Royal Health Issue. Two New Heritage Issues.
Four giants of New Zealand forests are the subject of the 1989 Scenic Native Trees issue to be released on June 7 1989, which were designed by Dave Gunson of Auckland, Our rain forests are among the most ancient in the world - some native species have an ancestry traced back over 190 million years by the study of fossilised pollen grains, Trees are among the oldest living things in the world, Some Kauri, the oldest living New Zealand trees, are thought to be over 2,000 years old, Humans have always depended on trees for shelter, fuel or timber, and on their contribution to replenishing oxygen in the air. In mountainous New Zealand, forests also absorb some of the very heavy rainfall and help prevent flooding and erosion, Our most widespread forest type is Podocarp and Mixed Broadleaf. In typically dense lowland forest, trees of the Podocarp family, such as Rimu, Kahikatea and Totara, raise their tops above the leafy canopy of the hardwood, broadleaf trees such as Rata or Tawa,
Kahikatea. (80c) The tallest of New Zealand trees reaching 60 metres tall, Kahikatea or White Pine (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) favour swampy lowland forest, but are found throughout New Zealand up to 600 metres above sea level.
\11 •
They change their shape during growth - from a bushy seedling, to a neat conical juvenile which forms at about eight years, The bare trunk of a mature tree rises to a tight crown, which opens out as the tree ages,
Rimu. (85c) Red Pine or Dacrydium cupressinum can be found throughout New Zealand in lowland and mountain forests. Fossil pollen grains have been found, tracking the Rimu back to very similar forms of 70 million years ago, Very large trees still standing, may be up to 1,000 years old, The branches of the juvenile Rimu hang down from the straight trunk, but these fall away as the tree matures into a tall straight trunk with strong branches forming a crown at the tree top,
Totara. ($1.05) Podocarpus totara, grows to 30 metres in height with a straight trunk up to two metres through, Old trees are believed to reach 1,800 years old, The young tree is bushy, but as it matures, the trunk expands and branches bear very dense foliage, Totara grow in most North Island Podocarp forests, and throughout Westland and Fiordland forests, Because of its durable qualities, the Maori felled huge single logs to make their large canoes, and the timber was also used for wharf and building piles,
Kauri. ($1.30) The mighty Kauri, (Agathis australis), once covered much of North Auckland and the Coromandel Peninsula. Some living trees are estimated to be about 2,000 years old. For 50 years or so, the juvenile tree is conical in shape, with a slender trunk. Eventually the lower branches are shed and the trunk and crown expand massively. Kauri may reach 30 metres or more in height, with a straight trunk of a great diameter. There are 67,144 hectares of Kauri forest remaining in the north of the North Island. Aminiature sheet, costing $1.80, incorporates the Kauri stamp design. Fifty cents from each sheet sold will be passed on to support the 1990 World Stamp Exhibition in Auckland. The small First Day Cover with four stamps costs $4.25 and the Large Cover with miniature sheet $2.05. The stamps are vertical in format and measure 35mm x 30mm. Orders for First Day Covers can be placed at Post offices from 18 May until 7June 1989. Thereafter, they can be bought over the counter until 25 July 1989. Unless sold out earlier, the stamps will remain on sale at Post offices, the Philatelic Bureau (mail orders) and Philatelic Sales Centres until 7June 1990.
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The second issue in the Heritage stamp series, for release on May 17, celebrates some of the people who helped shape the New Zealand of today. Designer Dave Gunson of Auckland researched carefully to ensure the clothes and artefacts were as authentic as possible. The stamps hark back to the style of last century, with fine line drawings reminiscent of engraving. All our ancestors have travelled here across hazardous ocean miles. The first to arrive on these islands now known as New Zealand, or Aotearoa, were Polynesians, over 1,000 years ago. European settlement came much later, after the first whalers arriving to hunt in New Zealand waters around 1790. Mission stations and the stores of flax and timber traders followed.
gold from sandbars along the Clutha, and within weeks 3,000 men were on the new field. Thousands of prospectors endured harsh conditions in canvas towns during the rush years of the 1860's. Later, gold production became increasingly organised by mining companies.
