Produced by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui.
September, 1975
No. 14
Progressive flavour for 1918 stamp programme CENTENARIES, metric conversion, telecommunication achievements and similar topics have combined to give the 1976 stamp programme a definite "progressive" flavour. The progrilmme lists six stamp issues on its agenda fOI next year. February 4
One stamp commemorating the centenary of New Plymouth.
One stamp commemorating the centenary of the linking of New Zealand into the international telecommunications network and the completion of ihe new TASMAN cable to be
opened in Febru<Jry 1976. (cl
One stamp commemorating the 50th Anniver-
sary of New Zealand's League of Mothers.
One stamp commemorating the 50th Jubilee of
Y.W.C.A. of New Zealand. April 7
6 SlQmps
Special topic issue, vintage farm transport.
June 2
4 stamps
Scenic issue featuring New Zealand waterfalls.
August 4
3 stamps
Health issue - third release in the childrens' pet series.
October 6
3 stamps
Christmas issue.
November 24
New Definitive stamps in the middle value range.
THE POST OFFICE has released its first postal stationery pack following a large demand by collectors for New Zealand stationery Items. Presented in an attractive green cover depicting a Maori wood carving, the pack contains ail New Zealand's postal stationery Items. The pack, which comes in a protective envelope is priced at 70 cents (NZI. It can be obtained from the Philatelic Bureau, Wanganui, or the Philatelic Sales Sections at Auckland, Hamilton, Gisborne, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.
New Pymouth to host Stampex'76
papua new guinea ,''V''
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NEW ZEALAND'S second National Junior Stamp Exhibition will be staged in New Plymouth in 1976, as part of the city's centennial celebrations. Sponsored by the Taranaki Philatelic Society, the exhibition, or Stampex '76, as it's to be called, will run from May 11 to 15, in New Plymouth's War Memorial Hall. Stampex '76 will feature the collections of philatelists under the age of 21. There will be classes for various age groups and awards will be presented in each class with prizes for major placegetters. Special awards and trophies will be presented to outstanding exhibits. The Post Office will donate the Grand Award for the best entry and Merit Awards for each age group. Details of rules and classes can be obtained by writing to "Stampex '76", P.O. Box 863, New Plymouth.
Fi rst overseas stamp agency NEW ZEALAND stamps are now sold in Japan through a specially appointed philatelic agency. The agency, administered by British and Overseas Philatelic Agencies Ltd, is the first overseas philatelic agency appointed by the New Zealand Post Office. The agency's task is to promote the sale of New Zealand stamps through displays and Japanese publ ications and to sell stamps and other philatelic material to Japanese philatelists.
Cover service improved TWO IMPROVEMENTS have been made to New Zealand's first day cover service. Orders for unaddressed first day covers will now be accepted up to, and including, the first day of issue.
Previously, excluded.
However, more importantly, as from the Health Stamps issue this year, these covers will now be sold on demand over Chief Post Office counters and other selected offices for a period of eight working days including the first day of issue.
Poster hangs in the balance NEXT YEAR may see another addition to New Zealand's family of stamp posters if sales of 1975's "diamond" poster are favourable. The $1.00 "diamond" poster features 66 stamps compiled on a black background. The stamps are arranged in themes and depict current and past issues.
PdPUd New Guined celebrdtes Independence PAPUA NEW GUINEA celebrated its independence on September 16 with a two stamp commemorative issue and souvenir sheet released on September 10. The stamp issue colourfully shows the geography and the national identity of PNG. The stamps, 7 toea and 30 toea commemorate PNG's gaining of autonomy over its internal and external affairs and its prospective joining of the British Commonwealth as a full member. Today, PNG is a melting pot of some 2 500 000 people of many races, customs and creeds speaking some 700 languages. Major languages are Pidgin, Motu and English. The political progress of PNG towards independence has been a short but exciting one. In time it spans less than 25 years - in development 10000 years I The two stamps and souvenir sheets may be obtained by sending (NZ) 87c to Papua New Guinea Philatelic Agency, P.O. Box 3958._ Auckland.
dcknowledgments "Articles may be extracted for reprinting without further permission. Acknowledgment to the New Zealand Philatelic Bulletin would be appreciated".
