Series 4 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 18 1977 october

Page 1

Produced bv the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui.

FIRE FIGHTERS he New Zealand Post Office's 1977 special issue in the transport series features four examples of this early fire fighting equipment. Designed by Maurice Conly of Christchurch the stamps portray, in Conly's usual fine draughtsmanship, an 1860 Merryweather Manual Pump (10 cents). an 1880 Twowheel Hose Reel and Ladder (11 cents), an 1873 Shand Mason Steam Engine (12 cents) and an 1888 Chemical Fire Engine (23 cents). The first day cover for this issue has also been designed by Mr Conly. The issue is to be released on December 7,1977. Examples of three of the four pictured fire appliances are in New Zealand's Ferrymead fire fighting equipment museum in Christchurch. The only appliance depicted no longer in existence in the country is the 1888 Chemical Fire Engine. Stamp designer Maurice Conly says the fire engine series was one of the most difficult stamp subjects he has ever had to research. "There's very little written material available describing the formative years of New Zealand's fire services," he said. "But there are lots of photographs around - if you can dig them out and identify them."


October 1977

No. 18




1978 STAMP PROGRAMME February 1

Commemorative Issue (a)

(b) (c) (d)

April 5

One stamp commemorating the Ashburton; One stamp commemorating the Stratford; One stamp commemorating the the telephone in New Zealand; One stamp commemorating the the Bay of Islands County.

Centenary of

Centenary of Centenary of Centenary of

Special topic issue "Farming", centred on the Centenary of Lincoln University College of Agriculture 16 stamps!.

June 7

Special Topic Issue A set of stamps focused on the sea and its resources, including at least one stamp marking the introduction of the 200 mile exclusive

economic lone.

August 2

Health issue Two stamps, one centred on the 50th issue, and the other recognising the work of the National Heart Foundation.

October 4

Christmas issue

(3 stamps!.

November 29 Definitive stamps

Middle range (4 stamps!.

NIUE GOES IT ALONE THE Niue Government established its own Philatelic Bureau and began issuing its own stamps on June 7. Until July 1, this year, the New Zealand Post Office produced and marketed all Niue stamps. Dr Enetama, Niue's Minister for Postal Services says the bureau will be developed progressively over the next 18 months. It will provide job opportunities for a large number of young women on the islands. Dr Enetama said the establ ishment of a Niue Philatelic Bureau had been under consideration for some time. "The decision was made in the light of Niue's self-governing status," he said.

The Niue Government has thanked the New Zealand Post Office for its past service in producing and marketing Niue stamps. The NZPO began producing Niue stamps on January 4, 1902 and, until 1920, Niue stamps were overprinted New Zealand stamps. The first Niue stamp was, in fact, an overprint of a New Zealand 1d stamp. The word "N iue" appeared across the face of each stamp immediately below the bottom of the globe - the main feature of the stamp. The overprint was usually printed in green or blue-green although some were printed in violet ink.

The stamps were on Pirie paper, watermarked double¡lined NZ and star, perf. 11. The issue of Niue pictorial stamps on August 23, 1920, saw the start of 57 years of the release by the New Zealand Post Office of stamps specially designed for the island. The last issue by the New Zealand Post Office was the Niue personal service stamps released on June 27.


Gc SC -

1.2m 1.2m

18c-l.2m 23c - 1.2m

1975 Health

4c - 3.25m 5e - 2.95rn 6c-l.25m


Miniature sheet .2m

1975 Christmas

3c - 2.6m Se - Bm lOc - 3m

1976 Commemorative

Gc - 7m 7e - 7m Bc - 2.1 m lOc - 1.2m 25c - 1.2m

Vintage Farm Transport

Gc - 5.3m 7e - 5.3m

Bc - 2m 9c lOc 25c -

Niue Utility Services

1.2m 1.2m 1.2m

lOc - .1m 15c - .1m 20c - .1m

There were .5rn 1972 Niue Christmas stamps printed, not 5rn as incorrectly advised in Bulletin No. 15.

