Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 18 1959 july

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Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General, Stamps Division, G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z.

31 July, 1959.

No. 18.

This year's Healtt- stamp desi&ne are the first of a thematic series to feature native birds. This theme will in fUture be used for the annual Health issue, and different birde will be featured each year. Reproductions of the designe chosen for tt-is year'e stamps appear on this pa¥e. The "Tete" (Grey Teal) ie portrayed on the 3d. (2d. postage + 1d. Health) denomination end the "Poaka" (Pied stilt) on the 4<1. (3d. postage + 1d. Health) value. The stamps were printed by Meesre Harrieon and Sons Ltd., London - working drawings and essays for both designs being prepsred by the printers from material supplied by the Post Office. An innovation is the use of three-colour photogravure printing. I.

1959 Health Stamps. -

The stamps are 21mm x 37mm and the normal sized sheets comprise twelve rows of ten stamps. One plate has been used for each colour, and the plate r.umber 1 1 1, together with the firm's imprint, appears in the relative colours on the selvedge at the bottom left-hand corner. The combir.ed imprint and plate number block comprises six stamps. Sheet values, £1.10s.Od. and £2.0s.Od., respectively, are eho~n in the selvedge at the top right-hand corner. Miniature sheets of six stamr6 are again being issued. A plate number 1 1 1 appears on each Sheet, together with the inscription "Miniature sheet 1s.6d." (2s.Od.). The paper compoeition ie 50 per cent esparto and 50 per cent eUlphite.

Colours used are 3d.

Background, pink; "Tete", yellow and sepia; "New Zealand" and title, black.


Background, blue; "Poaka", black, white and red; "New Zealand" and title, black.

The stamps will be placed on sale on 16 September, 1959. Souvenir covers will again be provided by the Health Camp Authorities ~ will be obtainable rrom stores and stationers throughout New Zealand but ~ rrom post offices. The covers, Which sell at 2d. each, will be or an improved type and printed in multi colours. Orders rrom overseas clients requiring first day covers should reach the Director-General, Stamps DiVision, General Post Orfice, Wellington, not later than 7 September. The souvenir envelopes will be purchased on behalf of clients if desired, and the normal servicing tee 01' 1 id. per cover will be charged. Should addressed envelopes be provided the servicing fee will be reduced to id. per envelope. Orders tor the servicing of first day covers are not accepted rrom New Zealand residents. Pictorial datestamps will be used at the special post offices "at Maunu, Pskuranga, Gisborne, Otaki, Glenelg and Roxburgh Health Camps on the open1ng day of the Health stamp campa1gn. Persons who w1sh tc obtain spec1al cancellat10ns should forward their addressed envelopes to the Chier Postmasters at Whangare1, Auckland, G1sborne, Wellington, Christchurch and Duned1n, respectively. A remittance covering the cost or the stamps requ1red, tog~ther with the serv1cing fee of id. per cover, should accompany each order. 2.

1958 Health Stamp Sales. -

sold are


The quantities of 1958 Health stamps


3d. (2d. postage + id. Health): Large sheets M1niature sheets

3,694,732 stamps 1,410,000 "

4d. (3d. postage + id. Health): Large sheets M1n1ature sheets

3,561 ,231 1,440,000

" "

3. Queen Elizabeth Stamps. A reprint of the id. denom1nat10n rrom plates Nos. 13 and 14 on the new paper was released to post offices on 2 June. Readers w11l recall that th1s paper 1s 25 per cent rag, 25 per cent b1rch wood, and 50 per cent esparto.

A new print or the postage stamp booklets with the stamps 'printed on the new paper was issued on 20 June. Advertising matter in this booklet dirfers slightly rrom that in the previous one, but in all other respects the layout is similar. Both denominations of stamps in the new booklets have the large value symbol. 4. "Official" Stamps. The 1~. "Orficial" stamp will be withdrawn rrom sale at the close of business on 30 September and will be reissued on 1 October overprinted "6d." with the original value obliterated by black discs.

A reprint of 1d. "Official" stamps from plate No. 2 printed on the new paper was released to post offices on 8 July. 5. Post Offices Opened or Closed. For the benefit of students of postal history, details of post offices recently opened or permanently closed are given hereunder:-

or:t'i ce Offices closed Arapaoa Bankside Batley Frankton Junction Railway Goodwood Kaitawa Hydro Karioi Ngapara Somerfield Whakapirau Offices opened Barrington Cornwall New Plymouth East Northcote Central Strathmore Park 6.

Cape Reinga -



Whangarei Christchurch Whangarei Hamilton Dunedin Napier Wanganui Oamaru Christchurch 'iI"hangarei

2. 4.59 28. 5.59 14. 3.59 31.12.58 23. 5.59 2. 6.59 15.12.58 31. 1.59 1. 4.59 1. 1 .59

Christchurch Auckland New Plymouth Auckland Wellington

1. 12. 6. 1• 1•

4.59 5.59 4.59 4.59 5.59

Distinctive Datestamp. -

A pictorial datestamp will be brought into use on 20 August at Cape Reinga, the northernmost post office in New Zealand. The new dates tamp, which will replace the one now in use at Cape Reinga, is of the "small circle" "J" t~e and has the outline or a Godwit in the lower portion. Godwits ~migratory birds) are a feature of Cape Reinga and congregate there in large numbers at the end or each summer before migrating to the northern hemisphere. In the past the Postmaster has received many requests for datestamp impressions, and it is considered appropriate to have a distinctive datestamp.

Persons who wish to have correspondence cancelled at Cape Reinga on 20 August should rorward addressed envelopes, bearing the correct postage, under cover to reach the Postmaster, Kaitaia by 13 August. The outer cover should be endorsed "Cape Reinga Covers". Requests ror cancellations arter 20 August should be addressed to the Postmaster, Cape Reinga. 7. Commemorative Issues .The following figures show the number of recent commemorative stamps sold. The stamps were withdrawn rrom sale on the dates mentioned:Date of' Nwnber a'old


30th Anniversary First Tasman Flight Nelson City Centennial Hawkes Bay Centennial



3d. 2d. 3d.


31.12.58 31.12.58 28. 2.59 28. 2.59 28. 2.59

2,165,135 10,475,584 7,991 ,677 13,164,445 1,R40,631

8. Special Train - R.T.P.O. South Canterbury. As part of' a "Transportation Week" arranged by the South Canterbury Centennial Association (Inc.), a special train will run f'rom Christchurch to .Timaru on 12' September, 1959. A postal van will be attached and a railway travelling poet off'ice (South Canterbury) will operate on the journey to Timaru. A datestamp "R.T.P.O. South Canterbury" will be used for the cancellation of' all mail handled on the train. Only articles paid at letter or postcard rates will be accepted and person~ wishing to have such mail carried on the special train and postmarked with the R.T.P.O. datestamp should address cov~rs,. arfixthe correct poatage - ordinary postage plue the late fee or 2d. - and f'orward them to reach the Chief' Postmaster, Christchurch not later than 10 September. The envelope containing the covers should be endorsed "Covers for Special Train". The reason for charging a "late f'ee" is that all mail matter posted on trains, whether in guards' vans or in R.T.P.O's, Is subject to the special f'ee. 9. Centen'nial Industries Exhibition Napier. ~ A spec ial post office :lamed "Centennial Industries Exhibition, Napier" will be opened at Napier during the period 1/10 October, 1959. Persons wishing to have correspondence cancelled at this of'f'ice should forward their addressed envelopes, with the correct postage af'fixed, under cover to the Chier Postmaster, Napier. The cover containing the envelopes should be endorsed "Centennial Exhibition Covers".

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