Earliest European settlement by whalers and traders was only temporary. Up to 1840, land was bought from the Maori in an uncontrolled way, but the Maori chiefs signing the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 gave the British Crown the sole right to purchase Maori land. It was a landmark se((lement which put many land claims under dispute that same year and still causes controversy today.
The Moriori. (40c)
The Whalers, (80c)
Descended from tropical Polynesians, the Moriori migrated to the ten islands of the Chathams group, probably by way of New Zealand. They had to adapt to the cooler climate of the Chathams, and in 1800 their population was estimated to be about 2,000. Mainland Maori invaded in the 1830's, and the Moriori were subsequently assimilated into the invading population.
The early whalers braved long ocean voyages in wooden ships to take whalebone and whale oil back home for making anything from umbrella and corset ribs to lipstick and soap. In 1835, American vessels joined the British in large scale whaling. Whalers based at nearly 100 small shore stations were hunting, often from longboats, in coastal waters in the early 1840's.
The Land Settlers, (70c)
The Prospectors, (60c) Minor finds of gold were made from as early as 1842. In 1862, two former Californian miners gleaned 1,000 oz of
The Missionaries, ($1.05) Mission stations became the earliest centres for
permanent European settlement, and missionaries were among the earliest purchasers of land from the Maori before 1840. On Christmas Day, 1814, the first Christian sermon in New Zealand was preached in the Bay of Islands by Samuel Marsden. Other Church Missionary Society missions were established around 1834 in Kaitaia, Thames, the Waikato and elsewhere.
The Maori. ($1.30) The legendary voyager Kupe is credited with discovering New Zealand, and naming the islands Aotearoa, before making the only return voyage to the ancestral Maori homeland Hawaiki. The Maori successfully adapted their Polynesian culture to rhe most southern, and most temperate outpost of Polynesia. Of all 'The People' - the Maori have made the strongest cultural contribution to New Zealand today and have the longest, deepest roots with the land we now all call home. The specially designed First Day Cover costs $5.08. The stamps are horizontal in format and measure 28mm x 40mm. Orders for First Day Covers can be placed at Post offices from 20 April until 17 May 1989. Thereafter, they can be bought over the counter until 6June 1989. Unless sold out earlier, the stamps will remain on sale at the Philatelic Bureau (mail orders) and Philatelic Sales Centres until 17 May 1990.
HERITAGE. New Stmlp dcslgncr Dave Gunson joins the nnks of successful Stmlp designers with two sepat2te issues. ScenIc Native Trees and the Henl3ge issue - 'The People'. With both issues, he's covered the specuum of our II2tW3I and mcestral history. Forthe SCtnic NativeTrccsissue, ratherthm theobvioos photographic approach, Dave chose to draw and paint (in gouache) for the freedom to show the entire tree in its 112tul'21 forest enviroruDenl. He looked at every photographic reference he could find for accuracy, and drew In people to give an idea of the scale of the Illustrations. Although born and educated in UverpooI, England, Dave is no stranger to New Ze2Iand anima1 and plant life. In 1983 he wrote and Illustrated the 'CoIlins GuIde to the New Ze2Iand seashore', covering 600 species of plants and aniJIIU. He c:une to New Zea1and in 1969, and worked in various design studios before freelancing as a designer, Illustrator and an director in 1975. He now works mainly on book Illustrations and design projects for publishers and government departments from his home studio at Birkenhead where he lives with his wife Barban and their two children. To go back about 100 years in style for The People issue, Dave used finely drawn Images with sparse colour to contribute to an engraved look, one of the principal forms of illustration used bst century. Dave is a member of the Auckland Society of Arts, where he regularly exhibits his paIn~. WhI1e his commercial work requites the discipline of working to a client's brief, Dave says he enjoys painting very contemporary works to provoke a reaction. "Stamps area nice change," he says. "Therels no similar design project around with such a small finished product."
