If calling ask for Craig Van Der Zwet File Ref 101950#0002 20 October 2010 Letter not sent Phoned Kermitt to discuss Kermitt Ltd PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
Dear Sir/Madam
Building Consent No: ABA20101474
Erect New Dwelling
Building Project at: 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Returned Building Consent Application
Having carried out a preliminary review of your Building Consent application, we have identified that some essential information is missing. As a result, we are unable to lodge the application until the following items are received:
Outstanding Building Information
An energy efficiency report in accordance with New Zealand Building Code H1 (Energy
Efficiency) which identifies the insulation requirements of the building envelope with respect to roof,
walls, glazing and floor.
Outstanding Planning Information
Please provide landscaping plan demonstrating compliance with Consent Notice conditions
for Council approval.
Please find enclosed your original application which needs to be resubmitted together with all of the items requested above. Once this information is received and correct, the consent will be lodged and you will be informed by letter.
Following the lodgement, our officers will carry out a detailed technical assessment of the project. At this time we may identify the need for additional information, and if this is required we will contact you directly.
As previously advised, all applicants are liable for the fees and charges incurred during the processing of the consent application. If you decide to cancel or withdraw the application, or if we have not received the updated application within 60 days, you will be invoiced for the actual costs incurred up until the time of cancellation.
Should you have any questions in regard to this request, then please do not hesitate to contact me on 06 871 5137.
Yours sincerely
Craig Van Der Zwet Building Officer craigvdz@hdc.govt.nz
PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS 4156 DX MA75020 Phone 06 871 5000 Fax 06 871 5115 www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
If calling ask for Craig Van Der Zwet File Ref 101950#0002
20 October 2010
Kermitt Ltd PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
Dear Sir/Madam
Building Consent No: ABA20101474
Erect New Dwelling
Building Project at: 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Returned Building Consent Application
Council Building Plansmart Officers have reviewed your recent building consent application and have identified that some essential information is missing. As a result, we are unable to lodge the application until such time as the missing information is received.
The application and request for more information has been sent to your designated agent and if you require the specific details then please contact them directly.
Should you have any questions in regard to this request, then please do not hesitate to contact an Administration Support Officer on 06 871 5137.
Craig Van Der Zwet Building Officer craigvdz@hdc.govt.nz
PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS 4156 DX MA75020 Phone 06 871 5000 Fax 06 871 5115 www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
If calling ask for Craig Van Der Zwet File Ref 101950#0004 29 November 2010 Letter not sent Phoned designer Kermitt Architecture C/O Sean Sutherland PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
Dear Sir/Madam
Building Consent No: ABA20101653
Erect New Dwelling
Building Project at: 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Returned Building Consent Application
Having carried out a preliminary review of your Building Consent application, we have identified that some essential information is missing. As a result, we are unable to lodge the application until the following items are received:
Outstanding Building Information
A geotech invesagation is required to confirm that the ground conditions meet the minimum
bearing assumed in the foundation design.
Outstanding Planning Information
Resource consent required for standing bay less than 5m requirement
Please find enclosed your original application which needs to be resubmitted together with all of the items requested above. Once this information is received and correct, the consent will be lodged and you will be informed by letter. Following the lodgement, our officers will carry out a detailed technical assessment of the project. At this time we may identify the need for additional information, and if this is required we will contact you directly. As previously advised, all applicants are liable for the fees and charges incurred during the processing of the consent application. If you decide to cancel or withdraw the application, or if we have not received the updated application within 60 days, you will be invoiced for the actual costs incurred up until the time of cancellation. Should you have any questions in regard to this request, then please do not hesitate to contact me on 06 871 5000.
Yours sincerely
PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS 4156 DX MA75020 Phone 06 871 5000 Fax 06 871 5115 www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
Craig Van Der Zwet Building Officer craigvdz@hdc.govt.nz 2
If calling ask for Craig Van Der Zwet File Ref 101950#0004
29 November 2010
Kermitt Architecture C/O Sean Sutherland PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
Dear Sir/Madam
Building Consent No: ABA20101653
Erect New Dwelling
Building Project at: 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Returned Building Consent Application
Council Building Plansmart Officers have reviewed your recent building consent application and have identified that some essential information is missing. As a result, we are unable to lodge the application until such time as the missing information is received.
The application and request for more information has been sent to your designated agent and if you require the specific details then please contact them directly.
Should you have any questions in regard to this request, then please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned on 06 871 5000.
Craig Van Der Zwet Building Officer craigvdz@hdc.govt.nz
PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS 4156 DX MA75020 Phone 06 871 5000 Fax 06 871 5115 www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
If calling ask for Craig Van Der Zwet
File/TRIM Ref
31 January 2011
Kermitt Architecture C/O Sean Sutherland PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
Dear Sir/Madam
Building Consent No: Proposal: Building Project at:
ABA20101653 Erect New Dwelling 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
We are pleased to confirm the receipt of your Building Consent application, which has now been lodged into our processing system. The application is currently undergoing a technical review and if further information is required then we will contact you directly.
Once processing is complete we will advise you when the building consent is ready to be issued. At this time, the payment of the fees and charges applicable to the application will be required.
As previously advised, all applicants are liable for the fees and charges incurred during the processing of the consent application and, if you decide to cancel or withdraw an application, you will be invoiced for the actual costs incurred up until the time of cancellation.
In the meantime should you have any questions or require a progress update, please contact the undersigned on 06 871 5000.
Yours sincerely
Craig Van Der Zwet Building Officer craigvdz@hdc.govt.nz
207 Lyndon Road East Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS DX MA75020 Phone: Fax: www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
PID 101950
Erect New Dwelling
RULE Minimum Site Size (unserviced)
REQUIRED (400m2 drainage field)
Permitted Use?
