Royal Stamp
NO. 3
Produced by Philatelic Bureau, Post Office Headquarters, Wellington.
1970 IJEFINITIVES' SUCCESSFUL PREVIEW Butterflies, moths, fish, Maori culture, National Parks, develc;: Tct and technology and a Royal design feilturing the Queen's he2 2:,,1 the New Zealand Coat of Arms. This, briefly, sums up the 19 deHe was aware, too, that the arts signs selected by the 1970 Definitive in New Zealand were attracting inStamps Advisory Committee and creasing attention and the Post Office recommended to the Director-General, wanted to encourage young New Mr G. Searle. Zealand artistic talent to the The 19 design~ were announced at maximum. a highly-successful preview staged in Tenders have now been called for Challenge House, Wellington, and the Royal stamp and the eleven attended by representatives from the small stamps up to ten cents. Press and philatelic and other The stamps are:interested organisations. !-i:c-Glade Copper Butterfly (designed Praise for the stamps was high MIss E. Hunter), and there was little criticism. le-Red Admiral Butterfly (Miss E. Two further designs-to make up Hunter). the full set of 21-are now being 2e-Tussock Butterfly(Miss E. Hunter). 2!t2c-Magpie Moth (Miss E. Mayo). developed. 3c-Llchen Moth (Miss E. Mayo). Planning for the issue began in 4c-Purirl Moth (Miss E. Mayo). 1967 with the setting up of an Ad5e-Scarlet Panol Fish (Miss E. Mayo). visory Committee to consider and 6c-Sea Horses (Miss E. Mayo). recommend themes, designs and 7c-Leather Jacket (Miss E. Mayo). designers. (0........ B...---Steven~n). Th-e--eommittee organised a two- 7!hc-Garflsh 8c-John Dory (D. B. Stevenson). stage competition in which 88 comtOe-Royal Stamp (M. Cleverley). petitors submitted 333 designs. ISc-Maorl Fish Hook (M. Cleverley). To assist the Committee choose l8c-Maori Club (Miss E. Hunter). themes, competi.tors were asked to 20c-Maori Tattoo Pattern (Miss E. Hunler). Iist in order of preference the six 2Sc-Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park (M. themes they felt would be most Cleverley). appropriate for stamp designs. 28c-Egmont National Park (M. V. The Committee then analysed the Askew). replies and, taking into account $l-Geolhermal Power (M. Cleverley). other themes suggested previously, $2-AgrIcullural Technology (M. CleverIcy). invited seven of the award winners to prepare tentative designs on selected themes. The number of desi.gners was eventually whittled down to five, the number of themes to seven, and the designers produced their final works. Speaking at the Press Review, the The designs which Director-General, Mr Searle, said ha\'e go n e to Her Majesty the Queen wonld be tender. visiting New Zealand in March 1970 and it was hoped the Royal stamp could be released then.
2 C
3 c
5 c
6 c
8 c
CCi~llil])U~~Il lli&~
CCImFJ~ ~~~WlP
A special stamp to commemorate the return home to New Zealand of the famous racehorse "Cardigan Bay" is to he released hy the New Zealand Post Office in January. Designed by Mr L. C. Mitchell, of Wellington, it has a denomination of 10c and features the great horse in full stride. The stamp was decided upon following representations from interested organisations.
After winning races in New Zealand and Australia he was purchased by American interests in 1964. For the next few years he was a dominant figure in American light harness racing.
There the durable gelding becam' recognised from coast to coast as a "Cardigan Bay", the fin;t standard- hon;e-racing "personality" and his bred light harness hon;e to win one duels with some of the all time million dollars in stake money, was greats of pacing have gone into bred at Mataura, Southland, New harness racing archives as among the Zealand. During his career he greatest races witnessed in the amassed SI,000.671 in stake money. sport's history. But his record is even more impressive when it is realised that his hip was badly hurt in an accident in Australia in J962. As a result Cardi.gan Bay walks with a pronounced limp. A condition of the terms of sale laid down that "Cardigan Bay" should be returned to New Zealand when his American racing career ended.
POST OFFICE DETAILS The following post offices have been opened or closed since I February 1969.