I~ • Seascape. ($1.05) Afearure of New Zealand's coastline is its diversity, with rugged cliffs, golden, and black ironsand beaches, bush clad hills falling to the water's edge, mangrove flats and long alluvial plains.
...~---.... _4
H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of York, 1988's most famous baby, will feature on this year's Health issue to be released on July 26. She will appear on three stamps, once on her own, with her mother, the Duchess of York, and with both her father and mother the Duke and Duchess of York. The photograph featuring Princess Beatrice on her own was taken when she was 14 weeks old. It is from the private collection of the Duke and Duchess of York. Royal children have appeared several times on New Zealand Health issues since 1943 and Princess Beatrice is
following the tradition. The first Royal children's stamps depicted the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. They were triangular stamps and so for collectors they were unique for twO reasons. That first issue was so popular that the Princesses appeared again on the 1944 Health issue wearing their girl guide uniforms. In the 1950's and 60's Queen Elizabeth II's children Prince Charles and Princess Anne, followed by Princes Andrew and Edward in turn, featured on Health stamps.
In 1985 il was the lurn of Prince Charles and Princess Diana's twO sons, Princes William and Henry. The conneclion between Royally and lhe Children's Heailh Camps movemem goes back to 1939 when the organisalion was named lhe King George VMemorial Children's Heallh Camps Federalion. This relatonship with Royalty was funher cememed in 1983 when a new camp, the Princess of Wales Health Camp, opened in Rotorua. Slamps in lhe 1989 issue are the Duchess of York with Princess Beatrice (40c plus 3 cems surcharge for Children's Health), The Duke and Duchess of York wilh the Princess of York (also 40c plus 3 cems). Both these stamps will be produced se-tenant. The slamp fealuring lhe Princess of York on her own (70 cems plus 3 cems), will be separate. The miniature sheel will include 2 examples of each stamp and COSI $3.18. The Firsl Day Cover designed by Wellington artist
Allan Milchell costs 1.84 and bears the ponrail of Mette Kirsline Nielsen of Dannevirke, who in 1926 made lhe original suggestion which resulled in the produclion of Health slamps. She proposed that a system of Christmas seals, originally used in Denmark, should be followed in New Zealand. Evemually, it was decided to adopt an official stamp with a postage plus charily value which was seen as preferable to lhe issue of a seal. The slamps are vertical in format and measure 29.4mm x 35mm. Orders for First Day Covers can be placed at Post offices from 8June umil26July 1989. Thereafter, they can be bought over the coumer umil 12 September 1989. Unless sold Out earlier, the slamps will remain on sale al POSt offices umil 12 September 1989, al Philatelic Sales Cemres and by mail order from lhe Philatelic Bureau umil 26July 1990.
Abright shining star is the linking theme for this year's Christmas stamps. Auckland artist Hal Chapman has placed the "Star of Bethlehem" above stylised New Zealand scenes in all four stamps to be issued on September 13 1989. The scene through a bedroom window on the 35 cents discounted stamp is of One Tree Hill, Auckland. Ashepherd and his sheep look out over a snowcovered mountain, river and valley on the 70 cents stamp, while a peaceful boat harbour scene is featured on the 80 cents stamp. The 85 cents stamp shows New Zealand on the world globe with the
star above in space. The 35 cents stamp will be produced in books of 10 and a First Day Cover with the star theme will also be available at a price of 52.95. The stamps are vertical in format and measure 29.4mm x 35mm. Orders for First Day Covers can be placed at Post offices from 27 July until 13 September 1989. Thereafter, they can be bought over the counter until 10 October 1989. Unless sold out earlier, the stamps and booklets will remain on sale at Post offices until 16 January 1990 and at the Philatelic Bureau (mail orders) and Philatelic Sales Centres until 13 September 1990.
