Stamps For 1971 STAMPS to be issued during the first half of 1971:-
January 20 Fourth release of definitive stamps-Maori Artifacts. February 10 Fiftieth Annivers· ary of the-Country Women's Institutes and Rotary International In New Zealand-two stamps. March 3 One Ton Cup Yachting -two stamps. The One Ton Cup was won for New Zealand in 1968 by the yacht Rainbow 11 racing against international competition in European waters. The issue will
be released when the next race is
being held in New Zealand.
April 14
Fifth release of defini-
tive stamps-National Parks. May 12 Centenary Issue, commemorating the centenaries of Auckland City. Invercargill and Palmerston North-three stamps. June 9 Twenty-fifth Anniversary of
NO. 5
Anniversary of the Treaty-two stamps.
Produced by the PhllateUe: Bureau, Post Oftlce Headquarters. Wellington.
N.Z. STAMPS AND HISTORY IN COLOUR FILM THE NEW ZEALAND Post Office's first colour film, designed to promote New Zealand stamps. was previewed by Philatelic Bureau officials as this issue went to press. Twenty-seven-years-old David Sims, a director with the National Film Unit. spent 12 months working on the 18· minute film-"The Early Days". Post Office stamp experts collaborated with Mr Sims throughout the film. "The subject could have been approached from various points of view but I was restricted in that as well as being informative, the film had to be entertaining and SUitable for general release on cinema circuits locally and overseas," Mr Sims said. So it was decided to look at New Zealand stamps in their relation to the country's history. Mr Sims' research for this took him into the National Film archives. the Hocken Library in Dunedin, the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington and to experts like Tony Fomison, of Christchurch, who knows the location of Maori rock drawings. "I pored over albums of New Zealand stamps. piles of old photographs and spent hours looking at old film footage, then I drafted the script." Mr Sims was pleasantly surprised with the quality of film available in the archives and believed he could edit much of what he found to achieve his aim. A search in public and private art collections provided him with further material he could blend into the film. "From then on it was mostly a problem of editing and selecting but we found some location shots would be needed to show the background of the stamps. " This took Mr Sims and cameraman Malcolm Nish to the Fox Glacier, to Christchurch. where Tony Fomison showed them the site of a taniwha rock draWing, to Rotorua's Green Lake for
shots of a Maori mail runner and to Matamata for aerial top dressing. Opening sequences of "The Early Days" were filmed from Mount Ngaruahoe at sunrise. Most location sequences had to be filmed so that the stamps they reflected could be superimposed either to right or left of the scene or action. Back at the studio the stamps were filmed and the location shots were worked on by optical printer Peter Jones. Mr Jones drew the outline of the perforations of the stamps faithfully into the picture so that when shots of the stamps were superimposed there would be no shadow.
"There are probably more optical effects in this film than any other put out by the Film Unit," Mr Sims explained. Altogether 45 stamps, marking some event in New Z€aland history, were used in the film which moves from the arrival of the first settlers along the years to the neon night of Auckland's Queen Street today. "The Early Days" was produced for the National Film Unit and the New Zealand Post Office by David H. Fowler. Arrangements for the distribution of
from the I:lonths.
Chatham Islands Special Issue
TIlE CHATHAM ISLAND lily and the mollymawk were chosen for Eileen Mayo's designs for the le and 2c special issue of Chatham Island stamps. Mauve. green and blue are the predominant colours in the le lily and green, blue and grey in the 2c mallymawk stamp. Both stamps will be released on December 2. Using photogravure, the stamps
were printed by the Government Printing Bureau, Tokyo, Japan. The Chatham Islands were discovered in 1790 and named after the Earl of Chatham. They are part of New Zealand and lie 422 miles south·east' of Wellington. The main industry is crayftshing. The Maori insurgent Te Kooti was banished there with some of his followers but they escaped in a stolen schooner in 1868 and landed just south of Gisborne. Miss Mayo also designed first day covers ror the Chatham Island stamps. A special datestarnp will be used at Waitangi, Chatham Islands, on December 2 when the stamps are released.
