More Stamps For 1970 STAMPS to be issued during the second half or 1970 are many and varied. They are:-
August-Health -3!c-girl's Netball - 4c-boy's Soccer. October-Christmas -24c-Old Master-for use on inland Christmas cards.
3c-New Zealand church stained glass windOW-for use on overseas surface mail Christmas cards. -IOc-Symbolic-For use on aerogrammes to United Kingdom and Europe.
JUNE 1970
NO. 4
Produced by the Philatelic Bureau. Post Ofllce Headquarters. Wellington.
December-Chatham Islands - lc-Chatham Islands Lily - 2c-Chatham Islands Molly¡ mawk.
PROl\fO'UNG stamp sales is Charlie Busfield's business and he has the enviable job of conducting that business for the New Zealand Post Office in Japan. Stamp publicity supervisor in the Postal Division, Mr Busfield will be in Osaka for the duration of Expo
Added to this were 4,500 first-day
One of the most attractive packs, the 1969 Commemorative, comprises the Christmas stamp, the Captain Cook issue, the Bay of Islands and Health stamps. Even before the Expo stamps
Visitors can put their names down on the New Zealand Philatelic Bureau's mailing list, and arrange to have stamps sent anywhere in the world. Because of language difficulties, however, Japanese orders are preferred through dealers.
All inquiries from overseas collectors in Japan regarding New Zealand stamp~are directed to him. And it's no "cushy" job. Mr Busfield has been working up to 12 hours a day, and with 3,000 visitors passing through the pavilion every hour he's hard put to it to meet the demand. Helen Brown, a New Zealand hostess, has been delegated to the counter to help him sell packets of stamps. _ These are made up in the Philatelic Bureau, Wellington, and sent to Japan as his supplies diminish. Staff there have a full-time Job keeping up supplies. Altogether eight packets are on sale, from New Zealand, Tokelau Islands, Niue Island and Ross Dependency. The Ross Dependency stamps include a map of Antarctica, and an artist's impression of Scott and Shackleton, the famous explorers. Niuc Island contributes a colourful definitive issue of 110ral stamps, among them the hibiscus, Niue crocus, Tapeu orchid and l1amboyant. New Zealand's floral stamps are sold both with the current definitive issue and in a separate pack. These and the Government Life series run a close second to the Expo 70 series in popularity.
Japanese visitors to the New Zealand pavilion at Expo 70 stUdy displays of New Zealand stamps.
were placed on sale Mr Busfield had an orner from Japanese dealers for 4,000 sets, and 4,000 copies of the 8-cent stamp, which features the New Zealand pavilion. Within 10 weeks of opening 34,000 packs of stamps were sold from the New Zealand stand.
Clients, including dealers, may open a deposit account with the Bureau for a minimum of NZ$5. Any orders for stamps are then paid for with the account. Account holders are kept informed of their credit, so that (Oytr)
auc DESIGNS by Havelock North art master, Geoff Fuller, have been accepted for a new release of three Niue Island stamps, featuring native crabs. "I was given samples by the Island authorities - not live, thank goodness" Mr Fuller said "and told to go from there". The result a realistic presentation which is very effective. Largest of the crabs, the unga, features on the 30 cents stamp. Officially known as Birgus latro, it is commonly called the "coconut" or "robber" crab. Highly prized for food, it is dis(from front page)
tributed over a wide area, from the Indian Ocean islands through to the Pacific. So, although native to Niue, it is also found in Burma, New Guinea and the Cook Islands in fact, most Pacific islands except Hawaii. The unga is classified as a hermit crab, but unlike others does not live in a shell. It is nocturnal, and lives on land - although it hatches its eggs, and in its larval stages lives in the sea. When fully grown it can measure up to a foot in length, and weigh several pounds. Its large nippers are capable of tearing open kerosene tins, and it is said to climb up coconut palms to break off the nuts. Coconuts and carrion are its chief diet - the coconuts making it very oily to touch. When cooking, it gives off quantities of coconut oil. The kalavi, which features on the 5 cent stamp, is also a nocturnal crab. Its official name is Cardisoma rotundum, but it is simply called a "land crab".
