Inquires about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General. Stamps Division. G.P.O .• Wellington. N.Z. I August. 1960.
No. 21
1960 Health Stamps.-
Illustrations of the 1960 Health stamps which are to be placed on sale on 10 August and withdrawn on 30 November appear in this Bulletin. The stamps were printed on "N.Z. star" paper in two colours by the recess engraved process by Messrs Bradbury Wilkinson & Company Ltd. of New Malden, England. The denominations and colours are:3d. 4d.
(2d. postage + ld. Health); kotare (kingfisher), light brown and blue; background, blue. (3d. postage + ld. Health); kereru (wood pigeon), dark brown; background, orange.
Each stamp measures 21 mm x 37 mm and the large sheets contain 120 stamps in six rows of twenty. One plate has been used for each colour, and in each denomination the plate number "A 1" appears in the bottom left-hand corner of the selvedge, together with the firm's imprint. Sheet values "£l.lOs." and "£2", respectively, are printed in the selvedge in the top right-hand corner. Miniature sheets of six stamps (two rows of three) show a similar plate number and imprint inscription in the bottom selvedge, while the notation "Miniature sheet ls.6d." or "Miniature sheet 2s.0d.", as the case may be, is printed on the top selvedge.
As in previous years, special post offices will be opened at the six permanent health camps on the first day of issue. Each office will have a pictorial date-stamp of a common design and bearing the name of the office. An impression of the Pakuranga' Health Camp date-stamp is illustrated. New Zealand residents desiring to obtain first-day cancellations should forward their addressed envelopes to the Chief Postmaster of the district in which the office is located and should enclose a remittance for the cost of the stamps required plus the servicing fee of Id. per envelope. The names of the health camps and the districts concerned are:Maunu (Whangarei) Pakuranga (Auckland), G1sborne (Gisborne), Otaki (Wellington~, Glenelg (Christchurch), and Roxburgh (Dunedin). The Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington, will provide the usual service for overseas clients. Special souvenir envelopes sponsored by the Health Camps Federation are obtainable from stores and stationers at a cost of 2d. each. 2. Christmas Stamp. A special postage stamp designed to emphasise the spiritual significance of Christmas will be issued on I December next. This stamp, of a 2d. denomination, will not be surcharged. It will meet the initial postage rate on Christmas cards, commercial and printed papers, etc. Further details of this issue will be given in a later Bulletin. 3. Pictorial Stamps. The remaining denominations of the Pictorial stamps, ,d., Id., 3d., 6d. and 8d., and a 9d. stamp depicting the New Zealand Ensign which has been added to the series, will be issued on I September.
Souvenir covers will not be provided by the Post Office. Overseas clients may have first-day covers on plain white envelopes prepared and serviced by the Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington, on payment of the usual servicing fee of I,d. per envelope, in addition to the cost of the stamps required. This fee is reduced to Id. per envelope in cases where the client supplies
his own addressed envelope. Orders for first-day covers should be forwarded to reach the stamps Division not later than 24 August. Persons resident in New Zealand are required to prepare and service their own first-day covers. Postage Stamp Booklets. Booklets containing twelve Id. and twelve 3d. Pictorial stamps will be placed on sale on 1 September. These booklets are similar in other respects to those containing Queen Elizabeth stamps. 4.
Counter appliance coils of the Pictorial issue will be brought into use as supplies of the Queen Elizabeth series are exhausted. Coils of the 4d. and IS.9d. denominations have already been issued to some offices. S. Queen Elizabeth Stamps. All Queen Elizabeth (ordinary) stamps unsold at the close of business on 31 October will be withdrawn from sale. It is likely, however, that stocks of some denominations will be exhausted prior to that date. The Is.9d. denomination is not now obtainable from the Stamps Division.
Counter appliance coils of the Bd. denomination (brown) with the large numeral were first issued to offices on 13 April and are now in general use. 6. Fiscal Stamps.Wi th the provision of the Is. 3d. and ÂŁ1 denominations in the Pictorial series it has been decided to discontinue printings of the Is.3d., 15s. and ÂŁ1 values in the fiscal series. Unsold stocks of these stamps will be withdrawn from sale at the close of business on 31 October. 7. 1959 Health Stamps.
were -
The numbers of 1959 Health stamps sold
3d. 5.171.213 4d. 5,164,114. The actual numbers of miniature sheets sold are not available. but 1.500.000 stamps of each denomination were printed in this form.
Post Offices Opened, Closed, etc. -
OPENED District
Epuni * Fellding North Greenpark Riverside
Wellington Palmerston North Auckland Auckland
4.5.60 17.3.60 23.5.60 1.3.60
CLOSED Christchurch Dunedin New Plymouth Wellington
8.11.59 15. 1.60 31.12.59 2.11. 59 **
* Re-opened Harewood Settlement Lake Hawea Mahoe Paraparaumu Airport
** Previously shown as closed 31.10.59 NAMES OF OFFICES CHANGED From
Kerikeri Central