Minimum Site Size (urban devt. areas) Maximum Site Coverage Yards: Front
400m2 45% OR 35% 5 or 3 meters
Other Maximum Height Recession Plane (Appendix 8.0.1) Meet home occupation rules, on site use 30 traffic movements per day for local roads Landscaping Parking Standing Bay Noise levels, acoustic report for day care Fence Height Distance to Water Course Secondary Residential Building Recreation Facilities Fee (inc gst): for every new dwelling except Secondary Res. dwgs
1m or compensation 10m x o (distance to boundary) + 2.75= m Depending on use 5m minimum 1.8m max 6m minimum 80m2 max & Rule 8.8.2(c) Check
Roading (every 2nd dwelling, excluding secondary res.) Hazards: District Plan:
See Proclaim See Proclaim
APPROVED Karen Walker
DATE 26/12/2024
Secondary Res. dwg New Dwelling New Dwelling
Comments: P21, Plains, CN relating to development
Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653 Plans provided were adequate to comply reasonably as practicable with the NZ Building Act 2004 and the NZ Building Code. Consent Approved New Zealand Building Code Clauses: General B1 Structure Provide evidence that the uplift on the roof and framing has been considered. Details added to the plans regarding the studs and bottom plate fixings for the load points The verandah beam /feature post detail is outside the scope of NZS 3604, please provide specific design for the post, foundation, and the uplift on the post and verandah. Provide evidence that bracing line M has enough units as this line braces both the posts and verandah. A second post added to the column so now the offset is less than 2m from the external wall. Checked the detail with Colin and Matt. B2 Durability C1 - C4 Fire Safety D1 Access Routes D2 Mechanical Installations for Access E1 Surface Water Provide existing site levels and confirm that there will be a min free board 300mm above RL (Hawkes Bay Regional Council Datum). Survey report provided. E2 External Moisture E3 Internal Moisture F1 Hazardous agents on site F2/F3Hazardous materials F4 Safety from falling F5 Construction and demolition hazards F7 Warning systems G1/G2/G3 Personal Hygiene / Laundering / Food preparation G4 Ventilation G5/G6 Interior environment / Airborne and impact sound G7/G8 Natural light / Artificial light G9 Electricity G10/G11Piped services / Gas as an energy source G12 Water supplies Provide details of the overflow from the Hot Water Cylinder. Details provided G13 Foul water H1 Energy efficiency
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Name Kermitt Architecture Processing Officer katrinam
Address 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102 Description of Work Erect New Dwelling
PID 101950
Terrain Exposure
Wind Zone Inland = 0 X Topography Coastal = 1 Sheltered = 0 Exposed = 1 X
Gentle = 0 X Moderate = 1 Extreme = 3
Low = 0 X Medium = 1 High = 2 Very High = 3 Specific Design = 4
Item to be checked for compliance: Section 112/114 will apply
Plans/Specs Correct
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved
Site – Wind Zone
Site - Exposure zone
Site plan for building location (North point) X
Easement Location Building over 2 allotments (& party walls) Section 75 (2) Memorandum of Encumbrance Section 118 & Schedule 2 - Access
Consent Notice Conditions
HBRC Costal Erosion Zone HBRC Resource Consent for effluent discharge
Minimum floor levels
Flooding / Ponding
Soft ground/fill Hazardous site Dangerous insanitary buildings Earthquake Assessment Fault Lines Overhead utilities (power/phone lines, etc.)
Complete Yes / No / N/A boxes with a ‘X’ Enter a PIM feature if applicable Sea spray Zone 1 within 500m of high tide mark. X Enter a PIM feature if applicable Site plan provided with distances from boundaries shown 1.0m or closer to the boundary requires survey. Enter a PIM Condition. (Check soffit/building overhangs for possible fire rating). X Enter a PIM feature if applicable Enter a PIM feature if applicable X (Complete Procedure T-13)
X Already registered on Certificate of Title
Add condition if the bldg is intended to be used for one or more purposes of Schedule 2
Consent Notices on the title regarding the set back rules, and the minimum floor level. Provide a Copy
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
Minimum floor level for the dwelling is freeboard of 300mm above RL11.6 (Hawkes Bay Datum). Enter a PIM feature if applicable
Ponding on the site this has been mitigated with the development of the subdivision and the consent notice requires the FFL to be 300mm above the RL. Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
Enter a PIM feature if applicable and complete the Natural Hazards Checklist
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
Page 2 of 9
Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Item to be checked for compliance: Section 112/114 will apply
Plans/Specs Correct
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved
Water supply & quality testing Commercial Section 363 Management Plan Required Protection of public & other property provided NZBC B1, F5 Change of use notified Fire evacuation scheme required
Complete Yes / No / N/A boxes with a ‘X’ Community bore water supply
Bore water requires chemical & biological test report & analysis.
Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
Site fences/hoardings/water hazard X fencing/gantries/toe boards. Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
X Enter a PIM feature if applicable
Item to be checked for compliance: with the NZ Building Act 2004, NZBC & Approved Documents Note: N/A = this item is not applicable to this application and has not been assessed General Specified life applies B1 Structure Ground bearing report provided (geotechnical report) Engineer detail shown on plans Engineer PS1 / Engineer PS2 PS4/3 required (add condition) Concrete strength specified Where other than 17.5MpA concrete is specified, tag consent for delivery docket Footing / foundation dimensions, subfloor bracing calcs & plan NZS 3604:1999 Section 7.5 & Figs. 7.12 – 7.14 Reinforcing: size, type, placement on plans Concrete block foundation detail, retaining wall details Footing dimensions for loaded dimensions Post dimensions shown on plans
Plans/Specs Checked X X X X X
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved Complete Pass / Fail / N/A boxes with a ‘X’ Not applicable X Confirm with owner, add condition, enter expiry date in Proclaim, enter file note in Trim. Not applicable Geotechnical report provided for the site by Bruce Williams. Testing shows one area that is soft at 800mm to 900mm depth. The conclusion was that it was a small area outside the building footprint. NZS 3604 good ground for the rest of the site. Engineer’s details provided for the RIB Raft floor design. PS1 provided for the Slab design from Wilton Joubert. 20mpa
Specific design as per the raft floor details.
Specific design as per the raft floor details.
