Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 10 1956 july

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PHILATELIC BULLETIN Enquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director¡ General, Stamps Division, G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z.

No. 10.

2nd JULY, 1956.

I. 1956 Health Stamps.The 1956 Health stamps will be placed on sale on the 24th September, 1956.

The stamps will be issued in three values; 2d. (1td. postage + id. Health), sepia; 3d. (2d. postage + 1 d. Health), green; and 4d. (3d. postage + 1d. Health), red. The design, which is the same for all values, depicts two children picking apples in an orchard. Mr L.C. Mitchell of wellington drew the design from a photograph supplied to the Post Office by Mr J.F. Louden of Tauranga. The stamps are being produced by Messrs Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd., England, by the recessengraved process. The size of the stamps is 21mm x 25mm and there I~e 160 stamps to a sheet in each value. Souvenir covers issued by the Health Camps Federation will be available at most stationers and stores throughout the country at a cost of 1d. each. Overseas collectors and dealers ordering "Heal th" first day covers to be supplied and serviced by the Stamps Division of the New Zealand Post Office should include in their remittances the cost of the covers in addition to the servicing fee (1td. each cover). In cases where clients supply their own addressed covers, the servicing fee is reduced to 1d. each cover. Persons residing in New Zealand who wish to send covers to friends overseas are requested to prepare and despatch their own covers. The Post Office cannot accept orders for covers from New Zealand residents. As usual, post offices will be opened at th~ Maunu, Pakuranga, Otaki, Glenelg, and Roxburgh Health Camps on the first day of issue of the Health stamps. Persons in New Zealand who desire covers postmarked at these offices should forward addressed envelopes, together with a remittance to cover the cost of the stamps plus a serVicing fee of 1d. per cover, to the respective Chief Postmast~rs­ Whangarei, Auckland, wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin.


1955 Health Stamps.-

on the 31st January, 1956.

These stamps were withdrawn from sale The numbers sold were:-


(1td. postage + id. Health)




postage + 1d. Health)




postage + 1d. Health)


3. Rass Dependency Stamps.A set 01' four stamps of the denominations 3d., 4d., 8d., and 1s.6a. is to be issued for the Ross Dependency. They are for use by members of the New Zealand Antarctic Expedition while in the Ross Dependency area.

The 3d. stamp, drawn by Mr E.M. Taylor of Wellington, shows the ship "Erebus" with Mt. Erebus in the background. (The"Erebus" was the flagship of Sir James Clark Ross when he discovered the terri tory in 1841 ). The colour 01' the stamp is blue. The 4d. stamp, drawn by Mr L.C. Mitchell of Wellington, portrays the explorers, Shackleton and Scott, with a map of the Dependency in the background. The colour is cardinal. The 8d. stamp, drawn by Mr M.R. Smith 01' Levin, depicts a map of the Dependency showing the geographical relationship of that area to New Zealand. The land masses are shown in cardinal and the remainder in ultramarine. The 1s.6d. stamp, drawn by Mr J. Berry of Wellington, portrays Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and is similar in design to the present New Zealand "Official" issue except that Her Majesty is shown facing left. The stamp is in the larger size 01' the current 1s.6d. New Zealana postage stamp. The colour is royal purple. These stamps will be valid for postage only at post offices established in the Ross Dependency. They will not be valid for postage on mail posted in New Zealand. When the stamps are placed on sale in the Ross Dependency arrangements will be made for mint copies to be obtainable at the Chief Post Offices at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin and at the Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington. It is expected that the Expedition will leave New Zealand for Antarctica about the middle 01' December next but the stamps will not be issued until the Expedition post office is opened. Overseas collectors should note that orders for mint stamps must be forwarded separatelY from orders for first day covers. (see next paragraph). Dealers in particular should forward their orders for mint stamps to reach the Stamps Division not later than the 1st December.

