Notification to Branches of Rule amendments to be voted on at the 2012 Conference

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Memo to:

h presidentts Branch


Rule am mendments s


Sharn Riggs Nationa al Secretarry


02 Octo ober 2012

mal notification to brancches of ame endments to o the rules tthat have This is form been subm mitted to be voted v on at conference e this year. In mid-August branche es were sen nt a copy off the explanatory docum ment and a copy of the rules ass they would d be if the p proposed am mendments s were passsed at confe erence. If you would d like eitherr of these do ocuments again a or a copy of the pproposed ch hanges in track cha anges forma at then plea ase email su Please rem member thatt you or you ur nominee should be attending a thhe pre-confe erence meeting on n Sunday 11 1 Novemberr to finalise the format and presenntation of these remits at co onference th he next dayy. If for some reason yo our branch ccannot be represented d can you please p make e sure that any issues//suggestionns you have reach me or the President P Sa andra Greyy at least a week w before e that meetiing.


N Notificatio on to Bran nches of R Rule amen ndments to o be votedd on at th he 20112 Confere ence

Block 11 – Creating the ne ew nationaal committtee structures Resolution 1: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. DEELETE clausees 12.1, 12.2,, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 1 12.7, 12.8, 12 2.9, 12.10, 122.11, 12.12, 12.13, 122.14, 12.15, 1 12.16, 12.17, 12.18, 12.119 2. REENUMBER Cllause 13 as C Clause 14: Naational comm mittees. NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 13 3. IN “113. Executivee committee 13.1 Th here shall be e a sub‐comm mittee of cou uncil comprissing nationall officers, inccluding th he national p president, Tee Tumu Whakkarae; the vice‐presidentts; two mem mbers of co ouncil electe ed as per rulee 13.2; and, tthe national secretary (a dvisory). Its fu unctions shalll include: addministering awards; reviiewing finan ce and staffing; and deeveloping po olicies.” 4. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 13.2 “13.2 To o enable the e executive coommittee to o be balanced d and repressentative as ffar as po ossible, two members off council will be elected tto the executtive committtee by m majority vote at the first ccouncil meetting of a two year term oof office.” 5. CLLAUSE 14.1 DEELETE “two n national com mmittees” annd REPLACE w with “three n national com mmittees”. IN NSERT “an ind dustrial and professionall committee”” before “a n national wom men’s committee”. 6. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 15 “115. Industrial and professional comm mittee 15.1 Th he industrial and professsional committee shall de eal with the industrial an nd prrofessional isssues of the membership p, develop policy, provid e advice and d make reecommendattions to counncil/conferen nce. 15.2 Th he committe ee shall compprise: the ind dustrial and professional vice‐preside ent (who sh hall chair the e meetings o f the committee); the na ational presiddent, Te Tum mu W Whakarae; tw wo general sttaff university; two generral staff ITP; two academ mic staff un niversity; two academic sstaff ITP; two o Māori reprresentatives;; two women n’s reepresentatives; one wānaanga represe entative; and d one repressentative from REAP/OTEP/P PTE/other or any other no on‐ITP or university instittution. 15.3 Seector discusssions shall bee held at eacch meeting to o allow for ddebate of anyy issues off concern to each sector..”





IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 18 “118. Other national meettings 18.1 National conference and //or council shall budget ffor national m meetings of hui‐ā‐ m motu and a br ranch presid ents’ forum and may budget for natiional meetin ngs of reepresentatives of womenn, teacher ed ducation members, Paciffic members and leesbian, gay, b bisexual and transgenderr and interse ex (LGBTI) meembers. The m meetings shal ll report to c ouncil and conference. T The national union will fu und one reepresentative per branchh. Branches m may send and fund addittional members. ” IN NSERT NEW CLAUSE 19 “119. Branch presidents’ m meeting 19.1 A meeting of a all branch prresidents shaall be held an nnually and sshall comprisse the brranch president of each branch, or th heir nominee e, and the naational president, Te Tu umu Whakarrae (who shaall chair the m meeting). Na ational vice‐ppresidents m may also atttend. Branches are entittled to send one member from each branch.” IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.2 “28.2 Tw wo national vice‐presideents shall be elected by th he appropriaate constitue encies, reespectively M Māori memb ers and wom men memberrs, to serve aas the nation nal Māori viice‐presidentt, te tumu arrataki, and th he national w women’s vicee‐president. One naational vice‐president shhall be electe ed by the union at large tto serve as th he in ndustrial and professionaal vice‐presid dent.”


