Enquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director - General. Stamps Division. G.P.O.• Wellington, N.Z.
No. 12.
24th JANUARY, 1957.
75th Anniversary of New Zealand Meat Export Trade. -
Two special stamps, 4d. and 8d., to oommemorate the 75th anniversary 01' the tirst sh1pment 01' mea t trom New Zealand to Grea t Bri tain w111 be plaoed on sale at all post ottioes on Pr1dQ', 15th February, 1957. The 4d. denomination, in vertioal torma t, depic ts a lamb with an outline map 01' New Zealand in the background. The 8d. value, in horizontal tormat, depiots a lamb (lIimllar to the one teatured in the 4d. value) and representations at the S.S. "Dunedin"- the ahip in a whioh the tirst oargo 01' mea t was torwarded to the UnUed KingdoD and a modern cargo ship. In addition to the words "!'few 2Oealand", and the val.ue and the years "1882 - 195'7", each stamp bears the inscription "75th Anniversary N.Z. Lamb Export Trade." The stamps were printed in England by the photogravure prooess by Mes81's BArrieon & 8onSLtd•. The colour 01' the 44. stamp is brilZht blue and that 01' the 8d. deep orange. In each value there are 120 stamps to a sheet (4d., 12 rows at 10; 8d., 10 rows 01' 12). Tbesheets have nQ plate martings 01' imprints. 2.
Souvenir Covers.-
Speoial souvanir envelopes tar use with the stamps are being proVided by the Ifew Zealand Meat Producers Board. These envelopes will be sold throughout 'the country on a house to house buis by the Boy Scouts Organisation at a ooat 01' 11-4. eaoh. By arrangement, the Boy Scouts Aseoolation will retain the JIIClI1ey reoeived tram the sale 01' the envelopes. Speoial aerOI1'tmm8 to~ will also be provided b;y the Board and distl'ibuted 'in the same llIInner ae the envelopes at a coet 01' id. eaoh. In addition, tb8 envelopes and aerogramme torma will probibl;y be obtainable fro-the prinCipal stamp dealere at the prioes mentioned. It 18 ·understood that the envelopes and aerogramme forma will bediatributed by the Scouts ear17 in February. untortunate17 arrangements about the prov1aion. and distribution 01' the souvenir envelopes and the opening 01' a special post ottioe (reterred to in the next parragraph) were not completed in time to enable earlier notifioation to be given to overseas olients.
3. Special Dateltamp. -
on the tirst day of issue,15th Februa17, a special post ottice with a distinctive dates'tamp w111 be opened at "Totara Homestead" near Oamaru. It was at that place that the first cargo ot meat was prepared for shipment. Persons who desire this special datestamp cancellation should torward their addressed envelopes and/or aerogramne tOrlnS, together ...i th a remittance covering :the cost ot the stamps required and a servicing fee at id. tor each article, under cover addressed to the Chiet Postmaster, Oamaru, to reach him not la ter that the 9th Februa17. The envelope addressed to the Chief Pos1zDaster should be marked ")(ea t Export Trade Covers" and must have postage atfixed. Persons. who post large quantities ot first da,. letters may make representations to their local postmaster to aff1ix: Meat EXport Trade stamps to their covers prior to the tirst day ot sale. ,This must be done on departmental premises and under Post Otfice supervision, the stamped letters being held by the Postmaster or Chief Postmaster for cancellation on the 15th February. It it is desired that the envelopes be cancelled with .the special datestamp referred to above it will be necesll817 for them to be prepared not later than the 9th February so that the local postmaster can torward them to Oamaru in time for cancellation. . 4.
Health Stamps.-
The 1956 Health stamps will be withdrawn from sale on the 31st January, 1957. 5.
Ro.. Dependency Stamp•• -
The post office at SCott Base, Ross Dependency wac opened on the 11 th oJanua17, 1957. The set of four stamps, 3d., 4d., 8d. and 1s.6d·., for use in the Dependency was placed on sale at the Chief Post Offices at Auckland, Wellington, Chrietchurch and Dunedin, and a t the stallpS Division, G. P. O. Wellington on the 14th January, 1957. 6.
Queen Elizabeth 11 Stamp•• -
Consequent upon increases in certain postage rates on the. 1st November, 1956 two additional stamps, 1s.9d. and 2s.6d., are being added to the current Queen series. The 1s.9d. value will be s1m1lar in design and size to the is. stamp and the 2s.6d. similar to the 3s.0d. T~e new values are now being printed in England but i t is not possible at the moment, to give 8117 idea of the date of issue. 7.
Postale Stamp Booklet•. -
An order has been placed for a further supply of postage stamp booklets in which both the id. and the 3d. stamps will have the enlarged value symbol. It will be some months before the new booklets are placed on sale.
8. Postal Stationery. -
The 1j-d. newspaper wrappers overprinted 2d. and the registered envelopes overprinted "one Shilling" were placed on sale on the 1st November, 1956. 9. Plunket Society Jubilee. -
A special 3d. stamp will be issued in May, 1957 to commemorate the 50th anniversary or the founding of the Plunket Society. 10. Imperforate Stamps.
Dealers and collectors are notified that a quanti ty ot 9d. ~ueen Elizabeth II impertora te stamps disappeared trom the printer's works in England in July, 1956, and sane person or persons have been endeavouring to dispose of these stamps to English dealers. Forty or the stamps have been recovered but other. are missing. Persons in England to whom these stamps are ottered should immediately notifY the High Canmissfoner for New Zealand, London or report the matter to Scotland Yard. From a collector'. point of view the stamps have no value as they were not issued by or w1 th the authori ty ot the New Zealand Post Office.