Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 15 1958 june

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PHILATELIC BULLETIN Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General, Stamps Division. G.P.O.• Wellington. N.Z.

No. 15. I.

1958 Health Stamps.-

28 July. 1958. These stamps will be placed on sale on

20 August, 1958. The layout of the large sheets is 6 rows of 20 stamps. The 4d. stamp (3d.+ 1d.) is printed from plate 1 and the 3d. sta~p (2d.+ 1d.) from plate 3. The plate number is over the third stamp in the top row and the sheet value is over the last two stamps in the same row. The miniature sheets are approximately five inches square. inscription "Price 2s.Od." or "Price 1s.6d!' is over the last two stamps on the top of these sheets.


The imprint "Harrison and Sons Ltd. London" is under every stamp in both the large and the miniature sheets. AJ3 was the case in 1957, pictorial datestamps will be used at the special post offices, which are opened annually on the first day of issue, at the ÂĽaunu, Pakuranga, Otaki, Glenelg and Roxburgb Health camps. Persons in New Zealand who desire covers postmarked at these offices should forward addressed envelopes, together with a remittance to cover the cost of the stamps plus a servicing fee of 1d. per cover, to the respective Chief Postmasters - Whangarei, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.

To commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Boys' Brigade a special hand dates tamp reading "The Boys' Brigade 75th Year Wellington, N.Z." will be used at Wellington on 4 OCtober, 1958. Collectors requiring impressions from this dates tamp should forward their stamped addressed covers in time to reach the Chief Postmaster, Wellington by 1 October. The outside cover should in inscribed "Covers for Boys' Brigade Anniversary."

2. 1957 Health Stamps.Particulars of the numbers of the 1957 Health stamps sold are as t'ollows:-

3d. (2d. postage + id. health) Large sheets Miniature sheets ~SideWayS watermark~ " If Uprigtlt "

3.724.959 stamps 480.000 If 270.000 "

4d. (3d. postage

3.944.084 stamps 480.000 If 243.600 If

+ id. health) Large sheets Miniature sheets ~SideWayS watermark~ If If Uprigtlt "

3. 30th Anniversary First Tasman Flight.The special postage stamps ot' common design which are to be issued in Few 7,ealand and in Australia to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the 'first air crossing ot' the Tasman Sea will be placed on sale in both countries on 27 August. 1958. Only the New Zealand stamps (denomination 6d.) will be obtainable 'from the Stamps Division. General Post O'f'fice. Wellington and from other New Zealand post o'f'fices. Details o'f the stamp were given in the previous edition of the Bulletin.

The stamps were printed 'from two plates numbered 1 and 2. The plate number and the imprint "Printed by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Note Printing Branch." appear under- the 'first two sta.mps o'f the last row in the sheet: there are 120 stamps to the sheet (12 rows of 10 etamps). No special first day covers will be provided by the Post Office. Persona who desire first day cancellations i.e., on 27 August, will be required to provide their own envelopes. Tasman Empire Airways Limited have arranged for two special commemorative 'fligtlts to coincide with the anniversary o'f the initial crossings ot' the Tasman Sea. The east-bound fligtlt will be made 'from Sydney to Christchurch on 11 September and the west-bound :flight 'from Christchurch to Sydney on 14 October. The Air League is arranging for special two-way covers which will bear on separate sections o'f the cover the Australian and the New Zealand stamps. These special twoway covers will be carried on the flights to be made by Tasman Empire Airways Ltd. Persons requiring these covers should apply to any ot'rice o:f the Air Training Corps, to any TEAL or NAC office or direct to the Air Leasue of New Zealand. P.O. Box 2204, Wellington. The Air League is charging L~s .Od. for each cover plus return postage 6d. Applications with the necessary remittance, must be 'forwarded to one of the above organisations by 29 August. It is possible that special arrangements will be made for persons in New Zealand to post self-addressed covers 'for carriage on the westbound fl1gtlt from Chrietchurch to Sydney on 14 Octol:)f~r, in which case further particulars "ill be issued through the Press.