Arakura Budge Street Cherry Farm Glenavon Greeohaven Kaiti Kelston North Kinlock Marina Masterton East Maungaraki Merein Middlemore Hospital Mount Pleasant Selwyn Village Te Rapa Timaru Hospital University of Auckland Victoria Street Wainoni
Postal District Wellington Blenheim Dunedin Auckland Christchurch Gisbome Auckland Rotorua Masterton Wellington Christchurch Auckland Christchurch Auckland Hamilton Timaru Auckland Christchurch Christchurch
Date 7. 7. 69 3. 3. 69 8. 9. 69 24. 2. 69 27. 2. 69 18. 2. 69 17. 3. 69 25. 8. 69 16. 6. 69 3. 2. 69 18. 8. 69 13.10. 69 14. 7. 69 ID. 2. 69 17. 3. 69 17. 3. 69 17. 2. 69 3. 2. 69 14. 4. 69
Christchurch Auckland Rotorua Greymouth Dunedin Greymouth Wanganui Hamilton Greymouth Auckland Whangarei Christchurch Christchurch
The following stamp issues are currently available at the Philatelic Bureau Wellington and the Philatelic Sales Sections Auckland and Christchurch.
24. 4. \.l0. 11. 7. 28. 2. 14. 2. 28. 2. 14. 2. 14. 2. 31. 3. 30. 6. 14. 2. 31. 3. 28. 2.
69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69
: ~ ~ : ~
Definltlve Set (set $5.42~e) ~ ~; le; 2e 2~c; 3c; 4c; Se; 6c; ~ ~ 7e; 7~; 8e; lOe; 15e; 18e; 20e; ~ • 25e; 28e; 3Oc; 50e; $1; $2. ~ • New Zealand Fiseals (set $28.00) ~ $4; $6; $8; $10. ~ ~ .. Commemorative and Special Issues .... "'Ill Centenary New Zealand Law ~ • Society (set 31e) ~ • 30; lOe; 18e. ~ .. Centenary University Otago (set ... , 130) ~ • 30; lOe. ~ • Bay of Islands (set lOe) ~ ~ 40; 6e. " 1 ... New Zealand Christmas: 2 1c ,. , Health (set 12~e) ~ • 3~e; 40; Se. ~ ~ Cook Bicentenary (sel 560) ~ .it 4c; 6c; 18c; 28c; also available ... ~ in se-tenant blocks. I' ~ Corso (Committee for RcI~er ~ ~ Services Overseas) (sct ISc) ~ •... 7e; 8e. " Govcrnmcnt Lire Insurance (set ,.
~ ~
~ • •
~ ~
CLOSED Coutls Island Glenbrook Steel Mill Houpoto Karangarua Makarora Manakaiaua Mataroa Ohautira Okuru Orua Bay Otiria Ouruhia Wainui
~ • • • AAA • • A . A . A A . ~ ~
• • • ~
~ ~ ~
• • ,
• • , •
~; 2~e; 3e; 4e; 15e. ~ Ross Dependency (set 27c) ~ 2e; 3e; 7e; 15e. Tokelau Islands ~ Pictorial (set 130) ~ le; 2e; lOco ~ Historical Series (set SOC) _" Se; lOe; 15e; 2Oc. ~ Christmas: 2e. ~ New Zealand Fiscals o"er-pl"inted ~ Tokelau (set 35e) ~ 30; Se; 7e; lOc. Niue ~ Pictorial Set (set 82e) ~ !hc; le; 2c; 2!-1c; 3c; Se: Se; ,
1:q;~ist~~s 30~i-Ie.
New Zealand Fiscals ovcl1>rinlcd Niue (se' 53.50) 5Oc; $1; $2. The following old prints of New Zealand definitives are still available. 7e (Flower); 8e (Flag): 20c (Maori Rock drawing); 52 (Pohutu Geyser. Pink colouring).
The following issues will be withdrawn from sale on the dates indicated. Law Societv (set 31e) 31.1.70 University Ola~o (set Bc) 31.3.70 Health (set 12\Oe) 31.3.70 Tokelau Historical (sel 50e) 30.4.70 Christmas (N.Z. Toke!.u and Niue) 30.6.70 Cook (set 560) 31.7.70
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
" ,.