90 x 90 H3.2 Laminated post
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Item to be checked for compliance: with the NZ Building Act 2004, NZBC & Approved Documents Note: N/A = this item is not applicable to this application and has not been assessed Slab / Compacted fill blinding layer details NZS 3604:1999 Section Slab Thickening / pads Check truss manufacturer’s design and set out detail for special requirements. NZS 3604:1999 Fig. 7.19 Shrinkage / Control joints detailed on plans Subfloor Bearers, joists, size & spans NZS 3604:1999 Section 7.1 & Table 7.1 Flooring material specified Wall framing – studs/dwangs/sizes/centres for height/load/wind zone Lintel sizes & specifications Where proprietary lintels are specified, manufacturer’s detail/specification tables copied & included on file. For timber lintels: Reference NZS 3604:1999 Section 8.6 & Tables 8.9 –8.13 Roof framing (Rafter / purlins size, spacing & span) truss manufacturer’s design certificate, layout & fixings Deck joists size, spacing & span NZS 3604:1999 Section 7 Table 7.1(b) 2kPa floor load Fixing of deck barrier detail Bracing layout plan / calculations Ceiling diaphragms shown on plans Roof bracing shown on plans B2 Durability Timber Column/Post: NZS 3604:1999 Section 6.4 & NZS 3602. Timber grade & treatment schedule provided (for all timber) NZS 3604:1999 Section 4.3.1 & NZS 3602:2003 Tables 1, 2 & 3 Flat roof / roof membrane substrate and framing – timber treatment S/S fixings for zone or location to GL – subfloor cladding, decks etc NZS 3604:1999 Ability to maintain products not readily accessible
Plans/Specs Checked X
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved DetaiCleodmasppleetreNPZSas3s60/ 4Faanild/sNpe/Acifbicodxeessigwn ith a ‘X’
Thickening detailed on the raft floor plan.
Not needed as per the specific design
Concrete slab with carpet and tile floor coverings
Wall framing detailed as per NZS 3604
Lintels checked using the tables provided in the
Truss layout provided the truss layout states that the linings
are 13mm but on the sections the linings are noted as
10mm. Please provide evidence that the uplift on the roof
and framing has been considered. what extra framing is
being specified.
Bracing calculation has been worked out using a GIB ezy
brace calculator but using elephant board.
Roof bracing detailed on the roof plan as per NZS 3604
Not applicable
90 x 90 H3.2 Laminated post
Timber grade and treatment detailed as per NZS 3604 and
NZS 3602
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Item to be checked for compliance: with the NZ Building Act 2004, NZBC & Approved Documents Note: N/A = this item is not applicable to this application and has not been assessed Timber floor - Sub floor ventilation (must cross vent)
Plans/Specs Checked X
Timber floor - Sub floor access (450
min. high)
Concrete floor – exposed conc
strength 20 mPa/25 / 25 mPa NZS
C1 – C4 Fire Safety
Siting measurements from
boundaries shown (incl. eaves)
Fire rated walls & ceilings shown on
plans & specs (boundary distance)
Escape routes if required
SFH / Gas / Diesel specification –
appliance & flue clearances -
D1 Access Routes
Stair min. tread max. rise specified, handrail & barrier details, slip resistance NZBC F4 & D1 Residential lifts
D2 Mechanical Installations for Access
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved Complete Pass / Fail / N/A boxes with a ‘X’ Not applicable Distances from boundaries shown and no closer than 2.4m. (Buildings within 1m require survey) SFH specified details and clearances provided. Not applicable X Not applicable X
E1Surface Water
Site levels / Sloping site / Datum,
spot levels, accurately shown on
Stormwater layout plan including
hardstand drainage
150 above road/lowest level on
section if below road. 225 also
req’d if to 3604 or 150 for E1
Downpipe and sizing internal
E2 External Moisture
Retaining walls, waterproofing, protection, drainage
Floor heights shown on plans
NZS 3604:1999 Section 7.5 & Figs. 7.10 – 7.12
Damp proof membrane
NZS 3604:1999 Section 7.5.4 & Fig. 7.12
Not applicable Site levels detailed on the site plan but no datum shown or the height of the crown of the road. Locate on the site plan the Hawkes bay datum (have this visible on site). Stormwater layout detailed, as per the HDC policy the driveway is smaller than 50sqm and has a formed channel and gutter so therefore doesn’t need a sump. As per NZS 3604 the FFL is detailed above 225mm. the consent notice requires the FFL to be 11.9 above the RL. This will ensure that it’s the required amount above the crown of the road. Downpipes have been calculated as per E1. Not applicable X Detailed as per E2 and the consent notice. Detailed as per E2.
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Item to be checked for compliance: with the NZ Building Act 2004, NZBC & Approved Documents Note: N/A = this item is not applicable to this application and has not been assessed Building paper/wrap specified – walls & roof NZS 3604:1999 Section 11.4 Roof cladding specified and suitable for minimum roof pitch Skillion roof detail Check for air gap over ceiling insulation Roof membrane substrate thickness and framing centres (B1) Internal gutter(s) construction and overflow detail shown on plans Balcony drainage & overflow detail shown on plans Deck stringer spaced off cladding min. 12mm NZBC E2 AS1 Section 7.2 Fig. 15 E2 risk matrix assessment checked Exterior cladding(s) specified with flashing details System specification provided Cavity system details batten size, treatment, cavity drain/closure, int/ext corners Junction details of dissimilar materials Bottom edge clearances to ground levels &/or decks Saddle flashings fitted to deck joists NZBC E2 AS1 Section 7.2 Fig. 16 Windows & doors, meter boxes, gas boxes, penetrations, fixing points Head, jamb & sill flashing details Reverse raked soffitt/wall junction flashing detail Parapets - caps, walls, intersections, etc. Intersections, roof / walls, dissimilar claddings Apron flashing detail, (stop end) E3 Internal Moisture Waterproofing detail showers, floors NZBC E3 AS1 Service rooms sealed
Plans/Specs Checked X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved DetaiCleodmasppleetreEP2.ass / Fail / N/A boxes with a ‘X’ Roof pitch detailed as 15deg, roof cladding is selected as coloursteel corrugated iron which fits in with E2. (Insulation / Ventilation / Timber treatment) Checked the matrix and its wrong the values are to low. The risk is at least 8 for all elevations not 3 or 4 which is the value the designer came out with. The cladding (linea weatherboard on cavity) will be fine with a score of 8. Linea Weatherboard Specification provided for the exterior linea weatherboard cladding Cavity details provided Junction detail between the wall (clad in weatherboard) and the roof. Clearances details provided as per NZS 3604 and E2. Flashing details provided for all the situations as per E2. Reverse soffit detail provided as per the Branz detail, mitigated the problem. Intersection between the weatherboard and coloursteel roofing detailed as per E2. Apron flashing detailed as per E2. Not applicable Superflex bathroom waterproofing detailed for the two wet floor showers.
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Item to be checked for compliance: with the NZ Building Act 2004, NZBC & Approved Documents Note: N/A = this item is not applicable to this application and has not been assessed Service room ventilation
Plans/Specs Checked X
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved Complete Pass / Fail / N/A boxes with a ‘X’
F1 Hazardous Materials F1 of the code relates to hazards on site, this is addressed by Planners and Drainage Engineers
F2/F3 Hazardous Materials
Not applicable
Safety glazing detail bathrooms,
window seats, balustrades etc.
