PHILATELIC BULLETIN Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General, Stamps Division, G.P.O.• Wellington, N.Z.
No. 17.
30 April. 1959.
I. Red Cross Stamp. A reproduction of the Red Cross sta~p to be placed on sale on 3 June, 1959, appears in this issue. The stamp will sell at 4d., having a postage value of 3d. and a surcharge of id. to be credited to the New Zealand Red Cross Society.
Designed by post office artists, the stamp depicts a red cross on a white flag superimposed over twin hemispheres. The background colour of the stamp is blue. Printing was undertaken by Messrs Harrison & Sons Ltd., of London, using the photogravure process. There are 120 stamps, each 37mm x 21mm, to a Sheet, in twenty rows of six stamps. They are printed on paper comprising 50% Esparto and 50% SUlphite. The plate number "2 1A" and the printer's imprint appear together on the selvedge at the bottom lefthand corner of the sheet, and the sheet value "ÂŁ2.0s.0d." is shown on the selvedge at the top right-hand corner. The stamp will be withdravm from sale at the end of August, 1959. The New Zealand Red Cross Society is providing specially iesigned souvenir envelopes printed in four colours. These envelopes will be available thrOUghout New Zealand from stationers, stores, and from local Red Cross Committees at 2d. each. Overseas collectors and dealers requiring "Red Cross" first day covers to be supplied and serviced by the Stamps Division of the New Zealand 'Post Office should include in their rep,i ttances the cost of the covers together with the servicing fee (1 ;d. each cover). Where clients supply their own addressed covers, the servicing fee for each cover is reduced to id. The servicing of first day covers by the Stamps Division is not available to New ~ealann residents.
Persons in New Zealand who wish to send covers¡to rriends overseas are requested to prepare and dispatch their own covers. A special datestamp is not being provided ror the Red Cross stamp issue. 2. Queen Elizabeth Stamps. A quantity of the 9d., 1s.Od., 1s.6d. and 1s.9d. denominations was received from the printer recently in half sheets. On these half sheets the value "£6.0s.OO." etc on the right-hand panel is obliterated in black pencil and no amended value figure is shown. Half sheets of the lert-hand panel do not bear any value marking.
The 1s.9d. denomination printed from plates 1A 2A and 1B 2B and on the new paper referred to in paragraph four (below) was released on 2 February, 1959. Half sheets (right-hand panel) of the ¡issue have the value ~14.0s.oo. obliterated by two horizontal lines. Counter appliance coils of the 4d. denomination with the large numeral were rirst issued to offices on 3 March and are now in general use. Complete coils may be purchased from the stamps DiVision, General Post Office. 3. Government Life Insurance Stamps.
In the firth paragraph of Bulletin No. 15 we said that the Government Life Insurance 2d. denomination appeared on new paper. This is incorrect, but a new printing on the origins1 paper was released on 11 September, 1958. 4. Postage Stamp Paper. The paper used for recent commemorative issues as well as for reprints of the Queen Elizabeth series dirrers in furnish rrom that used previously. The new paper is whiter, slightly heavier, and comprises 2~ Rag, 25% Birch Wood and 50% EAparto. Issues for which this paper has already been used are:Nelson City Centennial Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree Queen Elizabeth 1s.9d. (reprint) Oft'icial 2d. (reprint)
Unless otherwise stated, future issues will be printed on this paper. A paper consisting of 50% Esparto and 50% Sulphite was used by Messrs Harrison and Sons Ltd., for the Hawkes Bay and Marlborough Centennial issues. S. Withdrawal of Commemorative Issues. The Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree stamp was withdrawn from sale on 31 March, 1959. The Marlborough Centennial issue will be withdrawn from sale at the end of May, 1959.
When a stamp or stamp issue is withdrawn from sale at post o~~ices, are no longer available from the stamps Division, General
Post 6.
1959 Health Stamps. -
A thematic series o~ stamps featuring native birds is being introduced in the annual Health stamp issue which, this year, will be placed on sale on 16 September, 1959. Two nenominations o~ 3d. (2d. postage + 1d. Health) and 4d. (3d. postage 1d. Health) will be provided. Miniature sheets of six stamps will ~e available ~or each denomination. Further details of this issue will be ~rnished in the next edition o~ the Philatelic Bulletin. 7. Waikato Winter Show. As usual a special post o~~ice will be opened at the '~aikato Winter Show to be held at Hamilton from 26 May to 2 June inclusive. Those wishing to have correspondence cancelled at the o~~ice should forward addressed envelopes bearing the correct postage under cover to the Chief Postmaster, Hamilton in time to reach him not later than 22 May. The envelope containing the covers for cancellation should be endorsed "Waikato Show Covers". 8. Centennial Industries Exhibition, Napier.
A special post office Centennial Industries Exhibition, Rapier, will be opened at Napier during the period 1/10 OctOber, 1959. Instructions about the forwarding of correspondence for cancellation at the special office will be published in a later bulletin. n~med
9. Slogans. Information was given in Bulletin No, 15 about a slogan to be used in the postmarking machine at New Plymouth on the occasion of the opening of the new Chief Post Office. The opening of this building is now expected to take place on 14 May, 1959. Correspondence already forwarded to New Plymouth for cancellation will be datestamped on that date. Stamped covers ~or cancellRtion should be ~orwarded to the Chief Postmaster, New Plymouth by 9 May. The envelope containing the covers should be endorsed "Opening New Chief Post Of~ice".
10. Auckland Harbour Bridge-Special Mail and Datestamp. A special mail will be dispatched from Auckland to Northcote on 30 May, 1959 on the occasion of the opening o~ the Auckland Harbour Bridge. ¡Correspondence included in the mail will be datestamped at Auckland with a special datestamp and will be carried across the bridge to Northcote where it will be back-stamped and ~orwarded for delivery to the addressees.
Persons desirous or having letters marked with the special dates tamp and included in the bridge mail should forward their addressed envelopes, with the correct postage afrixed, and endorsed "Bridge Mail" under cover to the Chief' Postmaster, Auckla!"ld in time to reach that orrice by 28 May. The outer envelope addressed to th~ Chier Postmaster should be marked "Covers ror Bridge Mail". In view or the short time available the Post Orrice will not be supplying and servicing covers ror inclusion in the special mail.
Instructions regarding the forwarding of remittances.
All orders should be addressed to the "Director-General, (stamps Divi;;ion), General Post Orfice, Wellington, C.1, New Zealand.¡ r Alternatively, orders for Niue and Cook Islands stanps may be sent to the Postmasters, Niue and Rarotonga respectively, and those ror Tokelau Island and western Samoa to the_Postmaster, Apia. Overseas remittances must be rorwarded by InternRtional moneyorder or bank drart of surficient amount to cover the face value or the stamps, return postage, and, if the order amounts to 10s. or more, the registration fee of 9d. The postage rate on letters from New Zealand by surrace mail is"To British Commonwealth countries To Foreign countries
3d. f'irst ounce each additional 4d. first ounce each additional
1d. ounce. 2~.
Air mail postage rates To Australia To Canada and U.S.A. To Oreat Britain, Europe and Mrica
6d. per half ounce. 1s.6d. per halt' ounce. 1s.9d. per half ounce.