Series 4 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 10 1973 august

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by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wellington. N.Z.

August. /973 No. /0

New Zealand will celebrate its first New Zealand Day on February 6, 1974 and the event will be commemorated with the issue on February 5 of five stamps symbolic of the country's way of life

The set will be produced only in miniature sheet form. February 6 - New Zealand Day previously celebrated as Waitangi Day, has been declared a national public holiday. It marks the signing of the Treaty of

Waitangi, which made New Zealand a British colony in 1840. The issue will be one of the highlights of New Zealand's 1974 stamp production.

Two sporting events of international significance are to be honoured with a special issue of five stamps on January 9. 1974. The set, based on designs by Mark Cleverley will commemorate the Xth

British Commonwealth Games and the I Vth British Common weal th Paraplegic Games. On April 3 there is a commemorative issue of three stamps, two for the Centenary of the Universal Postal Union and one stamp for the Centenary of Napier.

New Zealand first joined the Universal Postal Union with Australia, in a combined Australasian membership, in October 1891. New Zealand became a member in its own right in October 1907. The Universal Postal Union has requested all its member countries to release a special stamp to mark the centenary. The Centenary of Napier commemorative stamp follows the special issues for the centenaries of Auckland, Palmerston North and lnvercargill in 1971, the centenary of Wanganui in 1972 and the centenaries of Thames and West port in 1973. On June 5 a thematic issue of four stamps will be released. The subject is air transport in New Zealand. The transport theme was introduced with the vintage car series in February 1972 and continued this year with the steam locomotives in ApriJ.

The stamps will feature air-craft used during the early days of airmail. The airmail service in New Zealand had a somewhat chequered beginning. Aeroplanes were first considered for carrying mail at the end of the First World War and in 1919, the late George Bolt made the first experimental mail flight from Auckland to Dargaville. Next year's Health stamps introduce a new theme. A three stamp issue on August 1,1974 will feature children's pets. The three Christmas stamps programmed for release on 2 October, 1974 will consist of the same theme as recent years - the popular, and now internationally familiar, Old Master reproduction, a picture of one of the country's church windows. and a symbolic design. The last issue for 1974 is programmed for release on December 4. This set of four stamps continues with scenes of New Zealand and this one is to feature scenery of off¡shore islands.

JPr(Q)Jm(Q)tn(Q)illl R(Q)1lllillldl@b(Q)1lllt A NEW poster of New Zealand stamps, which was first released in March this year, has proved such a success that a second printing has become necessary.

New Zealand



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This new issue can be bought for S 1.00 each at Chief Post Offices and tourist Post Offices throughout the country. Mail order sales will be handled through the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wellington. The new poster's design is striking and colourful. The majority of stamps used (114 in alii have been issued in the last five years although one goes back to 1935.

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ON 2 APRI L this year one of the most ambitious displays of New Zealand stamps, collated by the N.Z. Post Office, went on show at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. The display. titled "New Zea· land: A Nation's History In Stamps", is made up of 16 large picture panels with some 400 historical stamps attached to their relative panels. They illustrate an unusual and striking history of New Zealand. The opening was attended by between 250 and 300 invited guests. The Hon. Mr Moyle, Minis· ter of Agriculture, who was in Washington on that day, represen·

ted the government and Mr 1I0yd White, the New Zealand Ambassa· dor, also attended. Mr White presented the Smith· sonian Institution with a series of albums containing every stamp ever issued in New Zealand. The Institu· tion received them with enthusi· asm. Apparently this was the first complete set of stamps they have been given by any country, includ· ing the United States. The stamp exhibition was shown for two months at the Smithsonian Institution and is now being dis· played in seven other centres in North America before going on a travelling exhibition under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institu· tion.

M0Jr~ 0IITl t1hl~ ~(C 0V<e?fjpfnIITlt IN THE LAST Bulletin, No. 9, information was given about the overprinting of the 2ik definitive stamp to 4c, and further informa· tion was promised in this Bulletin. The Custodian of Stamps commenced distributing the final overprintings early in May. These stamps' were overprinted by the

Government Printing Office from surplus stocks of the 21',(; stamp held by the Custodian of stamps. The letterpress process was used. When the stocks of this over· printing are exhausted the Custodian of Stamps will revert to issuing the usual 4c stamp in the 1970/71 definitive issue.