Safety glazing in the bathroom window detailed on the window schedule
Existing asbestos products (refer
applicant to ERMA)
F3 - Any other hazardous materials
or substances (refer applicant to
ERMA). Certificate may be required
for design, construction and
F4 Safety from Falling
Not applicable X
Specific design balustrades – details / calculations etc
Glass balustrades – specifications to NZS4223. (Not suitable for NZS3604 cant joists)
Barrier compliance with B1/B2.
Internal balustrades
External balustrades
Stairs – safety to side and between treads
Window restrictors where applicable
F5 Construction & Demolition Hazards
Not applicable X
Dependent on site location
Public safety
Vehicle / pedestrian traffic
F7 Warning Systems
Not applicable
Smoke alarms specified & shown
on plans
Smoke alarms located on the floor plan as per F7.
G1/G2/G3 Personal Hygiene/Laundering/Food Preparation
Not applicable
Toilet Bathroom Laundry Kitchen
G4 Ventilation
Not applicable
Ventilation – natural @ 5% area all X habitable spaces. NZBC G4 AS 1.3 Where opening windows do not provide adequate ventilation, detail of the alternative solution specified on plans
Ventilation in the toilet from a ventilating solatube.
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Item to be checked for compliance: with the NZ Building Act 2004, NZBC & Approved Documents Note: N/A = this item is not applicable to this application and has not been assessed Service rooms (i.e. all rooms / spaces with running water)
Plans/Specs Checked X
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved Complete Pass / Fail / N/A boxes with a ‘X’
G5/G6 Interior Environment/Airborne & Impact Sound
Not applicable X
Min. space for elderly and disabled people
Sound protection – 55 STC (vertical and horizontal transfer)
Impact sound protection – 55 IIC (for vertical transfer)
G7/G8 Natural Light/Artificial Light
Not applicable
Light & visual awareness 10% of
room floor area
(incl. attic windows & skylights) NZBC G7, Functional Requirement G7.2
External awareness for habitable
Detailed as per G7/G8
G9 Electricity
Not applicable
Electrical plan or specs
Conditions noted for energy
certificate (electricity)
G10/G11 Pipe Services/Gas as an Energy Source
Not applicable X
Conditions noted for energy certificate (gas)
G11 – Gas unit ventilation – check penetrations for weathertightness
NZS 5261 – flue size / clearance
G12 Water Supplies
Not applicable
G12 or AS/NZS 3500
Water Quality & Testing (bore
Tempering to personal hygiene
Provide details of the overflow from the Hot Water Cylinder.
Solar systems
Under floor heating reticulation
G13 Foul Water
Not applicable
G13 or AS/NZS 3500
AS/NZS 3500
Sewer layout - Plan / schematic
layout provided, pipe sizes,
gradients, venting
G13 Foul Water – On-site effluent disposal systems
Not applicable X
On site waste water assessment completed
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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Building Consent - Residential Processing Check List ABA No: ABA20101653
Item to be checked for compliance: with the NZ Building Act 2004, NZBC & Approved Documents Note: N/A = this item is not applicable to this application and has not been assessed HBRC Resource Consent Lots less than 2,500 sqm, or over unconfined aquifer Septic tank & effluent disposal design & calcs Effluent disposal site plan & reserve area Disposal fields must not be located within: i. 20m of any surface water body (including any stormwater open drain or roadside drain) or ii. 20m of any tile drain or iii. 20m of the coastal marine area or iv.30m of any bore drawing groundwater from an unconfined aquifer into which any contaminant may enter as a result of the discharge or v. 1.5m of any property boundary or vi.3m of buildings. Stormwater cut off drain above effluent bed shown on plans (Sloping sites) H1 Energy Efficiency Up to 300m2 or residential NZS4218 Schedule method <30% glazing Calculation method <50% glazing. Check calculations. Modelling method. Check details and calculations etc (ALF?) Heated floor or walls – note different tables Roof insulation NZS4218 Wall insulation Sub floor/floor insulation Glazing
Plans/Specs Checked X X X X X X X X X
Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Non-complying items 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved Complete Pass / Fail / N/A boxes with a ‘X’ Not applicable Calculation method used to show compliance with H1. Calculation method used to show compliance with H1. R2.5 R2.3 R2.1 R0.26
Summary: This consent complies with NZBC as near as reasonably practicable
TRIM Ref: 101950#0013
Issue No: 09 / Date: 31 May 2010
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ABA20101653 Inspection Calculation Sheet Done by Katrina Harkness Double click in spreadsheet, fill in number of each inspection required, fill in distance (top space only), enter or click out of box, answer is at bottom, copy and paste at bottom outside spreadsheet. Note that usual inspection times on site have been entered already, although these amounts can be changed for this consent.
Save final amount here.. 1387.35 TRIM Ref: 101950#0014 Page 1 of 1
Issue No: 4 Last Update: 11 June 2008
If calling ask for Katrina Harkness TRIM Ref: 101950#0015 ABA20101653 22 February 2011
Kermitt Architecture C/O Sean Sutherland PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
Dear Kermitt Architecture,
Suspended Building Consent Application
Building Consent No: ABA20101653
Erect New Dwelling
Building Project at: 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Council Building Officers have been reviewing your building consent application against requirements under the Building Act 2004 and the New Zealand Building Code.
Unfortunately it has been necessary to suspend further processing of your application under Section 48(2) of the Building Act 2004 pending receipt of the following additional information:
B1 Structure 1. Provide details of the bottom plate connections and stud spacings for the two point loads at the end of each of the kitchen walls. 2. The verandah beam /feature post detail is outside the scope of NZS 3604, please provide specific engineering design for the post, foundation, and the uplift on the post and verandah. 3. Provide evidence that bracing line M has enough units as this line braces both the posts and verandah.
E1 Surface Water 4. Provide existing site levels and confirm that there will be a min free board 300mm above RL (Hawkes Bay Regional Council Datum). This needs to be confirmed by survey.
G12 Water supplies 5. Provide details of the overflow from the Hot Water Cylinder.
Please compile together all the requested information and supply to the attention of the Officer noted below as one set of documents. (Note; information supplied in parts adds to administration time and cost to you). Please note that additional information may be required on receipt of this information.
PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS 4156 DX MA75020 Phone 06 871 5000 Fax 06 871 5115 www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
We request that you always quote the ABA number above when supplying information or communicating with Council Administrative staff. However, please note that final responses to Council should be in writing. Although suspended, your consent will continue to be processed against other requirements; this could result in you being requested by them to provide further information. Please ensure you reply to the appropriate department requesting those further details. If you wish to still receive the Project Information Memorandum (PIM) for this project and property, please contact the Building Officer noted below to arrange for a PIM to be issued. Please would you supply this within the next thirty (30) days. If we have not heard from you within this time, your application may be cancelled. Yours sincerely Katrina Harkness Building Officer bcinfo@hdc.govt.nz 2
FORM 5 BUILDING CONSENT Section 51, Building Act 2004
Building Consent Number ABA20101653
The Building
Street address of building: 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Legal description of land where building is located: LOT 6 DP 425117 CT 518827
Building name:
Location of building within site/block number:
Level/unit number:
The Owner
Name of owner:
Maxwood Homes Limited
Contact person:
Mailing address: C/O Sean Sutherland PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
Street address/registered office: 116 DAVIS STREET HASTINGS
Phone number:
Landline: 025 464611
Daytime: 025 464611
After hours:
Facsimile number:
Email address:
First point of contact for communications with the council/building consent authority:
Building Work The following building work is authorised by this building consent: Erect New Dwelling This building consent is issued under section 51 of the Building Act 2004. This building consent does not relieve the owner of the building (or proposed building) of any duty or responsibility under any other Act relating to or affecting the building (or proposed building). This building consent also does not permit the construction, alteration, demolition, or removal of the building (or proposed building) if that construction, alteration, demolition, or removal would be in breach of any other Act. Attachments Copies of the following documents are attached to this building consent: Project Information Memorandum Issued by Hastings District Council 7 March 2011
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January 2008
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January 2008
BUILDING CONSENT CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CONSENT BCCon5 This building consent is granted subject to a condition that agents authorised by the Building Consent Authority are entitled, at all times during normal working hours or while building work is being done, to inspect land on which building work is being or proposed to be carried out, and building work that has been or is being carried out on or off the building site, and any building.
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January 2008
INSPECTIONS TO BE UNDERTAKEN The following Inspections are required for this consent Please phone 871 5137 to arrange each one when ready. Council requires a minimum of 24 hours notice and up to four days notice may be required at times of high demand. You will need to quote the following: Type of inspection (specific details) Site address Building consent number Contact name and phone number The inspections listed are those deemed appropriate during processing of the building consent application. However, additional inspections may be required as deemed necessary by a HDC Building Officer as work is completed. BIN010 Siting / Foundation and Concrete Slab Inspection BIN020 Under-floor Pre-slab Sanitary Plumbing Inspection BIN040 Pre-wrap Inspection BIN050 Pre-line Inspection BIN055 Pre-line Plumbing Inspection BIN110 Drainage Inspection BIN115 Post Lining Inspection BIN135 Final Building & Plumbing Inspection
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January 2008
Advisory Notes
BC0002 Any changes to the approved documents, of any type, should be discussed with a Council Building Officer. Minor changes will require an Amendment to be applied for. Some changes will require a new Building Consent Application. For further information refer to the Amendments Fact Sheet and Application Form available on the web site www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/building-consent-amendments BC0003 Full compliance is required with any Amendment, Alteration, Change or Notation made by any Authorized Officer of Council to the plans and specifications. BC0004 Full Payment of all outstanding Fees, Charges and Development Levies are to be paid prior to the issue of a Code of Compliance Certificate. BC0005 Owner/agents are to advise in writing any changes of their Agent or Trades-people. BC0006 Agents authorised by the building consent authority are entitled at all times during normal working hours (or while work is being done) to inspect land on which building work is to be carried out or building work that is being carried out. All inspections as indicated on the attached inspection list are to be signed off by the Council Building Officer, if not signed, there may be a problem with receiving the Code Compliance Certificate. We require a minimum of 3 days notice prior to an inspection. Note: Inspection times, are not normally able to be booked for an exact time, so proposed concrete pours should not be arranged to follow immediately, the assumed time of inspection. Note also that the inspection may not be passed. BC0007 All Plumbing and Drainage work must be done by suitably qualified and registered trades-people as set out in the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Act 2006. The trades-people involved, may be asked to produce proof of Current registration. BC0008 Section 92 of the Building Act 2004 states that the owner must, as soon as is practicable after all building work carried out under the building consent has been completed, apply to the Building Consent Authority for a Code Compliance Certificate. The application is to be made using the Application for Code Compliance Certificate form supplied with the building consent documents and should be made after the final inspection has been completed, and all outstanding work has been completed. A Code Compliance Certificate may only be issued if all work is deemed to comply with the NZ Building Code and the approved building consent documents. If an application for a Code Compliance Certificate has not been made within 2 years from the date the building consent was granted (the date that appears on the Building Consent Tax Invoice), the Building Consent Authority must, pursuant to Section 93 of the Building Act 2004, decide whether
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January 2008
to issue a Code Compliance Certificate. This period may be extended by agreement between the Building Consent Authority and the owner. Note: Inspection bookings can be made by calling ph. (06) 871 5137. BC0009 The Owner of the property is responsible for the siting of the building and the location of the property boundary pegs. The enclosed confirmation of siting form is also to be signed and delivered to the Inspecting Officer at the time of the inspection. BC0010 To ensure warranties for materials are met, ensure that manufacturer's requirements are met, at all times. Any variation from the manufacturer’s instructions should be approved in writing from the manufacturer of that product. BC0011 Ensure that finished ground or paved or decked levels below floor and cladding levels, meet the minimum requirements of the building code, which should be indicated on approved plans. BC0012 Approved smoke detectors with hush buttons are to be installed in or within 3.0m of each sleeping space and in the escape routes on all levels within the household unit. We strongly recommend photo-electric smoke alarms fitted with five year lithium batteries. BC0013 It is expected that "the Contractor" will comply with all requirements of the Building Act, Regulations and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Provide a safe working environment and ensure the safety and continual access for the public to public amenities