Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director-General, Postal Division, G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z.
No. 29.
November, 1963.
Railway Centenary.-
Illustrated here are the two stamps that will be issued on Monday, 25th November to commemorate the centennial or the New Zealand Railways. The stamps have been printed in 1863 CENTENARY OF RAILWAYS 1963 England by Messrs Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd., who have used the photogravure process. The subjects are an old and a modern railway engine on the 3d stamp and an express train drawn by one or the latest diesel locomotives against a background or Mt Ruapheu on the 1s.9d stamp. The designs were prepared by the Publicity and Advertising Branch or the Railways New Zealand Star paper with a consistency or 5~¡~ esparto, Department. 25"6 rag and 25~ birch wood has been used. The 3d stamp will have an olive green fiame and will show the early engine in black and green, drawing a brown coloured carriage, and the modern locomotive will be in red. In the 1s.9d denocination the express train will be red and the mountain and sky blue. On the lert is a black panel which shows the value in the centre. The stamps are printed in sheets or 120 with the printer's imprint and plate number 1 1 1 1 shown on the bottom lert-hand selvedge. The sheet value is shown on the top right-hand selvedge. Unless supplies are exhausted earlier the stamps will be on sale until the 29th February, 1964.
New Zealand's ~irst railway train ran between Christchurch and Ferrymead, a line now closed. However, the present Christchurch to Lyttelton line ~ollows dlong part of the original track. A distinctive datestamp will be used to cancel philatelic mail posted at the Christchurch Railway Post Office on the day the stamps are placed on sale. People wishing to have envelopes cancelled with this datestamp should fo~vard their addressed envelopes to the Chie~ Postmaster, Christchurch so as to reach him no later than Friday the 22nd November. A remittance to cover the cost o~ the stamps required plus a servicing ~ee of id per cover should be enclosed with each order. OVerseas clients may place orders for mint stamps and first day covers with the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Office, Wellington. The usual servicing fee of H-d for each cover will be charged. If addressed envelopes are supplied the fee will be id per envelope. An official souvenir envelope is not being issued by the Post O~fice. 2.
Commonwealth Pacific Cable: Commemorative Stamp.-
The Australian and New Zealand Post Offices are issuing a special stamp to mark the advance in world communications by the completion of the Commonwealth Pacific Cable which will link Australia and New Zealand to Canada and the United Kingdom. The date of issue in each country will be Tuesday, 3rd December, 1963. A conmon design has been used with wording and denominations appropriate to each country's requirements. The value of the . New Zealand stamp is Bd. The design shows a cable encircling a globe at the left of the stamp and then continuing on across the bottom of the stamp to the right and then upwards through symbolic waves to break into five strands each terminating at a letter of the word "CABLE". The word "COMMONWE:ALTH" appears above the word "CABLE". Production in multi-coloUr is being carried out by the Note Printing Branch of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne on unwatermarked paper. The size of the stamp will be 37.5mm x 25mm. The stamp will be on sale until the 29th February, 1964 unless supplies are exhausted.earlier. Overseas clients desiring to obtain mint stamps or first day co,ers should follmv the same procedure as for the Railway Centenary issue. 3.
New Zealand Pictorial.-
The 1s.9d stamp depicting aerial top dressing has been reprinted in colour. It will be issued on the 4th November, 1963. Colours are, pasture land green, sky and mountains blue and the aeroplane red.
The new stamps will be the same size as the present stamp and there will be 160 to a sheet. A plate' nUlllber does not appear on the sheets but the printer's imprint is shown on the side selvedge in the top le~t-hand corner. Messrs Harrison & Sons Ltd., London have printed this stamp by the photogravure process. The present khaki-coloured 1s.9d stamp will be withdrawn f'rom sale at the close o~ business on the 2nd November, 1963. Overseas collectors may obtain their requirements f'rom the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post O~ice, Wellington. 4. Government Life Insurance Stamp.-
A new stamp is being added to the Government Li~e Insurance set. It is a 2~d line engraved stamp and will be issued on the 4th November, 1963. This stamp which was designed by Mr James Berry or Wellington depicts the lighthouse at Cape Campbell on the north east coast o~ the South Island. The stamp has been printed by Messrs Bradbury Wilkinson & Co. Ltd., o~ Surrey, England who produced the other stamps in the set. The Cape Campbell lighthouse is painted in alternating black and white rings and it is shown in this manner on the stamp against a blue background. Dimensions or the stamu which con~orm with the remainder or the set are 18mm x 34=. There are 120 specimens in each sheet. A plate number 1A and the printer's imprint appears in the bottom lert-hand selvedge and the sheet value in the top right-hand selvedge. The new stamp may be purchased f'rom any Government Lire Insurance O~ice, the Chier Post O~ice, Wellington, or by v~iting to the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Orrice, Wellington. ¡It is not available at other post orrices. Overseas clients may purchase mint stamps rrom the DirectorGeneral Postal Division, General Post Orrice, Wellington in the normal manner. St~cks' o~ the ~d Government Lire Insurance stamp are now exhausted. This stamp is not being reprinted.
Road Safety Campaign.-
A special stamp will be issued on the 1st May, 1964 in support National Accident Free Day in the Road Sa~ety Campaign. Mr L.C. Mitchell o~ Wellington designed the stamp which SllOWS a map o~ New Zealand with a road, divided by a white line, extending the length o~ the country :f'rom BIUf"f' to the North Cape. A car steering wheel with a drivers' hand is on the le~t or the stamp and there is a caption - "Keep OUr Roads Sa~e". Printing is being undertaken by Messrs Harrisons and Sons Ltd., London by the photogravure process. The denomination is to be 3d. o~
6. Christmas Stamp, 1963.-
This stamp was issued on the 14th October and unless stocks are exhausted earlier will remain on sale until the 11th January, 1964. In Bulletin No. 28 it was stated that plate number 1A 1A 1A 1A had been used. However, a further plate No. 1B 1B 1B 1B was used. As noti~ied earlier the sUbject or the Christmas stamp is a reproduction or the ~amous painting by Titian entitled "The Holy Family". 7.
1963 Health Stamps.-
When all the stock o'f Heal th stamP3 was rece i ved it lVas round that there were two plate numbers, 1A and 1B, in each denomination. In our previous Bulletin only No. 1A was mentioned. Readers are reminded that these stamps will be withdrawn :f'rom sale on the 30th NOVEMBER, 1963. 8.
Post Offices-Opened, Closed, etc.OPENED
Oaklands sutton Park Vauxhall
Christchurch Auckland Auckland "'re-opened
15.5.63. 4.6.63. 16.4.63.$
CLOSED Kawerau Kill J.langakino Camp No. 2 '!lharehlne
Rotorua Hamilton Auckland