Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 31 1964 may

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Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director-General. Postal Division. G.P.O., Wellington. N.Z No. 31.

22 May, 1964.


Health Stamps, 1964

This year sees a continuation of the bird series and for the first time New Zealand sea birds will be featured. The stamps are illustrated here. Denominations and subjects are 3id (posta~e 2id, health id) the Tarapunga (Red-billed Gull) and 4d (Postage 3d, health 1d) the Korora (Blue Penguin). The birds will be shown as near as possible to their natural colours. The lower value stamp will show two red-billed gulls standing on a sand dune against a sea and sky background and in the other stamp a Blue Penguin and chick will be shown on a rocky coastline with a sea and sky background. The stamps will be horizontal in format and measure 25 mm x 33 mm. They are being printed by the photogravure process in sheets of 120 (10 rows of 12). The imprint of Messrs Harrison and Sons Ltd. will be shown in the bottom left-hand corner of each sheet and the plate number 1A 1A 1A 1A in the 3td denomination and 1A 1A 1A in the 4d denomination situated under the fourth stamp from the same corner. The sheet value will be shown in the top right-hand selvedge. Paper with a consistency of 50% Esparto and 50% sulphi te is being used. Miniature sheets this year will contain eight stamps in two rows of four. One sheet of each denomination will cost 5s.0d.

'!'he date of issue is to be 5th August, 1964 and the withdrawal date 30th November, 1964, unless stocks are exhausted earlier. Pictorial datestamps will be in use on the first day of issue at each of the six permanent Health Camp post offices. These camps are situated at Maunu (Whangarei), Pakuranga (Auckland), Gisborne (Gisborne), Otaki (Wellington), Glenelg (Christchurch), and Roxburgh (Duned1n). New Zealand residents wishing to have envelopes cancelled with the special datestamps should forward their addressed envelopes under cover to the Chief Postmasters at the offices shovln in parenthesis. A remittance to cover the cost of the stamps required, plus a servicing fee of' 1d for each envelope is to be forwarded W1 th each order. The King George the Fifth Memorial Children's Health Camps Federation is again providing an official souvenir envelope. The envelope will be attractively produced in four colours and will feature a map of New Zealand against a blue bac}~round. The situations of the various Health camps are shovln and also the slogan "Children's Health is New Zealand's Wealth". The envelope will be on sale at most stores and stationers in New Zealand at a cost of 3d each. Overseas clients may now place orders with the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Office, Wellington, for first day covers and mint stamps. Those persons requiring first day cancellations should post their orders in sufficient time to reach here by 31 st July, 1964. Souvenir envelopes will be available at a cost of 3d each and the usual servicing fee of 1td for each cover will be charged. If addressed covers are supplied the servicing fee will be 1d for each cover. 2.

Pictorial Issue

The sheets of 3s.0d. Pictorial stamps in multi-colours which were placed on sale on 1st April, do not show a plate number, but the printers imprint appears on the bottom left-hand selvedge. Mes81's Harrison and Sons Ltd., London, were the printers. New Plate Numbers:

3d denomination Plate No. 3335 8d denomination Plate No. 1121

21.1.64 3.2.64

3. Road Safety Stamp Tne road safety stamp was placed on sale on 1st May. Details of the stamp were fUrnished in Bulletin No. 30. Sheets have 120 stamps in ten rows of twelve with the imprint of Messrs Harrison and Sons Ltd. appearing in the bottom left-hand corner. The plate number 1A 1A 1A is shown under the fifth and sixth stamps in the bottom row, and the sheet value of ÂŁ1 10s.0d. is in the top right-hand corner.

4. Stamp Booklets

A new stamp booklet has been produced. It Will be placed on sale when stocks of' the current booklet are exhausted. The new booklet has six halfpenny, twelve penny and twelve threepenny stamps. The onlY dif'f'erence between the two booklets is that ttte new booklet contains six f'ewer halfpenny stamps. S.

Health Stamps, 1963

Sales of' the 1963 Health stamps which portrayed His Royal Highness, Prince Andrew, were:


Miniature Sheets

Large Sheets

956,562 stamps 1,098,024 stamps

3,341,520 stamps 3,835,320 stamps

Post Offices Opened or Closed

Opened Ottice



Liberton Morton AvelUle Riversdale Beach western Heights

IUnedin Auckland Masterton RotoNa

16.12.63 2.12.63 17 .12.63 6. 1.64

Closed Lake Ohia Mapiu Saies

Whangarei Hamilton Whangarei

30.11.63 13.12.63 22. 5.63

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