Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 23 1961 may

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Inquires about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General, Stamps Division. G.P.O., Wellington. N.Z. 18 MAY. 1961.

No. 23

I. 1961 Health Stamps. Illustrated here are the two stamps which are to comprise the 1961 Health issue.

Production by the line-engraved process is being undertaken by Messrs Bradbury Wilkinson and Company Limited of London, England. New Zealand star paper will be used. Each stamp will be in vertical format of 21mm x 37mm and will appear in sheets of 120. Miniature sheets of six will also be available. The denominations and colours are:3d.

(2d. postage + id. Health); Kotuku (V~ite Heron), black and whi te ; background mauve.


(3d. postage + id. Health); brown; background green.

Karearea (Bush Hawk),

Date of issue is 2 August and the withdrawal date 30 November. The Kotuku, more commonly known as the 'i/hite Heron, is well-known to New Zealanders. It is a distinctive bird and frequents the coastal and inland waterways of both islands. The Karearea 1s a bird of prey Each bird is a true hunting hawk not unlike the English Falcon. shown as near as possible to its natural colour, although to highlight the Kotuku a black outline has been used. The Kotuku's bill normally has a yellow tinge but there is a seasonal change to black as shown in the stamp.

Pictorial datestamps will be in use on the day or issue at each of the six permanent Health camp post ofrices. Details of the subject which will be common to each datestamp are not available at present but will be furnished in a later Bulletin. New Zealand residents wishing to obtain first day covers cancelled with a pictorial datestamp should forward their addressed envelopes to the Chief Postmaster in charge of the particular office, namely:Maunu (Whangarei)t Pakuranga (Auckland), Gisborne (Gisborne), Otaki (wellington), Glenelg (Christchurch), Roxburgh (Dunedin). A remittance to cover the cost of the stamps required, plUS the servicing ree of 1d. per envelope should be included with each order. Souvenir envelopes are being distributed by the Health camps authorities and will be available at most stores and stationers in New Zealand for the usual fee of 2d. per cover. Overseas clients should place their orders for mint stamps and first day covers with the Director-General, Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington. If required, souvenir covers will be purchased, while the normal servicing fee of 1id. per cover will be charged. This charge will be reduced to 1d. if clients provide their own addressed envelopes. 2. 1961 Christmas Stamp. The first New Zealand Christmas stamp issued last year proved most popUlar and because of this a further stamp is proposed. Present indications are that this stamp will be placed on sale in late October and kept on issue until 13 January, 1962. Full details of the proposed stamp will be furnished later.

3. Pictorial Stamps. Additional plates are now being used to produce the large quantities of 2d. and 3d. stamps that are reqUired, and up-to-date the following new plate numbers have been recorded:-

Denominations 2d. 2d. 2d. 2d. 2d. 2d. 3d.

Plate Number ........ 2112 /2222 .......2212 /2232 .- 2231 2251 /2111

Date Issued 10 October, 1960 17 October, 1960 31 October, 1960 31 October, 1960 11 November, 1960 21 March, 1961 8 February, 1961

Counter appliance coils of all the required denominations have now been released to offices, making a complete series of:2d., 3d., 4d., 6d., 8d., 1 s., 1 s. 6d. and 1s. 9d.

The setting o~ the section numbers o~ the lower values dir~ers from the Queen Elizabeth series which had twenty sections o~ twenty~our stamps. The Pictorial stamps have twenty-four sections o~ twenty stamps with the numbers 1 - 23 appearing between sections. The 1 s., 1 s.6d. and 1 s.9d. denominations have the same make-up as the Queens - twenty sections o~ sixteen. In the pence and 1s.6d. values the stamps are issued endways from the machines while the is. and 1 s.9d. are issued sideways. 4.

Official Issue.


Another denomination o~ this series has been issued on New Zealand Star paper and that is the 3d. Also available on this paper are the id. and 2d. S. New Zealand International Trade Fair. This Fair ia to be held in Wellington ~rom 22 August to 9 September, 1961 and a post office will be in operation. A datestamp with appropriate wording is to be used. Those people who wish to have envelopes cancelled at this Trade Fair post o~fice should ~orward their stamped, addressed envelopes to the Chief Postmaster, Wellington. 6. Gisborne Industries Fair. A post o~fice will also be open at the Gisborne Industries Fair (13 - 17 June). Requests to have envelopes cancelled at this post o~fice should be ~orwarded to the Chie~ Postmaster, Gisborne. 7. International Philatelic Exhibition. Christchurch. A sJ;leci al post o~fice will be open for the duration of this Exhibition (21 26 August) and people de6iri~g to have envelopes cancelled there should ~orward their stamped, addressed covers to the Chie~ Postmaster, Christchurch.

8. 1960 Christmas Stamp. There were 20,000,000 stamps printed ~or this issue. Actual sales are not available but it is known that very ~ew stamps were on hand at the withdrawal date of 14 January. 9.

Post Offices Opened, Closed, etc. -


Aratiatia Christchurch Railway Homai James Smiths, Wellington Kopara Maraenui Pataua

OPENED District Hamilton Christ church Auckland Wellington Greymouth Napier Whangarei


5. 9.60

1 .11 .60 27.10.60 18.10.60 1.12.60 17. 2.61 19.12.60


orrice Berwick Ka1tieke Ngatak1 Oraw1a Te Namu Te Waitere Thames North Waituna West

District Dunedin Hamilton Whangarei Invercargill Westport Hamilton Thames Palmerston North


23. 7. 13. 31. 30. 30. 26. 31.

9.60 9.60 2.61 1 .61 6.60 9.60 8.60 8.60

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