Endangered Birds "Specimen" Stamp Pack. For the very first time, New le2Imd Post Ius issued a set of six "SPECIMEN" overprinted sumps in a special pack. This offers coUectors a rare opportunity to obtain these lovely sumps at below their tou! bee value of$25.00, for only $12.50. . These sumps are Dol valid for posuge; aU proceeds from their sale will go towards staging New le2Imd's first international Stamp Exhibition in Auckland in 1990.
Supporters keen to join "New Zealand 1990". In less than 12 months over 1200 stamp colleclars from all over the world have become supporting members of EW ZEALAND 1990, the World Stamp Exhibition la be held at the Auckland Exhibition Complex (Showgrounds) from 24 August to 2 September 1990. Supporting members receive nine newsletters, a supporters' badge, up la date information on events as well as advance information on NEW ZEALAND 1990 souvenirs. All supporting members also receive a free philatelic gift. Supporting membership costs just NZ$25.00. Anyone can become a supporting member by sending their name, address and $25.00 la NEW ZEALAND 1990, PO BOX 4069, Auckland, New Zealand.
New Zealand 1990 Tie. One of the special items currently being offered la supporters of NEW ZEALAND 1990 is an anractive grey tie featuring the NEW ZEALAND 1990 logo. These ties cost $22 .00 each. Stamp colleclars are to be encouraged la wear the ties la help promote the exhibition.
New CindereUa Features Hillary. The second of the four special souvenir Antarctic cinderella sheets
has been issued for NEW ZEALAND 1990. This issue came out la coincide with I DIA '89, another World Stamp Exhibition held in New Delhi during January. Commemorated on the sheet is the 80th Anniversary of the discovery of the Magnetic South Pole by C. T. W. Edgeworth-David, Forbes Mackay and Douglas Mawson. Sir Edmund Hillary is depicted on another of the cinderellas within the sheet and the first Indian expedition to the Antarctic as well as the workhorse of the Antarctic, a husky, also feature. The third cinderella sheet will be issued in June to coincide with the PHILEXFRANCE World Stamp Exhibition. This sheet commemorates the work of French professor and Antarctic explorer Jean Baptiste Charcot. Charcot is featured on one label in the sheet while a map of the area he explored - Deception, Petermann and Adelaide Islands features on another. Ase-tenant pair completes the sheet and shows Adelie Penguins and Charcot's ship which has the unusual name of 'Pourquoi Pas?' meaning 'Why Not?' The cost of the cinderella sheets are $5.00 each and they can be ordered on the special NEW ZEALAND 1990 order form in this issue of "Focus".
1989/90. ISSUE
$10 Definitive (Little Spotted Kiwi)
Blind Pre-Stamped Envelope
Heritage (The People)
40c,60c,70c,80c, $105, $130.
Scenic (N.Z. Native Trees)
80c, 85c, $105, $i .30, (Mini-Sheet $180.)
Health, Duke and Duchess of York and Princess Beatrice
40c + 3c,40c + 3c, 70c + 3c (Mini-Sheet $3.18.)
35c, 70c, 80c, 85c.
Heritage (The Sea)
40c, 60c, 70c, 80c, $105, $130.
Commonwealth Games
40c x 3, 60c, 70c, 80c, $105, $130.
150th Anniversary Waitangi Treaty Signing
Mini-Sheet 80c (includes 2 x 40c stamps).
50th Anniversary Air New Zealand
150th Anniversary Presbyterian Church Pre-stamped envelope
Heritage (The Ships)
40c,6Oc,70c,80c, $105, $130.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. "Focus on New Zealand Stamps" is prepared at I ew Zealand Post Headquarters, Wellington, and published in April and September each year. Each issue is distributed free to some 65,000 stamp collectors, both in New Zealand and overseas. Articles may be extracted for reprinting without further permission. Acknowledgement to "Focus on New Zealand Stamps" would be appreciated. NOTE: Some of the stamps illustrated in this publication are taken from proofs and original artwork and will be subject to minor alterations.
