phrases such as “why did they stay”, “they had relationship issues”, “she had a habit of getting involved with men like that”, imply the victim is to blame or “asked for it”. People

28 Crime Prevention Community

choose to use violence to control and dominate other family members. Victims are not to blame because they stay. They are often afraid of leaving because of isolation, lack of funds and housing, and fear of the perpetrator.

Violence and love go together It’s not normal behaviour to bash or murder someone if you love them. Jealous, threatening and intimidating behaviour is not love.

The abuser is a lovely person It is not unusual for media reports to say that the murderer/abuser was a model employee, a good neighbour or “pillar of the community”. Abusers show a different face to the world. Can someone still be “nice” if they murder their partner or child?

How to get help In an emergency, don’t hesitate to call 111 any time and ask for the Police. See their website – – for useful information about family violence. Other agencies that can help are listed at the front of the White Pages phone book under Emergency Services or Personal Help Services. Some useful contacts: – full of information for families experiencing violence. – Family and Community Services, includes a directory of social services in your community. – Ministry of Justice, with useful information about Protection Orders. – National Network of Stopping Violence Services, with a directory of services near you. – Women’s Refuge. – Age Concern – Citizens Advice Bureau – Shine (Safer Homes in NZ), crisis assistance and support for adult and child victims of family violence. 0508 744 633 for a 24-hour toll-free helpline (09 815-4601 in Auckland). – Victim Support, 0800 842 846 for a 24-hour toll-free helpline. – Rape Crisis – Family Court Maori Women’s Welfare League – see the Yellow Pages phone book. You might also consider talking to someone in your church group, your doctor or your lawyer.

Safer Communities Together

A special thank you to all the businesses and people in the area who made this journal possible with their support. Gold Supporter

Mayflower Studio

Alpine Motel

Michael Burrough Stopper

Arapawa Island Manuka

Mikeys Bar & Restaurant

aston court motel

Motueka i-Site

Atlantis Backpackers

Murchison Motels

Auto Electric City

Music Systems


New Zealand Couriers Nelson

B P Wratten

Park Cafe

Cap-It-All Promotions Ltd

Patchett Ag Air Ltd

Coldstore Construction Ltd

Port-A-Loo Nelson Ltd

Creek Pottery

PSL Pyers Services Ltd

Emerge Aotearoa

Rai Valley Tavern

Engraving & Trophy Centre

Bronze Supporter

Richmond Mall

Equestrian Lodge Motel

Peppers Awaroa Lodge

Riverlodge Motel

Erena Oliver

Rivers Licenced Cafe & Restaurant

Fashion Foods Ltd

Robert Goulter

GW & BK Thomson Builder

Roto Street Store

HiTec Automotive

Seeka Panels & Parts

Hope Moulded Polystyrene

Shonrei Products

J P & J A Nicholson Orchardists

Stoke Motors

JTB Architects Ltd

BizFitness Limited

Sunderland Marine Insurance Company Limited

Kaikoura District Council

Blenheim Accounting and Taxation Services Limited

Tahuna Auto Electrics

Marine Farming Association

Christopher Vines

Taonga by Timoti ltd

Chambers & Jackett Ltd Forest Management Resources Sprig & Fern Milton St Tim & Rae Rayward proud supporters of the PMGT Richmond Resene Color Shop Nelson Bible Baptist Church Nelson Towing and Salvage 2007 ltd Swire Shipping

Silver Supporter

A W Trinder Ltd Aquaflow Spa & Swimming Pools Ltd Avalon Manor Motels Be...Adult Boutique Beechwoods Cafe Bell Bird Motels

Clausen Boat Builders

Tahuna Physiotherapy Clinic Tapawera Hotel

Cripps K W & Son Ltd

Tasman Motor Camp & Cabins

D R & R D Smith Dave Hector Accounting Group Ltd DS & HE Mitchell Eugene & Josephine Harder Galbraith Group

The Gables B & B The Palace Backpackers Thymebank Ltd Tim Miller Plumbing Ltd Timberlink New Zealand Ltd

Harbourside Lodge

Topline Autmotive Ltd

Hatton Landscaping

Tudor Lodge Motel

IMB Construction Ltd

Youngs Automtotive

Instrumentation & Control

Apex Motor Lodge

Latter Properties Ltd

Aubrey Survey & Land Development Ltd

Le CafĂŠ Picton

Harcourts Nelson

Lighthouse Nelson

7 Day Dairy

M & J Higgins

Affordable Computers Tasman Ltd

Mainline Group Ltd

Alexander Hayward Ltd - Registered Valuers

Martin Farming

Knapps Lawyers Mataki Motel Ltd. Nelson Fire Protection Ltd Old Macdonald’s Farm Holiday Park Parker Panel and Paint Richmond Brook Station S R & K G Russ Saint Clair Family Estate Salisbury Store Sans Souci Inn Stihl Shop Motueka T & G Pipfruit The Concrete Cutter The Copier Company The Paint Factory Nelson Tractor Repairs & Spares Limited Victory Vets Vine Strength Ltd VR & GD King-Turner

Thank you to all those who gave anonymous donations

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Safer Communities Together 29

Disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods and storms can strike at any time, sometimes without warning. All disasters have the potential to cause disruption, damage property and take lives. Get ready now to protect yourself, your family, home, business and community.