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Wlhy dO) ~lhcey? The Bulletin has had a re· quest from one of its -readers to explain the list of Post Office openings and closings published in each issue. Why, she wants to know, are there so many, and what is the reason? The reason is a very simple one. It is simply a matter of shifting population. Most of the new Post Offices are erected to expand services in the growing suburbs and city areas. The demand here is particularly strong. Another reason for the closing of small agency type post offices in rural areas is the death of the country store which provided the P.O. services. Better roads, increased motor transport, and the large stores and discount buying in towns close by are taking their toll. And with no store there is no place from which a post office agency could operate. The closures have occured mainly in rural areas with the continued drift of the popula· tion to the towns and cities. This has meant the end of many small post offices and post office agencies with the remaining country population being ser· viced by rural delivery. The Hamilton and Whangarai postal areas have been parti· cularly effected by this recently.

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t was in 1919 that Or Elizabeth Gunn, a School Medical Officer. organised a

summer camp for fifty-five "delicate"

children on Mr RP. Lethbridge's property at Turakina. near Wanganui. The emphasis was on routine -


drill, a sun bathing hour on stretchers, controlled play. good food and adequate rest. On this regime the children thrived and






present-day Health camps, catering for more than 2,000 children each year. For eleven years Or Gunn's health camps operated on private philanthropy, but there was a need for a supplementary dependable source of money. It was decided on October 2nd, 1929, with the Government's approval, that the Health postage stamp be introduced and the proceeds of its "Health" value used to help run the children's health camps. This first Health stamp of 1929, was scarlet with a nurse in uniform wearing the brooch and star, insignia of the New Zealand Registered Nurses' Association. The slogan read - "Help Stamp Out Tuberculosis", and below it appeared the International Anti Tuberculosis Cross. The number of stamps sold that year was about 592,800 and approximately S5,OOO was paid to the Health Camp Fund, administered by the Health Department. In 1936, the independent camps joined to gether in a single national federation. An Act of Parliament established them as the King George V Memorial Children's Health Camps Fed¡ eration, in 1939. The Federation now has six permanent Health Camps Roxburgh, Glenelg IChristchurchl, Otaki, Gisborne, Pakuranga (Howick), Maunu (Whangarei L Children between, the ages of five and twelve years go to Health Camps for an average stay of six weeks. They are recommended by anyone who works with children and who believes that a stay would benefit the child physically or mentally. Since 1929, for a period of between two and four months each year, Health stamps have been available at Post Offices. Originally the stamps were issued during the Christmas period. But since 1960, the Health Camp Stamp campaign has been moved forward,so as not to clash with the sale of Christmas stamp issues.

In the years 1929 to 1938, only one stamp denomination was issued, except 1931, having two. In later years two denominations were issued although there have been five years where three denominations featured. The present are 4c (3c postage and lc health) and 5c 14c postage and lc health!. Since 1967, Health stamp issues have depicted children playing sport. The







stamps will be used at Christchurch during the duration of the Commonwealth Games. One pictorial datestamp, commemorating the Games themselves, will be used throughout the Games 5 January to 10 February - at the c.p.a. Christchurch to postmark all mail posted from Commonwealth Games venues. On the day the Commonwealth

Stamp Issue is released - January 9 a special pictorial datestamp replacing the usual Christchurch first day of issue postmark will be used at the Commonwealth Games Village 1974 Post Office to cancel first day

covers posted in Christchurch. On 24 January a special pictorial

sPOrts In the series were rugby. atheletics, sWimming, cricket, netball. soccer, hockey and tennIs. During this period Health Stamps were also issued to commemorate the work of Or Elizabeth Gunn and the School Dental Service. This years issue released on August 1, featured a portrait of Pnnce Edward, Queen Elizabeth Il's youngest son. The children of the reigning Monarch first appeared on Heal th Stamps In 1943, when Queen Elizabeth 11, then Prll1cess El izabeth, and Princess Margaret were featured. Over the years this Health series has continued with Prince Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew. Children of today may not be the under-nourished wads of the depression years who first inspired the Health Camp scheme but many stili require a period away from home in an environment geared to their needs. Health Camps offer order, stability and a happy situation so a child can regain health and learn to adjust to the demands of community living. Since the first Health stamp issued in 1929 over S2 million has been raIsed with proceeds from the surcharge.

datestamp will be used at the Commonwealth Games Main Stadium 1974 post office to commemorate the opening day of the Commonwealth Games. . The opening day of the Commonwealth Paraplegic Games in Dunedin, 13 January, will be commemorated with a special pictorial datestamp to be used at the temporary post office being established in Dunedin for this event. All posting; at this Office will receive a pictorial postmark. Details on how to obtain these special pictorial datestamps and the souvenir gift folder will be released along with the stamp information order form leaflet for the Commonwealth Games stamp issue later this year.