OVERSEAS AGENTS. New Zealand Post has representatives in the following countries for the purchase of New Zealand issues. Harry Alien, Manager, PO Box 5, British & Overseas Rickmansworth, Philatelic Agency Ltd, HERTS WD3 1EY, PO Box 80, ENGLAND. SHIBUYA TOKYO, 150-91 JAPAN. Richard Borek, Unicover Corporation, Theodor Heuss Strasse 7, One nicover Center, 3300 Braunschweig, Cheyenne, FEDERAL REP BLlC OF Wyoming 82008-000 I, GERMANY. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
AVAILABLE. All stamps are available by mail order from the Philatelic Bureau, or over the counter from Philatelic Sales Centres at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Rotorua and Gisborne. All prices quoted throughout this issue are in New Zealand dollars.
WITHDRAWALS. 18 April 1989 30 April 1989 30 April 1989 2Mayl989 6June 1989 21 June 1989 27 July 1989 14 September 1989 5 October 1989
Arms Definitive Centenary of Electricity Centenary of Philately 1988 Tokelau Christmas 1988 Scenic Australian Bicentenary 1988 Health 1988 Christmas Heritage (The Land)
ARMS. (Set $24.00) $6, $8, $10. DEFINITIVES. (Set $29.74) Rocks and Minerals. Ic, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 9c. Native Birds. 10c, 20c, 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 70c, 80c, 90c, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $10. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE. (Set $1.55) 5c, 10c, 20c,30c, 40c, SOc. TOKELAU DEFINITIVES. (Set $499) Is, 2s, Ss, 9s, 23s, 34s, 50s, 75s, $1, $2. SPECIAL ISSUES. 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989
Scenic Australian Bicentenary Health - Olympic Games Christmas Heritage - The Land Whales Native Birds Wildflowers Authors $10 Definitive
Tokelau Christmas
The following is a list of new services and changes to existing services at the Philatelic Bureau. If you wish to take advantage of one of the new services or amend your existing requirements, then write to us today stating your name and customer number.
Stamps. Platellmprint blocks from time to time will now be available in sizes of less than six stamps. Included in the technical information of each new issue leaflet will be the number of stamps required to purchase a complete Plate/Imprint block. Aminimum block of six stamps will be supplied to our Standing Order customers unless requested otherwise. Customers who request a certain size of Plate/Imprint block will receive this size for every new issue. Stamps are now available from the Philatelic Bureau as follows: -MINT - CANCELLED-Ta-ORDER or CT.O - USED (Stamps are affixed to paper and then cancelled)
First Day Covers. From the 1989 Scenic - Native Trees issue onwards, the fee for First Day Covers will be as follows:
Cover - Without Stamps AfflXed. Standard Size (21Smm x 102 mm) - IOc Large Size (210rnm x lS0mm) - ISc
Cover - With Stamps AfflXed.
Standard and large size 2Sc plus face value of stamps. For the benefit of customers with a standing order for First Day Covers, i[ will be the policy of the Philatelic Bureau to supply all official First Day Covers issued by New Zealand Post on s[anding order.
ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO New Zealand 1990,p.o.Box 4069, Auckland. NEWZEALA:-iD.
Payments Made Easy.
