Deputy D Director, HR Advis sory & Shared Se ervices
11 October 2010 Jane K Kostanich TEU
Alfred Nathan House Level 3, 24 Princes Street 2, New Zealand Auckland 1142 Telephone 64 9 373 7599 ext. 87761 Mobile 021 757 7 793 Facsimile 64 9 373 7625 Email: The University of Auckland 2019 Private Bag 92 Auckland 1142 2 New Zealand
Dear Jane Thank you for the e meeting we w had on Tu uesday 5 Se eptember to o discuss yo our concerns s with the GSASR R process. e University will be usin ng the GSAS SR criteria in n the Generral Staff Collective I confirm that the ment when it conducts the GSASR R process latter this mon nth. Agreem e find attach hed the lette er that will b be given to GSASR com mmittees. Please Thank you for pro oviding nam mes to act ass staff repre esentatives on the GSA ASR committtees. q ple ease do nott hesitate to o contact me e. If you have any questions ds Regard
w Phipps Andrew Deputy y Director, HR Advisory y and Share ed Services