Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 32 1964 september

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Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director-General. Postal Division. G.P.O., Wellington. N.Z. 25 September, 196-4.

No. 32.

L Christmas Stamp. 1964 As notit'ied in Inlletin No. 30, the Christmas stamp this year will commemorate the 150th anniversary of' the t'irst Christian service held in New Zealand. The service took place at Rangihaua Bay, in the Bay ot' Islands, on Christmas Day, 1814, and was conducted by the Rev. Samuel Marsden.

The stamp, which is illus~rated here, was designed by the Wellington artist, LIr L.C. lUtchell, and is his conception ot' the scene as described in Marsden's journals and other historical records. The denomination is 2td. and the stamp is being produced by the photogravure process by Messrs Harrison and Sona Ltd., London, on paper ot' 50% Esparto and 50% sulphi tee The meets will be in six rows ot' ten. The stamp will be issued on 12th October and, unless stocks are exhausted earlier, i t will be withdra\'lIl on 7th Jamlary, 1965. The plate number is 1ft. 1A 1A 1A. Although increased postage rates will operate !'rom 1st October, as a goodwill gesture, and rather than overprint a particularly f'ine stamp, it has been decided that the 1964 Christmas stamp may be used this year on postings of' Christmas cards in unsealed envelopes to addresses within New Zealand. The same concession will apply to unsealed f'irst day covers f'or deliver,y \nthin New Zealand. First day covers t'or overseas are to be prepaid at the rates et'f'ective !'rom 1st October, i.e., on sealed envelopes to Commonwealth countries 4d.; other countries 7d. The rate on unsealed envelopes to all countries is 3td. Covers for New Zealand addresses must be clearly marked "t'irst day covers". Orders t'or the stamp and t'or first day covers may now be placed by overseas clients with the Director-General, Postal Division, General Poat Ot'f'ice, Wellington. As souvenir covera are not being provided by the Post orrice, plain white envelopes will be used.

A servicing 1'ee 01' 1ido for each envelope is to be included with each remittance. The servicing 1'ee is 1d. when an addressed envelope is supplied. Brief historical notes

Marsden had arrived f'rom Australia in the ship "Active" a few days before Christmas and had made friends with the Maori Chief's on land. One of' the Chief's, Ruatara, had prepared f'or the service by enclosing within a 1'ence, an area of' about half: an acre. At 10 o'clock on Christmas morning Samuel Marsden le:f't the "Active" with the entire ship's company and attended by three Maori Chief's. A pulpit 6 !'t. high, and a reading desk 3 !'t. high, made from part of' a canoe, were erected in the centre and covered with a native cloth, and upturned canoes were placed on each side to accommodate the Europeans. A f'lagstaf:1' had been erected on the highest hill in the village and the British f'lag was flying. Vlhen the Enropeans had occupied the enclosure the Chiefs marched in with their warriors behind them, and formed a circle around the whole. Marsden preached f'rom the text, "Behold, I bring you tidings 01' great joy." Chief' Ruatara interpreted the service to the Maoris. 2.

Health Stamps, 1964

Illustrations 01' this year's Health stamps, together with a description of' the colours and size, were given in Bulletin No. 31 issued on 22nd May. Readers are reminded that these stamps were placed on sale on 5th August, 1964, and will be withdrawn on 30th November, 1964, unless stocks are exhausted earlier. For the f'irst time the miniature sheets contain eight stamps. The values, 2s.4d. 1'or the 3~d. sheets and 2s.8d. f'or the 4d. sheets, are printed in the top right-hand corner. The printer's name is not shown on the miniature sheets nor is there an imprint number. Subjects depicted

01' the more than 200 native birds listed from New Zealand, about half that number are sea birds or shore birds and the New Zealand archipelago stretching as it does 1"rom sub-tropic to sub-antarctic in an irregular coast-line provides abundant 1'eeding grounds and shelter for sea birds. The New Zealand coast is theref'ore a breeding area for more species of' pelagic petrels and penguins than any other area 01' the same size. Red Billed Gull (Maori name: Tarapunga)-3id. stamp. The lively and beaut11'ul red-billed gull is well known in New Zealand and even as far south as Campbell Island. Countless redbilled gulls frequent the deep-sea 1'ishing grounds around the coast, but they disappear about the beginning 01' October until February. This interval is the nesting period. They select rocky areas ' adjacent to the deep clean waters of' the ocean.

Blue Penguin (Maori name: Korora)-4d. stamp.

The presence or penguins aloIlg the coast of New Zealand is a matter of surprise to people who associate these birds only with polar regions. In fact, however, the penguin family, although confined to the Southern Hemisphere, consists 01' seventeen species, only two or three of.which are inhabitants of the Antarctic ice. several 01' them are sub-antarctic and three species are f'ound in warmer waters. Of' these, the smallest is the Blue Penguin. It is solidly built and muscular and is clothed with short, flattened feathers which fit almost like the scales of a fish. The Blue Penguin has very short, webbed feet, and powerf'lll flippers in place of' wings. The bird is at home in the water, sw1mm1Ilg easily on the surface and more rapidly bp.neath it. Most of' its time is spent at sea except in August when it comes ashore and settles in caves and rock cavities in places along the whole coast of New Zealand f'or the nesting season. Only two eggs are laid and the chick twins when hatched are fed by the parents who regurgitate food swallowed earlier. This act is stimulated by the chick thrustiIlg its beak into the old bird's open mouth. 3. Ross Dependency

People who wish to have covers cancelled at the SCott Base Post Ottice are reminded that it is necessary to have Rose Dependency stamps a:f'f'ixed to the envelopes. New Zealand stamps and those of' other countries cannot be used. Persons who do not have Ross Dependency stamps may place an order with the Postal Division (Stamps Section), General Post Ottice, where arraIlgements will be made to forward envelopes to the Territol'7. Scott Base is the only New Zealand Post Ottice in the Ross Dependency. It should be noted that because of' the inf'1'equency or the exchaIlge of' mails, there is often considerable delay before covers are returned from SCott Base. 4.

Philatelic Exhibition, Dunedin50th Anniversary Dunedin Philatelic Club Incorporated.

The Dunedin Philatelic Club Incorporated is celebratiIlg its 50th anniversary with a philatelic exhibition at the otago Museum. The tempor&r7 post of'f'ice will be in operation on 2nd and 3rd October. 5. Offices opened and closed

Opened Of'f'ice


Claris Cockle Bey Frankleigh Park Manor Park Camp

.Auckland .Auckland New PlYmouth WelllIlgton

Closed Offlce






14aru1a Spr1Dgs




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