Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Philatelic Bureau. General Post Office. Wellington, N.Z. No. +4
July, 1967
Tokelau 1$lands Decimal Currency Stamp Issue
In Bulletin No. 43 we explained that because of transport difficulties it was not possible to provide a first day cover service for the Tokelau Islands decimal currency stamps. However, so as not to disappoint collectors it has now been possible to provide an alternative service. Arrangements are being made for covers bearing Tokelau Islands decimal stamps to be included in the mail which is due to leave Apia on 24 August. The covers will be date-stamped at Nukunonu Post Office on the date of the dispatch of the first outgoing mail after 10 JUly. In addition to being postmarked the covers will also be stamped with a rubber cachet bearing the wording "FIRST OUTGOING MAIL SINCE ISSUE OF DECIMAL CURRENCY STAMPS". As already announced the current 1d., 2d., and 1s.0d. Tokel.:" Island stamps have been overprinted 1c, 2c, and 10c, respectively, and New Zealand Fiscal stamps have~ overprinted with the words "Tokelau Islands" and the values 3c, 5c, 7c, and 20c. . New Zealand clients wishing to obtain covers bearing the cachet impression may, at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin purchase the Tokelau Islands stamps and send their stamped addressed envelopes under cover.. to the Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office, Wellington, with a request that the covers be forwarded to the Tokelau Islands for stamping with the special cachet. Clients are advi~ed to enclose fillers in covers. Persons residing outside the main centres may send unstamped addressed envelopes under cover to the Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office, Wellington, enclosing a remittance to' cover the cost of the stamps to be affixed plus a servicing fee of 2c per cover. On request, the Philatelic Bureau will prepare addressed stamped covers bearing either the full set of Tokelau Islands stamps or a part set consisting only of the pictorial overprints. The cost of these covers (Which
includes the stamps, cover and servicing charge) is 51c for the full set (1c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 7c, 10c, and 20c) and 16c for the part set (1c, 2c, and 10c). For overseas clients an order form for covers to be stamped with the special cachet is enclosed with this Bulletin. The closing date for the receipt of orders at the Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office, Wellington, is 1 August 1967. 2.
Pictorial 7ie (Brown Trout) Stamp
On 29 August 1967 a stamp will be issued to commemorate the centenary of the introduction of the Brown Trout into New Zealand. This stamp will remain on sale as part of the pictorial definitive issue. Particulars of the Brown Trout stamp are: Design: As illustrated, with the trout in natural colouring against a predominantly green background. Designer:
R.M. Conly, Esq., Christchurch.
Printed ~: Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd. by photogravure. Denomination:
Date of Issue:
29 August 1967.
Period of Sale: To remain on sale as part of the decimal currency definitive issue. Size of Stamp: Sheet Size: Sheet Value:
21mm x 25mm, vertical format.
150 stamps per sheet (10 horizontal rows of 15). ~11.25
(printed at top right-hand corner of sheet).
Plate Numbers: 1A 1A 1A 1A. The plate numbers are below stamps and 2 in row 10. The printer's imprint is below stamps 13 to 15 in row 10. Minimum number of stamps for plate number block 10 stamps. Minimum number of stamps for printer's impri~t block 10 stamps.
Ordering: For overseas clients an order form for mint stamps and first ~ay covers is enclosed. The closing date for the receipt of orders for first day covers is 25 August. The total charge for one cover is 12c. 'or larger quantities the charge is 11ic for each cover but where the total amount involves a ic the charge is reduced to the nearest cen~
1. Cftriltma Stamp,
This 7ear's Christmas stamp will be issued on 3 October 1967. Details are: Detail depicting the IIother and Child and one other figure painting "Adoration of the Shepherds" by Poussin. The original hangs in the National Gallery, London. The stamp will be illustrated in the next Bulletin.
Printed BY:
HarrisOD & Sons Ltd. b;y photogravure.
Date et I ••ue:
3 October 1967.
Date et Withdrawal: At post oftices: 5 January 1968. At Philatelic Bureau, General Post Otfice, Wellington: 30 June 1968. Size of Stamp: Sheet Bi,e:
50 stamps per sheet (5 horizontal rows of 10).
Sheet Value: Pfiat
22mm x 37ma, vertical format.
(printed at top right-hand corner of the sheet).
1A 1A 1A 1A 1A, 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B, 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C, The plate numbers are below stamps 8 - 10 in The printer's imprint is below stamps 1 - 3 in row 5. Minimum number of stamps for plate number block - 10 stamps. Minimum number of stamps for printer's imprint block - 10 stamps.
t row 5.