Block 22 – Furthe er amendm ments to enact new w structurre Resolution 2: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. CLLAUSE 9.8 DEELETE “secto or or” 2. HEEADING D: N National Bodies DEELETE headin ng and REPLA ACE with “D.. Council and d national co ommittees”. IN NSERT “FFor the operation of council, nationaal conference and nation nal committeees refer to standing orrders (Schedule B). If additional knowledge or o expertisee is required d council may co‐opt uup to two additional members for a specified period of tim me and not beyond the e current terrm of counccil. In the caase of nation nal committtees, this maay be done on recomm mendation too council. Additional places shall be b non‐voting. TEU staff f members attend a meetings in an aadvisory and support ole. They havve no vote.” ro 3. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 14.2 14.2 Designated st D taff memberrs will attend d national committee meeetings in an advisory a and support c capacity as rrequired. 4. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 14.3 14.3 The national T ote the objeccts of the uniion and manage committees shall promo their affairs in n a manner cconsistent w with the ruless and genera l policy of th he union. NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 14.4 5. IN 14.4 The national T committees may meet three times in n each calen dar year 6. DEELETE CLAUSSES 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.77 7. CLLAUSE 13.10 RENUMBER R as CLAUSE 117.3 DELETE “Te to oi ahurangi shall manage its affairs in a manner co onsistent witth the rules and generral policy of tthe union.” 8. CLLAUSE 27.4 DEELETE “secto or groups” 9. CLLAUSE 29.1 REEPLACE “in aa national offfice” with “oon” DELETE “coun ncil membersship” and RE PLACE with ““council” REEPLACE “sector group membership” with “on anyy national co ommittee” REEPLACE “six months” witth “half the tterm”


Block 33 – Furthe er amendm ments to enact new w structurre and enssure consisstency Resolution 3: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. CLLAUSE 13.2 IN NSERT Headin ng: 166. Nationaal women’s ccommittee RENUM MBER clause a as 16.1 DELETE “promote th he objects off the union aand” INSERT “/or” betwe een “and” annd “national conference” INSERT “significance e and/or” beetween “on issues of” and “concern tto women” DELETE “policy” and d REPLACE w with “professsional” DELETE “conference es of womenn members o of the union”” and REPLACCE with “events for women me embers of thee union.” DELETE “The nation nal women’s committee, te kahurang gi māreikura,, shall managge its affairs in a manner conssistent with the rules and d general poolicy of the union. The nationa al women’s ccommittee, tte kahurangi māreikura, subject to th he approval off council, shaall have the p power to call for additionnal memberss to be elected sho ould it considder all region ns or sectors of the unionn not adequa ately represented on the com mmittee. 2. CLLAUSE 13.8 IN NSERT HEADING 177. Te toi ah hurangi RENUMBER clause 1 13.8 as 17.1 INSERT “/or” between “and” andd “national cconference” 3. CLLAUSE 13.9 DEELETE and REEPLACE with “17.2 Te toi ahuran T ngi shall com prise: the M Māori vice‐president, te tuumu arataki (who shall chair the e meetings oof the committee); te kāh hui kaumātu a; two tumu u āwhina; fo our Māori accademic stafff members; four Māori g general stafff members; one w wānanga rep resentative; and one Māāori women’ss representaative. Membe ers of te toi ahurangi sshall be electted every tw wo years at hui‐ā‐motu.” 4. DEELETE CLAUSSE 13.11