additional funds can be sent if necessary. The accounts can be dosed at any time by notifying the Bureau in writing. Any credit still remaining is refunded. Standing Orders can also be arranged with the Philatelic Bureau. They ensure that stamp collectors receive every new stamp issue of the type requested. Firstday Covers and Plate Number Imprint Blocks can also be ordered. In addition to his duties in the New Zealand shop, Mr Busfield will visit several Japanese cities to promote the sale of stamps. N ews- THE following stamp issues are papers and TV. are providing him currently available at the Philatelic with plenty of publicity. Bureau, Wellington, and the PhilaIt is hoped that this on-the-spot telic Sales Sections, Auckland and approach will encourage interest in New Zealand stamps overseas, and Christchurch. increase overseas sales. . . ;1, Paul Katene and his team in the DefimtIve Set (Set $5.42"c) Post Office display section have ~c, 1c, 2c, 2,c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, nc, had plenty of experience with 8c, 10c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 28c, 30c, stamp exhibitions. They have shown 50c, $1, $2. New Zealand stamps to best ad- N.Z. Fiscals (Set $28.00) vantage. $4, $6, $8, $10. The stamps are set out in wall . . panels, and in a low platform down Commemorative and SpecIal Issues the centre of the shop. ,.....corso (Set 15c) 7c, 8c. As a background the team chose ....eook Bicentenary (Set 56c) 4c, 6c, rich brocade in jade green and ..-A8c, 28c (Also available in se-tenant brown. The wall panels are mountblocks.) ed with plain recessed frames. • Cardigan Bay 10c. Each block of the platform dis- • Expo '70 (Set 33c) 7c, 8c, 18c. play shows the stamps included in .--N.Z. Christmas 1969 2'c. one of the packets on sale. "..-government Life Insurance-New "We've shown our stamps off as Series (Set 25c): if they were costly paintings" Mr 'C, 2,c, 3c, 4c, 15c. Katene said. Ross Dependency.,)'Set 27c) 2c, 3c, And the approach is paying off. 7c, 15c. /
Like the unga, it is found all over the Indo-Pacific region. It thrives well away from the sea, but must return to the sea to hatch its eggs. Soldiers in the Second World War described them descending from the mountains in thousands for the purpose. The 3 cent stamp shows the kalahimu, or Geograpsus grayi another land crab distributed over the same area. It makes burrows near beaches, in wooded areas and amongst refuse. Mr Fuller began designing stamps when he submitted designs for New Zealand's last definitive issue. The 1 cent Karaka, 2~ cent Kowhai and 5 cent Pikiarero were designed by him. A more recent success was an airmail stamp for the United Nations. Although he only recently began designing stamps, his work is of such a high standard that he is now often asked to submit designs to the United Nations.
Tokelau Islands Pictorial (Set 13c) 1c, 2c, Wc. Chr~' tm 1969 2c. scals over-printed Tokelau N.Z. (Se 5c) 3c, 5c, 7c, 20c. Niue Pictorial (Set 82c) ~c, 1c, ~, 2,c, 3c, 5c, 8c, Wc, 20c, 3Oc, Christmas 1969 2k N.Z. Yiscals over-printed Niue (Set $3.~) 50c, $1, $2. The following old prints of N.Z. definitives are still available:- 7c (Flower), 8c (Flag), 20c (Maori Rock Drawing), $2 (Pohutu Geyser, pink colouring), lOc (Timber). N.B. Issues will be withdrawn from sale on the dates indicated. 1969 Christmas 30 June 1970 Cook Bicentenary 31 July 1970 Corso 31 August 1970 Cardigan Bay 31 October 1970 Expo '70 30 January 1971.'s DESIGN IN CANCER FIGHT
Christmas Sales A Record NACIONES UNIDAS
SALES figures for recent issues:Armed Services: 4c-2,220,934 stamps 10c-1,578,308 stamps 28c-994,223 stamps.
o ~ z
Maori Bible: 8,881,501 stamps.
1968 Christmas: 26,793,086 stamps.
O&bEllVlHEHHblE HAUVlVl The United Nations Postal Administration chose a design by veteran Wellington stamp designer, Len Mitchell, for their special issue to commemorate man's fight against cancer. The new stamp has been printed in two denominations 6c and 13c. Release of the issue was timed to coincide with the Tenth International Cancer Congress of the International Union Against Cancer in Houston, Texas, from May 22 to 29. "I chose the crab, the emblem of man's fight against cancer, and depicted it coming out of the dark unknown to attack," said Len Mitchell. His dramatically horrifying design (above) is in pale blue and black for the 6c value and in green and black for the 13c stamp.
1968 Health: Large sheets: 3~c-2,637,055
stamps 4c-2,732,176 stamps. Miniature sheets: 3~c-747,314 stamps 4c-952,958 stamps. Universal Suffrage: 12,304,250 stamps.
Human Rights: 2,292,893 stamps. International Labour Organisation: 1,626,201 stamps.
First Cook Strait Ainnail Commemorated SPECIAL date stamps are being provided for the International Education Seminar at Hamilton and for the 50th anniversary of the crossing of Cook Strait by air. The Educational seminar date stamp will be-used at the University of Waikato Post Office on mail posted there on August 15, 17, 18 and 19, 1970. Anyone outside Hamilton requiring this special postmark should post stamped addressed envelopes under cover to reach the Chief Postmaster, Hamilton, by Friday August 14. The outer wrapping should be marked "Education Seminar Covers". Stamps will be exhibited at the University Post Office during the seminar. A special airmail will be flown from Christchurch to Wellington on August 25, 1970 and from Wellington to Blenheim on August 28 to mark the 50th anniversary of the crossing of Cook Strait by air. Anyone wanting covers included in the airmails and cancelled with the special date stamps should forward stamped, addressed ¡envelopeiS
under cover to reach the Chief Postmaster, Christchurch, by August 24, 1970 for the northbound mail and the Chief Postmaster, Wellington, by August 27, for the southbound mail. The packages should be marked "Covers for Cook Strait Flight". Postage rate for the covers is the basic inland airmail rate of 4c each half ounce. Special posting boxes will be provided at Christchurch and Wellington for covers for these mails.
