Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 35 1965 july

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Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director-General, Posul Division. G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z No.3S

July, 1965

I. Cook Islands Solar Eclipse Stamp.

The issuing of this commemorative stamp created widespread interest with the result that the demand exceeded the supply. Fresh supplies have been ordered from England and it is hoped to have the stamp on sale again in the Cook Islands and at the Chief Post Offices at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin and Wellington by the end of July. The plate number will be unchanged. All orders for first day covers received at the General Post Office, Wellington, were serviced and forwarded to Manuae for cancelling. It has not been possible to meet all the orders received for mint stamps but unsatisfied orders will be supplied as soon as fresh stocks of stamps arrive. 2.

Cook Islands Internal Self¡Government

A set of four stamps is to be issued by the Cook Islands Administration to commemorate the establishment of Internal SelfGovernment. The date of issue will be 16th September and the denominations will be 4d, 10d, 1s.0d, and 1s.9d (3s.11d a set). The stamps will be on sale at Cook Island post offices and at the Chief Post Offices at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Wellington. The stamps may not be used on articles posted in New Zealand. The Postal Division, General Post Office, Wellington, will service first day covers for overseas clients in the usual way, but as the covers have to be forwarded to the Cook Islands for datestamping, clients are requested to have their orders reach Wellington by 31st August. The Cook Islands Administration is iSSUing a souvenir cover and if this is supplied the charge will be 3d per cover plus 2d serVicing fee. If clients' own covers are supplied the servicing fee will be 2d per cover. New Zealand persons who require covers to be serviced should forward their orders and remittances (together with addressed covers if souvenir covers not required) under cover marked "Order for First Day Cover" d.irect to the Chief Postmaster, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, in time to reach Rarotonga by 6th September, 1965. The charges will be as above. The 4d stamp was designed by Mr R.M. Conly of Christchurch. The New Zealand Ensign figures prominently in the centre of the stamp.

The islands which form the Cook group are named and appear to the right of the flag, and a map of New Zealand is shown on the left. The words "Internal Self-Government", "Cook Islands", and the year, 1965, are printed on each denominati-on. The designs for the 10d and 1s.0d denominations were prepared by N~ L.C. Mitchell of Wellington. The subject of the 10d stamp is an old London Missionary Society Church surrounded by trees. Headstones in a cemetery associated with the church merge inconspicuously into the design. The 1s.0d stamp depicts the scene on the occasion of the reading of the Proclamation of Cession on 8th October, 1900. Superimposed on the left-hand side of the stamp is a reproduction of a portrait of Queen Elizabeth 11. Mr J. Berry of Wellington designed the 1s.9d stamp. The main subject is the Nikao School, set against a hilly background of green trees and shrubs. In front of the school are three tall palm trees and the New Zealand Ensign at the top of a tall flag pole.

The stamps have been printed by lithography in horizontal format by Messrs Bradbury Wilkinson and Company Limited and all denominations measure 37 mm x 21 mm. The 4d denomination is in two colours, the 10d, 1s.0d, and 1s.9d denominations are in four colours, and each denomination has been produced in sheets of 60 in six rows of ten. The printer's imprint and the plate numbers appear in the bottom left-hand corner and the sheet ~alues in the top right-hand corner. Details are: Denomination 4d 10d


Sheet Value £1 £2 10s.






Plate Number 1 1 1A 1.1 111 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 1A 1A 1 1 1 14 1.1

1 1.1 1.1 1 1A 1A 1 1.1 1.1

Centenary of Government in Wellington

This stamp will be issued on 26th July sale at post offices until 31st August. Unless earlier, the stamp may continue to be ordered by Division, General Post Office, until 30th April,

and will remain on stocks are exhausted post from the Postal 1966.

The denomination of the stamp is 4d and it will be produced in horizontal format in sheets of 120. The dimensions are 37 mm x 21 mm. The stamp has been printed by the photogravure process in four colours by Messrs Earrison and Sons Limited of London. Information about plate numbers will be included in a later Bulletin.

which are iD vertical format, .euure 21 IIlII x 37 1IIIl, excluding perforation gutters, and have been printed iD tour colours by Messrs Harrison and SODS Limited,London. They have used the photogravure method. The paper cOnsists at 50% esparto and 50% sulphite and there' are 120 stamps-to a sheet iD 6 rows of 20 stamps. The printer's iaprint .ppe~s iD the bottom lefthand corner ot each sheet, and the plate numbers, 14 1A 1A 1A in the 4d denomination, and 1A. iD the 54 denomination, are printed beneath the fourth stamp frea the same corner. The sheet values, ÂŁ2 and ÂŁ2 10s.0d, have been priDted iD the top right-hand Corner. Miniature sheets are iD two rows ot three and one miniature sheet ot each denomination will coat 4s.6d. The sheet value appears at the top of the miniature sheet and the printer's imprint at the bottom. Pictorial datestamps will be iD use on the first day of issue at each of the six permanent Health Camp post offices. These camps are situated at Maunu (Whangarei). Pakuranga (Auckland), Gisborne (Gisborne), Otaki (Wellington), Glenelg (Christchurch), and R<lxburgh (Dunedin). New Zealand residents wishing to ha'9'e envelopes cancelled with the special datestamps should forward their addressed envelopes under cover to the Chief Postmasters at the offices shown in parenthesis. A. remittance to cover the cost ot the stamps required, plus a servicing tee of 1d tor each envelope is to be torwarded with each order. The King George the Filth Memorial Children's Health Camps Federation is again providing a souvenir envelope. The envelope will be attractively produced and will depict at the lett, the head at a boy and a girl and also the slogans "Children's Health is New Zealand's Wealth" and "Health Stamps Maintain Health Camps". The envelope will be on sale at most stores and stationers in New Zealand at a cost of 3d. Overseas clients may now place orders with the DirectorGeneraI, Postal Division, General Post Oftice, Wellington, for first day covers and mint stamps. Those persons requiring tirst day cancellations should post their orders in sufficient time to reach here by 31st July, 1965. The souvenir envelopes produced by the Health Camps Federation will be available at a cost of 3d each and the usual servicing fee of 1td for each cover will be charged. It addressed covers are supplied the servicing fee will be 1d for eaen cover. Background Notes The Kaka is a friendly, noisy bird of the parrot family and because of its feeding habits is one at the most useful inhabitants of the bush. The bird teeds partly on nectar and, iD doing so, brings about cross-pollination. It also feeds on berries and seeds and, as some of these are swallowed whole, the germinating power of the seeds is not destroyed. The unusual shape of the Xaka's beak enables it to teed also on insects concealed iD trees and so help to keep iD check ~ts which would otherwise emerge and damage other trees.

