Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 27 1963 march

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Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director-General •. Postal Division, G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z. 12 March. 1963.

No. 27.




Two new orricial stamps 2!d. and 3s. Od. denominations have been added to the cu~rent set which portrays Her Majesty the Queen. The 2';d. value The new stamps were placed on sale on the 1 st \larch, 1963. replaces the 2d. official stamp overprinted 2td. The new stamps have been produced by the line engraved ~rocess by Messrs B~adbury Wilkinson and Company Limited who also produced the othe~ stamps in the official series. The design, size and number or stamps pe~ sheet are the same as the othar stamps in the ofricial set while the colours and plate numbers are:Olive green Grey

Plate No. 9 Plate No.10

Overseas clients desiring to obtain these stamps should place their orders With the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Office, \Yellington. The 2d. orricilll stamp overprinted 2id. was the close of business on the 28th February.

w1 thdrawn

rrcm sale at

2. Cook Islands

A pictorial set or 11 stamps is to be issued on 4th June. 1963. to replace the set thaT has been available since 1949. Production of the new stamps is being carried out by Messrs Bradbury Wilkinson and company Limited who are printing ten denomtnations by lithography and one by the line engraved method. The engraved stamp is the 15. 6d. denomination which portrays Her Majesty the Queen. Illustrated here are the 3d•• Bd•• 1s. 6d., and 3s. Od. denominations. Denominations. SUbjects and the size of the stamps are as follows:-

Denomination id. 2d.


5d. 6d.


1 s. Od. 1 s. 6d.

2s. Od. 3s. Od. 5s. Od.

subject Tiare Iolaori Fishing God Frangipani Love Tern Hibisous Bonito Orange Her Uajesty the Queen Island Scene Administra tion Centre Mangaia Rarotonga


21mm 21mm 25mm 25mm 25mm 21 mm 25B1ll1

x x x x

25mm 25mm 21mm 21mm x 21mm x 25mm x 21 mm

21 mm x 37mm 37mm x 21mm 3711l1ll x 21mm 37mm x 21mm

Colours and numbers of stamps per sheet as well as any addi tlonal information will be furnished in the next bulletin. loll'

James Berry of Wellington designed the stamps.

New Zealand residents Wishing to obtain first day covers should write to the Postmaster, Rarotonga, forwarding with their order a remi ttance for the value of' the stamps plus an amount for the servicing fee of 3d. for each cover and any special covers required. Souvenir· envelopes will be available at a cost of 3d. each. The servicing fee where a client provides an ad~ressed envelope will be 2d. per cover. Such orders should be posted to reach the Postmaster, Rarotonga by 24th May. Mint stamps of the issue will be available from the Postmaster, Rarotonga and also at the Chief Post Offices, Auckland, Wellington, Christchul""ch, Dunedin and the Postal DiVision, General Post Office. Oversea collectors should place their orders with the DirectorGeneral, Postal Division, General Post Office, Wellington. Orders for first day oovers should reach here no later than the 18th May and remittances should include a·n amount to cover the servicing fee of 3d. per cover or, if addressed envelopes are supplied, 2d. per cover. Souvenir envelopes at 3d. each will be available. Over sea collectors if they Wish may also place their orders for stamps and covers direct with the Postmaster, Rarotonga. Such orders should reach Rarotonga not later than 24th May.

The current Cook Islands set is to be withdrawn from sale on the 3rd June. Because denominations up to 5s. Od. are included in the new issue the 2s. 6d. and 5s. Od. New Zealand tiscal stamps overprinted Cook Islands 11'111 also be withdrawn 1'rom sale on the 3rd June. 3.

1962 Health Stamps

Plate numbers 01' 1962 Health stamps are;3id. (2id. postage + id. Health) 1A1A1A1A, 1B1B1B1B 4d. (3d. postage + id. Health) 1A1A1A1A, 1B1B1B1B Each plate number is shown in the colours used to produce the stamps which were respectively 3i<!; yellow, red, blue and black. 4d. yellow, orange, blue and black. The miniature sheets did not have a plate number. The printer' B imprint is shown on the selvedge at the bottom 01' the sheet and the value in the selvedge at the top. 4.

1962 Christmas Stamp

Four colours were used in the printing 01' this stamp. They were black, blue, yellow and red and the two combination 01' plate numbers, 1A1A1A1A and 1B1B1B1B are shown in these colours. 5. Stamp Programme 1963 In addition to the o1'1'icial and Cook Islands issues that are described in this bulletin, three other stamp issues are planned for 1963. Brief detalls are f'..lrnished below. Each issue will be fully covered in later bUlletins:

Issue Health stamps Christmas¡ stamp New Zealand Rail\vsys . Centenary 6.

Subject Prince Andrew Painting "The Holy B'amily" by Titian Early and modern railway engines

Post Offices Opened, Closed, etc. OPENER

Q1'1'1ce Avonhead Manurewa South " Pakuranga


District Christchurch Auckland Auckland Wsllington


5.11 .62 13.8.62 29.10.62 2.7.62

• Reopened , Existing office renamed Wallaceville






Lake Pukaki

2.6.62 18.9.62 6.2.62 21.3.62 16.4.61 1.3.62 6.7.62


Lamplough Mireaha ?ataua Reikorangi Roxburgh Hydro

Greymouth Masterton ÂĽIhangarei Wellington Dunedin

Name of o:ffice Changed From Quinns Post






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