Preserving. the pioneer In us by Andrea Fox "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what I had to teach and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived". These are the words of American poet-essayist Henry Thoreau, his reflections on the silent guardians of outdoor enjoyment and wildlife habitats - the world's forests, woods and bush. New Zealanders have been endowed with nearly one million hectares or 16% of New Zealand's forest in which to wander, picnic, study, hunt, or just ponder the truth of Thoreau's lines.
Forest Parks and the Kaweka (18c1 and Coromandel (23c) Forest Parks in the North Island. Designed and printed by Joh Enschede en Zonen of Holland, using the photogravure process, the stamps measure 34.4mm x 38.9mm. They are obtainable by mail order from the New Zealand Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui until April 30.
t 970.
Ranging from coastal waters to mountainous terrain, these Crown-owned areas have been christened "forest parks". Since the concept was given legislative recognition in 1965, nine State forest parks have been gazetted, six in the North Island and three in the South. Four more have been approved for both islands. Though managed by New Zealand's Minister of Forests and the associated Forest Service, the New Zealand publrc has a governinq interest in the scheme. The Forest Service is assisted by various advisory committees, environmentalists and local volunteer "rangers" in administering each park under a multiple-use concept. Soil and water conservation, birdlife, plantlife and native wildlife protection and public recreation are just some of tt)ese uses. Thousands of New Zealand and overseas visitors view the beautiful forests and mountains of the parks each year. A four stamp issue depicting four New Zealand Forest
One hundred and twentyfive kilometres north of Christchurch in the South Island is the 74 000 hectare tract of Lake Sumner Forest Park (6cl. The forests and mountains of this park form a spectacular backdrop to Lake Sumner, which ;s not part of the park, and other small lakes.
The North-west Nelson State Forest Park (8el lies in the north-west corner of the South Island, covering 358 000 hectares and incorporating eight State Forests. Most of the area is under forest cover. The remainder features rocky peaks, some soaring to 1 500 metres, alpine herbfields and lowland swamp scrub.
Native wildlife found in the park include bats, fern birdS, gecko lizards and the gaint carniverous Paryphanta snail, which reaches a diameter of 9 cm. Glow-worms occur in several of the park's limestone caves.
red, silver and mountain beech
forests, Lake Sumner State
Red deer, chamois and wild pigs occur in small numbers throughout the park. The rare flightless Kiwi bird, a native of New Zealand, and
birds in the park to be studied by the naturalist. Lake Sumner
relics of this period can still be seen in the valley today, among them kauri dams and tramline trestles. The area is of volcanic origin made up pf andesites. rhyolites and dacites. In and around streambeds, rockhounds can find a variety of jaspers, pet ri fied wood, some agate and rhodoni te. Observer ee New Zealand's forest parks as invaluable in perserving an important link between New Zealanders and their "pioneer" heritage.
alpine herbfields, grasslands and hot spring seepage areas, to Forest Park is a paradise for
The Kauaeranga Valley is the first part of the North Island CoroMandel Forest Spectacular limestone caves Park (23c1 to be developed for and complex granite formations public recreation. Lying on the Coromandel Peninsula, found on the eastern side of the 65 000 hectare Forest the park provide food for a Park, including the Kauaeran~a geologist's thoughts. Valley, was gazetted in 1971. As a :-esult of the district's Over 50 km of tracks prohigh annual rainfall, the park vide access to mountains, houses many lakes and tarns streams, and impressive views in addition to five major of steep rugged terrain river systems, habitats of clothed in native bush. the brown and rainbow trout. Introduced animals The Kauaeranga Valley are numerouS - red and fallow once supported dense kauri deer, chamois, wi Id goats, wild forest which played a major pigs, and opossums are role in the country's proscattered over the park in duction of timber and gum varying densities. from 1860 to 1930. Many
From stark mountain peaks
wildlife and sportsmen alike.
prl'serviJlion in their natural state, with the provision of roads, tracks, bridges and huts for public recreation.
Other areas will remain in a wilderness state only accessible on foot. Two rivers in the area, the Ngaruroro and l\I1ohaka, are stocked with trout, but the fishing potential is almost untapped.
rising to 1 500 metres, through
Parks was released by the the crested grebe, the introNew Zealand Post Office on duced Canada goose and June 4,1975. The issue features paradise duck are among the the South Island's Lake Sumner (6c) and North-west Nelson
itSelf is the habitat of the angler's prize trophies, the brown trout and the salmon.