Block 44 – Other national meetings Resolution 4: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. IN NSERT headin ng “20. Hui‐ā ā‐motu.” REENUMBER clause 16.1 ass 20.1. DEELETE “who shall chair th he meetings of the hui‐ā‐‐motu” and REPLACE witth “who shall chair the m meeting.” DEELETE “and o one represen ntative of ea ch branch.” And REPLACE with “and the nationall presid dent. Branch hes are entitlled to send o one Māori member from m each branch h.” DEELETE “Te to oi ahurangi sh hall have thee power to provide for su uch other reppresentation n as may be required to achieve a balannce between n academic a and general sstaff. The hui‐ā‐motu shall appoint the members off te toi ahuraangi and reprresentatives to the various bodiees of the unio on.” 2. NEW CLAUSE 211. Women n’s event/s 21.1 A national wo A omen’s evennt may be held annually, or alternativvely, local events m may be held. The nationaal women’s ccommittee sh hall decide thhe nature off the e event/s. Whe ere a nationaal event is he eld it shall co omprise mem mbers of the national w women’s com mmittee. Braanches are en ntitled to sen nd one wom an member from e each branch.” ” 3. NEEW CLAUSE “222. Teacher education meeting 22.1 A teacher edu A ucation meeeting may be held annually and shall ccomprise the e ident, Te Tu mu Whakaraae, and/or na n national pres ational vice‐ presidents and entitled to ssend one teaacher educattion represenntative from each b branches are b branch that h has a teacherr education p programme.” 4. REENUMBER CLLAUSE 15 as Clause 23 DELETE ‘Fono”” and REPLACE with “Paccific Forum” DELETE “There shall be a b biennial fonoo of Pasifika members co omprising thee members o of the counccil and one representativve from each h branch of the union.” REEPLACE with “A Pacific fo orum may bee held biennially and shall comprise: the nationall presid dent, the tum mu whakaraee, and/or vicce‐presidentss. Branches aare entitled tto send one P Pacific memb ber from eacch branch.” 5. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 24 “224. Lesbian n, Gay, Bisexu ual, Transgennder, Interse ex meeting (LLGBTI) 24.1 The LGBTI me T eeting may bbe held bienn nially and shall comprise the national p president, Te Tumu Whakkarae, and/o or national vice‐presidentts. Branches are e entitled to se end one LGBTTI member from each branch.”


Block 55 – Recon nfiguring ccouncil Resolution 5: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. DEELETE CLAUSSES 14.5, 14.6 and 14.7 REENUMBER reemaining clauses as 12.1,, 12.2, 12.3 aand 12.4 2. CLLAUSE 12.1 IN NSERT “The ccouncil shall meet at leasst four times in each calendar year” aat the end of the exxisting clausee.” 3. CLLAUSE 12.2 DEELETE clausee and REPLAC CE with “12.2 The council s T nal presidentt, Te Tumu W Whakarae, (w who shall hall compris e: the nation c chair the mee etings); the i mmediate p past‐presiden nt; the vice‐ppresidents; tte kāhui k kaumātua (ad dvisory); twoo Māori mem mbers (tumu āwhina); onne general sta aff ITP sector; one general staff university se ector; one accademic stafff ITP sector; one ff university sector; a union staff member who shhall have voiice but a academic sta n no vote; the n national secrretary (advissory); and oth her paid stafff as deemed d n necessary (ad dvisory).” 4. CLLAUSE 21 DEELETE wholee clause 5. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE “B1.2 C Council and n national com mmittees shall operate on n the same ddecision‐makking b basis: followi ng a processs of seeking cconsensus; m moving, if neecessary, to a a show o of hands; and d then to a seecret ballot. Voting by se ecret ballot sshall be eithe er at the request of at least one‐thhird of the members pressent or at thee proposal o of the c chair. In the e event of an eequality of vo otes, the cha air of the meeeting shall have a c casting as we ell as a delibeerative vote.”


Block 66 – changes to confference ru ules Resolution 6: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. SEECTON 25 IN NSERT new heading “25. National Connference” 2. CLLAUSE 25.1 DEELETE “in each year.” IN NSERT “, on aat least a biennial basis” aat the end off the clause. 3. CLLAUSE 25.2 DEELETE “It” REEPLACE with “Attendancee at national conference” DEELETE “the m members of tthe council, tthe memberrs of te toi ah hurangi who are not mem mbers of the co ouncil” REEPLACE with “Te Kāhui Kaumātua; naational presid dent, Te Tum mu Whakaraee, and vice‐ presid dents; all nattionally‐electted council aand committtee memberss;” DEELETE “one rrepresentativve of each brranch for eve ery 100 bran nch memberss as calculate ed at 30 June in each year up to a totaal of nineteen n, one observer from eacch branch wiith 100 or lesss members, all of whom m shall be fun nded nationally, and suchh additional obserrvers as indivvidual branchhes shall dettermine and fund.” REEPLACE with “representa atives selecteed by branch hes (see table e below); thee national se ecretary (advissory); and industrial, proofessional and organising staff (advisoory). M MOVE remainder of clause e to NEW CLLAUSE 25.3 4. NEEW CLAUSE 25.3 IN NSERT “to national conference” after “Branch delegations” DEELETE “the b balance of the branch” annd REPLACE with “a balance of membbership” IN NSERT “The n number of re epresentativees shall be:” DEELETE “at annual confere ence” from ttable headingg and REPLACE with “at nnational conference by branches”. DEELETE table aand REPLACE E with B Branch size Delegate en ntitlement U Up to 200 2 B Between 201 1 and 3 4400 B Between 401 1 and 4 6600 B Between 601 1 and 5 8800 B Between 801 1 and 6 11000 11001 and oveer 8 5. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 25.4. “25.4 Observers ma O ay attend naational conference. Such observers shhall be deterrmined a and funded b by individual branches.”






IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 25.5 “25.5 Voting shall b V be on the fol lowing basis: Branch ‐ on ne vote per 1100 memberrs (or p part thereof) , with a maxximum branch vote of 19; one vote foor each mem mber of c council; and o one vote for each memb ber of a natio onal committtee who are not m members of c council.”

CLLAUSE 17.2 DEELETE “the fo ono (x2)” DEELETE “or sector group (xx2)” DEELETE “or an ny branch” an nd REPLACE with “any brranch” (sente ence beginn ing with Rule e remits…) CLLAUSE 25.6 DEELETE “secto or groups” DEELETE “fono”” M MOVE everyth hing after the e first sentennce to new cclauses 25.7, 25.8, 25.9 a nd 25.10 NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 25.7 IN “25.7 Rules R amend dments, whhich may be e proposed by the coouncil, any national c committee, o or branch, shhall be receivved by the na ational secreetary not lesss than six w weeks before e the date off the national conference e.”

NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 25.8 10. IN “25.8 R Remits, whicch may be pproposed by the council, any nationaal committee e, or any b branch, and other item ms for discussion at the e national cconference shall be received by the national ssecretary no ot less than fo our weeks beefore the da ate of the n national conf ference.” 11. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 25.9 “25.9 Notice of all b N business to bbe conducted d at the national confereence shall be e given to b branches not t less than thhree weeks b before the da ate of the nattional conference.” 12. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 25.10 “25.10LLate business shall only be introduce ed if approved by the vootes of two‐‐thirds of the voting me embers of naational confe erence prese ent.” 13. CLLAUSE 25.11 DEELETE “secto or groups” DEELETE “fono”” 14. CLLAUSE 25.12 DEELETE “1” an nd REPLACE w with “one” DEELETE “subcllause 17.2” a and REPLACEE with “subcllause 25.6”D DELETE “sectoor groups”


Block 77 – changes to elecction ruless Resolution 7: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. CLLAUSE 13.3 REENUMBER ass 16.2 DEELETE “a woman membe er appointedd by the hui‐āā‐ motu” and d REPLACE w with “a Māorii woman repreesentative”. DEELETE “elected bienniallyy by the wom men members of the unio on.” 2. CLLAUSE 22.3 DEELETE wholee clause 3. CLLAUSE 22.4 DEELETE wholee clause 4. CLLAUSE 19.1 REENUMBER ass 27.1 DEELETE “elected respectivvely by TEU m members” REENUMBER reemaining clauses. 5. CLLAUSE 20 REENUMBER ass clause 28. DEELETE “of naational officers” and REPLLACE with “to council and national coommittees” REENUMBER reemaining clauses 6. CLLAUSE 28.1 DEELETE and REEPLACE with president shhall be electe 28.1 The national T ed by the fin nancial mem mbership of the union a at large. 7. CLLAUSE 28.2 DEELETE and REEPLACE with vice‐presideents shall be 28.2 Two national T e elected by the approprriate constituencies, respectively Māori mem mbers and women w mem mbers, to serrve as the national M Māori vice‐pr resident, te ttumu aratakki, and the na ational wom men’s vice‐president. O One national vice‐presideent shall be e elected by th he union at llarge to servve as the in ndustrial and d professionaal vice‐presid dent. 8. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.3 Members M of national coommittees (aas detailed in Section D D) other than those m members co overed by cclauses 28.1 1 and 28.2 shall be eelected by financial f m members off their resppective consstituencies, with the eexception off Māori representativves, who willl be elected iin accordancce with rule 228.18.



