PHILATELIC BULLETIN Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director- General. Stamps Division. G.P.O.. Wellington. N.Z.
No. 16.
26 January. 1959.
I. Marlboroulh Centennial Stamps.-
Reproductions of the three stamps Which are to be placed on sale on 2 March, 1959 to mark the centennial of the province of Marlborough appear in this issue. The 2d. value Which is green in colour depicts the careening of H.M. Bark "Endeavour" at Ship Cove; the 3d. value features the shipping ~ wool at the Wairau bar in 1857 and is coloured blue; the 8d. value featuree the salt industry at Grassmere and is coloured brown. All the etampe are of the same size and format viz., 37mm x 21mm and there are 120 to a sheet in each denomination. The sheet values are £1. £1.108'1 and £4 respectively. The stamps were designed by Messrs G.R. Bu 1 and G.R. Smith of Wellington and were PJ'inted in England by Meeere Harrison and Sons Ltd. who used the photogravure procese. Special souvenir covers sponsored by the Marlborough Centennial Committee will be available from the principal booksellers, philatelic societies and stamp dealers throughout New Zealand at a cost of 3d. each. A special datestamp will be used at the Chief Post Office, Blenheim on the first day of issue of the stamps. Persons in New Zealand who wish to have their covers cancelled with this datestamp should forward their addressed envelopes together with a remittance covering the cost of the stamps required and the servicing fee of id. per envelope to the Chi~f Postmsster,Blenhe1m in' time to reach that office not later than 25 February. The outside cover should be enfaced "Marlborough Centennial Covers". The New Zealand Post Office st8mpS Division will provide the usual first day· cover service for overseas clients whose oraers are received prior to the stamps being placed on sale. The Marlborough Centennial stamps will be withdrawn from sale at the end of May, 1959.
1. Red Cross Stamp. A special stamp with a postage value ot 3d. and a BUrCharge ot id. will be issued in June next. The net proceeds t'r0lll the surcharge will be made available to the New Zealand Red Cross Society. The issue of this stamp will coincide with the centennial of the Battle ot Solferino at which the idea ot a Red Cross organization had its birth. Further 1ntormation about this stamp will be given in a later Bulletin.
3. Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree Stamp'.The special 3d. stamp which wss 1Bsued on 5 Janua17, 1959 to commemorate the holding of the Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree at Auckland was designed by Mrs S.M. Co11ins ot Christchureh. The stamps were printed in England by Messrs BradbU17 Wllkinson and Co. Ltd. who used the recess engraved method of production. The centre of the stamp which features a kiwi is brOll'Il and the remainder of the stamp red. The stamps were printed trom plates giving the identification symbols Ai, A2., B1 and B2. The sheet value £2 (160 stamps to a sheet) is print!ld on the selvedge at the top right-hand corner of the sheet. while the plate number and imprint appear together on the selvedge in the bottom 1ett-hand corner. The Pan-Pacitic Jamboree stamps will be withdrawn trom sale at the end of 'larch. 4. Western Samoa-Commemorative Stamps.-
The numbers ot the western Samoa commemorative stllllPS sold were. 44 •• 108,743; 64 •• 115,424 and 1 s.Od. 106,412. 5. Q _ Elizabeth Stamps.The following Queen Elizabeth stamps and postal stationery have been issued since the previous Bulletin was released:Go~rnment Life stamps reprint on new paper 2d. 11.9.58. 1s.94. Counter roU. 17. 9.58 Embossed envelopes. !'lew supply on different 3d. paper. 10.11.58. 2d. Official stamps reprint on new paper 11.12.58. 6. Fiscal Stamps.The £1 fiscal stamp printed on new paper with the watermark upright and perforated with a new perforating head was issued on 20 October. 1958.
7. R.T.P.O. Main Trunk - Special Datestamps. Special pictoria1 dates tamps will be used by the Railway Travelling Post Offices on the Main Trunk railway between Auckland and Wellin~on and vice versa on SUnday, 15 February, 1959 to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Main Trunk R.T.P.O. One dates tamp will be used on the Auckland section of the line and one on the Wellington.section. Persons in New Zealand who desire to have correspondence impressed with these special datestamps should forward their addressed envelopes, bearing the correct postage - ordin osta e rates lu t charge of 2d. - under cover to e e Postmasters at Auckl or wâ‚ŹilinSion respectively in time to reach those offices not than Thursday, 12 February, 1959. The outer wrapping should scribed "!fain Trunk Covers". Napier. A special post office named Centennial Industries Rxhibition, Napier will be opened at Napier during the period 1/10 October, 1959. Instructions about the forwarding of correspondence for cancellation at the special office will be given in a later bulletin. 8. Centennial Industries Exhibition,
Withdrawal of Commemorative Issues. -
For record purposes it is notified that the Tasman Flight Anniversary and Nelson City Centennial stamps were withdrawn from sale on 31 Deeem1:ler, 19'58. The Havrkes Bay Centennial stamps will be withdrawn from sale at the end of February, 1959.
Reproductions 01 die Marlborough
c:.nt.nial Stamps.