Plate Numbers PLATE numbers for recent issues:Definitives: 7c Fish 1111, lA lA lA lA 10c Royal lA lA lA lA Cook Bicentenary: lA lA lA lA (All denominations.> Corso: 7c T201 8c T202 Cardigan Bay: 1111 Expo '70: 7c T203 8c T204 18c T205
POSTSCRIPTS FIRST of the 1970 definitive stamps to be
released was the
IOc "Royal" issued
on March 12 to coincide with the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to New Zealand.
Stage two. comprising six low values with designs featuring moths and butter· flies were scheduled to be released on May 20.
Unrortunatply difficulties encountered in their production made it necessary to postpone the date of issue. Details of the release of these stamps and subsequent stages will be announced in new issue pamphlets and news media as soon as firm dates of issue have been settled.
NEW colours have been chosen for postage impressions on Postal stationery. The 3c embossed envelope, at present dark blue, and 3c letter cards, also blue. will be changed to red as used for '21c postcard imprints. The impression on registered letter envelopes, now pale blue, will be changed to rubine red. A new airmail envelope with a blue postage imprint was introduced late last year. The 21c postage imprints on postcards and newspaper wrappers now red, will be changed to green.
Maori Themes in New Definitive Maori themes have been used in three of the stamps of the 1970 New Zealand definitive issue. A facial tattoo appears on the 20c stamp, the war club on the 18c stamp, and a fish hook on the 15c stamp. Graphic artist Mark Cleverley, of Auckland, designed the stamp featuring the fish hook and Enid Hunter, a Post Office toll operator who has exhibited paintings in Auckland and Russell, designed the stamps featuring the tattoo and club. Lower denomination stamps were featured in the Philatelic Bulletin No. 3 of December 1969.
"UNION POSTALE" STAMP issues by member countries are described in full in the Universal Postal Union's monthly magazine "Union Postale", published in seven languages. "Union Postale" also contains articles relating to postal services and recent articles include: A Short History o-f Philately; The XVth Universal Postal Congress; Golden Jubilee of the Air Mail in Latin Am~rica; Alrican and Malagasy Postal and Telecommunications Union (A.M.P.T.U.) Seminar; News from the International Bureau of the U.P.U.; New Postal films. Annual subscription is nine Swiss francs payable by money order or a cheque drawn on a bank in Switzerland. Subscriptions to: The International Bureau of Universal Postal Union, Berne. Switzerland.
Post Offices Opened and Closed Since Nov. 1969 Coach Corner Epuni Railway Paremoremo Twizel Pakuranga Heights Thorrington Tiwai Point Whau Valley Waitangirua Whangarei South
OPENED Postal District Christchurch Wellington Auckland Timaru Auckland Christchurch Invercargill Whangarei Wellington Whangarei
Date 8.12.69 24.11.69 24.11.69 16.2.70 16.3.70 9.3.70 9.3.70 10.11.69 23.4.70 8.4.70
Deep Cove Mangamaunu Matapihi Fortrose Hillgrove Motupiko Whangamoa
CLOSED Invercargill Blenheim Rotorua Invercargill Oamaru Nelson Nelson
8.11.69 12.12.69 7.11.69 6.3.70 8.2.70 27.3.70 31.3.70
A REPRINT of the 30c Chateau Tongariro definitive stamp is now on sale at the Philatelic Bureau. Wellington and Phila· telic Sales Section. Chief Post Offices, Auckland and Christchurch. The reprint will be on sale at other offices as they receive fresh stocks. Gum used on this reprint is PVA and the stamps are printed on unwatermarked paper.
Pamphlets Numbered 1
~~s ~~lrPbe i~S~~b~~P(~I:t~~~e~~~
reference. :: 1. 50th Anniversary of the Inter-: national Labour Organisation. :: 2. Government Lire Insurance (new: issue). : 3. Centenary of Otago University. : 4. Centenary New Zealand Law: Society. : 5. Tokelau "Historical" series. : 6. Bay of Islands. : 7. Health 1969. 8. Sc Fruit. 20c
Meat. ISc Wool: definitives. : 9. Christmas New Zealand 1969. :: 10. Christmas Niue 1969. : 11. Christmas Tokelau 1969. : 12. Cook Bicentenary. : 13. 25th Anniversary Corso. :: 14. Niue Definitive (new issue). : 15. 7c Fish definitive. :: 16. Cardigan Bay. : 17. Expo '70. ~ IS. 25th Anniversary United Nations. : Unfortunately the Post Office i~ unable to meet requests for copies of: earlier pamphlets. ~