The l!'antail is cODllllon all over New Zealand and is quite unafraid of man. It will f~ into houaes in search of small flying insects. Fantails do not feed on any vegetable matter; their diet consists of a wide range of insects which they devour in both the grUb and !lying stages. 5. Christmas Stamp, 1965

The subject for the 1965 Christmas stamp is Murillo's "The Two Trinities". The denomination will be 3d. The stamp will be produced in five colours by the photogravure process. The printers are Messrs Harr1son and Sons Limited. London, and their imprint. and the plate numbers 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B. will appear at the bottom left-hand corner. The sheets will comprise five rows of 12 and the sheet value, 15s-;Qd;will be shown in the top right-hand corner. The date of issue will be 11th October and. unless stocks are exhausted earlier. the stamp will be withdrawn from sale at post offices on 7th January. 1966. If supplies are still available the stamp may be ordered by . post- from the Postal Division until 30th July. 1966. BaCkground Notes The following information has been gathered from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. "The Two Trinities¡ is an example of Murillo's late style. The figures. based on familiar human archetypes. create an effect of intimate rather than exalted religious sentiment. and this has led to the picture being generally known as "A Holy Family". Uurillo had many pupils and innumerable followers and his paintings were copies and imitated in SeTille throughout the Eighteenth Century. In England, his paintings were enormously popular throughout the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries. They were admired and imitated by Reynolds and Gainsborough. 6.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference

A set of three special stamps will be issued on 30th November, 1965. to cODllllemorate the eleventh annual conference of the CODlIIloDWealth Parliamentary Association. The denominations will be 4d. 911. and 2s.Od. Further information will be included in the next Bulletin. 7.

Pictorial 7d.-Koromiko

The date of issue of this stamp is not yet known. Orders already received for mint and used specimens and for first day covers are being held until the stamp comes on sale.


Provisional 7d. -Withdrawal from sale

The Provisional 7d stamp was withdrawn trom sale at Post offices on 31st May but, unless stocks are exhausted earlier, 1t may continue to be ordered by post from the Postal Division, General Post Office, until 30th September, 1965. 9. Churchill Commemorative Stamp

The original conception of this stamp was the work of the artist-engravers of the Note Printing Branch of the Reserve Bank of Australia and the separation drawings were prepared by artists of the Australian Fost Office. The portrait is from the Churchill portrait by the Canadian photographer Yousef Karsch. The stamp is 22 mm x 34.5 mm excluding selvedge and has been printed at the Note Printing Branch in light blue, grey, and black by the photogravure process. The sheet content is 48 in four rows of 12. Plate numbers have not been printed on the sheets nor has the sheet value (ÂŁ1 8s.0d) been shown. Coated paper, supplied by Messrs Harrison and Sons Limited, London, was used for the printing. The stamp was issued on Commonwealth Day, 24th May, and unless stocks are exhausted earlier, will remain on sale at post offices until the 7d definitive Koromiko stamp is issued. The Australian Post Office also issued a Churchill Commemorative stamp on 24th May. The design, colour combination, and sheet content are the same as the New Zealand stamp. The value is 5d. 10.

Servicing Fees

Orders for New Zealand stamps mentioned in this Bulletin may now be placed by overseas clients with the Director-General, Postal DiVision, General Post Office, Wellington. A servicing fee of 1td for each envelope is to be included with each remittance. The servicing fee is 1d when an addressed envelope is supplied. 11.


covers for

Clients are advised to enclose tillers when forwarding se~cing.

12. Stamps which may be ordered by post

The following stamps have been withdrawn from sale at post offices but may be ordered by post from the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Oftice, Wellington. A remittance to cover the cost of the stamps is to be enclosed.

Denomination Anzac Anzac Provisional (Fiscal Overprint) Official (Queen Elizabeth) Official (Fiscal Overprint)

4d 5d 7d

1d, 2id, 3d, 4d 6d, 9d, 1s, 3s.


13. Offices opened and closed




Takaro Oamaru Junction Howick West Redwoodtown

Palmerston North Oamaru Auckland Blenheim

Date 25. 12. 3. 10.

2.65 4.65 5.65 5.65

Closed Rangiahua Te Manaia Hauturu Wharepapa Kaingaroa Runciman Maraeroa Wairata Ugaroma Upper Atiamuri

Whangarei Hamilton Hamilton Auckland Whangarei Auckland Whangarei Rotorua Hamilton Rotorua

20. 1.63 18.12.64 22. 2.65 24. 4.65 31. 3.65 22. 3.65 31.12.64 15. 1.65 26. 2.65

15. 5.65

The stamps below are described in this bulletin





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