3 minute read

Presentation of CE’s statement

is great to see that return from investments have again contributed significantly to our revenue and indeed allowed us to increase our original grants budget during the year.

My personal thanks go again to Graham McNally and to Gary Chapman in allowing us to benefit from the funds raised at the Emirates Long Lunch in Dubai. In 2019 we were privileged to receive $120K; up from $94K the previous year. Since 2014 we have received $396K from this source.


The efforts of those involved, Graham and Gary, but also many others, to make that event such a success and the significant monies they have raised for the Foundation are very much appreciated. The difference these funds have made to the lives of our injured players has been immense. Thank you. Three other Charities who do magnificent work in their spheres of influence also benefit from this event. We are humbled and appreciative that we are one of that group receiving this assistance.

Last year the support we received from Gaming Trusts has fallen to $94K which, whilst greatly appreciated is disappointing. There have been some suggestions that our financial position is such that the Gaming Trusts feel there are others more worthy of support. Our message is very much that we cannot eat into our capital but need to build it so that in future we do not need to apply for this support. Indeed, the terms of some of our funding do not allow us to access the capital. However, in the meantime gaming trust funding it is relied upon operationally and we are working hard to communicate our message of working towards sustainability and self-reliance. Without the support of the Trusts our endeavours to one day reduce that reliance will fail. So, thanks for your help but please continue to support our efforts for the injured players. You have an immediate and positive impact on their lives and their communities.

Sponsors and Business partners: Without you we simply could not do what we do. The support you enable financially is great but as important is your personal enthusiasm and support for the work we do and for our injured players and their families. Thanks to Panasonic for your support over the years. We are sorry to be losing you.

To the Board and Management of NZ Rugby a huge thank you. These are challenging times for our sport but the support you provide financially is very much appreciated as much as that the leadership that is provided through rugby is all aspects of social responsibility is excellent.

The Directors and Management have worked tirelessly to support the Foundation during the year. Again, I would particularly like to thank President Andy Leslie for his ongoing advice and also the support of all of the other Directors. I would also like to express my deepest thanks to Angela, Gwendoline, Jo, Ben and Lisa.

Last year at the AGM we celebrated the contribution of Maurice Trapp and Tane Norton who had worked relentlessly for the Foundation over many years. Maurice and Tane were both elevated to the position of Hon. Life Members at the AGM for their services to the Foundation. You both have our sincerest thanks and the accolade is very well deserved.

This year Sir Bryan Williams has indicated that he wishes to retire from the Board. Beegee you will be missed. Please accept our sincerest thanks for your work and thank you for agreeing to continue your support of the Foundation in an ambassadorial manner.

Thanks to all who support the Foundation.

Gerard van Tilborg CHAIR

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