1976 Christmas

7e - 25m l1c - Bm l8c - 3m

1976 Health

7e - 3.5m Sc - 3m lOc - 1.2m


AS demand for the special Zealand postal stationery, sells for centennial postcard has fallen off, 12 cents. it is to be withdrawn from sale on It is available up to the withNovember 30,1977. drawal date, from the Philatelic The postcard, first released on Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui (mail November 1, 1976 to mark the orders) and all philatelic sales poscentenary of the first item of New , itions.


lOc - 3.5m 14c - 1.2m 15c - 3m

16c - 2.25m

.. ~















FARAWAY FANTASY TREE "It's a simply enormous tree," said Jo. "Its top goes right up to the clouds - and oh, Dick, at the top of it is always some strange land. You can go there by climbing up the top ladder through a hole in the big cloud that always lies on the top of the tree - and there you are in some peculiar land. " The Magic Faraway Tree his faraway tree, the special place that all children have, features prominently in the New Zealand Post Office's 1977 Health stamp issue. In the issue Allan Derrick takes a radically new approach to health stamp design and children with pets. "I wanted a fairytale setting for them," he said. The tree in the design, he says, represents the "private place" that all children have. "There they play with friends, fantasise with imaginary friends or are just away from the adult world." On the 10 cent stamp a young girl is pictured with a Monarch butterfly hovering above her hand. The imported Monarch butterfly is often raised from a chrysalis by young New Zealanders.


by Enid Blyton.

The eight cent stamp features a young lad lying beneath the tree "conversing" with his pet frog. The setting for the seven cent stamp is on the other side of the tree where a young girl plays with a pigeon perched in a branch above her. The three separate designs blend together to produce one composite picture stamp, two of which make up the miniature sheet, selling for 62 cents.

There are six health camps in New Zealand catering for children from 5 to 12 years. Two camps, one at Roxburgh and one at G lenelg, are in the South Island, while four. at Gisborne, Otaki, Pakuranga and Mauna (Whangarei), are in the more populated North Island. The idea of issuing health stamps came originally from a suggestion by a Norwegian immigrant in New Zealand, Mr E. Nielsen, in 1926.

The design for the first stamp was produced by Stanley Davis, who was on the advertising staff of the New Zealand Railways.

Health stamps have been issued by the New Zealand Post Office since 1929. Up till this year a surcharge of one cent was carried on each stamp to help finance camps maintained by the Children's Health Camps Board. This year the surcharge has been increased to 2 cents.

He worked from the photograph of a nurse who had just qualified in New Zealand hospitals' State final examination. Scarlet in colour, it was drawn in a realistic style and bore the simple slogan: "Help Stamp Out Tuberculosis". The inscriptions "Postage 1d", "Charity 1d", were also added. Typical of the formal, decorative design of the period was the use of serif lettering and a border round the illustration.

at the ca 11 of

BELLAND'ROUSER' FIRE! Element of creation - and destruction. It s discovery was man's first step towards civilisation but, even today, he still seeks ways and means of protecting himself and his property against it. In the early days of the European settlement of New Zealand, before efficient firefighting machines came to the land; when candles and oil lamps were used as lighting and houses were made of pitsawn timber, fire was an ever-present menace. The only defence against it was frantic effort by a few untrained individuals - the home owner, his family and any neighbour within easy reach. Thus, the advent of the fire engine was welcomed to New Zealand life. Far even though the early engines were inefficient by today's standards, they were a great improvement on a few people working a bucket chain. The New Zealand Post Office's 1977 special Commemorative issue features four examples of these early fire engines. They are the 1860 Merryweather Manual Pump (10 cents). an 1880 Two-wheel Hose Reel and Ladder (11 cents). an 1873 Shand Mason Steam Fire Engine (12 cents) and an 1888 Chemical Fire Engine (23 cents). Printed by Harrison and Sons Ltd, England by the lithograph process, the stamps are sized 24.13mm by 40.64mm. Each sheet contains 100 stamps' in ten rows of ten.

Insurance companies have played a large part in New Zealand's fire service. In early years of New Zealand's european settlement, local insurance companies usually donated funds for the purchase of fire fighting equipment. - They obviously regarded the outlay as a way to keep the cost of fire claims down.