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colonial Scottish settlement of Dunedin late last was not a place where girls were brought up with the idea of earning their own living. Rather, there was the giddy social round of teas and dinners and balls, weddings and christenings. Trips "Home" were planned endlessly or discussed in retrospect.

I century

Yet on April 28, 1869, it was the birthplace of a rebel who would, today, be acclaimed by any self respecting women's liberation group. Frances Hodgkins left Dunedin at the age of thirty-one, became a pioneer of the modern movement in English painting and was the first New Zealand artist to win international recognition. In a completely new departure the New Zealand Post Office, on 6 June,released a special issue of stamps usin!!. three of her water colours and an oil painting illustrating developmental stages in her work. It is the first time the Post Office has presented the work of a New Zealand artist on its stamps. "Maori Woman and Child" on the 5c stamp is an example of Frances Hodgkins' portraiture and was painted about 1900 before she left New Zealand. It is also a much-praised example of her paintings of the Maori people. Biographer E.H. McCormick, in his monograph on "The Works of Frances Hodgkins", says she did not idealise or theorise about Maoris. As an artist she responded to their warmth and spontaneity and picturesqueness but as a young lady of Dunedin she was sometimes repelled by the squalor and vulgarity of their surroundings. Frances Hodgkins' Maori sketches are of cheerful people and her best work was done with women and children. E.H. McCormick regards "Maori Woman and Child" as giving the finest and fullest expressions to her intuition that vitality was beginning to flow again through the Maori people. During her early career in the then commercial centre of New Zealand Frances Hodgkins inherited her enthusiasm for art along with a dogged determination from her solicitor father. Active competition in the flourishing art circles of the day provided incentive. Left to earn her own living when her father died, she taught art and saved enough for her trip "Home" in four years.

She left in February 1901 for a year in Europe to better equip her as a teacher and painter in the remote colonial centre that was her home. Frances Hodgkins' visit lengthened to three years. It did much to boost her self-confidence, if not her pocket. A gruelling round of art galleries failed to increase her respect for modern British painting and when she joined a sketching class at Caudebec in Normandy, the teacher, Norman Garstin, said he could not teach her anything about water-colour and knew of no one who could. He welcomed her as a sister "brush" and refused to accept her fees. During this period in Europe Frances Hodgkins visited Morocco and a Moroccan picture submitted to the Royal Academy was not only accepted but "hung on the line". Here she succeeded where no New Zealander had done before. Money crises were inevitable and after three years in Europe there was a cable home for a loan of $100 to help finance her return journey. The next two years in Wellington must have been a tumultuous phase of her life. Readjustments with her family, new awareness of her own country. the conversion of an old carriage house to use as an art gallery and studio and vain efforts to enthuse the public of a city where the local art gallery was used for periodical wool sales, were all part of this phase. In 1904 the local press a"nounced the engagement of Frances Hodgkins to an American of English birth, T.W. Boughton Wilby, and that she would shortly go "Home" to

be married. But, after a short visit to Dunedin, she returned to Wellington announcing that she had "changed her plan". It is the only reference to her broken engagement E.H. McCormick was able to trace. She sought consolation in the company of friends and a sketching holiday at Rotorua and her work was accepted by the Royal Academy' for the third year in succession. This must have given her personal satisfaction at a time when she badly needed it. Her output in 1905 reinforces the impression of an unsettled life and by the end of the year she was making plans to return to Europe. This journey marks the end of her relationship with New Zealand in any artistic terms. It also marks the beginning of her career in Europe. Settling back to work proved difficult, particularly as her paintings were not selling in either New Zealand or England. But by 1908 prospects were becoming brighter. It was about this time that she painted "The Hill Top" featured on the 8c stamp of the special issue. When it was exhibited in Dunedin in 1913 it was mentioned as an example of Frances Hodgkin's "exceptionally good" drawing, grouping and posing in figure work. Although Frances Hodgkins again deluded herself into thinking she was in Europe for a short time, it was seven years before she returned to New Zealand and during this time she consolidated her position as a European artist. Despite this, prospects of her return to New Zealand, via Australia, in 1913 deterred her. With the opening of her first Australian exhibition in Melbourne, Frances Hodgkins found herself a celebrity for the first time and everyone appeared to agree hers was "the best show ever held in Austral ia". A short holiday, including a sketching trip to Rotorua, was followed by an exhibition in Sydney where enthusiasm far exceeded that in Melbourne. It was possibly also her first real business success. Eleven thousand people visited the exhibition. As anticipation heightened for her proposed winter exhibition in New Zealand she was being acclaimed as the "Dunedin girl who conquered Paris". Unfortunately, the weather marred the opening of her exhibition in Dunedin. Also buyers were hesitant to invest reputation and capital in works of so novel and dubious a character. Less reticent, however, were the people of Wellington and her exhibition there was both a social and financial success. "The Hill Top" was acquired by Wellington for its permanent collection. When Frances Hodgkins left New Zealand for the last time on October 17, 1913, she was a mature woman who had won a place in the world. But war in Europe and its aftermath brought adversity and even dire poverty. There were times when she was forced to pass the hat around among her friends to enable