The North Island Kaweka State Forest Park (18c) is just a "baby". Gazetted early in 1974. this 61 000 hectare park still faces considerable development. Situated in the Kaweka Ranges, the park lies within easy travelling distance of the twin Hawkes Bay cities, Napier and Hastings. Plans for the Kaweka Fares; Park include settinq aside areas
Since those early days the average New Zealander has considered "the bush" a public common for fishing, hunting and walking. As long as these forested areas are preserved, his heritaqe will never be totally destroyed amid high¡ rise living.
In memoryo~ gal ant ships by Alldn Kirk "'~lewZealand
"Heart of oak are our ships, Heart of oak are our men: We always are ready; Steady, boys, steady; We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again." So said David Garrick (171717791 in his poem "Heart of Oak". He was describing English ships, but his description might well have applied to the first New Zealand ships. For New Zealand's early ships and sailors were hardy specimens, built to withstand the treacherous waters of the then untamed isles of New Zealand. Sh,ipping played an important role in New Zealand's history. It was by sea the Maoris came and I\bel Tasman and Captain Cook thereafter. In recognition of this prominent role the New Zealand Post Office released a set of six stamps featuring New Zealand sailing ships on April 2. Depicted are the scow "Lake Erie" (4cl, the schooner "Herald" (5c), the brigantine "New Zealander" (8cl, the top sail schooner "Jessie Kelly" (lOc), the barque "Tory" (18cl and the full rigged clipper "Rangitiki" (23c).
The stamps were designed by Maurice Conly, of Christchurch, and printed by lithography process by Harrison and Sons Ltd, England.
Soon after Nichols' arrival in New Zealandin the early 1800's he began shipbuilding under the name of Nicco!.
The" Lake Erie" was the first built in New Zealand. Its builder bore the colourful name of Septimus Meiklejohn and the flatbottomed, square-sterned and bluffbowed craft took shape at Omaha in 1873.
He was a prodigious worker and in 10 years working with primitive equipment he built one brig, 16 schooners, 16 cutters, 21 cargo boats and five yachts.
Rigged as a schooner, it could remain on an even keel while aground and run up creeks to take in cargo direct from wood mills. The" Lake Erie" was employed in the timber and firewood trade and carried 80 tons of cargo. The advantages of the design quickly became apparent to early New Zealanders and it wasn't long before more scows were built. One of the most famous and productive New Zealand ship builders of that time was Scotsman Henry Nichols, the son of a Clyde yacht builder.
The vessels included the "Thistle", "Albert", "Undine", "Maukin", "Moa", "Atlantic" and "Waitemata", all names associated with the history and development of New Zealand. Niccol's ships had an international reputation for outstanding quality and seaworthiness and for this reason a Captain Kelly, of Sydney, had Niccol build him the "Jessie Kelly" (lOc). The "Jessie Kelly" was never outsailed and made news in 1873 when she raced the famed Syd ney-bu iIt schooner "Noumea" to New Caledonia. The "Jessie Kelly" wasn't the only speedster in New Zealand waters at the time.
and Gilbert Mair, it was launched on January 24, 1826.
Perhaps it was an omen of the eventual fate of the ship that during construction a carpenter working on the ship used strong language in addressing a Maori chief and nearly brought a catastrophic end to both the mission and the building of the ship. During its lifetime the "Herald" continually ran into problems with Maoris. Even at its launching, problems arose with the local tribe It made five trips across the Tasman in its lifetime and at the close of the fourth voyage, on March 15, 1827, it passed the "Astrolabe" lying at anchor while on a voyage of exploration under Frenchman Dumont d'Urville. Also out on the same morning were northern Maoris in their war canoes, about to embark upon a war exp3dition against tribes of the Hauraki Gulf.
