Focus magazine number 71, April 2021

Page 14

Recent coin issues Discover New Zealand: Tūī Featuring a stunning photographic image of the tūī, a bird unique to Aotearoa New Zealand, this is the first coin in a new series celebrating New Zealand’s natural wonders. The tūī feeds from harakeke, New Zealand flax. This vivid image is framed by the engraved high-relief kaitiaki (guardian). The kaitiaki not only acts as a unifying feature that acknowledges Māori as tangata whenua (the people of the land), but is a minder or caregiver, protecting the taonga (treasure) encapsulated by the coin. Date of issue: October 2020 Designer: Kaitiaki designed by Dave Burke, Tauranga, New Zealand Mint: Royal Dutch Mint Worldwide mintage: 1,000

Kākā This coin features an illustration of the endemic kākā painted by New Zealand artist Ben Timmins. In the background two ferns crown the bird, as a symbol of protection and guardianship. The ferns are engraved, and the background colour treated to give greater depth to the imagery and highlight the kākā painting. Date of issue: December 2020 Designer: Ben Timmins, Taranaki, New Zealand Mint: Royal Dutch Mint Worldwide mintage: 1,000

2021 Kiwi Kiwi are equally cherished by all cultures in New Zealand. They are a symbol of the uniqueness of New Zealand wildlife and the value of our natural heritage. The bird itself is a taonga to Māori, who have strong cultural, spiritual and historical associations with kiwi. The 2021 Kiwi coin features the brown kiwi Apteryx mantelli in an underground burrow with two eggs. The brown kiwi nest in short burrows, rocky crevices or the hollow bases of trees. The kiwi on this coin is likely male, as they do all the incubation in this species. One or two large eggs can be laid any time of year, but the peak time is between June and November. Date of issue: December 2020 Illustrator: Stephen Fuller, Wellington, New Zealand Designer: Helcia Knapp, Raumati, New Zealand Mint: BH Mayer’s Kunstprägeanstalt GmbH Worldwide mintage: 5oz silver proof coin: 350 1oz silver proof coin: 2,500 1oz silver specimen coin: 5,000 ¼oz gold proof coin: 500 5oz gold proof coin: 30


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