Series 1 New Zealand Philatelic Bulletin No 6 1940 October

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General Post Office, Wellington, C.l. 29th Cb tober~ 1940. Philatelic Bulletin No. 6 (Overseas).


Centennial stamps.

The following additional plates have been used in the printing of the Centennial stamps:ld.





In order to conserve stocks of paper and stamps, it has been decided not to withdraw the Centennial stamps at the end of the year but to continue their sale until stocks are exhausted.


Official stamps.

The following additional Centennial stamps have been overprinted "Official":id.








It has been found that one of' the stereos used for overprinting the Pictorial stamps was wrollBly included in the forme which overprinted the Centennial st~s "Offioial". The normal overprint Wlcd for the Centennial stamps shows the ~. "f' sn of "Of'f'icial" separated, Vlhereas in the Pictorial overprint the two "f's" arc joined together. The stamp bearing the variety is nunibor 10 in ro,7 1 in the ~d., ld., 2d., 3d., 4d.., 6d. and 8d. denominations and number :5 in row 4 in the ~d. vaIue.

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Health stmgps.

The l~ Health stamps, vzhich comprise two denominations (id. postage + td. Health; 2d. postage + ld. Health), were placed on sale on the 1st October, 1940. On receipt of the proofs o:f the 2d. + ld. Health stamps, it was found that the design was !lOre clearly defined in a light rcd-brovm than in orange; Consequently the stamps have been produced in th0 former eolour and not orange as previously announced.

Thero are neither numbers nor imprints on the shoets. 4.

Postal stationery.

Lcttorcards with the inscription "Letter Card" only on the: front and tTi thout advertisem::mts on the reverse side ,{ere h;sued during Se:ptembcr. NeT! advertisomDnts appeared on stocks of lettercards released in October.

1940. 5.

Trans-Pacific Air-mail service.

The number of letters carried men thQ Trans-Pacific air-mail was rest1Illed on the 20th JuJ.y last was as follows:To LondaAe 663; San Francisco, 13,824; Los Angeles, 2,450; Honolulu, 5,7;)6; Canton Island, 4,739; and Nournea, 6,590. Sydney alsQ lJ\ up mails f'or Montreal and San FrMcisco; but there' are no particulars os to the number of' articles included therein. The weights of' the mails were 9 lb. 6 OZ •. and 61 lb. 14 oz., respectively.

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