It wasn't. The problem was that Thus, in the mid-1800s, some settlements had fire fighting equip- sailors, having spent a couple of ment but no organised service. months at sea, tended to go out Fire services that did exist were and get drunk and, either in often so disorganised as to be vi rt- a drunken stupor or drunken anger, ually useless. The only fire alarm set their ships on fire. in many early towns was an alarm Thus, the days of wooden sh ips bell - sometimes so small it was were often hectic ones for early audible over only a few hundred New Zealand fi re services. yards. Often fire fighting volunteers Early records of fire services wouldn't hear the alarm bell and, to solve this problem, a second bell those that haven't been destroyed was installed at the other end of the by fire - list a formidable number town or a "rouser" was employed to of ships either scuttled after rush around to each brigade a wharf-side fire got out of control member's house in turn and tell or burned to the waterline. Land¡based property suffered them of the fi re. A speedy turnout was therefore too. an unusual occurrence. Often the early fire engines In the days of wooden sailing relied on the crowd at the scene ships, fire was greatly feared. In to provide the necessary manpower port however, with plenty of hands to operate the pumps. This either and some equipment on hand to wasn't forthcoming at times or fight the fires, the risk should the inefficiency of the equipment consequently have been less. made the effort a waste of energy.

~USER" In 1870 half the port of Lyttelton was razed by fire as townsfolk stood and watched. It has been said the fire could have been stopped in its early stages if the townsfol k had moved into action. Instead they stood around and watched. After the fire, opinion was split as to whether the townsfolk brought the conflagration on themselves with their lack-lustre fire fighting efforts or if the fire equipment they had was so useless they realised thdir efforts would be in vain. ,\nyway they left the fire engine In the middle of the street where it promptly caught fire and burnt along with the town. The only thing that saved half of Lyttelton was the arrival of the steam fire engine from nearby Christchurch. This engine was the forerunner to the 1873 Shand Mason Steam Fire Engine featured on the 12 cent stamp. Although superseded in main centres by petrol-driven motor fireengines, the steamers remained for many years the major pumping units in Provincial towns throughout New Zealand. These steam driven monsters were mounted on wheels and drawn by horses. To provide steam, a fire was lit in the centre of the boiler. The fire was lit in the station, to allow steam to build up. If the road to the fire was long, or uphill, the boiler fire would be past its best on arrival and men had to stand by and watch the blaze until steam was raised again. If the run was short and downhill, there wasn't time to make steam so a similar situation arose. It was simply a case of having to have fire to fight fire. The steam-powered pump on the vehicle had a capacity to pump between 900 and 4 500 litres per minute, so once under way, it was


effec.tive fire fighting unit. The engine depicted on the 12 cent stamp is today housed in Christchurch's Ferrymead Trust Museum and is still fi red up, twice a year for demonstration purposes.

In the early 1800's public spirited bodies provided and maintained ladders at various parts of town to help rescue people trapped by fire but, as buildings were built higher, ladders had to be made longer. As they were lengthened, the ladders became heavier and so they were mounted on wheels. The two-wheel hose reel and ladder depicted on the 11 cent stamp was used extensively through¡ out the country from the late 1860's well into the 1900's. Equipped to carry a quantity of hose coiled on an independent inner reel, as well as ancillary equipment such as branches, nozzels, standpipes and ladders, the units were usually drawn manually to fire scenes in the early years. As more modern appliances became available, they were towed by steamers and, later, by petrolengined vehicles. On the 10 cent stamp the Merryweather Manual Pump is a small version of the manual fire brigades at some time in their early years.

Larger types of manual pump with a metal or wooden body, were mainly horse drawn. A number of men were needed to operate the manual pumps by working the handles up and down on each side of the machine. This pumped an effective jet of water to a considerable height. Horse-drawn chemical fire engines, although used extensively overseas, were relatively rare in New Zealand. But with the advent of petrol-engined transport they became a standard first-aid unit throughout the country. The machine depicted on the 23 cent stamp was first used by the Christchurch Fire Brigade in 1888. Housed in the body of the vehicle are two 317 litre copper cylinders filled with a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and water. A small receptacle in the head of each cylinder contains sulphuric acid which, when released into the water solution, causes a chemical reaction. With th is reaction the water is expelled under a pressure of 700 kpa by carbon dioxide gas. Of the fire fighting equipment depicted on the stamps all except this Chemical Fire Engine are preserved at New Zealand's Ferrymead Trust Museum of fire fighting equipment.