CLLAUSE 28.4 DEELETE “and n national vice‐presidents”” DEELETE “Bienn nially” and REPLACE withh “for a two yyear term” DEELETE “comm mencing in 2009” DEELETE “1 Jan nuary in the yyear followinng their electtion, and” RE EPLACE with “the third M Monday of Jan nuary in the ffollowing ye ar.” IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.5 from the se ntence “the immediate p past‐preside nt shall hold d office for on ne year only after vacatinng the nation nal presidency.” DEELETE “Natio onal officers shall be eligiible for re‐election at the e end of a te rm except th hat no national officer sh hall hold a paarticular office for more than two co nsecutive te erms.

10. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.6 “28.6 N National vice‐‐presidents aand all otherr council and national com mmittee members shall be elected for two yyear terms.” 11. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.7 “28.7 The time limi T ts for holdinng any nation nal position sshall be two consecutive terms fo or the nation nal presidentt and three cconsecutive tterms for all other positions.” 12. IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.8 “28.8 No more tha N n two membbers from an ny branch sh hall be electeed to counciil or any single national committeee excluding the nationa al president, vice‐preside ent, and T Te Tumu Āwh hina.” REENUMBER reemaining clauses. 13. CLLAUSE 28.9 DEELETE “the p positions of n national pressident, Te Tumu Whakara ae, and natioonal vice‐pre esidents” and REEPLACE with “national poositions” DEELETE “Officee holders/se ector group aand committee memberss should all bbe financial m members of TEU.” NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.10 14. IN The natiional secretaary shall call for nominations for all oother nationa “28.10 al p positions, wit th the excepttion of the M Māori representatives as covered by rule 2 28.18 no late r than 30 Se ptember givving not less tthan one moonth’s notice e of the c closing date f for their receeipt.” REENUMBER reemaining clauses 15. CLLAUSE 28.12 2 IN NSERT “Candidates for na ational positiions must be e financial me embers of thhe union.” Att the start of the clause. DEELETE “may be made by any two finaancial memb bers of the un nion” and REEPLACE with “may only bee made by an ny two finanncial members of the unio on at large.”” DEELETE “for naational vice‐presidents m may be made e by any two financial meembers represented by thatt national vicce‐presidentt” REPLACE w with “Nomina ations for alll other national positio ons may onlyy be made byy any two fin nancial memb bers of their relevant constittuencies”




18. 19. 20.


CLLAUSE 28.13 3 DEELETE and REEPLACE with “28.13 Each nomina ation shall bbe made on tthe form issued by the rreturning officer and nclude: in (ii) Two no ominator sig natures; (iii) Their constituenciees; and (iiii) The siggned consentt of the nom minee accompanied by thhe candidate e’s profile statem ment of up too 500 words.”” CLLAUSE 28.15 5 IN NSERT “TThe names of the candida ates, togetheer with theirr profile state ements, shalll be circulate ed to the reelevant membership/constituency at least one month in adva ance of the eelection.” Affter “…ballott of all memb bers eligible tto vote.” DELETE CLAUSSE 20.9 CLLAUSE 28.16 6 DEELETE “1” an nd REPLACE w with “the thiird Monday o of” IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.18 28.18 EElection of Māori repreesentatives to council, te toi ahu rangi, the national w women’s com mmittee, andd the industrrial and profe essional com mmittee. T These repressentatives shhall be nomiinated and elected e accoording to the e above rules with the e following eexceptions; (ii) The na ational secre tary shall caall for nominations for thhese position ns three months before thee date of hui‐‐ā‐motu. (iii) Nominations close a month be efore hui‐ā‐m motu and aree circulated to all te uepū representativves for discusssion at bran nches (iiii) A retu urning officeer, who must be a non‐voting n s be attendee, shall appoin nted at the beeginning of h hui‐ā‐motu. (iiv) If any e election is reequired, this shall take place at hui‐ā‐‐motu. (vv) Those eligible to voote shall be any financia al member inn attendance e at hui‐ ā‐motu u. CLLAUSE 29.2 DEELETE “in a n national officce,” and REP LACE with “o on” DEELETE “mem mbership” DEELETE “secto or group mem mbership” annd REPLACE with “on anyy national coommittee” DEELETE “six m months” and REPLACE witth “half the tterm” DEELETE “or sector groups”” and REPLACCE with “on aadvice of the e relevant coommittee”


