Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General, Stamps Division, G.P.O., Wellington. N.Z.
3 December, 1959.
No. 19. I. Pictorial Issue. -
In November, 1958 the Postmaster-General announced that a new set ot: pictorial stamps would be issued in 1960 to replace the current Queen Elizabeth stamps. Although the date that the new stamps will be placed on sale has not yet been decided, sane preliminary information is now available. The new series comprises seventeen denominations, the values being divided into sections with stamps ot: three dit:t:erent sizes in the same manner as the present Queen Elizabeth stamps. The lower or "pence" values, i.e. 'ÂŁrom ~. to Bd. will depict native t:lowers, wnile the designs ot: the medium and higher value stamps will cover a variety ot: subjects including the timber industry, butter.making, aerial top-dressing, trout t:ishing, )laori art, and a number ot: the scenic attractions of New Zealand. Maori names have been used for the flowers depicted in the lower values. Details of the new stamps, all of which will be produced by the photogravure process are:Denomination Subject ~.
1d. 2d. 3d.
6d. Bd. 1s.04. 1 s.3d. 1s.6d. 1 s.9d. 2s.04. 2s.6d. 3s.04. 5s.Od. 10s.Od. ÂŁ1-
Size of stamP~
Jlanuka 17mm Karaka KoYlhai Ngutukaka (Kaka Beak) Komai Puarangi (Hibiscus) Pikiarero (Clematis) Rata Timber ~ndustry 25mm Trout 21mm UIti Aerial Top-dressing 25mm Maori Rock Drawing 21mm BIltter Making 37mm Tongariro National Park &: Chateau Sutherland Fane 21mm Tasman Glacier 37mm Pohutu Geyser 21mm
x 21 mm
" " "" 11 x 21 mm x 25mm
x 21mm x 37mm x 21mm
x 37mm x 21mm x 37mm
Ng. pf' Stamps per sheet
" "
" " " 160 ., 11
11 11
." " "
The colours, plate numbers, etc., will be given in a later issue of the Bulletin. It is hoped to release all denominations on the same date but this may not be possible and, if necessary, two or more releases will be made. 2. Queen Elizabeth Stamps.Recent issueBof Queen Elizabeth stamps on the new paper (25 per cent rag, 25 per cent Beech wood and 50 per cent Esparto) are:-
large numeral large numeral large numeral
plates 3. 4 5. 6 plate 16 plates 17 18 19 20
10 November, 1959 9 September, 1959 1 October, 1959
The large numeral 3d. stamp on the new paper has been available in stamp booklets for some time but this is the firs.t issue in sheet form. With the release of the 3d. denomination, the ~. and Bd. stamps are the only "pence" values which have not been issued with the amended value symbol. It is unlikely that the ~. denomination will be issued in the amended form but the 8d. stamp with the enlarged value symbol and in a new colour (brown) similar to that formerly used for the 1 ~d. denomination will probably be placed on sale about the end of the year. Denominations of the Queen Elizabeth series now printed on the new paper and issued are:Ordinary postage: Official:
1d., 2d., 3d., 44. and 1s.9d. 1d. and 2d.
3. Westland Centennial Stamps. The Centennial of Westland is to be celebrated during 1960 and the Post Office will issue a set of stamps to commemorate this important event in the history of the West Coast of the South Island. The issue, which is expected to be placed on sale in May, 1960 will comprise three denominations Viz., 2d., 3d. and Bd. Further information about this issue will be given later. 4. Health Stamps.- The miniature sheets of the 1959 Health issue were printed eight (tour rows of two) to a normal sized sheet of approximately 11" x 21" perforated from left to right. Perforating continued right across the space between the miniature sheets so half of those issued should have perforations in the left-hand selvedge and half should be imperforate in that selvedge.
This issue is to be withdrawn from sale on 31 January, 1960
S. ~st Offices Opened. Closed. etc.
O!'fice t>insdale Marchwiel Ilaramarua lII111 Rotorua South
Hamilton T1maru Aucklaoo Hamilton Whangarei
Wellington Airport
Christchurch Dunedin Greymouth
6. 10. 6. 6.
7.59. 8.59. 7.59. 7.59. 24. 8.59. 27. 7.59.
CLOยงT@ Goodwood
Kotuku Motukaraka
Ner- (t~/'S1"'Y1..J
NAME ~ Penr~
Commemorative ISlues.-
withdrawn are as
PHANrnm District Cook Islands
1.6.59. 22. 5.59. 31.10.58. 31. 3.59. ~
1. 8.59.
Sales o~ commemorative issues recently
Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree Marlborough centennial "
3d. 2d.
3d. Bd.
31.3.59. 31.5.59. 31.5.59. 31.5.59.
8,991 ,166 7,973 ,028 14,456,521 1,384,456
The Red Cross stamp was withdrawn rrom sale on '1 August but the number sold is not yet available. 7. -40th Anniversary First Official New Zealand Airmail. The first official airmail in New Zealand was carried by a Boeing seaplane rrom Auckland to Dargavllle on 16 December, 1919. The return night also carried mail. Special nights to commemorate the 40th Anniversary o~ this event will be made on the same route by amphibian aircr~t on 16 December. Airmails will be carried am the Post Ottice will provide two special datestamps, one at Auckland and one at Dargaville, to cancel all mail carried on these special flights. Letters intended for carriage on the special rlights may be addressed to any place in New Zealand or overseas and must bear the correct airmail postage. Correspondence flown trom Auckland will be back-stamped at Dargaville and forwarded to the addressees in the usual way, while mail carried on the ~light trom Dargaville will be back-stamped at Auckland and dispatched trom that o~fice. Return covers will not be accepted.
Letters ~or inclusion ;he special mails should reach the Chief Postmaster, Auckland or the Postmaster, Dargaville 8S the case may be, not later than 12 December. Each envelope should be marked "Commemorative Flight" close to the airmail label but this will not be necessary if souvenir envelopes with printed inscriptions are used. Covers containing envelopes for dispatch in the special airmail should be clearly marked "Commemorative Flight Envelopes".
Reproductions of the special postmarks.