~ ~
~ ~
STAMP CUSTODIAN HAS "JOB OF VALUE" For most stamp collectors one of a certain kind of stamp is usually enough-unless the issue is a rarity. But Mr Reg Hall, of Wellington, deals with stamps by the millions. For he is a stamp collector of a different kind-it's his job. Mr Hall has been Custodian of Stamps at Post Office Headquarters for seven years. Every working day he and his two assistants, Mr S. M. Oatley and Mr C. C. Keen, deal with sheet after sheet of new stamps. And as the Custodian holds a slack of stamps worth up to $40 mi.llion, great care must be taken at all stages of storing and issuing. All postage stamps are printed overseas; most in Britain. though Holland, Japan and Switzerland have also produced issues for New Zealand. When they arrive at Post Office Headquarters they immediately become the responsibility of Mr Hall. Chi.ef and other selected Post Offices throughout the country requisition for the stamps as the need arises, and the stamps are sent out under registered mail. Rut it is not only New Zealand slamps that are held by Mr Hall. Stamps for the Tokelau Islands, N iue Island and the Ross Dependency, plus a supply for sale on behalf of Western Samoa are held at Post Office Headquarters. An indication of Ihe number of slamps handled by Mr Hall and hi. staff is thal last year about 104M 3-cenl and 91M 2I-cenl slamps were issued. The work of the Custodian of Stamps, is not, however, restricted solely to lower value postage stamps.
M.. Hall and his assistants flick through sheel after sheet 01 new stamps. An indication of the number 01 stamps hand:ed Is that lasl year 104 M 3-cent and 91 million 2Y2-cent stamps we:e Issued.
Stamps of higher value from $4 to $10 are printed in New Zealand -are also the responsibility of Mr Hall. Paper for these stamps is held by Postal Division-and it is issued only on a counter-signed order. Every scrap that goes to the Stamps Printing Section of the Government Printing Office must be accounted for. Even if the machine tears and ruins a sheet of stamps or paper the sheet must be pieced together, all the stamps cancelled and returned to Mr Hall. Spoiled stamps are returned to M r Hall and burnt under the supervisi.on of an auditor.
Other material held by M r Hall includes embossed envelopes, letter cards. and Commonwealth and International Reply Coupons. Thousands of dollars worth of stamps, an annual balance sheet of millions, stacking cases, counting stamps, and packing and despatching requisitions. All part of the work of the Custodian of Stamps, a job of "value".
Listed below are the plate numbers for rtcent issues. Annivel'!lllry Otllgo UniVersity: 3c: 1---1 rI, lA lA lA-lA IOc: I I I I; lA lA lA lA Bay of Islands:. 40: lA lA lA lA 6c: lA lA lA lA Health: I '1 I', all denominations: lA lA lA lA ChristRl8li: . New Zeilland, Niue and Tokelau Islands:IAIAIAIAIA IB IB IB IB IB; IC IC IC IC IC; ID ID ID ID ID.
Tok.elau Historical: all denominations: I I I; lA lA lA Cook. Bicenlenary: all denominations: lA lA lA
Opening a case of new stamps at Post Office Headquarters.
Definitiveli: 8e: I I I 18e: I I I 2Oc: I I I
lA lA lA lA lA lA lA lA .IA lA lA lA
Considerable Interest In Hiue Definitives Considerable interest has been shown in the new definitive issue released on behalf of the Niue Administration on 27 November. The ten stam"s onc a reproduction of a portrait of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II by A-nrhany Buckley fl"d the other nine featuring flowers growing on Niue, each stamp also havmg a coloured border frame. make up an extremely attractive set. Interest has also been expressed regarding the botanical names of flowers depicted and we are indebted to Mr W. R. Sykes, Botany Division, Department Scielltific and Indus/rial Research for supplying the latin names of the flowers featured. For the benefit of collectors who are bo/anically minded these lIames are listed below. Denorninatioo Design Name Latin Name !c Pua Fagraea berteriana Ic Golden Shower Cassia fistula 2c Flamboyant Delonix regia 2!c Frangipan1 Plumeria rubra forma acutifolia Zephyranthes rosea 3c Niue Crocus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivar 5c Hibiscus Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa 8c Passion Fmit Alpinia speciosa Wc Karnapui Vanda "Miss Joaquim" 30c Tapeu Orchid
CENTENARY LA W SOCIETY PLATE MYSTERY "SOLVED" Numerous inquiries have been received about the elusive plate numbers 1221 and lA 2A 2A lA used in the production of the l8c stamp of the rccent Ccntenary Law Society issue and the Post Office has investigatcd the matter with a view to solving the "mystery" not only for our own records but for the many collectors of New Zealand stamps as well. When a stamp order is placed arrangements are made for the printers to supply particulars of the plate numbers used. This action is taken to ensure that our records are complete and also to inform collectors so that those who collect plate blocks can obtain their full requirements from either the Philatelic Bureau in Wellington or the Sales Sections in Auckland and Christchurch. Provided the information is received in time it is incorporated In the order form which the Philatelic Bureau prints for each new issue.