and walkways. BC0015 Grade A safety glazing materials in accordance with table 3.1 shall be used in: (a) Framed or unframed shower doors, shower screens and bath enclosures and; (b) All glazing less than 1500 mm above the abutting finished floor level or standing area of a bath or shower in bathrooms and enclosures containing spa pools, except where a vanity unit or a bench of a minimum height of 760 mm and a minimum width of 300 mm is located in front of the glazing. BC0024 All habitable rooms are to meet the natural light of 10% and ventilation requirements of 5% of the room area (by way of opening windows) as required by G4 of NZBC. Service rooms are to be vented directly to the exterior, by opening window or mechanical ventilation. BC0043 The Building Act 2004 requires building work to have started within 12 months from time of building consent issue. If work has not been started, the building consent may be cancelled. BC0051 No deviations to this consent permitted: The Building Act 2004 Section 45 (5) states; An application for an amendment to a building consent must be made as if it were an application for a building consent, and this section applies with any necessary modifications. BCP300 This property is subject to the following Consent Notice: Refer to attached
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January 2008
Producer Statements/Certificates (Documents for CCC Issue) BST200 Hastings District Council is deemed a Building Consent Authority (BCA) under the Building Act 2004. As a BCA, Council is responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Building Act 2004 (The Act and the New Zealand Building Code), and ensuring that all completed work complies with the Code. One means of enabling a BCA to be satisfied that building work complies with the Building Code is by the acceptance of Producer Statements from registered authors with Hastings District Council. The following Producer Statements, Certificates of Compliance, As-built Drainage Plans are required for your project before Hastings District Council can issue your Code Compliance Certificate. BST220 An “As Built Drainage Plan” is required from a current licensed drainlayer. Licensed in accordance with the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006; and Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006. The as built plan must be drawn clearly to scale (ruled not sketched) in ink on plain white paper. Clear and concise, showing all materials, pipe size, lengths, gradients, connections and measurements from buildings and boundaries (to locate on the property). BST300 Provide Electrical Certificate of Compliance to certify that the electrical work has been carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Electricity Act 1992 and Electricity Regulations 1997. BST480 All waterproofing systems and membranes, roofing, decking, wet areas tanking etc, shall be installed by trained installers approved by the manufacturer of the applicable product. The approved installer of each system is to provide a Producer Statement on completion of the work.
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FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT BP006 Confirmation that the proposed building work may be undertaken, subject to the provisions of the Building Act 2004, any requirements of the building consent and all other necessary authorisations being obtained. BP019 If no further comment is made re possible hazardous substances contamination on this site, then it would still advisable to contact Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to check their latest records. R001 URBAN CROSSINGS ONLY (excludes rural townships):Roading fees have been charged to cover cost of construction by Council’s contractor of the vehicle crossing / removal of redundant crossing. A water / debris trap is to be provided across the driveway at or very near the front boundary to collect water and unbound material on the internal driveway and redirect this to the stormwater system to dispose to the roadside drain. R0016 - A vehicle crossing is to be constructed in accordance with the Hastings District Council Engineering Code of Practice. A factsheet, “Applications for vehicle crossings” is available on Hastings District Council’s website: www.hastingsdc.govt.nz which details the procedure to be followed. Driveway to be no wider at the front property boundary than 3.5 m and no closer than 1.5 m from the side boundary This property is located in the Plains Zone which is a productive rural area. Residents live in an environment where agricultural management practices such as agrichemical spraying, use of farm machinery, the seasonal operation of bird scarers, odour and dust generation and night harvesting occur. This property is located in an area identified as being prone to seismic hazard. The site has a ground shaking potential with a rating of 3 or 4. Site-specific investigations should be conducted to determine actual soil properties for ground shaking potential where protection greater that that provided under the New Zealand Building Code is desired. DC0100 This development is subject to development contributions in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 and the Hastings District Council Development Contributions Policy. The assessment letter detailing the contributions required will be sent to you in the next few weeks. Alternatively you can contact the Development Contributions Officer at the Hastings District Council for immediate confirmation. If a contribution has been assessed as required and has not been paid, Council has the right to take a range of actions including withholding any relevant Resource Consent, 224 certificate, Code Compliance Certificate or service connection to the development.
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Issue No: 4 Last Update:
January 2008
CONFIRMATION OF CORRECT SITING OF BUILDING Building Consent No: ABA20101653 (Please quote this number when booking inspections) This form is to be completed and available for collection by the Building Officer when the footing inspection is carried out. The Code Compliance Certificate will not be issued at the completion of this project if this form has not been completed and received.
Name: (Owner / Builder) (delete not applicable)
Project Address:
4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Legal Description
LOT 6 DP 425117 CT 518827
I hereby certify that I have checked that the building currently being constructed at the above stated address is the correct distance from the legal site boundaries and as per the approved Building Consent plans.
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Issue No: 4 Last Update:
January 2008
Hastings District Council 207 Lyndon Rd East, Hastings Private Bag 9002, Hastings Ph 871 5000, Fax 871 5115
Section 92, Building Act 2004
To the Owner:
This application form has been left by a Hasting
District Council Building Officer after successful
completion of the Final Inspection of your building work. In
order to issue a Code of Compliance Certificate for this
project Council needs you to check, sign and return this
form by post, or deliver to the Council building in Lyndon
Rd East.
Please complete the following: Check the details are correct, Sign the confirmation below, Post to Hastings District Council
Building consent number: ABA20101653
Issued by: Hastings District Council
Note: If any of the details shown below have changed, then please add the new information in the area provided:
TI Name & mailing address of owner:
K L Berkahn 116 Davis Street
Name of owner: Owner’s mailing address:
Owner’s contact details: Landline: 025 464611 Mobile: Email:
Owners’s contact details: Landline: Mobile: Email:
DETAILS ON FILE: Name & mailing address of Agent: Kermitt Architecture C/O Sean Sutherland PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144
AGENT UPDATED DETAILS: Name of Agent: Agent’s mailing address:
Agent’s contact details: Landline: 06 8356359
Agent’s contact details: Landline:
Email: sean@kermitt.co.nz
S Relationship to owner: [If not already provided, please attach a written authorisation from the owner, giving authority to make
E the application on their behalf] C
TI All building work carried out under the above building consent was completed on: ____/____/____
O I request that you issue a code compliance certificate for this work under section 95 of the Building Act 2004.