Sales Figures SALES figures for recent stamp issues:Law Society
New Zealand
ca New Definitives
NATIONAL PARKS feature in four new definitive stamps to be released on April, 1971. Graphic artist Mark Cleverley brings dramatic and austere simplicity to his impressions of theMt Cook and' Hauraki National Parks in contrast to Christchurch artist Maurice Askew's realistic Mt Egmont and delicately beautiful autumn路hued stamp for Tasman National Park,
r ~~~~x:o~;i~~ '1
~~ 10C 18c
The crab, locally termed kaJavi. and featured in the announcement of the new issue of Niue Island stamps in the last Philatelic Bulletin. was identified by Dominion Museum expert Dr. John Yaldwyn, as Cardlsoma rotundum. "But... Or Yaldwyn explained, "it wasn't really my field. We were making a collection of the crabs for the museum and I would not have questioned it further if I had not had to look at it closely for Mr Fuller. Dr, Yaldwyn said he had thought the kalavl to be the land crab Cardisoma rOlundum. found all over the IndoPacific region. "But I was curious about its long, naked legs. Card1soma rotundum has short, hairy legs." So he packed a specimen of the crab off to Dr. Lipke Holthuis. in Leiden. Dr. 11
1:-\1\1' ZL\L\[\'D 1,589,432 1,210,485
1969 Heallh
Stamp Research Leads to Discovery RESEARCH into specimens of Niue Island crabs for identification and assistance to New Zealand Post Office stamp designer. Geoff Fuller. has led to the rediscovery of a long-forgotten crab species on the island.
Holthuis is a world expert of crustacea. After much difficulty. Or Holthuis identified the kalav1 as a relative of Cardisoma rotundum. known as Card1路 soma longipes. "The crab had been noted briefly. on
Se New Caledonia in 1867," said Or Yaldwyn. "But no detailed study of it or its habits has so far been undertaken. It had been lost in the scientific litera路 ture on crustacea." He remarked, with interest. that both New Caledonia and Niue were high islands and not coral atolls like the islands on which the more common species of Cardlsoma rotundum was usually found. Its rediscovery on Niue would not enable Card1soma longipes to be described in detail and adequately illustrated for future scientific purposes.
2,653,100 HEALTH
Miniature Sheets 3!c 113,199 sheets 4c 140,589
...... .. ,..-._-,..,..,--_.... ......_- ..
A Flight of Butterflies HIDDEN talent of a
telephone operator lies behind the flight of New Zealand butterflies on postage stamps to all corners of the globe. The telephone operator,
3O-years-old Yorkshire lass Enid Hunter, was one of the successful competitors in a Post Office competition to find new designers for its 1970-71 definitives. Miss Hunter's success led to a commission to design the ~c, 1c and 2c butterfly stamps in the new definitives, released in September. She also designed two stamps in the Maori artifact series-the
18c taiaha or club and the 20c tattoo to be released early next year. Enid Hunter, who studied graphic design at the Hull Regional College of Art and Crafts, has lived in
New Zealand for five years. She lives with her Gisborne-born husband, Stan Cowan, in Kelburn, a hill-side suburb of Wellington. When Enid Hunter received the commissiolL she sought her friends' assistance in catching real butterflies from which to draw. HI could have drawn them from books but prefer to work from real life where possible." Her collection of butterflies grew, and with broken wings patched together
"Doing shift work on the telephone exchange enables me to enjoy the
where necessary, were carefully pinned on cardboard. "I saw them in terms of pattern and colour which needed to be organised. 1 like to organise nature and contain it-usually within black lines." The result was the bright, delicately-worked stylised butterflies, now seen in theIr hundreds, at Post Office stamp counters and on letters and parcels being delivered all over the world. Enid Hunter prefers to paint in her spare time rather than work at art as a full-time professional.
dllferent moods of the days and the seasons in daylight hours." Enid Hunter has travelled all over New Zealand and worked at different occupations-some of them close to nature-a period in a market garden, for instance. She finds New Zealand scenery inspiring but it is the varying shapes and detail in the native flora which excites her as a painter.
"Most of my painting comes from something seen as we've been travel¡ ling around and 1 like the challenge of flattening shapes and forms on to paper and arranging them into decorative designs." Enid Hunter's paintings have been exhibited in
Wellington, Auckland and Russell. She is currently working on a series of paintings based on Maori legends.
~"'''''''#'##'#'#'#''4##'#'''''#'##'#'##~'''''''''''''''''''''''##'''''~'''#'#''' ,,.,,.,,,.,,,,.,.,,##,##}
Stamps Currently Available to Philatelists STAMP issues currently available at the Philatelic Bureau. Wellington (Mall Orders) and the Philatelic Sales Sections, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch:1967 Definitive Set (Set S5.42>e) 'e, le, 2e. 2'e, 3e. 4e. 5e, 6e. 7e, He, 8e. 10e, 15e, 18e. 20e. 25e. 28e. 30e. 50e, $1. $2. N.Z. Flscals (Set $28.00) $4, S6. $8, S10.
