PHILATELIC BULLETIN Enquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General. Stamps Division, G.P.O .• Wellington, N.Z.
No. 8.
21st JUNE, 1955.
I. Postage Stamp Centennial. The 2d. and 4d. values of the Centennial postage stamps to be issued on the 18th July are in sheets of two panes, each pane containing 60 stamps. The plate numbers 1A1A and 1B1B appear in the bottom lefthand corner of each pane. The 3d. value is printed in one pane of 160 stamps, and the plate number 1A or 1B appears in the bottom left-hand corner. 2. International Stamp Exhibition. An International Stamp Exhibition is being held at Auckland in connection with the Postage Stamp Centennial celebrations and a special post office will be opened at the Exhibition from the 18th to the 22nd July inclusive. Two special date-stamps will be used at the Exhibition ~ost office, one on the 18th July, (the actual Centennial date) and the other during the period 19th to the 22nd July. Persons in New Zealand residing outside Auckland city who desire the special date-stamp cancellations of the 18th July shOUld 'forward their addressed envelopes, together with a remittance covering the cost of the stamps required and a servicing fee of 1d. per envelope, under cover addressed to the Chief Postmaster, Auckland, to reach him not later than the 9th July. The envelope addressed to the Chief Postmaster should be marked "stamp EXhibition".
3. Otahuhu College Philatelic Exhibition. A post office will be opened at the Otahuhu College Philatelic Exhibition which is to be held at the College on the 27th., 28th and 29th July, 1955. A special date-stamp will be provided.
4. 1955 Health Stamps. The 1955 Health stamps w111 be placed on sale on the 3rd October, 1955 and withdrawn on the 31 st January, 1956. Details of these stamPs were g1 ven in the previous Bulletin but 1t is mentioned aga1n that on this occasion there w111 be three denominations, namely: 2d. (1id. postage + ~d. Health)
3d. ( 2d. 4d. ( 3d.
" "
+ 1d. + 1d.
" "
) )
There are 160 stamps to a sheet in each denomination.-
5. Souvenir Health Covers. -
Special souvenir Health covers will be obtainable from retail stationers and stores several weeks before the stamps are placed on sale. This year only the ordinary commercial size will be available at a cost of 1d. each. To ensure that supplies are available persons or firms requiring large numbers of covers should place their orders with their stationer or storekeeper as early as possible. Overseas collectors and dealers, when ordering "Health" firstday covers to be supplied and serviced by the stamps Division of this¡ Department, should include in their remittance the cost of the covers 1n addition to the servicing fee (1id. each cover). In cases where clients sup~lY their own addressed covers (not the special souvenir covers) the servicing fee is reduced to 1d. per cover. Persons residing in New Zealand who wish to send covers to friends overseas are required to prepare and despatch their own covers. The Stamps Division cannot accept any orders for covers from New Zealand residents. 6. Southland Centennial Stamps. -
A set of three stamps will
be issued in January, 1956, to commemorate the centennial of the Southland province. The denominations will be as follows: 2d.
A design, depicting the "Whalers of Foveaux Strait", drawn by Mr E.R. Leerning, Christchurch. Size 37mm x 21 nrn.
An agricultural and pastoral scene drawn by
Mr L.C. Mitchell,
Size 37mm x 21nrn.
A Notornis (bird) against a background of snowgrass drawn by M. R. SIn1 th, Levin. Size 21 mm x 25nrn. The stamps are being printed by the recess-engraved process by Messrs De La Rue &: Co. Ltd., London. Special souvenir covers will B2! be issued by the Post Office but for overseas clients, the Stamps-Division, General Post Office, Wellington, will affix stamps to plain envelopes and have them cancelled on the date of issue. The charge for this service is 1id. per cover in addition to the cost of the stamps reqUired. In cases where a client supplies his own addressed envelopes, the servicing fee will be reduced to 1d. The address should be placed on the right-hand side and not higher than 1i inches from the bottom of the envelope. . 7.
1954 Health Stamps. -
These stamps were wi thdrawn from sale on the 30th January, 1955. The numbers sold were: 2d. (1id. postage + id. Health) 6,530,543 3d. (2d. " + 1d. ") 4,723,313 8. Fiscal Stamps. A 1s. 3d. revenue stamp has been reintroduced for use in stamping documents such as hire-purchase agreements. The stamps, which are now available, were printed at the Government Printing Office, Wellington, the blank "Arms" type plate being used with the value type-set and printed in black. The basic colour of the stamp is orange. These stamps are valid for the payment of postage. 9. King George VI Stamps. All King George VI stamps (ordinary and official) will be wi thdrawn from sale after the close of business on the 30th September. 10. Postage Stamp Booklets. An order has been placed for a further supply of postage stamp booklets. The new booklets, in addition to containing twelve 1d. and twelve 3d. stamps will also contain a panel of six airmail stickers. I J. Postal Stationery. . The undermentioned items of postal stationery impressed with new dies portraying Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II were issued on the dates shown: Letter cards 10th March, 1955 Pos t cards 2nd May, 1955 Printed matter cards 1st April, 1955 Newspaper wrappers 1st April, 1955.
Commercial envelopes with the inscription on the back printed in black ink instead of red were issued on the 2nd May, 1955. 12. Coil Stamps. -
The first supplies of counter appliance rolls of 9d., 1s.Od. and 1a.6d. Queen Elizabeth 11 stamps were made up with the stamps rolled horizontally. These contained 400 stamps to the roll. Rolls of the 1s.0d. value containing 320 stamps to a roll and rolled vertically were issued on the 19th May, 1955. Rolls of 9d. and 1s.6d. stamps made up vertically and containing 320 stamps to a roll w1ll be issued at an early date.