Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 22 1960 october

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Inquires about New Zealand and Island Dependenches Sumps Ife to be addrrntd to the DireCtor-General. Sumps Division, G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z. No. 21

17 OCTOBER. 1960

I. Christmas Stamp. - ReIIl.brandt 's painting "The Adoration of the Shepherds" is featured on the 1960 Chrlatmae stamp which Is being issued 1n response to requests tor a stamp emphasising the spiritusl significance ot Christmas. The picture Is reproduced by courteay ot the Trustees 01' the National Art Gallery t 1oooon. The stamp 1Ihlch Is ot the 2d. denomination le produced 1n two colours on burr eoloured paper. The overall colour le brown and there are touches ot red 1n

the central group ot figures. It was printed by Mesers Harrieon and Sone Limited, London by the photogravure process.

To adequately portray the SUbject chosen, the stamp has been printed in a size which Is larger than any stamp previously issued in New Zealand~ The st8llp measures 30mm x 40tlm and 18 vertical in format. Sheets comprise 60 stamps in five rOW8 of twelve with the Sheet value of 10s~ appearing in the eelvedge in the top right-hand corner and the printer's imprint and plate numbers 1 1A, in the selvedge under the :first three stempB in the bottom lert-hsnd corner.. The psper used hss • content ot 50 per cent rag and 50 per cent SUlphite and has the lIultiple watermark in the upright posit1on.. The stamp will now be placed on sale at all post ortices on 1 November (in earlier bulletins the d'8te was given as 1 December) and w111 be withdrawn on 14 January, 1961 unless supplies are exhausted prior to that date. The Post Orfice is not issuing special eouvenir envelopes but overseas clients wiehing to obtain firet day covere on plain white envelopes should place their orders with the Stamps DiVision, General Post Orfice, in the usual m~er. A servicing charge of 1 id .. per envelope is payable but if clients forward their addressed envelopes this charge Is reduced to id.

Wi th the release ot the id., id., 3d., 6d., Bd. 1 September the complete Pictorisl seriee ot eighteen denominations ie now available. Information additional to that already published in Bulletins Nos. 19 and 20 is :rurnished on the following page. 2.


Pictoriid Stamps. -

9d. denominations on

DenomlMtl on ~.




~: Bd.



1 B.3d~ 1 B~6d~ 18.9d~ 2,~Od.

2s ~6d. 38.00. 5s.Od ~ 10,~Od~


No. or Stamps and !4Ygut ot Sheet

Plote No!.

240 (20 rows o~ 12)

111 1111 1111 1111 1111 111 1111 14A 14



" " 160










1'0.,,' a!'


" 1'0.,,' "


9B 90

1A 1B 1C

of 10)

6n 6E 7

~10 roW'8 of 16) 1 20 6 ro."s 01' 20 ~ I1 20 1'0.,,8 01' 6


" " "

1A 1C 2A 2B

5 3 13 12


{6 rows 01' 20~ 20 rows of 6 6 rOTIS 01' 20

In the values !"rom .;d. to Bd. the printer's imprint and the plate numbers appeSl' together in the selvedge in the bottom left-hand. corner ot the eheet \U1der the 1'irst four stamps am. the sheet value in the selve~ge in the top right-hand corner. In the other denominations there ie considerable variation in the location of these part1culars. Viewing a sheet with the stamps in their correct perspective they are locsted as indicated below:Denomination

9<1., 1s. 1s.3d., 1s.6d~ 18.9d. 2e.Od. 28.6d. 3s., 10e. 5s., ÂŁ1


beside 1/1, 2/1, 3/1 under 16/1-3 beside 1/1, 2/1, 3/1 'beside 1/1, 2/1 under 20/1-2 UD1er 20/1, beside 1/1, 2 1




beside 9/1

beside 10/16 above 1/10 beside ~16 beside 6 20 above 1 6 above 11.6 beside 6/20

under 1%9 above 1 beside 5/1 unCleI' 20/5 beside 18/1 above 1/3

Minor corrections to the colours listed in Bulletin No. 20 are:-


newel'S blue and White, :Coliage green, background plum berries orange and red, leaves green, background brown 6d: nowers grey and white, foliage light green, background dark green. 1d:

Counter appliance coils of the Pietorial iSBue are being brought into use BS supplies of the Queen Elizabeth lssue are exhauBted~ Requests tor coil pairs or part rolls cannot be met but complete colls -81 be purehased trom the Stamps Division.

1. 1960 Health Stamp•. - The 1960 Health etampe are printed on "N.Z. Star ll paper and the watermark ie upright in both the large and the miniature sheets. Sixteen miniature 8heetll were printed in tour rows ot' 4 to each large sheet measuring appri:daately 17" Jl: 20" and have a perfore.t1on of" x 11 while the norlll81 eized sheeh of 120 stampe have a perforation of 1 Jl ][ 13;'.


Readere are remlnded that this year'e Health stamps are to be wlthdrawn on 30 November, two months earlier than 1n previoue Jeare. ... Plunket Jubilee Stamp.The actual number of this issue sold le not available but i t Is known that very tew of the 8,000,000 stamps printed were destroyed when the stamps were withdrawn in JUne, 1958.

5. Special Post Office. A epecial poet office le to be opened at the British Medical Association Conference Which is to be he)d at Auckland :!'ram 6 February to 10 February, 1961. New Zealand reeidents who desire to have envelopes cancelled at this office should forward their stamped, addressed envelopes to the Chief Poetmaster, AUckland. Oversees clients should place their orders with the Stamps DiVision, General Poet Office, not later than 10 January, 1961. 6.

Post Offices Opened, Closed, etc.

OPENED Office George Courts, Auckland Berne Bay Ilam

Tabaroa Verrane Corner

District Auckland Auckland Chrietchurch Hamllton Allck1and


11.7.60 13.6.60 15.8.60

7.6.60 24.8.60

CLOSED Orrice Owen Junction Rowan Teier1 Air Force Ta1t1mu Tutukaka

District Nelson New Plymouth Duned1n AueklanCI. Whangare1


9.8.60 30.6.60 19.2.60




Philatelic Bulletin No. 22:

1 7 October. 1960

Since the above Bulletin was printed the following changes in dates of issue and withdrawal have been made:Christmas Stamp:

This stamp will now be placed on sale

on 1 November, 1960. 1960 Health StamPs:

The period or sale for these stamps has been extended to 31 January. 1961.

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