Household emergency plan

instructed to do so by authorities. If you turn the gas off, you will need a professional to turn it back on and it may take several weeks to respond after an event.

Plan to look after yourself and your loved ones for at least three days or more.

• what local radio stations to tune in to for civil defence information during an event

Many disasters will affect essential services and possibly disrupt your ability to travel or communicate with each other. You may be confined to your home, or forced to evacuate your neighbourhood. In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, emergency services will not be able to get help to everyone as quickly as needed.

• how to contact your local council’s civil defence emergency management office for assistance during an emergency. If life or property is threatened, always phone 111.

This is when you are likely to be most vulnerable. So it is important to plan to look after yourself and your loved ones for at least three days or more in the event of a disaster. Get your family or household together and agree on a plan. An emergency plan helps take away some of the fears about potential disasters, and can help you respond safely and quickly when a disaster happens. Make a start on your plan today. Get a copy of a household emergency plan and checklist from your local council, or download a copy from The plan and check-lists are available in English, Samoan, Tongan, Chinese, Korean, Arabic and Hindi. A household emergency plan will help you work out:

Ask civil defence emergency management staff at your local council about your community’s civil defence warning system, and the location of civil defence or public shelters. It is also useful to learn first aid and how to deal with small fires.

Talking to children about disasters Parents and caregivers should consider talking to children about the disasters that could happen in your community and what to do to keep safe. This can help to reduce fear and anxiety and helps everyone know how to respond.

Insurance Make sure your insurance cover is adequate and up to date and that important documents can easily be gathered if you have to evacuate. For further information go to

• what you will each do in the event of disasters such as an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, flood or storm • how and where you will meet up during and after a disaster • where to store emergency survival items and who will be responsible for maintaining supplies • what you will each need to have in your getaway kits and where to keep them • what you need to do for members of the household, family or community with a disability or special requirement • what you will need to do for your pets, domestic animals or livestock • how and when to turn off the water, electricity and gas at the main switches in your home or business. Turn off gas only if you suspect a leak, or if you are

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In most emergencies you should be able to stay in your home. Plan to be able to look after yourself and your household for at least three days or more.

Assemble and maintain your emergency survival items for your home as well as a portable getaway kit in case you have to leave in a hurry. You should also have essential emergency items in your workplace and in your car.

Check and replace food & water every twelve months. Consider stocking a two-week supply of food & water for prolonged emergencies such as a pandemic.

Emergency survival items

In some emergencies you may need to evacuate in a hurry. Everyone should have a packed getaway kit in an easily accessible place at home and at work which includes:

• torch with spare batteries or a self charging torch • radio with spare batteries • wind and waterproof clothing, sun hats, and strong outdoor shoes • first aid kit and essential medicines • blankets or sleeping bags • pet supplies • toilet paper and large rubbish bags for your emergency toilet • face and dust masks.

Getaway kits

• torch and radio with spare batteries • any special needs such as hearing aids and spare batteries, glasses or mobility aids • emergency water and easy-to-carry food rations such as energy bars and dried foods in case there are delays in reaching a welfare centre or a place where you might find support. If you have any special dietary requirements, ensure you have extra supplies

Check all batteries every three months. Battery powered lighting is the safest and easiest. Do not use candles as they can tip over in earthquake aftershocks or in a gust of wind. Do not use kerosene lamps, which require a great deal of ventilation and are not designed for indoor use.

• first aid kit and essential medicines

Food and water for at least three days

• toiletries – towel, soap, toothbrush, sanitary items, toilet paper

• non-perishable food (canned or dried food)

• essential items for infants or young children such as formula and food, nappies and a favourite toy • change of clothes (wind/waterproof clothing and strong outdoor shoes)

• food, formula and drinks for babies and small children

• blankets or sleeping bags

• water – at least three litres per person per day for drinking

• pet supplies

• water for washing and cooking • a primus or gas barbecue to cook on • a can opener.

• face and dust masks • include important documents in your kit: identification (birth and marriage certificates, driver’s licences and passports), financial documents (e.g. insurance policies and mortgage information) and precious family photos.

First aid If someone you care for is injured in a disaster, your knowledge of first aid will be invaluable. Many organisations provide first aid training courses. Consider taking a first aid course, followed by regular refresher sessions. You can buy ready-made first aid kits or make up your own. For further information go to

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New Zealanders are well served by an array of people and agencies willing to help those in need.