1 1 1D.
Ordering: For overseas clients an order form for mint stamps and first day covers is enclosed. The closing date for the receipt of orders for first day covers is 29 September 1967. For the information of overseas clients the 2ic value of the Christmas stamp matches the inland rate for Christmas ca~ds. The rate for Christmas cards and first day covers to overseas· addresses is 3c. Therefore, as shown on the order form for overseas clients, first day covers of the 1967 Christmas stamp issue will require two stamps. The total charge will be 9c (stamps 5c, envelope 2c and serVicing fee 2c). 4. Nlue Christmas Stamp, 1967
For the first time, a Christmas stamp for Niue is being issued this year. The stamp will be the same as the New Zealand Christmas stamp described in paragraph 3, but with the word "Niue" substituted tor the words "New Zealand". All other particulars, including the period of sale, and the cost of first day covers ordered by overseas clients are the same.
Qrdering: for overseas clients an order form for mint stamps and first day covers is enclosed. The closing date for the receipt of orders for first day covers is 1 September. This earlier date for covers of the Niue Christmas Stamp issue is needed to allow sufficient time for the covers to be sent to Niue for postmarking on 3 October. 5.
Centenary of Royal Society of New Zealand (1867-1967)
Two stamps commemorating the centenary of the Royal Society of New Zealand will be issued on 10 October 1967. Illustrations of the stamps and full information about this issue will be published in the next Bulletin. Details which are available now are: yalues:
4c and 8c
DeSigns: The 4c design will depict Mount Aspiring with the A~rora Australis and the Southern Cross in the background. A side panel symbolises the wide research interest of the Royal Society. The 8c stamp features a portrait of Sir James Hector, founder of the Society. Ordering: For overseas clients an order form for mint stamps and first day covers is enclosed. The closing date for the receipt of orders for first day covers is 6 October 1967. 6.
New Zealand Decimal Currency Stamp issue: Plate Numbers
ic 10
2c 2i¡c
3c 40
5c 6c 7c 8c )
1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
1A. 1A 1A. 1A 1A. 1A 1A. 1A 1A. 1A 1A. 1A 1A. 1A 1A 1A. 1A 1A 1A.
10J )
150) )
1A 1A.
20c) )
250) 300 500)
1A 1A 1A.
$1 ) $2 )
1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
1B. 1B 1B. 1B 1B. 1B 1B. 1B 1B. 1B 1B. 1B. 1B 1B. 1B 1B.
2A 1A 1A 1A. 2B 1B 1B 1B. 2A 1A 1A 1A. 2B 1B 1B 1B.
Western Samoa
Decimal Currency Stamp Issue
A new Western Samoa stamp issue comprising 10 denominations and depicting the "Birds of Samoa", which was placed on sale on 10 July 1967, is available to New Zeal~~d collectors at the Chief Post Offices, Auckland, ~ellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, and at the Philatelic Bureau, 66A Courtenay Place, ~ellington. Yoail orders should be addressed to the Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office, Wellington. The new stamps replace the v;estern Samoa Independ.ence issue which was on sale from 1962 until the introduction of decimal currency on 10 July 1967. The 10 denominations of the decimal stamps are: 1 sene (s), 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s, 10s, 20s, 25s, 50s, and 1 tala (~) The Western ~amoa sene and tala convert to the New Zealand cent and dollar, respectively. Overseas collectors are requested to write to the Chief Postmaster, Apia, Western Samoa, for their requirements. 8.
Commemorative Date-stamp
A special date-stamp will be used at the Chief Post Office, Thames, on 1 August 1967 to commemorate the centenary of the opening of the Thames Goldfield. Persons wishing to have envelopes cancelled with this special date-stamp should forward their stamped addreRsed envelopes under cover to the Chief Postmaster, Thames, with a request that the envelopes be cancelled with the special date-stamp. These requests should reach the Chief Postmaster, Thames, by 28 July and the outside cover or wrapper should be endorsed "Covers for canceLl.ation with special date-stamp at Chief Post Office, Thames". 9. Temporary Post Office
A temporary post office "Thames Postal Centenary Exhibition" is being provided at the Exhibition on 1 and 2 September 1967. Persons wishing to have envelopes cancelled at the temporary post office should forward their stamped addressed envelopes under cover to the Chief Postmaster, Thames, with a request that the envelopes be cancelled with the date-stamp of the "Thames Postal Centenary Exhibition" temporary post office. These requests should reach the Chief Postmaster, Thames, by 31 August 1967.