1970171 Dellnitlves (56'e) le. 2e. 2le, 3e, 4e, 5e, 60. 7e, 7'e. 8e. 10e
EXpo '70 (Set 33e)
7c, 8e, lSe, to be withdrawn January 31,
1971. Twenty-fifth Anniversary United Nations (Set 13e) 3c. IOe, to be withdrawn March 31. 1971. 1970 Health (Set He) 3ic. 4e. to be withdrawn March 31. 1971. 1970 Christmas (Set 15'e) 2ie. 3e. lOc, to be withdrawn June 30. 1971. Chatham Islands (Set 3e) lc, 2c. to be withdrawn August 31. 1971. Government Life Insurance (Set 2Se) le. 2le. 30. 4e, 15e.
Koss Dependency (Set 27c) 2c, 3c, 7c, lSc. Tokelau Islands Pictorial (Set 13c) le, 2e, lOco Christmas 2c. N.Z. Fiscals over-printed Tokelau (Set 35e) 3e. Se. 7c. 20c. Niue Pictorial (Set 82c) le. le. 2c, 2lc, 3c, Se, 8c. 10c, 20c. 30c. Christmas 2'c. N.Z. Fiscals over-printed Niue (Set '~.50) 5Oe. $I, $2. Crabs (Set 38e) 3c. Se. 30e. to be withdrawn April 31, 1971.
Commemorative Postmarks
POSTSCRIPTS ON THE fiftieth anniversary of the first air crossing of Cook Strait it was re·
called that about 20 letters were deliver· ed in ChristchuTch following that first crossing. The first to be opened was addressed to Mr S. Maore, of the ChristchuTch mail room. It was a greeting from his Wellington colleagues which read: "All good things come from above. That is where this note comes from. Thought we would like to greet you from the clouds, as that is where you will never get to. unless you apply for the aerial sorter's position (now open to single officers)." The commemorative flight on August 28 from Wellington to Blenheim carried 18,400 special covers. The ChristchurchWellington flIght carried 17,200 covers.
STAMP issues, including the new deflnitives, will cost collectors more in 1971 than is normal under New Zealand Post Office policy. The policy restricts issues in the interests of collectors' financial outlay. Collectors will, however, be able to spread this outlay on the detinltives <l~ these stamps will be available over a period of several years.
THE GOVERNOR of New South Wales approved the expenditure of £10 on dyes 'for New Zealand's first datestamp which bore the legend: "Paid at Kororarika." It arrived after the Post Office had shifted to Russell and continued to be used until the introduction of datestamps which had the name of "New Zealand" without any town. Today individual datestamps are used at every post office in the country and new ones are cast for each new post office. Special datestamps like those illustrated above are used for commemorative occasions like the anniversary of the Cook Strait flight or the opening of the Putaruru Post Office which marked a new concept in Post Office architectural design. The centenary of Taupo, marked by a helicopter flight over the route originally traversed, on foot, by Maori mail runners, was also commemorated by a special datestamp.
Post Offices Opened and Closed Since March 1910 Name
Concord Coyle Park Maungatapu Te Mal
Dunedin Auckland Rotorua Whangarei
Sept June June July
9. 8. 22. 6.
Aorangi Edlevale Hbldon Ranway Kauangaroa Rlverlea Studholme Junction
Gisborne Dunedin Dunedin Wanganui New Plymouth Timaru
July 31. May 31. Sept 12. April 30. March 31. August 31.
THE FOLWWING stamps are to be withdrawn from sale on March 31, 1971. 7c Rata 8c Flag 20c Rock Drawing $2 "Pink" The remaining definitive stamps issued during the period July 10, 1967 and December 3, 1969, will be withdrawn from sale on December 31, 1971.
ARTISTS from the Post Office display section who arrange displays of New Zealand's stamps for exhibition in different parts of the world were this year honoured with a silver medal at the annual Interpex exhibition at the Hotel Americana in New York. The coveted award was made for the manner in which the stamps were presented in New Zealand's six-frame exhibit. Obviously. the approach taken by Paul Katene, who heads the Post Office's display team, is earning international recognition. "We like to treat our stamps as if they were costly paintings", Mr Katene said.
SPECIAL pictorial datestamps will be used to mark the opening of the Girl Guides' Association Diamond Jubilee and National Camp at Hastings on January 14 and the 13th NaUonal Sea Scout Regatta at Marsden Point on January 1, 1971. Ordinary datestarnps will be used at the temporary post offices throughout the camps.
Plate Numbers PLATE numbers for recent issues:United Nations: 3c. 10c. Health: 3,c. 4c. 1970 Definitives: ;c. le. 2c, 2;c, 3c, 4c. lA lA lA lA IB IB IB IB