Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 30 1964 february

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Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director-General, Postal Division. G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z. No. 30.

26 February, 196-4.


Road Safety Campaign.-

A 3d stamp illustrated here, is to be issued on the 1st May, 1964, in support of the National Road Safety Campaign. Unless supplies are exhausted earlier, the stamp will be on sale until 31 st JUly, 1964.' AB will be seen,.tne design features a relief map of ~ew Zealand with a road running the length of the countr,y from Bluff to North Cape. A steering wheel with a driver's hand is shown at the left of the stamp and a caption reads ''Keep our roads safe ". Colours are: background, blue; map, orange; road, black. The steering wheel and caption are shown in white. Mr L.C. Mitchell of Wellington designed the stamp. Printing is being undertaken by Messrs Harrison and Sons Ltd., London who are using the photogravure process. The paper has a consistency of 50% esparto and 50% sulphite.

OVerseas clients may now place orders for the Road Safety stamp with the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Office, Wellington. Persons requiring first day covers and a1$0 those who wish to have mint stamps dispatched on the date of issue shoUld post their orders in sufficient time to reach the Postal Divisiop by the 24th April, 1964. The usual fee of 1td per cover will be charged for servicing a plain envelope supplied by the Post Office. If an addressed envelope is provided the fee is 1d. Official souvenir covers are not being provided by the Post Office.

1. Pictorial Issue.-

The 3s.0d Pictorial stamp has been reprinted in multicolour. Basically the design is the same as the present monochrome stamp, but there are minor variations which will be easily discernable when comparing the new stamp with the current stamp. Colours are: mountains and background, blue; Chateau and foreground yellow and green, with the bushes at the left of the stamp deep green. Messrs Harrison and Sons Ltd., London who printed the original stamp have also printed the new stamp. Printing ls by the photogravure process on paper with a consistency of 50% esparto and 50% sulphite. The layout of the sheets is identical with the current stamp but there is no plate number. The date of issue is to be the 1st April,


Overseas collectors may place orders with the Postal DiVision in th~ usual way. Orders for first day covers and for the supply of mint stamps on the day of issue should reach the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Office, Wellington by the 25th March, 1964. The servicing fee for first day covers on plain envelopes will be 1td per cover and if an addressed envelope is supplied,1d. The current 3s.0d stamp will be 31st March, 1964.


from sale on the

New Plate Numbers Recent issues of plate numbers are: 3d denomination It






Plate No. 2235 11 2237 11 2347 11 3347

12.12.63. 12.12.63. 19.12.63.' 19.12.63.

Counter anpliance coils The new 1s,9d stamp was first issued in counter appliances on the 4th November, 1963.


Rolls for stamp vending machines:

Id. and ld_

A new type of vending machine roll which has been proOuced by Messrs Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd., is being used on a trial basis at Post Offices throughout the country. The stamps in these rolls hilve the watermark sideways and have a perforation of 13 on the longest edge instead of 14 as on the normal sheets of stamps. There are 960 stamps in a roll. 4.

Railway Centenary Stamps.-

An additional plate number in the Railway Centenary issue is 2111 in the 3d denomination thus making the plates issued 3d: 1111 and 2111 1s.9d: 1111.


Commonwealth Pacific Cable.-

The composition of the paper used for the "Compac 11 stamp is 70% Chemical wood and 30% Esparto. A coating to aid photograwre printing was applied to the paper. 6.

Health Stamps, 1964.-

Native birds will again be featured on the Health stam~s. There will be two denominations, 3td (2td postage plus id Health) and 4d (3d postage plus id Health). Miniature sheets on this occasion will contain eight stamps instead of six stamps as previously. The stamps will be issued in August. The actual date vlill be notified in a fUture Bulletin when fUll details of the stamps will be fUrnished. 7.

Christmas Stamp, 1964.-

Instead of a nativity painting as has been featured on the four Christmas stamps already issued, it is proposed to feature this year a reproduction of an artists impression of the First Christian Ceremony in Hew Zealand which was conducted by the Rev. Samuel Marsden in 1814. This stamp commemorates the sesquicentennial of the first ceremony. Full details will be furnished later.


Special Datestamp: Cambridge Centennial.-

A special datestamp is to be brought into use at the cambridge Post Orrice from the 9th to the 14th March, 1964 inclusive. People wishing to obtain impressions of this dstestamp should for;vard their stamped addressed envelopes under cover to the Postmaster, Cambridge requesting that the covers be cancelled with the special Centennial datestamp. The datestamp is of the normal office type with the wording Cambridge Centennial and the date 1864-1964.

9. SOth Anniversary of flight from Timaru to Christchurch.-

To suitably commemorate the rlight by J.W.H. Scotland rrom Timaru to Christchurch that took place on the 6th March, 1914, a pictorial dates tamp is to be used to cancel envelopes to be included in a special mail which is to be carried on the anniversary or the rlight. Those persons who wish to dispatch covers by the special rlight should rorward their stamped addressed envelopes under cover to the Chier Postmaster, Timaru in surricient time to reach him by the 5th'March, 1964. A covering letter should state that the envelopes are to be rorwarded in the special mail. The dates tamp will show a racsimile or a Caudron aircrart which was the type used on the original rlight. 10.

Post Offices Opened, Closed, etc.-


OPEtTED District


Annesbrook Cannons Creek Deep Cove Hastings East La,~e Paringa otara Patlakura East Papatoetoe South Raureka

Nelson \"lellington Invercargill Napier Greymouth AuCkland Auckland AuCkland Napier

11.11.63. 29.11.63. 13.11 .63. 27.11.63. 24.6.63. 1.10.63. 10.6.63. 20.8.63. 14.10.63.

CLOSED Evans Flat Glen ..Oroua Governors Bay r..Yell J.':angaonoho I1gatira Ohinepanea Onauku 0ruanu1

Pohokura Raes Junction Sergeants Hill Tahekeroa Takahiwai

nJ.nedin Palmerston North Christchurch ':lestport Wanganui Hamilton Rotorua Blenheim Rotorua Ne.., Plymouth nJ.nedin Westport Auckland ','lhangarei

16.8.63. 14.10.63. 31.12.63. 18.3.63. 25.2.63. 20.2.63. 6.9.63. 30.3.63. 31.7.63. 1.10.63. 12.10.63. 10.6.63. 31.1.63. 29.5.63.

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