Block 88 – creatio on of new w awards Resolution 8: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. CLLAUSE 7.1 DEELETE clausee and REPLAC CE with “7.1 The council m T may annuallyy confer life m membership and meritorrious service e awards to members w who have givven significant service to o the union.”” 2. CLLAUSE 7.2 DEELETE clausee and REPLAC CE with “7.2 The council m T may also cho ose to annuaally confer aw wards for exxcellence in p public tertiary education.” 3. CLLAUSE 7.3 DEELETE clausee and REPLAC CE with secretary wiill call for nominations th “7.3 The national T hree months prior to the date of n national conf ference. Nom minations forr both sets of awards cann be made byy c council, any n national com mmittee, or b branches.” 4. CLLAUSE 7.4 DEELETE REENUMBER reemaining clauses 5. CLLAUSE 7.5 DEELETE “shall”” REPLACE w with “may”


Block 99 – Other rule chan nges Resolution 9: Moved: Thatt the following amendmeents be agreed. 1. CLLAUSE 2.1 IN NSERT comma after “Leve el 8” and agaain after “We ellington” 2. CLLAUSE 4.1 DEELETE “Sched dule D” and REPLACE witth “Schedule e C” 3. CLLAUSE 5.1 DEELETE “a perriod of up to two years” aand REPLACEE with “a perriod of up to six months”” DEELETE “coverred by clause e 5.6” and REEPLACE with h “covered byy clause 5.5”” 4. CLLAUSE 5.2 M MOVE to new clause 5.5. R RENUMBER rremaining clauses 5. CLLAUSE 5.5 M Move the seco ond part of rrule 5.1 to a new stand‐aalone clause 5.5 “5.5 A general me A eeting of a brranch may frrom time to ttime elect ass honorary m members o of the branch h such retiredd or other pe ersons as it d deems desiraable in recoggnition of services rendered to the union or braanch. Honora ary membersship may nott be a awarded to p persons who qualify for financial mem mbership andd honorary m members shall not hold d elected offiice, vote in u union electio ons, or receivve industrial services o or representa ation.” 6. CLLAUSE 5.7 IN NSERT “Members seekingg to be emplooyed will not be able to hold any nattional or bran nch po ositions in th he TEU.” Befo ore “They shhall receive all…” 7. CLLAUSE 5.8 IN NSERT “a” beefore “declaration” IN NSERT colon aafter “from ttime to time ” and NUMB BER the pointts with romaan numbers (i) to (iv) 8. CLLAUSE 5.9 IN NSERT “of thee union” afte er “Should anny member”. DEELETE “of thee union” afte er “that persson’s membe ership” 9. CLLAUSE 5.11 DEELETE “as deetermined byy the annual conference from time to o time.” REEPLACE with “as determined by counncil from time to time.” 10. CLLAUSE 5.13 REENUMBER reeference to cclause 5.6 to clause 5.7 11. CLLAUSE 6.3 DEELETE and REEPLACE with “6.3 The branch c T capitation levvy shall be one week’s su ubscriptions at the stand dard m maximum su ubscription foor each actual member a as at 30 Junee, calculated at the r rate of the su ubscription ffor that yearr. This shall b be paid to braanches by th he n national offic ce in Februa ry of the folllowing year.”” 14