her to carry on in little pensions on the continent and at her studio in St Ives. "Barn in Picardy" on the 10c stamp was painted in about 1924 during a time when Frances Hodgkins must have been involved with her greatest struggle to persevere in her work_ She occasionally considered exhibiting in New Zealand but, she explained to her mother, her work had become "a bit too modern". Certainly one comment by a Wellington critic in 1927 substantiated these fears: "I regret I fail to understand much of Miss Hodgkins' present day methods. To me they convey an impression of something like artistic chaos." In Christ church in 1928, however, Professor James Shelley welcomed one of the "more revolutionary movements in Europe" and saw her as attempting to achieve "new visual synthesis of modern life". He singled out "Barn in Picardy" as notable for its rendering of light. "Barn in Picardy" was purchased by the Canterbury Arts Society, but not unti I after her death. At ihe age of 57, Frances Hodgkins began to achieve the recognition for which she had been struggling. And in 1929 she concluded an agreement with art dealer Arthur R. Howell which ensured her daily bread and the materials with which to continue her work. Security guaranteed, the period up till World War 1I was perhaps her most productive. Critics commented on the freshness of her vision and attributed it to the fact that, unlike European painters, her eyes were not saturated with the tradition of two thousand years.

Ten years later, in April 1940, her exhibition in London was not only financially successful but also aesthetically satisfying and confirmed the position she had won in the European art world. "Self Portrait Still Life", a lyrical oil composition of bits and pieces surrounding her life, selected for the 18c stamp, illustrates the mastery of light and colour she had achieved. The painting, which hangs in the Auckland Art Gallery, is perhaps one of her most successful oil paintings. It has been described as "outstanding". Still with no settled home Frances Hodgkins, suffering the after effects of a serious illness from which she never fully recovered, was urged on by dealers eager to meet the demand for her work and she continued to paint until her death in 1947. The last word on Frances Hodgkins belongs to her New Zealand nephew Peter Field who visited her towards the end of the war years. "You were no, exaggerating when you said she was the wittiest and most entertaining person you had ever met", he wrote to his mother. "She is delightful and so were her pictures. .. Everyone pays her homage and her work is stupendous for lack of a better word".

Devell(())]plimlg ~IrcalCd1li~n(()) mlS nml New Ze@ll@mlcdl C1hlIrns~m@s §~@mlPs Bv Gillian E.M. Shadbolt

Ppeals to the Post Office by the Combined Churches Christian Festivals Committee resulted in the introduction of a New Zealand Christmas stamp in 1960.


Two factors led to some initial hesitancy on the part of the Post Office. The first was that in cancelling the stamps it would be necessary to deface the religious scene depicted. The second was the fact that Health Stamps which helped to finance




were usually

sold over


Christmas period and that a specific seasonal stamp might detract from these sales. After consultation with the Combined Churches Committee the