N 3
The code compliance certificate should be sent to: Owner
Signed by the owner:
O Signed by the agent: [on behalf of, and with authority from the owner] R
Form 6
Issue No: 4 / Date: 1 September 2009
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Form 6
Issue No: 4 / Date: 1 September 2009
Page 2 of 2
Building Personnel: Provide details for all building personnel who carried out the building work
Designer: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile:
Mobile: Registration:
Builder: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile:
Mobile: Registration:
Cladding Installer: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile:
Mobile: Registration:
Roofer: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile:
Mobile: Registration:
Electrician: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile:
Mobile: Registration:
Gasfitter: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile:
Mobile: Registration:
Plumber: Business/Name: Address:
C Landline:
TI Facsimile:
O Fireplace Installer:
N Business/Name:
4 Address: Landline:
Mobile: Registration: Mobile: Registration:
Drainlayer: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile: Other: Business/Name: Address: Landline: Facsimile:
Mobile: Registration: Mobile: Registration:
The f1o)llowAuintgomspaeticcifsieydstesymsstefmorsfiarere contained on the1c2o)mplianAceudsicohleodouplseofor rotthheerbausilsdiisntgiveanlids,teinnitnhge opinion of the personnseul pwphroesinssiotanll(eed.gt.hsepmri,nakrlercsaypsatebmleso)f performingstyosttheempserformance standards set out in the building consent:
21)) AAuuttoommaattiicc soyr smteamnusafol er mfireergency
Audio loops or other assistive listening
wsuaprnpirnegsssiyosnte(em.gs.fsopr rfiinrekloerr osythseterms)
32)) 3)
or or
4) wEinmdeorwgesn(cey.gl.igohntiensgtshyasttcelmosse on fire
5) aElasrcmapaectriovuatteionp)ressurisation systems 4) Emergency lighting systems
6) Riser mains for use by fire service 5) Escape route pressurisation systems
76)) cRAoninsyneeracumtteoadmintsaotfiaocrpbuoastcaekbfblloeywwfirpaerteesrveesrvnuitpceperly
13)systemSsmoke control systems
1143)) Etom, aerSsgymesnoteckymepcooowrnfteerroalstusyysrestetsempmsescfoifrie, dorinsicglnasusreelsat1intgo
1154)) 15)
15a)aSlyssotecmonstafoinr caonmy moruanlilcoaftitnhge sspyoskteemn sinofor rmation
ifnetaetnudreesdstpoefcaicfielitdatine celvaaucsueasti1o-n6;,a9nadnd 13:
87) LAifntsy, aeustcoamlaatotircsb, atrcakvfelolawtoprrseovrenotehrer
scyosntneemcstefdortomaovpiontgabpleeowplaeteorrsguopopdlys 8) wLiiftthsi,nebsucialdlaintogrss, travelators or other
9) Msyesctehmansicfoarl vmeonvtilnagtiopneoopr laeiror goods
1155ba))biSnuyteisldnteiFdnmeigndsaclftoooedrxfeacit)ocs;imal(itanmasdtuedneeicfvianatecinudgabtsiyopncol;kaaeunnsdeinAfo2rmofatthioen 15b) Final exits (as defined by clause A2 of the 15c)bFuirieldsinegpacroadtieo)n; san(ads so defined); and
190) )MechaBnuiciladlinvgenmtialaintitoennaonr caeir units for
pcoronvdiditionnginagccseyssstetmo sthe exterior and 10)interioBr wuialdllisngofmbauiinldteinngasnce units for
11)prLoavbidoirnagtoaryccfeusmsetocuthpeboeaxrtdesrior and interior walls of buildings
15dc)Fire sSeigpnasraftoiorncsom(ams usonicdaetfingedin);foarnmdation
intended to facilitate evacuation; and
11) Laboratory fume cupboards
15e)Smoke separations (as so defined)
E The following documents are attached to this application:
C Certificates from the personnel who carried out the work
TI Certificate that relate to the energy work
O Evidence that specified systems are capable of performing to the performance standards set out in the building
5 Evidence of ownership
Form 6
Issue No: 4 / Date: 1 September 2009
Page 3 of 2
4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
ABA #:
Documentation - All Building Consents:
If required; Received By
Received Check Checked
As built drainage plan
Electrical certificate(s)
Gas certificate
Producer Statements: (please list others)
Cladding Engineering Glazing
Fireplace Installs
Documentation - Multi-Unit Residential, Commercial, Industrial:
Other Producer Statements: (please list others)
Fire alarm/Sprinkler system Air con system(HVAC) Lifts
Backflow prevention devices
Commissioning Statements for above
To be completed at Final:
Compliance Schedule Required? (multi-unit residential, commercial, industrial)
Yes / No If YES, application received: Yes / No
Result: More Information Required?
Yes / No
Building Audit Review Required? Comments:
Yes / No
CCC Audit Documents Checklist
Issue No: 01 / Date: 26 August 2009
Page 1 of 1
If calling ask for Molly Matchitt
File/TRIM Ref
ABA20101653 /101950#0019
7 March 2011
Piper Construction 26 Guppy Road Greenmeadows NAPIER 4112
Dear Sir/Madam
Building Consent Application No: ABA20101653
Proposed Building Work:
Erect New Dwelling
Site Location:
4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
We are pleased to advise you that your building consent has been approved. In order to uplift the consent and begin the building work, payment of the enclosed invoice, which is inclusive of the actual processing costs to date, as well as an estimate of the required inspection costs, must be made.
Payment is due within 30 days and can be made by post, via the internet, or directly to our Customer Support Team on the ground floor of Council’s Lyndon Rd building.
On completion of the building work, any additional costs incurred (for example, minor amendments or additional inspections) will be invoiced and payment will be required before a Code Compliance Certificate is issued.
When beginning your project it is important to ensure that you keep to the following guidelines set out in the Building Act 2004:
Building work must be commenced within 12 months from the date the consent is issued (I.e. the date payment is made) Building Work must be completed within two years from the date of issue.
If you are having difficulties meeting the above deadlines, then please get in contact with us to discuss the options available. In the meantime should you have any questions, please contact an Business Support Officer on 06 871 5137.