10. Rubber Hand-cancelle"
All first day covers ordered or serviced at the Philatelic Bureau are postmarked with a rubber hand-canceller. For the information of New Zealand clients, for all new issues the rubber hand-canceller service is available at the 21 Chief Post Offices. Special posting boxes are provided at the Chi~f Offices and all covers posted in the special boxes are postmarked with the rubber hand-cancellers instead of the usual steel hand date-stamps. Persons residing outside the 21 Chief Office cities or towns who are desirous of having covers marked with the hand-cancellers should forward their remittance and addressed envelopes under cover to the Chief Postmasters concerned with a request that the envelopes be cancelled with the rubber hand-canceller. A servicing fee of 2c for each cover should be included in the remittance and the outside cover or wrapping should be endorsed "Covers for servicing with (name of issue)" stamp. Such requests should reach Chief Postmasters not later than two working days before the date of the issue of the stamps. 11. "Posta,e Stamps of N_ Zealand", Volume V
The following information about Volume V has been supplied by the Royal Philatelic Society of New ZealandUnc): "Volume V, which deals with the stamps and postal history of the Pacific Islands under New Zealand administration, the Cook Islands, Samoa, and Ross Dependency, etc., was officially launched by the Society recently. The Volume contains 848 pages and 8 colour plates and has already received high praise from official and other quarters. Supplies of the limited edition of 1000 numbered copies are now being received from the printers and are being dispatched to subscribers as they come to hand. However, it may be six to eight weeks before all copies are posted. Less than 100 copies remain unsold and anyone requ1r1ng a copy should write as soon as possible to the Hon. Treasurer, Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand, P.O. Box 1269, Wellington, enclosing a remittance of ~NZ16.80 plus postage within New Zealand 40c, overseas 60c (~N'7,2 ,. ÂŁstg1 = ~US2.80)." Volume IV The Society also advises that limited supplies of Volume IV, dealing with New Zealand stamps and postal history, are still available at the published price of $NZ12.60 plus postage. Early application should be made to avoid disappointment.
11. International List of Post Offlces
The International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union will publish early in 1968, a new edition of the International List of Post Offices. The List will contain the names of some 420,000 post offices, supplied by member-countries of the Union up to 30 June 1967. The names of the post offices will be listed in alphabetical order and each entry will show the name pf the country concerned and, where applicable, the name of the relative geographical sub-division (e.g. name of state, province, county, or postal district). Postal routing codes, where they exist, will also be shown. The total number of pages in the List will be about 2,000 and for easy reference, the List will be divided into three volumes of about 700 pages each. In addition, a smaller introductory volume of·some 40 pages will contain the preface. It is the intention to pUblish a new edition of the List every five years. Supplements will not be issued during the intervening years. The price of one complete copy of the International List of Post Offices will depend on the number of copies printed but, on present indications; it is estimated that the cost will be in the vicinity of 46 Swiss francs (l!:PProx.,S NZ7. 78) for sewn volumes or 48 Swiss francs ~rox.~Z8.12) for bound volumes with sewn preface. Persons interested in obtaining copies of the List should send their 'orders to the Director-General, International Bureau of the Universal,Postal Union, 3000 Berne 15, Switzerland,as early as possible, on the understanding that they will be informed of the final price as soon as this is known and that delivery will take place during the first quarter of 1968. 13. £ s. d. Stamps-period of validity and exchange
Further to information given in Bulletin No. 43 the following additional particulars are supplied:Period of validity: .£ s.d. stamps which are valid for postage and revenue purposes will be accepted for two years after D.C. day until the end of July 1969, for any service for which payment is made by postage stamps. Exchange: For five years after D.C. day, until the end of July 1972, stamps which are valid for postage and revenue purposes may be'exchanged for decimal stamps provided the value of stamps tendered for exchange forms a multiple of 6d. The exchange arrangements do not extend to postal stationery.
OffIces opened and doaecl
Opened !i~
Canterbury University ¡Kohimarama Musselburgh
Christchurch Auc:kland Dunedin
24 May 1967 6 June 1967 12 June 1967
• previous office at Kohimarama was renamed St Thomas on 13 March 1967. Closed Burnham Tangiwai
Christchurch Wanganui
31 May 1967 30 June 1967
Names of offices changed K~
Christchurch North Waimarie
Edgeware MokHi.nui
Christchurch Westport
1 May 1967 3 April 1967