then Postmaster·General IMr M. Moohan) agreed that the stamps could be cancelled with a suitable slogan carrying a Christian message. Discussions with the Health Camps Federation led to their agreement to plan their Health Camp stamp campaign from August to November so that it would not clash with the Christmas period. The Combined Churches Festival Committee had requested that the design "should embody essentially Christian elements in the Christmas tradition." Eventually an exhaustive search led to a solution that appeared deceptively dbvious in its simplicit, This was the suggestion that religious paintings be used. It was a theme that could accentuate the spirit of the Christmas story as well as the creative imagination and spirit of man. Consultation with the late Stewart Maclennan then Director of the National Art Gallery, Wellington, resulted in the selection of "The Adoration of the Shepherds", by Rembrandt, for reproduction on New Zealand's first 2d Christmas stamp. This was released in December 1960, setting a precedent and a tradition that the New Zealand Post Office has followed ever since for the Christmas stamp most used on surface mail. In making preparations to print the stamp, representatives of Harrison & Sons studied the original painting in the National Gallery, London, and throughout its production every effort was taken to reproduce the tonings and mood of the original painting. Because of the nature of its subject, and the purpose for which it was produced, the stamp, at 30mm and 40mm, was the largest produced by the New Zealand Post Office to that time. Twenty million stamps were printed for this first issue and public reception of the idea ensured its continuation. In the next three years "The Adoration of the Magi", by Durer, "Madonna in Prayer", after Sassoferrato, and "The Holy Family" by Titian, were all used on New Zealand Christ"mas stamps. Some public criticism of the fact that·the series had ignored local New Zealand themes MS reflected in a request by the Federation of New Zealand Philatelic Societies that the Post Office should take the opportunity to use the 1964 Christmas stamp to commemorate a local Christian event - the 150th Anniversary of the first Christmas service, preached at Rangihoua Bay, Bay of Islands in 1814. A search through archives and libraries failed to disclose a single painting of the event and the Post Office commissioned veteran designer the late Leonard C. Mitchell, known for his attention to detail, to prepare a suitable design for the event.

The result was the widely-acclaimed 1964 2%d Christmas stamp portraying Marsden preaching to a multi-racial congregation. But by this time the "Old Master" tradition had become firmly established and the Post Office received numerous requests for a return to the original theme which they had, hovvever, no intention of abandoning. So in 1965 "The Two Trinities", by Murillo, appeared on the 3d Christmas stamp and in 1966 "The Virgin with Child", by Maratta ... In 1967 the 2% cent stamp featured "The Adoration of the Shepherds", by Poussin in 1968 "The Adoration of the Shepherds" by G. Van Honthorst and in 1969 "T'he Nativity" by Federico Fiori. In 1971 two new values were added to the special Christmas issue. The 2% cent stamp for use on postage for Christmas cards again featured an "Old Master" - "Adoration of the Child", by Correggio. The amount of postage represented by the stamp, however, only covered the inland postage of Christmas cards. For overseas postings an additional stamp had to be added. In view of this, it was felt that a 3 cent stamp to represent the value of postage on overseas cards could prove popular. Another suggestion considered at the time was that the Post Office should produce a Christmas stamp for use on aerogrammes overseas. The result was the introduction of a new theme in the Christmas series - that of a stained glass window - on the 3 cent stamp and the production of a 10 cent stamp which, with its church spire against a blaZing hot sun, gave the series its first impression of Christmas in the southern hemisphere. The first stained glass window to feature on the 3 cent stamp was a nativity scene from a stained glass window in the First Presbyterian Church, Invercargill. The church tower featured on the 10 cent stamp, designed by Mark Cleverley, was that of the Roman Catholic Church, Sockburn. Sales of the new stamps proved their popularity. Last year's "Old Master" 3 cent stamp featured "The Holy Night", by Maratta. The original paintings hangs in the Dresden Gemael degalerie Alte Meister. The 4 cent stamp featured the stained glass nativity scene from the window of St Luke's Anglican Church, Havelock North. The bright, decorative design, created for the 10 cent stamp by Enid Hunter, returned to a universal seasonal festive design in a stylized impression of the Three Kings. The old master included in New Zealand's Christmas stamp issue this year is the "Tempi Madonna" by Raphael. Raphael, born on April 6 1483, was famed initially for his portraiture and it was not until the nineteenth century that his Madonnas found equal stature. The stained glass window featured on the 5c stamp shows the "Three Kings" from St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church, Auckland. The 10c stamp depicts a symbolic interpretation of Christmas in New Zealand - a summer scene with a family about to enfp.r church. With the production of these three stamps in the last three year~ and the evolvement of the "old master" and church window themes, New Zealand Christmas Stamps have settled into a pattern which will be followed for some years.

MARK CLEVERLEY earned himself honour and recognition when he was accepted as a member of the British Society of I ndustrial Artists and Designers recently. Mark was accepted because of the outstanding quality of his New Zealand stamp designs. His submissions were categorised in the "publicity" section for presentation to the committee. Mark's acceptance into the Society now places him among a small, exclusive group of New Zealand members.