ITEM ANTARCTtC CINDERELLA SHEET No. [ ANTARCTIC CINDERELLA SHEET No.2 -INDIA 1989 ANTARCTIC CINDERELLA SHEET No. 3 - PHILEXFRANCE FIRST DAY COVER No. I - 1st Exhibition Mini·Sheet on logo cover. "1990" P/Mark 1[,6.86 Miniarure Sheet No. 1 FIRST DAY COVER No. 2 - 2nd Exhibition Mini·Sheel on logo cover. "1990" P/Mark 17.6.87 Miniature Sheet No. 2. M/S No. 2 Plated Sheets in numbered set of 28
AUTHORITY. Philatelic Customer Number Name of Cardholder Name of Philatelic Customer
_ _ _
(if differem from :l!:>o\'c)
Type of Credit Card (Please Tick) Bankcard 0 MasterCard 0 Diners 0 Amex 0 Visa 0 Credit Card Number (all digits) _ Valid from date Expiry dale
(2) Quarterly (3) When funds are required Payments to be in amounts of: (I) Set amount, Le., $10, $20, $SO (2) Varying amount assessed at the period specified above. Signature:
FIRST DAY COVER No. 3 - 3rd Exhibition Mini·Sheet on logo cover. "[990" P/Mark 8.6.88 Miniarure Sheet No. 3 NEW ZEALAND 1990 TIE - Grey with Lo~o UNIQUE SOUVENIR SPOONS Gold·plated with Exhibirion logoNew Zealand Penny or Half·penny KIWI STICK PIN - Paua Shell
4 Desi~ns
4 Designs
4 Desi~n.s
FOC Mint
5.50 2.20
FOC Mint
600 2.70
Rco'd NZ$
6.00 2.70
FOC Mint
22.00 I Penny Vz Penny Silver Plated Gold Plated
SUPPORTING MEMBERSHIP (Bad~e and Newsletters)
12.00 12.00 360 3.60 25.00
+ PosrlPacking ~
Do you require the charge to be made: (I) By issue
Customers can now conveniently pay into their Bureau Customer Account by having their credit card charged automatically. Just complete the authority panel below and send to: Philatelic Bureau, New Zealand Post Lld,Private Bag,WANGANU1.
Total Enclosed
Mail Order Onll'
(Please specify)
I I I I I I I I I I I Expiry Date
(Please specify)
Office Use Onlv I. 2. 3. 4.
PRODUCTS ORDER FORM. ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: Manager, Philatelic Bureau, New Zealand Post Ltd, Private Bag, Wanganui, NEW ZEALAND CUSTOMER NUMBER
GUARANTEE If your purchase does not arrive in mint condition, please return it to us within two weeks from date of receipt and we will replace it. OR
For posuge
purposes Issue Code
selling lheweight Price Number ofe2Ch :TOTAL NZ$ Required ilemis: NZ$ c
'Payments can be made by International Money Order or Bank Draft. 'Credit card payments are accepted for orders of NZ$IO,OO or more, Please use the following currency conversion rates, CURRENCY CONVERSION RATE £1 Stg equals NZ$2,70 (approx) $1 Australia equals NZ$1.32 (approx) $1 USA equals NZ$l. 52 (approx) $1 Canada equals NZ$1.30 (approx) If you would like your order sent by registered pOSt, please include NZ$2.45 plus rerum postage, Orders for Mint stamps amounting to NZ$30,OO will automatically be registered, 'I understand that if you are unable to supply my order I will receive a full and prompt refund,
1988 New Zealand Stamp Pack
1988 First Day Covers Pack
1988 Scenic Walkways Presentation Pack
1988 Native Birds Presentation Pack
1988 Whales Presentation Pack
Please charge my credit card (amount) NZ$
1989 Wildnowers Presentation Pack
Endangered Native Birds Specimen Stamp Pack tDelete whichever not applicable
t Air/Surface Postage (see reverse side)
Registration Fee NZ$2.45
Bankcardl MasterCard
PLEASE PRINT Card Number: Valid From: Expiry Date: Name: (Block letters)
Signature: Address:
American Express
POSTAGE RATES. (From New Zealand.)
Ausrralia and South Pacific orth America and Asia (excluding the Middle Easr) South America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East
1st 109 80c $1.05
each add. 109 20c 45c
SURFACE LETTERS. Asian-Pacific Postal Union - Australia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; China, People's Republic of; Cook Islands; India; Indonesia; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South); Lao, People's Democractic Republic of; Malaysia; Maldives; Nauru; Nepal; Niue; Norfolk Island; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tokelau; Vier Nam, Socialist Republic of and Wesrern Samoa. Up to:
All other countries:
20 g 50 g lOO g 250 g 500 g 60c 80c $1.10 $2.15 $415 70c $110 $1.55 $2.85 $5.50