Series 3 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 37 1965 october

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Inquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director-General, Postal Division, G.P.O., Wellington, N.Z No. 37


October, 1965

Manned Balloon Flights

An international company has made plans for three Manned Balloon Flights within New Zealand during October and November and has been given permission to carry mail. The flights will be: Moera (Wellington) to Masterton Auckland to Hamilton Christchurch to Timaru

16.10.65 23.10.65 7.11.65

In the event of unfavourable winds the flights may be postponed for one or more days. Special datestamps will be used at each of the three dispatch. ing offices and the mail will be backstamped at the post office of the town of destination of each flight prior to onward dispatch to the addressees. The organisers of the flights have produced special postcards which will be on sale for 6d each from the organisers, P.O. Box ,6-007, Moera. The organisers have released newspaper pUblicity ~bout this. The Plunket Society will benefit from the sale of these postcards and it is suggested that Health stamps be used for ~he postage. By this means the Health Camp Movement, also, would benefit from the flights. The denomination of Health stamps are ~d (3d postage + 1d Health) and 5d (4d postage + 1d Health). New Zealand residents wishing to have postcards carried on the Manned Balloon Flights should dispatch their stamped, addressed cards in time to reach the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, Auckland or Christchurch on the Thursday before the flights. The address should be written at the bottom left of the address area of the postcard. The outside cover or wrapping should be endorsed "Mail for Carriage on Manned Balloon Flight". Postage to addressees within New Zealand will be at the inland surface rates. The Post Office will not be providing or servicing the postcards, but requests for the special postcard from overseas collectors will be serviced by the organisers provided those for Wellington are received by 13th October and those for Auckland and Christchurch, one week

before the scheduled date of the flight. be addressed -

The requests should

The Organisers, Manned Balloon Flights, P.O. Box 36-007, Moera, NEW ZEALAND. Requests should be accompanied by a remittance to cover the price of the souvenir postcards (6d each) and the postage from New Zealand to the country of destination. Postage rates on postcards from New Zealc-~d are: Surface British Commonwealth 3d Other countries ~ Additional 1d in each case if Health stamps required. Airmail

Ordinary stamps 4d

Cook Islands Gilbert & Ellice Islands ) French Polynesia ) Australia Hawaii Indonesia Malaysia Ceylon India Hong Kong Pakistan Thailand Vietnam


) )

Health stamps 5d






5 )




1s.1 d.


Canada U.S. A.

) )

West Indies Japan Philipines


1 s. Od.


) )





United Kingdom Europe

South American countries

2. Fourth National Scout Jamboree

A special stamp will be issued on 5th January, 1966, to commemorate the Fourth National Scout Jamboree. The denomination will be 4d. The stamp will depict an arrowhead motif symbolic of progress superimposed on a pattern of diamonds coloured dark green. The outline of the arrow head is coloured old gold. The words "Progress Jamboree Scouts New Zealand" and the year 1966 appear around the edges of the design. The lettering and the denomination too, are in dark green. The pattern surround also includes sections of traditional tuku tuku panel design known as potama. Unless stocks are exhausted earlier, the stamp will remain on sale at post offices until 28th February, 1966, and after that date, may be ordered by post from the Postal DiVision, General Post Office, until 31st October, 1966. The sheet value will be ÂŁ2. The stamp is being printed by the photogravure process by Messrs Harrison and Sons Limited, London. The format will be vertical, the dimensions 21mm x 37mm and there will be 120 stamps to a sheet. Information about plate numbers will appear in a later Bulletin. The usual rubber hand-canceller service and "first day of issue" postmark will be available at the Chief Post Offices, Auckland, Christ church , Dunedin, and Wellington. 3.

Health Stamps 1965

A reminder is given that the 1965 Health stamps will be withdrawn from sale at post offices and at the Postal Division on 30th November, 1965. 4.

International Co-operation Year Stamp

The printer's imprint ap~ears in the bottom left-hand corner. Neither the sheet value (ÂŁ2) nor plate numbers have been printed on the sheets. 5. Christmas Stamp 1965

The 1965 Christmas stamp will come on sale on 11th October and, unless stocks are exhausted earlier, will be withdrawn from sale at post offices on 7th January, 1966. If supplies are still available the stamp may be ordered by post from the Postal DiVision, General Post Office, until 30th July, 1966. The original of the painting depicted, Murillo's "The Two Trinities", hangs in the National Gallery, London.

6. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

A set of three special stamps will be issued on November, 1965, to commemorate the 11th annual conference of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. The denominations will be 4d, 9d, and 2/-. ~Oth

The stamps have been designed in the Public Relations Division of the General Post Office, and are being printed by Messrs Thomas De La Rue and Company Limited, London. Each stamp will measure 37am x 21mm and will be produced by the .photogravure process in four colours. All the designs include the crossed Mace and Black Rod and the lettering "11th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, 1965". Other details of designs are: ~:

This stamp depicts the New Zealand Coat of Arms in the correct colours and also a portrait of Her Majesty the Queen.