These groups can usually be found in the Personal Help Services section at the front of your phone book, through doctors and other health professionals, church social services, word-of-mouth social contacts, and agencies such as your local Citizens Advice Bureau. The following details some of the more prominent ones.

Women’s Refuge

New Zealand has refuges throughout the country providing safe houses for thousands of women and their children annually. Most refuges can be found listed in the phone book, or may be contacted through the Police or a citizens advice bureau. Nearly all have a crisis phone line. Many refuges exist solely for Maori women; others are for Pacific Island or Asian women. Refuges provide a warm and safe place for women and children in need so they can start their lives over again. Some women stay for a night, others for several months while they decide what to do. They also provide a listening ear and advice if you need to talk to someone, and can help if you wish to stay in your home or your relationship. Every refuge provides 24-hours-a-day support, information and safe accommodation. Most have a 24-hour telephone counselling service. Women’s refuges put women in touch with lawyers, doctors, counsellors and other appropriate community groups working in family violence. For women dealing with the Police and courts, support and advocacy is offered. Help with finding alternative housing is provided for women and children unable to return to their home.

Victim Support

Victim Support is an organisation that offers immediate help for people affected by crime, including family violence. There are more than 1600 trained victim support volunteers in 77 local groups, often located in Police stations throughout the country. They offer practical advice and emotional support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Victim Support will make sure victims get support and access to other agencies such as a women’s refuge. They are often the link between Police and the helping agencies.

Citizens Advice Bureaux

The Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux is an independent community organisation whose member bureaux and specialist services around New Zealand provide information, advice, advocacy and support to individuals. Services are free, impartial and confidential. Bureaux have a comprehensive and regularly updated referral database and information resources to help volunteers provide the best advice. The bureaux; • give referrals and contacts for local help agencies; • provide information and help in getting protection orders; • provide information accommodation;



• give confidential support to talk things over and look at various options; • find free legal advice, or refer to a local lawyer; • provide other information, such as welfare benefits, housing, budgeting.

Relationship Services

Relationship Services works with people to change their relationship for the better through counselling. It works on the premise that only you can make the necessary changes and only if you have a will to make the change. Relationship Services will: • Make the safety of you and your children the priority. • See you alone so you can work out what you want to do. • Help you to understand how violence is used to maintain power and control. • Respect your feelings and help you build up your self-confidence. • Help you separate from your partner, if that’s what you want. You decide whether you will do this in separate or joint counselling sessions. • Help you to deal with the hassles and pain of separation and talk about how that is affecting your children. • Help you and your partner work at reconciliation if that’s what you decide.

34 Crime Prevention Community

Safer Communities Together


Plunket is New Zealand’s largest supplier of support services for the development, health and well-being for children under the age of five. Plunket is a national not-for-profit organisation providing a caring, professional well child and family/ whānau service. We are committed to providing universal access to services for all children and families regardless of ethnicity, location or ability to pay. This is at the heart of who Plunket is and is essential to provide a positive environment for parents. Plunket has over 1000 staff, including 650 clinical staff, and over 8000 volunteers working in more than 400 branches around the country. Plunket nurses see over 90% of New Zealand’s newborn babies each year and provide vital practical support through initiatives like car seat rental schemes, parenting education courses, toy libraries, family centres and PlunketLine, a free 24 hour advice service - 0800 933 922.

Other helpers (look in the phone book, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau, or look on the Internet):

• Parentline ( • Youthline (0800 37 66 33 – • Church social services agencies • Iwi social services

Help with effective parenting • SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents) – pamphlets and other resources on child care and management ( • National Online Directory for information on parent education resources and programmes ( • Choose to Hug – booklet produced by EPOCH ( and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner ( • Children are Unbeatable: 7 Very Good Reasons Not to hit Children – booklet available from the Families Commission (, Office of the Children’s Commissioner and Unicef (

Your local Police station

• Rape Crisis (

elson N

• Women’s support groups and women’s centres

Blenheim 03-578 5279


• National Network of Stopping Violence Services (


03-547 6212

Motueka 03-528 1220



Murchison 03-523 1170

Wakefield 03-5418210

Havelock 03-5742011

• Men’s groups • Lifeline (

03-546 3840

Richmond 03-543 9500 03-520 3120

• Samaritans (

How to obtain more free copies: To obtain more copies of this Family Violence publication or any of the Police Managers’ Guild Trust’s resource journals simply download a copy free from the internet from:

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Safer Communities Together 35

a special

thank you

to the organisations, individuals and businesses listed within This journal would not have been possible without their support

Visit: to return the favour Police Managers’ Guild Trust Phone: 04-801 0840 Website:

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