The New Zealand Air League will also make available souvenir covers :for the :flight :from ]\Tew Zealand to Australia. I:f these covers are addressed to New Zealand addresses it will be necessary to a:f:fix two 6d. New Zealand stamps to the covers and to place the inscription "By Special Trans-Tasman :flight and return" under the air mail label. 4. Nelson City Centennial.This stamp, which is o:f the 3d. The denomination will be placed on sale on 29 September, 1958. stamps are being printed in England by Bradbury, Wilkinson and Co. Ltd. As mentioned in the previous Bulletin the design features the seal o:f the Diocese o:f Nelson.

A special pictorial dates tamp will be used at the Chie:f Post O:ffice, Nelson on the :first day o:f issue o:f the stamps. Persons residing in New Zealand who wish to have their covers cancelled with this datestamp should :forward their addressed envelopes together with a remittance covering the cost o:f the stamps required and the servicing fee o:f 1d. ~ envelope to the Chie:f Postmaster, Nelson in time to I'each that office not later than 22 September, 1958. The outside cover should be en:faced "Nelson Centennial Covers." OVerseas collectors and dealers requiring :first day covers to be supnlied and serviced by the stamps Division o:f the New Zealand Post Of:fice should include in their remittances the servicing :fee (1td. each cover) and if they wish the special pictorial envelope as issued by the Nelson Philatelic Society, an additional 3d. per cover. Clients requiring the covers to be postmarked with the special pictorial datestamp should ensure that their orders are in the stamps Divis: -'n by 15 September, 1958. As part of the centennial celebrations the ]\'elson Philatelic Society will hold an Exh! ,ition :from 24 to 29 September. A post office designated "Philatelic EXHibition, Nelson" will be open for the period of the Exhibition. The post of'fice will be open be:fore the centennial stamp is issued therefore collectors who require the :first day cancellation should forward their stamped addressed envelopes to the Postmaster, Philatelic EXhibition, Nelson to reach that City on or before 24 September. The last day o:f the exhibition coincides with the date of issue of the special stamp and collectors requiring the commemorative stamps cancelled with the Exhibition postmark should forward their addressed envelopes to the Chief Postmaster, Nelson indicating that they require the envelopes posted at the Exhibition and enclosing a remittance to cover the cost of the stamps plus the servicing fee o:f 1d. per envelope. A special slogan will be used in the Nelson postmarking machine for approximately two months prior to 29 September. 5. Hawkes Bay Centennial.Th e three s t amps, 20. • ,3d . and 8d • , t 0 commemorate the centennial o:f the prOVince will probably be issued on 31 October, 1958. The 2d. stamp (21mm x 25 mm) will :feature the statue "Pania" on Marine Parade, Napier; the 3d. stamp (37mm x 21mm) will show Cape Kidnappers and the 80.. stamp (21mm x 25rnm), a Maori shearer at work.

The Post O~fice will not issue special ~irst day covers but the Hawkes Bay Philatelic Society, Post Office Box 475, Napier, will supply commemorative covers at a cost or 3d. each. 6.

Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree.-

...... Ine special stamp, 3d., to

commemorate this event will be issued on 5 January, 1959. The design of the stamp incorporates the special badge struck for the occasion. The bi-coloured sta~p will be 21mm x 25mm in size.

A special post ofrice designated "Pan Paciric Scout Jamboree Auckland." will be opened at the Jamocree to c ater ~or the postal requirements of some 8,000 personnel attending the camp. A special pictorial datestamp will be used on the first day the stamps are issued, 5 January, 1959 and a normal one for the rest or the period. Special covers will be distributed by members of the Scout Movement throughout the country. '!'he eost of these covers w111 be 3d. each. Addressed covers should be forwarded similarly Nelson Centennial ones but in this case they should the Chief Postmaster, Auckland to reach that ofrice 22 December, 1958. The outside envelope should be Covers."

to those for the be addressed to not later than enfaced "Jamboree

7. Slogans. Appended is information regarding the use of new slogans at certain post offices:Slogan Buy / Buy /

N.Z. Sunshine / N.Z. Butter

Past Office


AUCkland. Christchurch Hamilton Wellington

t:or one month now in use


1 August - for one month


Stamp / out / Hydatids Remember Arbor Day


SEATO Day 8 September


Opening of New

Chief Post



Palmerston North Timaru

28 July to 4 August

Dunedin Palmerston North Wanganui Whangarei

mid August to 8 September

New Plymouth

One day only. Date not yet fixed. Stamped covers should be forwarded to the Chief Postmaster by 5 September.

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