Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Philatelic Bureau. General Post Office. Wellington. N Z. No. 47
April. 1968
Services Stamp Issue New 28c Pictorial Health 6tamps Pending Issues Souvenir Folders I.
Niue Island Fiscal Stamps Western Samoa Stamps New Plate Numbers 2c Reprint Offices Opened and Closed
7 8
Services Stamp Issue
I \ '11
To mark the i~port~nt contribution being made by thp. ~ew Zealand Armed Services a set of th~ee stamps will be issu~d on 7 May 1968
sui." and equipment DeSigner:
Design: The three Services, Army, Air Force and Navy, are featured on thp. 4c, 10c and 28c stamps respectively. Each design depicts a present day serviceman and equipment of the relative service with an earlier servicema~
Mr L.C. Mitchell, Wellington, New Zealan1.
Printed By: Thomas De La Rue and Co. Ltd., London, by their Delacryl process. Denominations:
4t, 10t and 28c
Date of Issue:
7 May 1968
fe;:iort q.f Sa,le: 1,)plw;;s stocks ar~ exhauStep, ea;rlier, tne stamns will be withdrawn from sale from all Post Offices on 31 July 1968 and at the Philatelic Bureau on 31 January 1969. Size of Gtamps:
37 mm x 21 mm (horizontal format).
Sheet Size: . 10a stamps p~r sh~et (10 rows of 10). Sheet value: ~4, ~10 and $28 (printed on top right-hand corner of the relative sheet). . Plate Numbers:
4c 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 10c 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 28c 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A The plate number and printer's imprint appear in one block. To obtain a plate number and imprint block of the 4c and 10c values a minimum of 10 stamps must be purchased and for the 28c value a mini~um of 6 stamps must be purchased. 2.
New Pictorial Value 28c
ihis stamp, the denomination of which was previously announced as 22c, will be issued as an addition to the definitive set. Featuring the world famous Fox Glacier in the Westland National Park in the South Island, this stamp will be issued on 30 July 1968. Further details will be published in the next bulletin. 3.
Health Stamps 1968
The design of the 1968 Health stamps will be the second issue of the new series depicting sport and denominations will again be 2ic + 1c and 3c + 1c. Details of these stamps will be published in the next Bulletin. An order form for overseas clients is enclosed. Overseas clients requiring first day cancellations should post their orders in time to reach the Philatelic Bureau by 5 August 1968. Souvenir envelopes produced by the Health Camps Federation will be available at a cost of 3c each and a serVicing fee of 2c for each cover will be charged. If addressed covers are supplied the servicing fee will be 2c for each cover. 4.
Further stamp issues to be released¡ this year, ¡will be the Christmas stamp in October and a set of two commemorative stamps
to be issued in September. One sta~p will commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Universal Suffrage in New Zealand while the other will recognise the 20th Anniversary of the adoption by United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Details of these issues will be pUblished in the next Bulletin. S. Souvenir Stamp Sets in Folders
As ~reviously notified, sets of definitive stamps specially packed in attractive plastic folders (one blue and one black) are on sale at the Philatelic Bureau, all Chief Post Offices, Post Offices in tourist centres and overseas air and sea passenger terminals. From 30 July, when the new 28c pictorial stamp will be introduced as part of the definitive issue, the black folder will contain 18 stamps (~c to 50c) and be sold for ~2.53. The blue folder containing 12 stamps (~c to 10c) sells for 85c. The folders are listed on the order form which is enclosed with Bulletins sent to overseas addresses. 6.
Niue Island Fiscal Stamps
A number of inquiries have been received regarding the perforations of these stamps. The position regarding the Niue fiscal 25c, 50c, ~1 and ~2 is that when the initial supply was perforated, the power machine broke down at a critical stage. In order to have an initial supply available for the first day of issue in New Zealand and Niue Island, a small quantity of the order was perforated on a manual machine. Th~ balance of the order was completed on the power machine after this machine had been repaired. Only a limited quantity of the fiscal stamps perforated on the manual machine was received and supplies are now exhausted. 7. Western Samoa Stamps
Following the devaluation of the New Zealand dollar the selling price of the Western Samoa decimal currency definitive stamp issue is as follows:-
New Zealand clients are reminded that Western Samoa stamps are available at the Chief Post Offices, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin and at the Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office, Wellington. 8.