TH IS year's Christmas stamp issue features three very different but complementary subjects. "The Holy Family" by fifteenth century Italian master, Antonio Allegri Correggio, features on the 7c stamp; a stained glass church window by Wellington artist, Beverley Shore Bennett illuminates the 16c stamp and the motif for the 23c stamp is a stylised partridge in a pear tree. The stamps, measuring 25.7mm x 41.1 mm, were pri nted by Courvoiser SA Switzerland, using the photogravure process. They will be released on October 5, and, unless stocks are exhausted earlier, will remain on sale at post offices until January 4, 1978, and at the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui (mail orders) and philatelic sales positions until June 3D, 1978. The original of Correggio's "Holy Family" hangs in the National Art Gallery, Wellington, and is one of his most highly regarded works. It will be on display in the Gallery during the period of the sale of the stamps. Executed in red chalk, the drawing shows Mary, the Christ Child, Joseph and another child who is thought to be the infant St John The Baptist. Correggio was influenced by Leonardo da Vinci, who often painted the infant St John in his works. Mary was known to have visited the Saint's mother when both were with child, and a number of piclures of this period featured both children. Little is known about Antonio Allegri Correggio. He was thought to have been born circa 1489/1494 and to have died in 1534. He took his name from his birthplace in Italy.

7c -g ..... -CO ..... CO 0'lQ)





..............,...,." 23c


New Zealand

Correggio, known and highly regarded for the sentimental elegance and charm of his work, was influenced by Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonando. Margaret Chapman, well-known Christchurch designer and illustrator is pleased with her design for the 23c stamp - "The partridge in a pear tree". She got the idea from the wellknown anonymous poem set to the traditional melody "Twelve Days of Christmas." "It took me a while to dream up the design but only a day or so to do the actual work," Margaret explained. She has been designing stamps for the New Zealand Post Office for several years now, and says she chose to portray "The partridge in a pear tree" because it was such a familiar theme and most people knew the Christmas song well. Beverley Shore Bennett, of Wellington, whose magnificent stained glass window features on the 16c stamp, is one of New Zealand's few stained glass window designers. Her window, which measures 6ft by 7ft, lies at the west end of the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Dunedin, and was made to her design by Roy Miller of Dunedin, in 1975. The window, featuring the Madonna and child and the quotation "And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom and the favour of God was upon him," is a tableau of richly glowing jewel-bright colours. Beverley Shore Bennett has been working as a designer with Roy Miller since 1969. Both hold a singular honour - they are the only two New Zealand Associates of the British Society of Master Glass painters.





Unwatermarked Blue Paper


lA1A1A1A lA1A1A2A 2A2A2A4A

Unwatermarked White Paper Watermarked White Paper



Unwatermarked Blue Paper



Unwatermarked Blue Paper



Unwatermarked White Paper



Unwatermarked White Paper

23323,23423,23523',34634 2A3A4A2A3A',2A3A5A2A3A, 2A3A3A2A3A',3A4A6A3A4A'


Unwatermarked White Paper

2212,3323,3333 2A2A1A2A',3A3A2A3A,3A3A3A3A 4444, 4A4A4A4A


Unwatermarked White Paper



Unwatermarked White Paper

111 1

Bc, 1 Qc, 25c.


Unwatermarked White Paper

11 11

WITHDRAWALS 31 October 1976 Niue Hotel 8c, 20c,


STAMPS available by mail order from the Philatelic Bureau, Wanganui, or over the counter from Philatelic Sales positions at Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, Dunedin, Hamilton and Gisborne. New Zealand Fiscals (Sot $28.00) $4, $6. $8, $10.

Definitives (Sot $5.86) 1 c. 2c, 3c, 4c, Se, 6c, 7c, Bc, gc, 1 Qc, 11 c, 12c. 13c, 14c, lSe, lSc, 20c, 23c, 25c, 30c, SOc,

$1, $2.

Tokelau Definitiv.. (Sot $1.90) 1 c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 9c, 20c, 50c, $1.

Government Life Insurance (Set 40cl 3c, 4c, Sc, 1 Qc, 1 Se.

Ross Dependency (Sot 48c1 3c, 4c, 5c,

Tokelau Fish Se. lOc, lSe, 25c.