The "Rangitiki", (23c) for years disputed the speed crown for the England-New Zealand journey with the "Westland" of Shaw Savill and Albion's fleet. The "Rangitiki" was the largest of the newly-formed New Zealand Shipping Company's fleet and the first of the famous "Rangi" ships whose names must have a special niche in history_ Built in Hull, England, in 1863, the ship was launched as the "Scimitar" and sailed one voyage under that name The dispute over who held the speed crown - the "Rangitiki" or the "West land" - was never settled, but today the fairest judgment is that both were champions in their own right. It is a sobering reflection on the ti mes, that of the si x sh ips featu red, three sank while in use. One was the mission schooner "Herald" (5c). Built at Paihia in 1825 by the Rev. Henry Williams
Of the scene d'Urville wrote: "Here was this little ship, a scrap of European civilisation, manned by a few peace-loving Englishmen, serving none but the pious and philanthropic aims; whereas these long canoes were going to carry fire and sword to the neighbouring beaches." When the "Herald" left the Bay of Islands for Sydney in December 1827 it had the King's Botanist, Allan Cunningham, as passenger. Little was it realised that this was the vessel's last voyage across the Tasman. After returning to New Zealand on May 2, 1828, the "Herald" left the Bay of Plenty for Hok ianga. While crossing the bar at the mouth of the Hokianga Harbour the wind fell away, leaving it helpless on the breakers. Struggl ing ashore the crew fell into the hands of Maoris who took their clothing and ransacked the ship, leaving nothing but its bare hull. About the same time the "Herald" was being built, Messrs R~ine and Ramsay were establishing a shipbuilding yard at Horeke on the Hokianga Harbour where the
"Herald" met its fate. From this yard came the 150 ton brigantine "New Zealander" (8c). The end for the "New Zealander" in 1836 was swift. While at anchor at Table Cape, she was driven onto rocks in heavy seas. The crew abandoned ship and another vessel fell victim to the hazards of the seas of Aotearoa. The "Tory" (18c) brought the advance party of New Zealand Company men to New Zealand to organise the European settlement of the new found land. "Tory" was built by Frederick Preston, of Suffolk, for Joseph Soames, the noted ship owner, and was registered in May 7, 1834. Sailing under the command of Edward Main Chaffers in her epic voyage to New Zealand, she carried 35 people, including the head of the expedition, Colonel Wakefield. A three¡masted barque (square rigged fore and main, fore and aft on mizen) she was a little bigger than Captain Cook's "Endeavour". At her bow she carried a figurehead of the Duke of Wellington and, like many merchantmen of the time, she carried eight guns. She made a very fast passage of 96 days, a time that was never beaten by any of the Company's ships and only bettered years after. "Tory" arrived in Queen Charlotte Sound on September 17, 1839, and entered Port Nicholson three days later - the figurehead of Wellington staring with sightless eyes at the harbour that was later to bear his name. But "Tory" was eventually wrecked in the Palawan Passage on January 23, 1841. New Zealand's history and the sea are inextricably interwoven - the men who manned the ships, the whalers, the explorers, the sealers and the traders all played their part in the development of the nation.
Many children in New Zealand health camps have emotional problems, says Wellington child psychologist, Don Brown. "They are unable to adapt to learning or social requirements. Health camps help them cope."
The children range in age from five to eleven years and
attend the six permanent health camps situated through· out New Zealand. Each camp
is administered by a camp committee and all camps are controlled by the New Zealand Childrens· Health Camp Board. "Although children attend
the camps for physical reasons, many are disturbed, or unhappy and cannot settle into home or school life. Health camps offer a physically hezlthy environment, organised educational and recreational activities to help overcome their difficulties."
Treatment and other camp facilities are provided by
New Zealand's Department Of
In support of health camps, the New Zealand Post Office issu"es health stamps annually, with a one cent surcharge on every stamp sold.
The t 975 three-stamp health issue was designed by Margaret Chapman of Christchurch. The 3c stamp (+ lc for health) features a small barefoot girl feeding a boisterous lamb. tail in the air. gulping at the milk bottle-held by its young mistress. Soft warm colours tend to browns in much of the design contrasting with the grass and trees in dark and light green shades. Delicate gold hair and daisies scattered on the ground liqhten the design.
Dai y dosageave and understanding by Garry Maher
The 4c stamp (+ lc for health) depicts a small rufousblonde boy, squatting on his haunches trying to make friends with some chicks, but having I ittle success - the chicks prefer the warmth and protection of their mothPor. Country greens dominate, attracting the eye. On closer observation. a harmonious combination of red, yellowgold and greens can be seen. Each colour is echoed on different objects.