Yours sincerely
Molly Matchitt Business Support Officer
PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS 4156 DX MA75020 Phone (06) 871-5000 Fax (06) 871-5100 www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
Copy to: Agent: Kermitt Architecture C/O Sean Sutherland PO Box 12247 Ahuriri NAPIER 4144 Owner: K L Berkahn 116 Davis Street HASTINGS 4120mollym@hdc.govt.nz PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES Private Bag 9002, HASTINGS 4156 DX MA75020 Phone (06) 871-5000 Fax (06) 871-5100 www.hastingsdc.govt.nz
Amendments - Processing Checklist ABA No: ABA20101653
mend Applicant Name: Kermitt Architecture
Date: 21 April 2011
Site Address:
4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
PID: 101950
Processing Officer:
Katrina Harkness
Referrals Required Planning Engineering Utilities Roading Swimming Pool EHO DRU
(Change default X if applicable)
AMENDMENT DESCRIPTION & PROCESSING COMMENTS Details of Processing & Comments: Comments must be made for: 1.Method of compliance with NZBC 2.Alternative solutions & how compliance with NZBC achieved Sheet References: Sheet number’s A05, A06, A07, A08, A11 & A17 Adding insulation to the Garage walls. Adding a window in Bedroom number 3 and deleting a bracing element which affects the bracing but not enough to cause any harm. The bracing units are still enough for both wind and earthquake. Changing the size of the window in the master bedroom. Changing from 1m high to 1.6m high, no change in the lintel or the width of the window. Amendment approved.
TRIM Ref: 101950#0025
Issue No: 02 / Date: 16 Feb 2010
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If calling ask for Katrina Harkness TRIM Ref: 101950#0025 21 April 2011
Piper Construction C/O Kermit Architecture 26 Guppy Road Greenmeadows NAPIER 4112
Dear Piper Construction,
Building Consent No: Proposal: Building Project at:
ABA20101653 Erect New Dwelling 4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
Following your request for an amendment to the above consent, please find the approved plans appended and the revised conditions and/or inspections listed below if applicable:
Amendment Granted – No Additional Conditions or Inspections
All existing conditions and inspections specified in the approved Building Consent still apply. The amendment is approved with no additional conditions or inspections.
The processing costs incurred, and any extra inspections required as a result of the amendment, will be charged to you prior to the issue of a Code Compliance Certificate. Should you have any questions in relation to this matter then please do not hesitate to call me at (06) 871 5137.
Yours sincerely
Katrina Harkness Building Officer bcinfo@hdc.govt.nz
sean From: To: Subject:
sean@"kermitt.co.nz]" /O=HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL/OU=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=katrinam] ABA - 20101653 - Additional information
Hi Katrina ABA - 20101653 - Lot 6 Waitaha Place, Clive I have had the survey done as requested for the completion of the above mentioned consent number. Please find attached a revised Site plan and the calculations as worked out by Zorn Surveying. I hope this satisfies all of the queries you have requested. If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me. Please confirm receipt of this information. Many thanks --
Kind regards, Sean Sutherland ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER Kermitt Architecture Unit 3, 67 Bridge Street PO Box 12247 Port Ahuriri, Napier Tel� 06 835 6359 Fax� 06 835 6366 www.kermitt.co.nz
pro From: To: Subject:
pro@"piperconstruction.co.nz]" /O=HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL/OU=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=barryik] ABA:20101653 - Flashings at 4 Waitaha place, Clive.
Hi Barry, Below are the photo's sent by the roofer regarding under the barge flashing at Clive. Thought it might show this flashing underneath, but it doesn't. It does show that the trough nearest the fascia is mainly intact and runs through to gutter (Greg's concern was that the trough was cut into and would leak onto fascia if it went through the silicone join on the barge / roof junction) I trust this is OK? Please let me know either way. Regards, Kelvin.
From: David Cullen [mailto:rowdydc@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, 1 August 2011 9:03 a.m. To: Kelvin O'Dwyer Subject: Flashings at 4 Waitaha plc Before flashing was installed.
DSCF0944 Flashing is 120 with a 20mm crush fold(this is under the sheet) with 20mmprofile kick to act as drip/leak protection. Hope this is what you were after. David Cullen
Hastings District Council 207 Lyndon Rd East, Hastings 4122 Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156 Ph (06) 871-5000, Fax (06) 871-5100 resource@hdc.govt.nz
CODE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE Section 95, Building Act 2004
Building consent number
Hastings District Council
Description of Work:
Erect New Dwelling
S Street Address of Building: E
4 Waitaha Place CLIVE 4102
C Legal Description of land where building is located:
TI 518827
N Building Name:
1 Location of building within site/block number:N/A
Level/unit number:
Current, lawfully established, use:
Year first constructed:
Intended Specified Life:
LOT 6 DP 425117 CT
Name of owner:
K I Berkahn
S *Contact Person:
E Owner’s mailing address:
C K L Berkahn
TI 116 Davis Street
2 †Owner’s contact details:
After hours:
THE OWNER Street address/Registered office: Mobile: Facsimile Number: Website:
CODE COMPLIANCE S The building consent authority named below is satisfied, on reasonable grounds, that E (a) the building work complies with the building consent C TI O N 3
Signed on behalf of Hastings District Council 02 August 2011
TRIM Ref: 101950#0038 Page 1 of 2
Issue No: 2 Last Update:
10 March 2008
All aspects of the building work are to be maintained as per the manufacturers/suppliers specifications and/or technical information, and the relevant New Zealand standards.
The following extract from the Building Code, Acceptable Solution B2/AS1, clause 2.0 details the requirements.
2.1 Normal maintenance
Normal maintenance is that work generally recognised as necessary to achieve the expected durability for a given building element. The extent and nature of that maintenance will depend on the material, or system, its geographical location and position within the building, and can involve the replacement of components subject to accelerated wear.
2.1.2It is the responsibility of the person specifying the building element to determine normal maintenance requirements. These may be based on the manufacturer’s recommendations and may also include periodic inspections of elements not readily observable without a specific effort (eg access to roof or subfloor spaces).
2.1.3Basic normal maintenance tasks shall include but not be limited to:
a) Where applicable, following manufacturers maintenance recommendations,
b) Washing down surfaces, particularly exterior building elements subject to wind driven salt spray,
c) Re-coating interior and exterior protective finishes,
d) Replacing sealant, seals and gaskets in joints,
e) Replacing valves, washers and similar high wear components in easily accessed service equipment and other building elements,
Cleaning and replacing filters in building services system,
g) The regular servicing of boilers, cooling towers, lifts, escalators, emergency lighting and fire protection equipment, and
h) The maintenance of signs for access, escape routes, emergency equipment and hazardous areas.
Comment: Maintenance does not include such things as upgrading building elements to meet the demands of new technology or the increases environmental expectations of users.
TRIM Ref: 101950#0038 Page 2 of 2
Issue No: 2 Last Update:
10 March 2008