The main SUbject portrayed is Parliament House, Wellington. Parliament House is the venue for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference. The official badge of the Association appears at the right of the stamp.


The subject here is a view of Wellington taken from Mt. Victoria and looking across the waterfront and business area to the hills beyond. Prominent in the view is the new Overseas Passenger Terminal.

For this special stamp the usual first day of issue rubber hand canceller service will be available at the Chief Post Offices at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin and, on this occasion, at the Parliament Buildings Fost Office instead of at the Chief Post Office, Wellington. First day of issue slogans will be available at the Chief Post Offices at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Wellington. Ordinary hand date stamping facilities will be available at other offices. 7.

Reprint of Government Life Insurance 4d. Demonination

The 4d denomination of the Government Life issue has been reprinted. The plate number, A1, is unchanged but the colouring is a little lighter. 8.

First Day Covers and Servicing Fees

The new Post Office first day cover is now on sale at permanent post offices. The selling price of the covers and the fees for servicing are:

Selling price of Post Office first day cover Supplying and servicing Post Office first day cover Servicing client's own addressed envelope

2d 4d 2d

Orders for New Zealand stamps mentioned in t~is Bulletin may now be placed by overseas clients with the Director-General, Postal Division, General Post Office, Wellington. ~he servicing fees are as set out above. 9.


Clients are advised to enclose fillers when forwarding covers for servicing. 10. Stamps which may be Ordered by Post




Available Until

Official (Queen Elizabeth)

1d, 2id, 3d, 4d, 6d., 9d, 1/-, 3/-


Official (fiscal overprint)



Anzac Anzac

4d 5d

31. 1.66 31. 1.66

International Telecommunication Union


28. 2.66

Centenary of Government in Wellington


30. 4.66

Inaugural Flights by Air New Zealand

Air New Zealand have planned several inaugural flights in connection with the introduction of pure' jet ~rcraft on their services. Details of their flights are: Auckland/Sydney Sydney/Auckland

24th November 24th November

Auckland/Nandi Nandi/Auckland

24th November 25th November

Auckland/Pago Pago Pago Pago/Auckland

28th November 29th November

Auckland/Pago Pago!Honolulu/ Los Angeles Los Angeles/Honolulu/ Pago Pago/Auckland

14th December

Auckland/Hong Kong Hong Kong/Auckland

3rd March 4th March

Auckland/Singapore Singapore/Auckland

6th April 7th April

15th December

Philatelic mail will be carried on the Auckland/Sydney and return flights and arrangements are being made for philatelic mail to be carried on the other inaugural flights also. A special postmark will be used on all covers included in the philatelic mails. Postage rates for covers from New Zealand will be 7d for those bearing Australian addressed and 1s.2d for return covers with New Zealand addresses. All covers will be backstamped at Sydney and those for New Zealand addresses will be returned by air mail. Covers will be a~cepted only ror addresses in Australia or New Zealand. Persons wishing to use this facility should rorward their stamped addressed covers to the Chief Postmaster, Auckland, not later than Tuesday, 23rd November. Wrapping enclosing the covers should be marked "Inaugural Air New Zealand jet flight souvenir covers" . 12.

Opening of Haast Pass Route

A special mail will be carried from Haast to Hokitika and Raast to Wanaka on 6th November, 1965, the date of the opening of the Raast Pass Route. A special pictorial datestamp will be used at Raast for the one day only and the mail will be backstamped on arrival at Hokitika and Wanaka and before onward dispatch to the addressees. Persons wishing to use this facility should forward their stamped-addressed covers in time to reach the Postmaster, Raast, not later than Friday, 5th November. The outside cover or wrapping should be endorsed "Covers for carriage on special HaastHokitika or Haast-Wanaka mail". 13.

Special Charter Flight Rarotonga-Penrhyn-Tahiti-Rarotonga

Pacific Flights of Adelaide, South Australia, have advised that the special charter flight referred to in paragraph 12 of Bulletin No.36 has been postponed from October, 1965, to February, 1966.

14. Yemen Churchill Commemorative Stamps

The following information has been released by the Postal Administration of Yemen. Postage stamps bearing a likeness of Sir Winston Churchill and carrying the name of the Yemen are at present on sale outside the country. We do not recognise the legality of these stamps which purport to be Yemenite, and they are not valid in the postal service. IS.

Offices Opened and Closed

Opened Name Beach Haven Howick West Oamaru Junction Redwoodtown Takaro

District Auckland Auckland Oamaru Blenheim Palmerston North

1. 3. 12. 10. 25.

4.65 5.65 4.65 5.65 2.65

Closed Hauturu Kaingaroa Maraeroa Ngaroma Rangiahua Runciman Te Mania Upper Atiamuri Wairata Wharepapa

Hamilton Whangarei Whangarei Hamilton Whangarei Auckland Hamilton Rotorua Rotorua Auckland

22. 2.65 31. 3.65 31.12.64 26. 2.65 20. 1.63 22. 3.65 18.12.64 15. 5.65 15. 1.65 24. 4.65

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