Last in the trio is the 5c stamp (+ tc for health), again a small boy. Happy and smiling, this chap is giving mother duck a sojourn away from waddling in a toy cart. A duckling follows alongside voicing disapproval. Printed by Harrison and Sons Ltd, England, using the lithography process, the stamps measure 24.13mm x 40.64mm. The 4c (+ tc for health) miniature sheet measures 121.92mm x 144.78mm and contains 10 stamps at a cost of 50 cents. Date of release was August 6, t 975.
activities are encouraged, anything from painting to learning a new song. These activities are offset by more formal subjects such as English and Arithmetic. Doug feels that the key to success is success itself. "I f the children succeed at their own level and pace, it creates a sense of achievement which is important to these kids," Health stamps have given widespread publicity for the Children's Health camps as well as financial support since 1929 more than S2 million in donations have been recorded.
Health stamps were the result of a suggestion by Mr E. Nielsen of Hawke Bay, on behalf of his mother. His inspiration sprang from Denmark, where the proceeds from special Christmas seals were used to help the sick. The New Zealand Post Office Today six camps flourish modified Mr Nielsen's suggesat Maunu, Whangarei; Pakuranga, Auckland; Gisborne; tion so that an actual stamp and not just a seal would be Otaki, Wellington; Glenelg, issued. Christchurch; and Roxburgh, Otago. As well as a postage value, A medical officer of the it had a benefit value for Department of Health visits children's health camps. the camps once a week to check on the children's health From 1929 until 196B the and well-being. stamps were made available
New Zealand's first health camp was established in 19t 9, at Turakina, near Wanganui, the brainchild of Doctor Elizabeth Gunn M.B.E.•
Schoolwork must go on even in health camps. A fully equipped school is provided in each camp. Doug Johnston, Principal of Otaki Health Camp school, sees the school as playing a wider role than simply continuing educatio!1. "Children reflect their problems in school work. As a result they can have educational disturbance - school is something they know and understand, it's a good introduction to the camp and through it we can help them." Work is basically the same as in any other school. Creative
for up to four months. Since 1969 they have been on sale for periods of two months from early August to early October. Initially one stamp was issued. Later this was increased to two and, at present, three are issued. Health is a universal word, a combination of many ideals. It's said to be a state of mind by some and a state of body by others. Some see it as a fine balance of the two. Health camps impart heal th to children through the practical application of love and understanding.
~ l'-il,u~\n!
of the definitive issue would feature 10 stamps (1 c - lOc), it has been decided to retain the lOc stamp until a later date.
Florence Earle Coates was one 'poet who found inspiration in their beauty:
First in the nine stamp issue is the Sterling Silver Rose (1 c) a soft lilac coloured species, with shapely blooms and a strong fragrance.
"But what soe'er hath been There still must be Room for another rose" Perhaps she would be gratified to kn;Jw that some 50 years later, in 1~75, the rose is still regarded as one of the most honourable and popular flowers in the world. Roses will long remain popular in New Zealand largely because gr Jwing conditions are very favourable. So favourable that following the world Rose Convention held in this country in 1971, one of the world's leading hybridists settled here. Nine species of this Queen of fl )wers will feature on the first release of New Zealand's new definitive stamp issue on November 26. Contrary to the previous announcement that the first release
The Lilli Marlene (2c) is a 15·20 petalled, bright crimson rose produced in large trusses. Its large semi·double blooms emit a slight fragrance. Carmine rose in bud, opening in light pink is the colour of the Queen Elizabeth (3c). This rose sports large fUll flowers and is produced singly and in clusters Fragrance is slight. Super Star (4cl has about 33 petals and is pure light vermillion ,n colour. It has well formed medium sized full blooms and a sweet fragrance The Diamond Jubilee's (5c) large full flowers are buff-yellow. Its 25-30 petals are very fragrant. Cresset (6c) is a New Zealand produced rose. Crimson in colour,
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A rose by any other name WOMEN have been likened to th em, Engl ish wars fought around them and poets became famous because of them.
it was raised by Or R.S.R. Francis, O.B.E. of Hastings in 1959. The long, thin double blooms of the Michele Meilland (7c) are basically salmon rose pink in colour. This rose emits a slight scent. Large pointed double flowers and about 24 deep crimson coloured petals are the features of the Josephine Bruce (Bcl. Foliage on this rose is dark. As its name implies, the Iceberg (9c) is pure white. Fragrant Iceberg sports large double flat flowers.