12. CLLAUSE 6.5 DEELETE “TEU” and REPLAC CE with “unioon” (x2) 13. CLLAUSE 9.2 DEELETE “clausse 3” and REP PLACE with ““section 3” 14. CLLAUSE 9.3 DEELETE “Wom men’s Commiittee, Te Kahhurangi Mare eikura” and R REPLACE withh “women’s reepresentativee” 15. CLLAUSE 9.7 REEPLACE ‘at’ w with “as soon n as is practiccable after the AGM and d before” 16. CLLAUSE 10.1 IN NSERT “and” after the “va arious branc h officers” DEELETE “and aannual confe erence deleg ates.” 17. CLLAUSE 11.7 IN NSERT “any” between “an nd” and “maajor issues co onfronting th he branch” 18. CLLAUSE 12.3 DEELETE “clausse 8” and REP PLACE with ““section 8” 19. CLLAUSE 12.4 DEELETE 14.4 aand RENUMB BER 12.4 REEPLACE with hall constituute annually aa Tiriti o Waitangi partneership group, te hau T “12.4 The council s tikanga o te T Tiriti, compri sing one kau umātua, an e experienced pākehā coun ncil m member; thre ee Māori meembers chosen by hui‐ā‐m motu, three pākehā mem mbers c chosen by co uncil from w within the pool of pākehā ā members siitting on national c committees a and council, Te Pou Tuarā (advisory), and one pākkehā staff member (aadvisory). Th he co‐chairs oof Te Tiriti Paartnership group are ele cted by the m members of t the group at the first me eeting of the two year terrm.” 20. CLLAUSE 17.4 DEELETE “an um mbrella” and d REPLACE w with “a korow wai” 21. CLLAUSE 24 M MOVE after Cllause 36 (Voluntary dissoolution or cancellation off registrationn) and RENUMBER as Clause 42 22. CLLAUSE 25.1 REENUMBER ass 31.1. DEELETE “seven n working da ays’ notice” aand REPLACEE with “five w working dayss’ notice” REENUMBER reemaining sub bclauses. NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 28.4 23. IN “28.4 The immedia T te past‐pres ident shall hold office for one year o nly after vaccating the national p presidency.”” 15

24. CLLAUSE 27.2 DEELETE “and u university an nd ITP sector groups”


24. CLLAUSE 31 REENUMBER ass Clause 36. NU UMBER text as 36.1. DEELETE “recorrd’s” and rep place with “reecords” 25. CLLAUSE 31.8 IN NSERT NEW C CLAUSE 31.8 “31.8 A A ballot for sttrike action sshall be a seccret ballot” 26. CLLAUSE 37.2 DEELETE “of thee union” 27. CLLAUSE B1.3 DEELETE and REEPLACE with “B1.3 The quorum f T for any meetting other th han the natio onal conferennce (which shall be 5 50 percent pl lus one of th ose entitled to attend an nd vote) shalll be 10 percent of the relevant b branch mem mbership or twenty of tho ose entitled tto attend and vote, w whichever is the smaller.”” 28. TH HROUGHOUTT REEPLACE “ann nual conferen nce” with “n ational confe erence” thro oughout docuument REEPLACE “posstal ballot” w with “ballot” tthroughout d document REEMOVE hyph hen from tertiary and furrther education througho out documennt REEMOVE capittalisation fro om Presidentt, Vice‐Presid dent(s), Natio onal Secreta ry, Branchess, Co ouncil, Confeerence, Te Uepū etc. IN NSERT “Te Tu umu Whakarae” after “naational president” REEPLACE “chairperson” wiith “chair”


Block 110 Resolution 10: Moved: Thatt National offfice will makke all techniccal, numbering and reorddering changges in acco ordance with h the change s made by co onference.


Block 111‐Transittional rule es

Resolution 11: Moved: Thatt the following transitionnal rules be aagreed 1. Trransitional ru ules 1..1 The folllowing transitional rules shall expire on 30 June 2 2013 and willl then be de eemed to have beeen deleted ffrom the rulees of the uniion. 1..2 Terminaation of vice‐president teerm: The academ i. mic staff ITP ssector vice‐p president possition was ellected for a two year term to run n from 1 Jaanuary 2012 to 31 Dece ember 20133. Howeverr, as this position doe es not exist after 31 December 2012 that vice‐ppresident’s term t will be deemed to have ceassed on 31 De ecember 201 12. 1..3 Confirm mation of Te Toi Ahuranggi positions elected in 201 12: The membe i. ers elected by the 201 12 Hui‐ā‐motu to Te Tooi Ahurangi shall be deemed to form Te Toi Ahurangi fo or 2013‐2014 4. Any vacanncies that exxist in Te Toi Ahuranggi on 11 Noveember 2012 shall be eleccted from Tee Uepū on that date. 1..4 Election n of Māori representativves to Industtrial and Pro ofessional Coommittee 20 013‐2014 term: i. M repreesentatives and one wānanga w reppresentative e to the The two Māori Industrial an nd Professio nal Committtee for the 2013 – 2014 tterm shall be e elected by Te Uepū on 11 Novem mber 2012. 1..5 Māori w woman repre esentative too National W Women’s Com mmittee, te KKahurangi māreikura i. The Māori woman reepresentativve to Natio onal Womeen’s Commiittee, te māreikura sh all be elected by Te Uepū on 11 Noveember 2012. Kahurangi m


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