4. Ross Dependency Souvenir Covers.The Ross Sea Committee will be maKing available an official cover of foolscap size and attractiTI design printed in four colours. These covers will be obtainable from any of the sixty local committees ~n about two months'time at a cost of 6d. each. All covers will be serviced by the Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington.

Overseas collectors and dealers ordering covers should include in their remittance the cost of the covers, in addition to the servicing fee (1id.each cover). New Zealand collf~tors and deale~s are requested to obtain and send in their covers Lclly addressed with a remittance to cover the cost of the stamps, plus a servicing fee of 1d. each cover. It is expected that space on the ship taking the covers to the Ross Dependency will be at a premium. In view of this and the difficulty of land transport to the Expedition's base persons sending in covers are requested NOT to include fillers. It will be necessary for mail for the Ross Dependency to be readY for shipment when the Expedition's ship is being loaded and orders for covers will require to reach the Stamps Division, General Post. Office, Wellington, not later than the 1st October. Orders for covers should be sent separately from those for mint stamps. The Ross Bea Committee expects that the covers sent to the Ross Dependency for datestamping will reach New Zealand towards the end of March, 1957. Those for overseas will then be sent on by the first despatch. 5. 75th Anniversary of New Zealand Meat Export Trade.Two stamps of the denominations 4d. and Bd. will be issued in February next to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the first shipment of frozen mutton from New Zealand to Great Britain. Further details of this issue will be given later. 6.

Queen Elizabeth 11 Stamps.-

The denominations, plate numbers, and dates of issue of these stamps with the enlarged figures in the value symbol are as follows:~. Plate No. Date of Issue. 1id.





in stamp booklets 1st May, 1956. only 1 ,2, 20th October, 1955.


1st December, 1955. 19th March, 1956.

A number of philatelic publications have reported that two distinct dies were used to produce the 3d. denomination with small figures in the value symbol. Bowever enquiry made of the prin"e~8, lIessrs Bradbury, Willt1nson &: Co. Ltd., shows that only one roller impression was used to make all the 3d. plates up to No.30 inclusive but a new roller was used to produce plates Nos. 32 and 33. The printers state that the second roller was taken up because it was noticed that the first one was deteriorating. In consequence plates Nos. 32 and 33 showed some very slight differences. The printers are emphatic that a second die was not engraved. 7. Fiscal Stamps.The 1 s.3d. duty stamp (coat ot arms type) which was placed on ssle on the 14th June, 1955 had the watermark. inverted whereas a subsequent issue on the 9th September, 1955 showed the normal wa_ermark.

8. Tokelau Islands Stamps.The id. stamp was withdrawn t'rom sale on the 26th March, 1956 and reissued the next da7 overprinted "One Shilling" with the original value obli tera ttld b7 a black disc.

9. Western Samoa Stamps.The 5s., 1Os., £1., and £2.· coa t ot arms stamps with the watermark inverted and having a new overprint were issued on the 14th November, 1955. In comparison with the previous issue, this new type shows a greater space between the words "Western" and IISamoa", and the full stop after the word "samoall has been omitted. This latter torme was original17 used on the £20 stamps which were issued in October, 1947. The 3d. pictorial stamp ot 1952 was reproduced from a photograph bearing the caption IIAleisa Fall~' submitted b7 the Samoan Administration. Atter the stamp was issued, some doubt was expressed as to the accurac7 ot the title and, tOllOwing exhaustive enquires, the Samoan Government now advises that the scene depicted on the stamp i8 actually one of Irfalifa Falls, not Aleisa Falls. 10. Stamps Withdrawn from Sale.-

_ The stamps described below were withdrawn from sale on the dates indicated:30th September, 1955:

the King George VI stamps, ordinary and ofticial, and the Islands Coronation stamps, i.e., Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau Islands and Western Samoa.

30th November, 1955.

the Royal Visit issuej all the coat ot arms dut7 stamps with the exception ot the 1s.3d., 15s., £1., £2., £3., £4., £5., £1 0., £20., and £50., and those values ot the latter stamps overprinted tor use in the Island Dependencies.

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