In the case of the 18c Law Society stamp, the plate numbers 1221 and lA 2A 2A lA were not included in the list received from the printers. By the time it became known that these numbers. had in fact been used, stocks of thIS stamp had already been distributed to post offices throughout New Zealand. The matter was immediately taken up with the printers, who have now advised that plates 1221 and IA 2A 2A lA were used in printing the 18c stamp but that their use was regrettably overlooked at the time and that there is no record of the actual quantities produced from these plates. The printers have also cxplained how these plate numbers came to be
POSTSCRIPTS 11 has now been established that Iwo different papers were used for the New Zealand 1969 Christmas stamp. The printers, "arrison & Sons Ltd., London, have advi"'d thal afler producing part of the order on watermarked paper, they found thal their remaining slock of this paper was unsatisfactory for printing. Time did not permit a further supply of watermarked paper to be obtained and in the circumstanccs, the balance of the order was printed on unwalcr· marked paper. Only the stamps on watermarked paper were received in time to be issued on 1 October and Ihey were, therefore, used for first day covers and for orders of mint stamps. A supply of the stamps on un· watermarked paper has now been received and these may be obtained from the Philatelic Bureau, Welling· ton and the Philatelic Sales Section, Chief Post Offices Auckland and Christchurch.
A (eprint 0/ rhe 4 c dl'{illll;n' stamp has been reCCil"('d llnd is 1I0H 011 sale. TII£ fleh-' plate IllEmbers C1',,lA lA 2A lA:
III III 2B lB. The gum {(sed PV A and t!le
used and collectors will no doubt be Oil this rCrJrilll is interested to know Ihe circumstauces. U"llICrmllrJ... • is fillHalf-way through the printing it chll,,~ed. was found necessary to chang, to A r(print of the 2 c dc/illiti\'(' another machine. Because this machine was of a different size stamp has alsa been r{'{'cil'cd. YeH fresh plates had to be made. It was plate numbers afe 1A I A /.-' lA: at that stage that register problems IB IB IB 28. were experienced with the printing The gum {lnd H'1I1ermarJ... remain and additional plates had to be unchanged. made to rectify this. It is for these reasons that an abnormal number of Periodic inqUiries about Cook plates were used for the printing of Island stamps are received by the the 18c stamp. ew Zealand Po,1 Office. We are pleased that the "mystery" has been solved and to all collectors The Cook Islands, however, is a who have been intrigued, frustrated separate administration and produces or inconvenienced in this matter, we and distributes its own stamps. pass on the printer's apologies for These are nol available in New this most unusual omission. Zealand and inquiries should be The two plate numbers mentioned directed to the Philatelic Bureau, are not now available from the P.O. Box 200, Rarotonga, Cook Bureau. The Philatelic Bureau's Islands. supply of plates 1221 and lA 2A 2A lA was sufficient only to meet the requirements of standing order All airmail c/lve!o'Je will be added clients. 10 the rauge of posia! stationery 011 The plate numbers used for the 16 December 1969, rhe date of the issue are therefore as follows:5011, alllliversary of rhe first official 3c: I I I I'; 2 2 2 2'; 2 2 2 3: airmail flighr ill NelV Zealalld. The ellvelope, bearillg a pas/age 22 3 3; lA lA lA lA'. . imprint 01 4c, will sell at Se each. lOco I I I I; lA lA lA lA. 18c: I I I I; I I 2 I'; I 22 I; 2 2 2 I'; lA lA 2A lA; The old print of the GovernlA 2A 2A lA; 2A 2A 2A lA'. ment Life Insurance Issue was , These plate numbers are still avail- withdrawn from sale In midable from the Philatelic Bureau. August as stocks were exhausted.