Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 9 1955 september

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PHILATELIC BULLETIN Enquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to tile Director - General. Stamps Dlvisi,on. G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z.

No. 9.

30th SEPTEMBER, 1955.

I. I9SS Health Stamps.The 1955 Health stamps will be placed on sale on the 3rd October, 1955. l!:ach value is printed in sheets of 160 stamps. The following are the plate numbers used: 2d.

3d. 4d.

(1td. + id.) ( 2d. + 1 d.) ( 3d. + 1 d.)

Ai, B1. Ai, B1. Ai, B1;

A2, B2.

As ususl, post offices will be opened at the Pakuranga, Otaki, Glenelg ahd Roxburgh Health Camps on the first day of issue of the stamps. ~his ~ear a post office will also be opened at Maunu Health C'amp (Whangarei.) on the 3 rd October. , J. new slogan "Give Children Health - Use Health Stamps" .is being used in the postmarking machines at Auckland and'Wellington from the 4th October. The slogan "Buy Health stamps for Health Camps" previously used at these offices will now be used at Hamilton and New Plymouth. As in the past the latter slogan will also be used at Christchurch and Dunedin from the 4th october. 2. Southland Centennial Stamps. Reproductions of the three stamps to be issUed about the middle of January, 1956, to commemorate the centennial of Southland appear in this Bulletin. Particulars of these stamps were given in Bulletin No. 8. Special souvenir covers for this issue w111 ~ be provided by the Post Office but for overseas clients, the Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington, will affix stamps to plain envelopes and have them cancelled on the first day of issue. The charge for this service is 1td. each cover, in addition to the cost of the s tamps reqUired. In cases where a client supplies his own addressed enÂĽelopes, the servicing fee will be, id. each cover. The address should. be Illaced on the right-hand side and not higher than 1i inches from the bottom of the envelope.

3. Queen Elizabeth 11 Stamps. Particulars of the plate numbers in the initial printings of the Queen Elizabeth series were given in Bulletin No. 5 of the 25th January,1954. Since that time stamps printed from the following additional plates have been issued as shown hereunder: ~

3d. 3d. 1d. 3d. 3d. 1/-

Plate No.

1st June, 1955. 1st June, 1955. 21st October, 1954. 1st J~e, 1955. 1st June, 1955.

29 30 31 32 33 ~left


Date of Issue

1A 2A~ 1B 2B

1st September, 1955.

New printing plates have been made for those values of Queen Elizabeth stamps that are being reprinted with the enlarged figure panels. The first stamp to be issued with the larger figures will probably be the 6d. denomination. It will be followed later by the 1td. and 2d. values and in time by the remaining low values, viz., id., 1d., 3d., 4d. and Bd. A new series of plate numbers will ce made for this issue, commencing with 1 and 2 for the 6d. value~ 4. Fiscal Stamps. Ini tial printings of the 1s.3d. revenue stamp re-introduced in June last showed the wat~rmark inverted. a later printing the watermark appears upright. 5. Postage Stamp Booklets. A new printing of postage stamp booklets, in which some of the advertisements have been changed and a panel of six airmail stickers has been included, was placed on sale on the 1st September, 1955. 6. Coil Stamps. Counter appliance rollF of 1s.6d. stamps rolled vertically and containing 320 stamps 00 a roll were issued on the 7th September, 1955. 7. Official Stamps. A reminder is .given ','wt, in addition to the Queen Elizabeth series of official stamps ranging from 1d. to 1s.OO., the 5s. revenue stamp overprinted "official" is available. It is known that collectors have some difficulty in obtaining used specimens of official stamps. The use of such stamps is, of course, restricted to Government Departments and although mint specimens are available to members of the public for philatelic purposes they cannot be the public for postage purposes. However, so that collectors who so desire may obtain copies of official ~tamps, the Stamps Division, General Post Office will


assist by affixing official stamps to envelopes for postmarking and forwarding through the post in the usual manner. Remittances and instructions should be addressed to the Director-General, Stamps Division, General Post Office~ Wellington, C.1.

Jteproductions of Southland Centennial Stamps.

The Colours are: 2d.

Blue Green.

3d. Bd.

Sepia. Centre, Purple; Frame, Red.

Instructions Reprdlnll the Forwardin, of Remittances.

All orders for the stamps of New Zealand and its Island Dependenoies - Cook Islands, Niue, Western Samoa and the Tokelau Islands - should be addressed to "The Direotor-General, (Stamps Division), General Poat Offioe, Wellington, C.1, New Zealand" • Al terna tively, orders for Ni ue and Cook Islands stamps may be sent to the Postmasters, Niue and Rarotonga respeotively, and those for Tokelau Isrands and Western Samoa stamps to the Postmaster, Apia. OVerseas remittanoes must be forwarded by International money-order or bank draft of suffioient amount to oover the faoe value of the stamps, return postage, and, if the order amounts to 10s. or more, the registration fee ot 6d. Stamps oannot be aooepted in payment of orders. Australian postal notea are not valid in New Zealand. Postage rates on letters addressed to oountries beyond New Zealand !re shown hereunder. :ay Surfaoemail : British Commonwealth oountries: Foreign oountries: :ay

3d. first ounoe, id. each additional ounce. 4d. first ounoe, 2td. each additional ounce.


Austrlll;ta, New Guinea, Fiji, Western Samoa eto.: Uni ted Kingdom, Canada, South Afrioa and United States of Amerioa: Other oouri,tries:

6d. per half-ounoe. 1s.6d. per half-ounoe. 1s.9d. to 2s.3d. per half-ounoe.

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