TWO ATTRACTIVE and colourful folders introduced the Definitive Stamp Packs which were released for sale by the New Zealand Post Office on 5 March this year. The glossy cardboard folder opens to show colou red photographs of New Zealand scenes of historical and pictorial merit. The Shot over River in Otago is featured, site of one of the early gold rushes. Mt Sefton, one of 17 peaks in the Mt Cook area of the Southern Alps, is photographed, and the beach at Paihia in the Bay of Islands. There it was, with many more significant events, that the first book - A Dictionary of the New Zealand Language - was published in this country. A protective plastic insert covers the stamps. Short resumes on all the fauna, cultural items and geographical places in the stamps are printed inside the packs. The new pack comes in two values. The smaller, for $1.50, contains the series up to the 20 cent stamp - 15 stamps in all. The second pack, 55.75, has the complete definitive series, up to the 52 stamp, a total of 21 stamps. The 51.50 pack can be pur¡ chased from all New Zealand Post Offices and from the Philatelic Bureau in Wellington while the more expensive pack is sold from all Chief Post Offices, some selected Post Offices in tourist resorts, and the Philatelic Bureau. So far sales have proved that they are a welcome addition to philatelists and souvenir seekers. The definitive stamp packs are similar in concept to the successful annual collector's pack first issued in 1970.







53.50) 5Oc, 51, 52.


Tokelau Definitives (set 81e) 1e, 2c, 3e, 5e, 10e, lSe, 2Oc, 2Se. Government

STAMP ISSUES currently available by mail order from the Philatelic Bureau, Wellington, or over the counter from Philatelic Sales positions.


NZ Fiscals (set 528.00) $4, 56, 510. 1970/71 Definitives (set 55.37Y,) Y,e, 1e, 2e, 2Y,e, 3e, 4e, 5e, 6e, 7e, 7Y,e, 8e, 10e, 15e, 18e, 20e, 230, 25e, 30e, 50e, 51, 52. 4c Overprint

Niue Definitives (set 82cl %c, 1C, 2c, 2Y,e, 30, 5c, 8e, 10e, 2Oc, 30e.



M@RliRmtg lRยงt


24Y,el 2Y,e, 3e, 4e, 15e. Ross Dependency (set 48el 3e, 4e, 5e, 8e, 10e, 18e. To be withdrawn March 31, 1974. Lake Scenes (set 55el 6e, 8c, 1Se, 23e. 1973 Commemorative (set 36el 3e, 4e, 5e, Se, 8e, 10e. Steam Locomotives (set 22cl 3c, 4c. 5c, 10e. Franees Hodgkins (set 41el 5e, 8e, lOc, 18e, . 1973 Health (set 9el 4e, 5e, miniature sheets of 6 stamps 24c and 30e. Niue Fish (set 53el 8e, lOc, 15c, 20e.

DO YOU know of family or friends outside

New Zealand who



interested in the Philatelic Bulletin?

If you know people who would like to be included in our mailing list they should write to: Marketing Manager,

Post Office Headquarters, 7-27 Waterloo Quay, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND.

STEAM LOCOMOTIVES: lB1B1B1B1B 3c lA1A1A1A1A 4c lA1A1A1A1A lB1B1B1B1B 1973 COMMEMORATIVES: 5c lA1A1A1A lB1B1B1B 3c lA1A1A1A "lB1B1B1B 10c lA1A1A1A lB1B1B1B 4c "lA1A1A1A1A1A1B1B1B1B1B1B FRANCES HODGKINS: 5c 1A1AlA1A 1B1B1B1B1B1B 5c 11111 Gc lA1A1A1A1A1A lB1B1B1B 8c 11111 8c 1A1AlA 1A 1B1B1B1B l O c 11111 10c lA1A1A1A1A1A 18clllll "Stocks no longer available from Philatetic Bureau.

ARTICLES may be extracted for re-printing without further permission, Acknowledgement to the New Zealand Philatel ic Bulletin would be appreciated.

1973 HEALTH 4c lA1A 5c lA1A


OPENED Atawhai

Manawaora Waikawa Say

Nelson Whangarei Slenheim

.12.2.73 11.12.72 19.12.72 (seasonal office 1 December-

Easted. CLOSED Kopu Mangatera Te Whaiti




Weber Whakaangiangi

Palmerston North Gisborne

Palmerston North Rotorua

30.3.73 19.5.72 30.11.72 30.11.72 31.12.72 27.4.73

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