New Collector>s Pdck to be reledsed soon TH E 1975 Collectors Stamp Pac:" containing 24 special and commemorative stamps issued since the release of the 1974 pack will be placed on sale from October 1. The pack's cover design incorporates motifs of the stamps inside, against a green background. Priced at (NZ) $2.95, complete with envelope and gift card, the pack can be obtained by sending postal orders to New Zealand Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui_
1975 Commemoratives (set 36cl 3c, 5c, 10c, 18c, Historic N.Z. Sailing Ships {set 68cl 4c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 18c, 23c, Forest Parks Scenery (set 55c) 6c, 8c, 18c, 23c,
current stamps STAMP ISSUES currently available by mail order from the Philatelic Bureau. Wellington, or over the counter from Philatelic Sales Sections at Auckland, Hamilton, Gisborne, Wellington,
To be withdrawn June 3D, 1975
1975 Health Iset 15cl 3c f 1c, 4c" 1c, 5e + 1c. Miniature sheet of 10, 4c + le: 50c,
Chrislchurch and Dunedin. N,Z, Fiscals: Iset 528.001 54, 56, 58, 510, 1970/71 Definitives: (set 55.37%1 y.. c. 1c, 2c, 2%c, 3c. 4c, 5e, 6c, 7e, 7%c, 8c, 10c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 23c, 25c, 30c, 50c, 51, 52. 2Y2c Overprinted 4c: 4c Niue Definitives: (set 82cl %c. 1c, 2c, 2 Y,c, 3c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 20c, 30c. N.Z. Fiscals overprinted Niue: Iset 53.501 50c, 51,52, Tokelau Definitives: (set 8le) le, 2c, 3c, 5c, lOc, 15c, 20c, 25c.
Niue Self Government 4c 1A 1A 1A 1 A 1 A & lA1A1A1A1A 10c lA1A1A1A1A 20c lA1A1A1A1A Niue Christmas 1974
3c 10c 20c
lA1Al Al A lA1ArA1A lB1B181B 1 AlA 1 A 1B 1Bl B
Off Shore Island Scenery
a free bulletin for friends
6c 8c 18c 23c
DO YOU know of family or friends outside New Zealand who would be interested in the Philatelic Bulletin.
1975 Commemoratives 3c lA1A1A1A 5c lA1A1A1A1A1A 10c 1A1A1A1A 18c lA1A1A1A1A
Government Life Insurance: (set 24%c) 2%c, 3c, 4c, 15e. Ross Dependency: (set 48c1 3c, 4c. 5c, 8c, 10c, 18c. To be withdrawn 30 September 1975; Niue Self Government (set 48cl 4c. 8c, 10c, 20c. To be withdrawn 31 October 1975: Niue Christmas Iset 33c1 3c, lOc, 20c. To be withdrawn 30 April 1976: Off Shore Islands Scenes (set 55cl 6c. 8c, 18c. 23c.
If you know people who would like to be included on our mailing list, send their
address to:
Marketing Manager, Post Office Headquarters, 7¡27 Waterloo Quay, Wellington 1, NEW ZEALAND.
Post Offices opened and closed OPENED Auckland Hospital
Chrislchurch Mobile Post Office
Orere Point
Waitakere Hospital
1.4.75. 10.3.75.
exhausted 1111 1111 1111
Historic N.Z. Sailing Ships 4c 1 Al A 1Bl B 5c lA1A 1B1B 8c 1B18 10c 1B18 18c lA1A lB1B 23c 1A 1 A 1B1B
Forest 6c 8c 18c 23c
Parks Scenery 1111 1111 1111 1111
1975 Health 3c I lc lA1A1A1A1A 4c , 1c 1A 1A 1 A lB1B1B1B 5c'lc 1A1A1AIA lB181B1B
7.4.75. 9.12.74. 1.5.75.
Editor's note
Colac Bay
Chatto Creek
plate numbers
Moerewa Central
Te Kinga
7.2.75. 31.3.75. 31.12.74. 7.2.75. 27.3.75. 2.5.75. 28.2.75.
From this issue the New Zealand Philatelic Bulletin will be published in October and April of each year -Ed.