New Plate Numbers
Plate Number
Date Issued
3c New Zealand Pictorial
2A 2A 2A 3A
3c New Zealand Pictorial
2B 2B 2B 3B
le Definitive Reprint
Supplies of a reprint of the 2c stamp are now available at the Philatelic Bureau. The plate numbers (1A 1A 1A 1A, 1B 1B 1B 1B) remain the same as for the first printin8. Stocks of the of the original printing held at the Bureau are now exhausted. 10.
Offices Opened and Closed
OPENED District Alicetown • Mangawhai Heads Marfell • Otangarei Whenuapai
Wellington 'IIhangarei New Plymouth 'lihangarei Auckland
19.2.68 1.12.67 12.2.68 11.12.67 25.3.68
omitted from previous list.
CLO::.iED Ashley Bank Cashmere Hills Greatford Greigs Hairini Mina Pinedale Tariki
Christchurch Christchurch Palmerston North Greymouth Rotorua Christchurch Hamilton New Plymouth
15. 3.68 8.3.68 31 .1 .68 31 .3.68 12.1.68
31.3.68 27.12.67 31 .1 .68
NAMES OF OFFICES CHANGED District Marsden Power Station Paetiki Road Waikato University Whenuapai
Paetiki University of Waikato Whenuapai Village
Rotorua Hamilton
4.3.68 5.2.68
SPECIAL STAMP ISSUES A set of two staaps will be issued on 19 September 1968. One stamp, value ;c, will commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Universal Suffrage in New Zealand-and the other, value 10c, recognises the 20th Anniversary the Adoption by United Nations of the Universal-Declaration of-Human ~lgnts.
20th Anniversary of the Adoption by United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Design: The illuetration shown is taken from the original design. The central feature of the stamp portrays the flame which has been adopted as the symbol of human rights encircled at the base by the wreath of the United Nations. The flame is red with a yellow halo, the background is emerald green and the lettering wbite.
Printed by: The Japanese Government Printing Bureau, Tokyo, by photogravure. Denomination:
Date of issue:
19 September 1968.
Period ot sale: Unless stocks are exbaused earlier, the stamp will be withdrawn from sale st all Post Offices on ;1 December 1968, but will remain on sele at the Philatelic Bureau, Wellingtou and the Philatelic Sales Sections Chief Post Office, Auckland and Christchurch until ;0 June 1969. Size of stamp: Sheet size: Sheet value:
22.5mm x 27mm (Vertical format).
50 stamps per shset. ~5.00
75th Anniversar7 of Universal Suffrage in New Zealand
The illustration shown is taken from the original deSign. This stamp depicts a male and female hand placing voting papers in s ballot box. The surround is finished in olive green and the background of ths inset is light blue. The ballot box and hands are in shades of brown.
Desigped by:
J. Berr7, Wellington, New Zesland.
by: The Japanese Government Frinting Bureau, Japan b7 photogravure.
Date of issus:
Ptr1odWÂĽi aa1o: Unles8 stocks are .xbausod earlier. the a amp 1 be withdr&wn from sale at all Post Offices on ~1 Decembsr 1968, but will remain on sale at the Philatelic Bureau, Wellington and the Philatslic Sale. Section. Chief Post Office iuckland and Christchurch until ~ June 1969.
Size at staap: Sheet s1ze: She.t value:
22.5mm x 27mm (Vsrtical tormat).
50 stamps per sheet. ~1.5O
1968 Christmas Stamp
ÂĽgiign: Tbe illustration sbown is taken from tbe printer's proof. s stamp continues the series ot reproductions of famous paintings by old masters. Tbe painting selected for tbis year's Cbristmas stamp is "Adoration of tbe Sbepberds" by van Bontborst, tbe original painting being beld st tbe Pitti Art Gsllery in Florence. Italy. It is interesting to note tbat tbe Dutcb painter van Hontborst lived in It~ly for d long time and wss known tbere as Gberardo delle Notti. He painted a similar work under tbis name entitled "Adoration", tbs original of whicb is held in the Uffizi Gallery 10 Florence. Printed Ly:
Barrison and Sons Ltd., London, by photogravure.
Depomination: Date of issue:
1 October 1968.
Per1~ of sal,: Unlas8 stocks are exhausted earlier, the stamp will e withdrawn from sale at all Post Offices on ~1 December 196B but will remain on sale at the Philatelic Bureau, Wellington and tbe Philatelic Sales Sections Chief Post Offices, Auckland and Cbristcburcb, until ~ June 1969.
Size of stamp: Sbeet size:
50 stamps per sbeet.
Sbeet value: Plete nuabers:
printed on top right band corner of the sbeet.
1A 1A 1A 1A;
1B 18 1B 1B