30 April 1977 Vintage Farm Transport



Gc, 7e t Sc, gc, 1 Qc, 25c.



1976 Commemorative Gc, 7c, Se, 1 Qc, 25c.



31 May 1977 Waterfalls 10c, 14c, 15c,



le 2c 3c 4c 5c 6c

30 June 1977 1976 Christmas 7c, 1 le lSc. 1976 Health Sc, gc, 11 c. Niup Utility 1 Dc, lSe, 20c.


7c Bc

NEW POSTAL RATES OVERSEAS collectors should note that from October 1, 1977 new metric weight steps and postal charges will apply for items posted in New Zealand and to overseas countries. The new rates are listed in the stamp leaflets dispatched with this bulletin,



1 A lA 1 AlA 1 A, lA1A1A1A, lA1A1A1A1A, 1 AlA 1 AlA, lA1A1A1A1A, lA1A1A1A1A, 2A2A2A2A2A, lA1A1A1A1A' , 2A2A2A2A2A, 1 AlA 1 A lA, 2A2A2A2A lA1A1A1A1A,

181B18181B lB181818 181B181B1B lB1B1B1B 181B181B18 lB181B1B1B 2B282B2B2B lB1B1B1B1B' 2B2B2B2B28 lB181B18 2B282B2B 18181B1B1B

1976 DEFINITIVES l1c 12c 13c 14c

Alll Alll Alll Al"

GOVERNMENT LIFE 21>c 3c 4c 8c 10c 15c

lA1A' lA1A 2A2A,1A1A lA1A1A lA1A1A lA1A1A-

11 • 11' 2,2, 2A2A 11, 22' 3.2 3A2A 111 11 1 11 1

lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A

lB1B1B1B18 lB1B1B1B lB1B1B1B18

1977 HEALTH 8c 9c l1c 62c

7c+2c 8c+2c 10c+2c

Mlnature Sheet

Stamp plate numbers continued.


'111 111 111 111 '111

3e 4e 5e Be 10e lBe


1977 COMMEMORATlVES 3 x Se 2 )( 1 Qc

Se-tenant Se-tenant

lA1A1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A



Ideal Gift Pack COLLECTORS packs for 1977 will be on sale soon. Containing all the commemorative stamps issued by the New Zealand Post Office between December 1976 and October 1977 the packs make a good Christmas present. An order form for the collector's packs is included in the Christmas stamp leaflet dispatched with this Bulletin.




TOKELAU DEFINITIVES le 2e 3e 5e ge 20e 50e $1

lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A lA1A1A1A1A

BEACH SCENES 10e 16e lBe 30e

No Plate Block Number

¡Stock exhausted.

OVERPRINTED DEFINITIVES QUERIED SEVERAL inquiries have been received about the over-printing of the 3c and 4c "moth" definitive stamps which were made up into rolls of 7c and 8c stamps for use in "Postafix" machines. The stamps were overprinted by letterpress at the Government Printing Office, Wellington from sheets of 3c and 4c "moth" definitive stamps held in stock at Post Office Headquarters. As these sheets were comprised of remaining supplies of different printings, we are not in a position to state the particular type of paper or adhesive used for the stamps in these rolls.

Post Offices Opened and Closed OPENED Office



Manukau City



Te Whetu North Mt Egmont Awatuna Stanmore Bay Wairakei Rissington Frederick Street Mangatainoka Cronadun

Hamilton New Plymou th New Plymouth Auckland Rotorua Napier Auckland Palmerston North Greymouth

29.10.76 5.10.76 28.10.76 22.10.76 30.11.76 30.11.76 21.12.76 29.10.76 31.12.76

Kaituna Whekenui Onauku Ngawha Grants Braes Farewell Spit Otehe; Bay Weymouth Inangahua Landing Kakaramea Jacobs River Maungaturoto Railway

Blenheim Blenheim Blenheim Whangarei Dunedin Nelson Whangarei Auckland Westport Wanganui Greymouth Whangarei

31. 17. 17. 21. 15. 25. 30. 30. 15. 22. 5. 6.


3.77 3.77 3.77 1.77 2.77 3.77 3.77 3.77 4.77 4.77 5.77 5.77

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