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Focus is produced by the NZ Post Collectables team and brings you news and background information on stamps, coins and other products.
To subscribe to Focus and join the NZ Post mailing list, please tick the appropriate box when you complete the order form supplied with this issue, or contact NZ Post Collectables: FreePost No.1
NZ Post Collectables Private Bag 3001 Whanganui 4541 New Zealand Ph: +64 6 262 7262.
You can find out more about our stamps, coins and other products and order online at: collectables.nzpost.co.nz nzpost.co.nz/ personalisedstamps
From there you can also subscribe to our email updates on the latest stamp, coin and other products on offer from NZ Post. You can also view a list of all philatelic clubs and societies and their contact details.
This issue of Focus has been printed on Sumo Gloss - FSC - C102086 - Mix Paper from Responsible Sources.
ISSN 1177-729X (Print) ISSN 2703-4569 (Online)
Please note:
The finished products may differ from those illustrated in this newsletter.
Focus may not illustrate all stamp, coin and collectable products that are featured in this issue or that appear in the order form.
Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from NZ Post Collectables. For more information and to request permission, please contact the Programme Manager, NZ Post Collectables, Private Bag 39990, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045, New Zealand.